Top Science - Text Book 6-1-25

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Smarty and|his friends IRD aN oN el) Ste) ele rerey Heot ight ond movement oe ot forms of energy. What oer forms lof energy are there? Where does ‘our energy come from? How do humans affect the environment ‘and how can we protect i? Be careful of electric ‘eek, Ard They can give Humons need oxygen tanks you a nasty electric 10 breathe underwater: How shock! What other is orygen used in our body? substances aso conduct How do ish get their oxyger'? ectricily tke water? There isc force puling Min ond her dolphin Look what Tom has found in the sand How can sols such os sand ond shels be: ‘mised ond separated? Published by Alston Publishing House Pes Lea ‘HS os Payoh Lrang #0307 Segiare 9855 ‘eauiy@ sironphingroune com “row atzarpssheghasecom (©2015 Aston Paling House Pe Li Alps trv No parf hi pubeazon yb ‘eprticed sored ins rele yam, or taroed Sty form ory ay mene locke mechnch poteeapring recog or terse, wre Oe re Peomison fe capri omer Fie pba 2015 Plier Sim We Chae Prd Mun Global ed About the Authors David Lim and Esmund Chu are established edvstors based in Singapore. Both of them have received numerous accolades aver the years (see Below). They have between them more than 30 years of teaching experience. They are also the founders of Vteminds Pre Lid, a compary set up to Serve and benafit the ‘community i the fed of education, Together with their team of eduction professionals, they have authored aumerous books adopted for use by schools. bth in Singapore and overseas. The Vitamins team aso provides traning for educators imerntionaly. They were instrumental in the success of many consulting projects, relating to Science and other subjects, with goverment agencies as well as educational institions. David Lim Kee Ann BSA) David Lim was recognised and commended for his oustanding contributions to the ‘Singapore education service through the following accolades: + Presidents Award for Teachers Finalist), Ministy of Edcation, Singapore + Teaching Practice (Distintion), National Institute of Education, Singapore + Outstanding Science Teacher Award (Finals), Singapore Association for the ‘Advancement of Science, Singapore Esmand Chua was recognised and commended fo his outstanding contributions othe Singapore education service trough the following accolades: + Justice Choor Singh Gold Medal Award, National Insite of Education, Singapore + Teaching Practice (Distinction), National Institute of Educaton, Singapore + Singapore Teachers’ Union Book Prize (Teaching Practice Distinction). Singapore Teachers" Union, Singapore + Oustanding Youth in Eduction Avard (Finalist), National Youth Counel Singapore About the Consultant Tohn Sadler has 9 wealth of knowledge and experince that comes from 30 years of teaching and from being senior examiner. He has written numerous Scien books, including The World of Science series for 10-14 year olds in the United Kingdom. More recently, he has been involved in education and assessment From Primary to Secondary levels in many countries in Africa the Caribbean and Asia, Preface “The TOP Science series is developed to cover the learning objectives ofthe latest Cambridge Primary Science curricukum fromewerk comprehensivly, Addiional moteriab iol covered by the Corbridge Primary Science curriculum framework are included in this Stage 6 Textbook ond ore denoted by * “07 pages 31-37, M8, 51, 52, 53, 6, 98, 103-134 ‘Adopting the Inquiry Approach, TOP Science uses engaging visuals and presentation formats with wel-crafted actives fo crouse pupils’ Curiosity about the werd around them This motivates pupils 10 learn, enaising them to have a better grosp of key scientific concepls. At the same time, emphasis is {ven to developing pupis inquiry ond process skis. cricl thinking, os well as 2¥ century sis Tagether with the SMART characters Ser, Min. Ari ila and Tae, pup wil embark an journey oF iscovery through the folowing features found in each chapter. Egogigchopler openers wih gun auesions Sotpia creat purine ini devon Key question a ed send of roto! ior chou fhe concep nthe opie: Recent erapeeserneestnrs Teeeeeetiatiesiteee pS i i ‘A smped Med Mop shons pups her crn journey Lenguoge i te erp to heb pup foreach chapter ne Cambridge Prevary Slane sie (Gain beches cpnred ceo Geter vet under concent ea Duplva goodiGed of pa tope tobe covered See | : Seo hebig peture alba! ee | aaa: raat Pomme | ones Eubpee ie te Eases Pra, Deeca tease Kr ere SS ee came aT| ev coal edscerce Discover Morel ee Soe ome jee \ = eee | eee ee uyios ace na cones pe ee vengeenegreg shy? | ea eens = eee ee aa Coo ‘et dls itt eissecanes BL Sea Ne eee , ‘ole eet xocen ee pee age Sih arty Se Saas idhes @ Work oevaos on re Spicahore onl ee neerporses icemry si ces od ‘contfe onhudern pups on them rele who! hay have a eer? foie wer orci es feplon he meonog of new words ey hove jal earn o ne another. hus (devsieng her Engitpeking is Greetings! My names Min. My friends call me the technology expert. P11 yr keep youupto-date on the latest gadgets and i appenings. I think technology is fascinating! want to be a scientist when I grow up, and invent wonderful things to help people. Maybe Tl discover a gure for a diseace, or create a new f technology to make people's lives better, Pm learning as much as I can now, — soll be a great scientit in futare? E What do you want to be? , Thee you'll be great tect Contents Geeees. More About Forces * What Are Some Forces Around Us? ne * What Are Mass and Weight? Energy ‘* What Is Energy? * What Are the Different Forms of Energy? > ‘© What Is Energy Conversion?* * What Is Energy Conservation?* "Ths section concn eons mae not covered by she Cambridge Friary Sere truum femawark, Electricity pe 41 * What Are Conductors and Insulators of Electricity? * What Are Circuit Symbols and Arrangements? ‘+ What Happens When Parts of a Circuit ‘Are Changed? + How Can We Use Eeciricity Safely?* Body Systems: Digestive, Nervous, Respiratory and —#*e;rsioy opto? Circulatory weast? Whichoroon © What Are Body Systems? con Grbod/? Wena * How Do We Digest Food? morein hie chester: 6 What Controls our Body? * Why Do We Need Air? * What Makes Up Our Respiratory System ‘and What Is Tis Function? Pe ‘+ What Makes Up Our Circulatory System and What Is Its Function? PE + What If Our Respiratory and Circulatory Systems Break Down? Li humane, ence copie od od For ‘cegy. Late am bow Food Chains = s=wenbedticirst + How Do Organisms Get Their Energy? | * How Is Energy Transferred Between Organisms? ‘+ What Happens When Living Things Die?* * What Are Food Webs?* b * Tis section cantare odtonl meter ne covered bythe Cambridge Primary Scence evricuan rmewot Adaptations* * What Are Adaptations? * How Are Animals Adapted to Their Environment? + How Are Plants Adapted to Their Environment? ‘* How Are Different Organisms Suited to Our Environment and Us pz 135 ‘* What Are Natural Resources and Why Are They Important? PE 137 * How Has Man Negatively Affected the Environment? Pg 142 * How Can We Care for Our Environment? pg 153 Reversible and Irreversible Changes * What Are Reversible and Irreversible Changes? E167 ‘© What Are Mixtures? PE170 * How Can We Separate Solid Mixtures? pg a7 ‘pari deed ¢ What Happens When Solids Are ws Velie Mixed With Water? P8173 hew'oseaets * How Do We Separate Insoluble Solids exe From Liquids? Pg177 * How Can We Separate Soluble Solids From Liquids?* Internet Links Pe 183-184 Credits Pe 185-187 “vill _*Mssecioncontars aditonometerisot covered he Combrge rian Scence crc ramen = ~- = More About Forces Oh nal ve grined weight What abot 59?| \What’sjIn\This;Chapter?) What)Will|I\Learn?) Iwi 1. Know about some forces around us. 2. Understand friction as a force. 3. Understand gravity as « force. 4, Differentiate between mass ond weight. 5. Recognise the units of mass (newtons) and weicht (kilograms). 6, Know that we use kiograms in everyday life What Are Some Forces Around Us? There are several types of forces around us. Some forces are exerted only when objects come into contact with each other. Forces can also be exerted between objects that cre | pureuages Chemer © ot touching each other. You will earn about some of these forces in this chapter. Elastic spring force An elasic spring forceis exerted when aspringis compressed i 1 oF stretched, shoched ‘A.compressed spring would A stretched spring would try try foreturn fois orignal fo return to its original length. length. A compressed spring A stretched spring exerts an exerts on elastic spring force. elastic spring force. Magnetic force Magnetic force's the puling and pushing forces of magnets. It's exerted without the affected objects being in contact with each other. --— ‘A twomagres epting coch cher When tke poles of two magnets face each other, they repel each other. This is a pushing force. = — ‘Rta magnet cttrosing aech ther ‘When unlke poles of two magnets face each other, they attract each other. This is a puling force. Air resistance Air resistance is a force that slows down moving objects in the air. —= Aas cexstance sows down the movement of the fing AA reastance tows down the movement of an oereplane perachute Pr Pee ‘Aeroplones and animals such 0s birds have streamlined shapes thot reduce the air resilonce they face while in fight Doan Internet search fo find out more. ‘ebout hhow sireomiined shapes work. Design your own vehicle thal experiences os litle ‘ir resistance as possible. spe Ps & Assisi ‘Toke two simlar pleces of paper. Crush one of them. A Fo sheet of poe Accrued sheet of poper Hold the flat shee! of paper in one hand and the crushed piece of poper in the other hand. Release them from ne same height ot the some time. ‘2. Which piece of paper took a longer time to reach the floor? 1b. Why do you thinkit took a longer tine to reach the floor? Push a book along a table surface. Why does it slow down ‘and stop after a while? There is friction between the book ond the table surface. Friction isa force that causes moving objects fo slow down. Friction occurs between any two surfaces in contact Rea Rien cy ate ina cracton appt to tion The amount of friction experienced by an cbject depends con the type of surface. The rougher the surface, the greater the friction. Try pushing a coin across @ wooden toble and a velvet carpet. The surface of the carpet is rougher than the table. There is more friction when the coin is moving across the corpet than when the coin is moving across the table. Se Rit emere diet to move he con oes he Velvet cerpel han ocres the wooden tebi. Let's ‘ind out if diferent types of surfaces affect the amount of friction produced. Materils: ‘+A wooden board of $0 em by 30 cm by 3 cm with two iron rails ot the sides + Two rubber bonds ‘+A wooden block of 5 em by 5 cm by 5 em ‘+ Apiece of sandpaper plastic sheet and cioth of 50 cm by each Woden block ‘Sortng postion. Cover the wooden board with the piece of sancpopes. Place the wooden block in the mice of the two rubber bands. Ute the block to pull he rubber ‘bond backwards. Stop when the block reaches the staring postion a Release the block ond lt it side across the boord. Use a ruler to measure how far the block moves. Record the results in the table below. Repect Steps 2-5, using the plastic sheet to cover the wooden bord. Repect Steps 2-5, using the cloth to cover the wooden board. ‘Which materi caused the block to move the shortest distance and the longest stance respectively? Explcin why the materials you mentioned in ‘a’ caused the block to move the shortest distance and the longest distance respectively ‘Activity 2:Pull Me Across! Some effects of friction are useful to us in our daily ves. Friction allows us to hold objects firmly. Sometimes itis useful to have more friction. For excmple, we ploce rubber mats on the bathroom floor, THs increases friction and prevents us from sipping. Do on Internet search fo find out when more friction is desrable, ond wwoys fo increase friction. However, friction can also create many problems. * Friction causes wear and teor. For example, friction causes car tyres to wear out. Cars with worn tyres are more likely to slip on the roads, which is very dangerous. ‘Friction makes it difficult for us to move things 5 A Gros on yrs become smoother overtime de fo rcfon, ‘friction may make felt 0 move he box cross the round There ore ways in which we can reduce friction. + Wheels are attached to objects to help them move more cae Riwnecls on ocho' ondroler sates * Oil can reduce the friction between two surfaces ‘Activity 3: Plastene Diver ROing hegre: on ogo Fe Gravity Try holding a ball in your hand. Why does the ball crop to ‘the ground when you release it? orth exerts ¢puling force on all objects towards the ground. This force is caled gravity or gravitational force. Thisis why ‘things fall to the ground after we throw them upwards. Because of the Eorth’s gravity, all objects have weight. ‘Who discovered gravy? | Most people woud not question on apple fling down from a tree, However, one person wondered and found ou why the apple fel down. Sir Tsoac Newton discovereditha! there wos o pulling force which | caused the apple to fall dowrwards. He called this puling force ‘gravity’ He went on further 19 expcin that itis this same force that ‘actualy keeps the Moon in orbit cround the Earth, and the planets in | obit round the Sun, Re iooe Newion | He exploined that objects on Earth have weight because of gravity, ‘The unit of weight (newton) wos named after Si Isaoc Newton, ways. be Chenier: Movement ot the Ear that lanes ‘bit the Sun, Due tothe fsnormous mass of ‘Sony owerte 3 svongee eras one “This Keeps ine Bias nono kos {hem rom fing away into \ sar \ Gravy cous woter droplet: that fre formed high in the sey of an Rvwnen the diver seps ff the plato 2A parakeoper evenly rekers (gouty pushim down lowerds the wee tothe round becoure of rowly What Are Mass and Weight? Mass is the amount of substance in an object. Mass car be measured using a balance. A known amount of matter is compared with an unknawn amount to determine its mass The unit of mass is grams (g) or kilograms (kg). en tteret search to fd out more boul vehicles wit sreamined shopes. ‘Drow the shape of a vehicle that experiences os ile resistance (5 possble, Use a type of fish for ideas. Label eny special features your vehicle has. Dicuss your design with a friend aE tm _| AWA

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