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Annales Ordinis Sancti Benedicti 35 (1927) (Sublaci: Typis Protocoenobii, 1928):23-26

With a working translation into English by P. Alban Riley OSB, Westminster Abbey, Mission, B.C., Canada
Statuta Oblatorum S. Patris Benedicti in saeculo Statutes of the Oblates of our Holy Father Bene-
degentium dict living in the world
1. - De Oblationis et Oblatorum ratione. 1. The nature of Oblation and of Oblates
Oblatio, qualis hic intenditur, ritus est, ab Ecclesia
Oblation, as it is understood here, is a rite ap-
approbatus, quo quis Christifidelium in saeculo proved by the Church by which any member of
degens majoris perfectionis desiderio actus, nec- Christ’s Faithful living in the world, moved by a
non peculiari quodam in monachorum desire for greater perfection and also by a special
Patriarcham ejusque Ordinem affectu, sese Deo, affection for the Patriarch of monks and his Or-
Salvatori, B. Mariae Virgini, S. P. Benedicto offe- der, offering himself to God, the Saviour, the
rens, cuidam monasterio ejusque familiae eo fine Blessed Virgin Mary, and our Holy Father Bene-
se adscribit, ut ad mentem SSṁi. Legislatoris vi- dict, joins himself to a certain monastery and its
tam perfectius instituat, spiritualibus Ordinis bo- family to the end that he may more perfectly or-
nis specialibusque gratiis, ab Ecclesia Oblatis der his life according to the spirit of the most holy
concessis communicet, monasterii denique, cui Legislator, may share in the spiritual goods of the
nomen dederit, Ordinisque universi bonum pro Order and the special graces granted to Oblates
viribus promoveat. by the Church, and finally may promote to the
best of his ability the good of the monastery
where he is enrolled and of the whole Order.
Quae quidem oblatio, licet nec voti nec perpetui- This oblation, although it does not imply a vow or
tatis rationem importet, quum tamen sit matu- perpetuity, since it is nevertheless a mature pro-
rum voluntatis propositum, Deo hominibusque posal of the will, expressed to God and men and
expressum ac ritu sacro firmatum, magni sane ha- confirmed by a sacred rite, is certainly to be
benda est. highly valued.
Utriusque sexus fideles, clerici aeque ac sacerdo- Faithful of either sex, and clerics as well as
tes, a quocumque Abbate regiminis vel Priore priests, can be received as Oblates for his own
conventuali ad proprium coenobium Oblati recipi monastery by any ruling Abbot or Conventual
possunt. Prior.
Quum autem Oblatorum sit, majoris pietatis vi- Since it is the duty of Oblates to strive more
tam stabilius anhelare, illos tantum in eorum nu- steadfastly for a life of greater piety, it is neces-
merum admitti oportet, qui gravitate morum ac sary to admit to their number only those who can
bona fama commendentur; neque ullus ad novi- be commended for the seriousness of their mor-
tiatum admittatur, quin decimum quintum an- als and their good repute. Neither is anyone to be
num compleverit. admitted to the novitiate who has not completed
his fifteenth year.
Tertio circiter mense a prima petitione elapso, vel When three months have elapsed since his first
statim, si candidati perseverantiae satis confiden- petition, or immediately if it seems one can have
dum videatur, signum SSṁi. P. Benedicti necnon confidence in the candidate’s perseverance, the
scapulare nigrum, sub habitu saeculari dein jugi- medal of our most Holy Father Benedict as well
ter gestandum , ipsi imponantur. as the black scapular (to be worn continuously
from then on under his secular dress) are to be
bestowed on him.

Statuta Oblatorum O.S.B. 1/5

A qua vestitione elapso anno, novitius ad oblatio- A year after this investiture, the novice is to be
nis actum, in manus Abbatis Priorisve peragen- admitted to the act of oblation, which is to be
dum, admittatur. made into the hands of the Abbot or Prior.
Tam ad primam vestitionem quam ad accipien- Both for the first investiture and for the reception
dam oblationem Abbati vel Priori conventuali li- of oblation, the Abbot or Conventual Prior may
ceat, utriusque cleri sacerdotem delegare. delegate a priest, either religious or diocesan.
Oblatorum nomina tabulis coenobii proprii insc- The names of the Oblates are to be recorded in
ripta exhibeantur, quo fidelius ejusdem loci conf- the archives of their own monastery, so that the
ratres memoriam eorum coram Deo servent. confreres of that place may more faithfully pre-
serve their memory before God.
Oblati, si hoc desiderant, ab uno monasterio ad Oblates, it they desire it, can be transferred by
alterum transferri possunt, stantibus gravibus ra- the Abbot of the receiving monastery from one
tionibus, ab Abbate monasterii ad quod, consen- monastery to another, as long as there are seri-
tiente in scriptis Abbate monasterii a quo. ous reasons, and with the written consent of the
Abbot of the originating monastery.
Oblati ad Ordinem monasticum quadam ratione In a certain way, Oblates are related to the mo-
se habent, sicut Tertiarii ad eorum respectivum nastic Order as are Tertiaries to their respective
Ordinem. Nomine vero «Tertiarii» minime sunt Order. However they are not to be called by the
vocandi , quum unam tantummodo regulam sc- name “Tertiaries”, since the Legislator of Monte
ripserit Casinensis Legislator. Cassino wrote only one rule.
2. - De Morum Conversione 2. Conversion of Life
Praeter virtutes, a quibus christianae vitae ratio Besides the virtues on which the whole meaning
pendet universa, fidem scilicet, spem et charita- of the Christian life depends, namely faith, hope,
tem, Oblati, a vanitate saeculi mundanisque pom- and charity, Oblates, turning away from the emp-
pis abhorrentes, sententiae Salvatoris nostri me- tiness of the age and the ostentation of the
mores : « De mundo non estis » (Jo. XV, 19), con- world, mindful of the saying of the Lord “You are
versationem juxta monitum Apostoli (Phil. III, 20) not of the world” (Jn 15:19), are zealously to have
in coelis habeant sedulo. their way of life in heaven, according to the ad-
monition of the Apostle (Ph 3:20).
Poenitentiam et orationem, utpote firmissima re- They are to cultivate with a special eagerness
ligionis fundamenta, peculiari studio excolant. penance and prayer, being the most firm founda-
tions of religion.
Contempto fastu, liberalitatem in miseros et cau- Spurning pride, in place of the vow of poverty
sas pias pro paupertatis voto enutriant. they are to foster generosity toward the
wretched and for pious causes.
Proprii status castitatem omnimode servent, nec- They are to observe in every way the chastity of
non abstinentiam et jejunium ab Ecclesia indicta. their own state of life, as well as the abstinence
and fast appointed by the Church.
Filiali prorsus oboedientia tum Romanum They are to honour with filial obedience both the
Pontificem, tum Episcopos, tum proprii instituti Roman Pontiff and the Bishops, both the Modera-
Moderatorem aliosve Superiores ecclesiasticos tor of their own institute and other ecclesiastical
prosequantur, nec praetermittant civilibus recto- Superiors, nor are they to omit to support civil
ribus obsecundare, ita ut, oboedientiae voto licet rulers in such a way that although they are not at
minime adstricti, praepositis tamen universis all bound by a vow of obedience, they neverthe-
prompto reverentialique animo morem gerant. less are to bear themselves toward all their supe-
riors with a ready and respectful spirit.

Statuta Oblatorum O.S.B. 2/5

Sanctam Patriarchae Benedicti Regulam manibus Keeping the Holy Rule of the Patriarch Benedict in
volventes, et instrumenta artis spiritualis ibidem their hands, and applying unwearyingly the in-
tradita indefesse adhibentes, actus omnes ad struments of the spiritual craft therein handed
eam dirigant charitatem, quae perfecta foras mit- on, they are to direct all their actions to that
tit timorem (I. Jo. IV, 18). charity which, being perfect, casts out fear (1 Jn
3. - De Officiis Oblatorum 3. The Duties of Oblates
Imprimis propriae conditionis partes sibi fidelis- Above all, Oblates are to know that they must ful-
sime explendas sciant Oblati quum, necessariis fill most faithfully the role proper to their condi-
neglectis, extraordinaria atque perfectiora officia tion of life, since it is not at all appropriate to ne-
assumere minime deceat. glect necessary things and assume extraordinary
and more perfect duties.
Quapropter, quidquid religio fidelibus injungit Therefore they are to value most whatever reli-
omnibus, uti orationes matutinas et vespertinas, gion enjoins on all the faithful, like morning and
piam divinorum officiorum diebus dominicis ac evening prayers, devout participation in the di-
festivis frequentationem, preces ante et post re- vine office on Sundays and feast days, prayers be-
fectiones et caetera hujusmodi, plurimum fa- fore and after meals etc. They are not to neglect
ciant, eoque minus domestica negligant munera, their domestic tasks, as the Apostle insistently in-
quo instantius ab Apostolo inculcantur dicente: « culcates, saying, “If anyone does not have care
Si quis suorum et maxime domesticorum curam for his relatives and especially his household, he
non habet, fidem negavit et est infideli deterior » has denied his faith and is worse than an unbe-
(I. Tim. V, 8). liever” (1 Tm 5:8)
Praeterea Oblati Ordinis nostri, memores prae- Furthermore Oblates of our Order, mindful of the
cepti Benedicti parentis: « Nihil operi Dei praepo- precept of our father Benedict, “Let nothing be
natur » (S. Reg. cap. 43), peculiarem Sacrae preferred to the work of God” (Holy Rule ch. 43),
Liturgiae amorem sedulo foveant. Templorum de- are diligently to foster a special love for the Sa-
cus, altarium nitorem, verbo omnia, quae ad divi- cred Liturgy. They are to hold in loving care the
num opus conferunt, in curis teneant et amore. ornament of churches, the beauty of altars, and
in a word everything that contributes to the work
of God.
Sacerdotio initiati sacra litent assidue ac devotis- Those who have received the priesthood are to
sime, horas canonicas pro munere sancte persol- perform the divine sacrifice assiduously and most
vant. Alii missae sacrificio psallentiumque mona- devoutly and in a holy way carry out the canoni-
chorum choro, quoties fieri potest etiam diebus cal hours according to their office. Others are joy-
ferialibus, laeti intersint, vel impediti se illi so- fully to participate in the sacrifice of the Mass
cient spiritu; imo omnibus Oblatis commendetur, and the sung office of the monks, even on week-
ut, si discrete possint, sive horas canonicas, sive days, as often as is possible. If they are impeded,
Officium Parvum B. M. V. recitent. Ita enim they are to join it spiritually. In fact, it is to be
Ecclesiae nomine gratiarum actiones pro acceptis, commended to all Oblates that they recite, if they
supplicationes pro impetrandis beneficiis, preces can with discernment do so, either the canonical
Deo gratissimas, offerent. hours or the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin
Mary. For in this way they will offer, in the name
of the Church, thanksgiving for benefits received,
supplication for benefits to be obtained, and
prayers most pleasing to God.

Statuta Oblatorum O.S.B. 3/5

Inter speciales vero devotiones, a S. Ecclesia pro- Among the special devotions approved and com-
batas et commendatas, S. P. Benedicti Oblatis mended by Holy Church, Oblates of our Holy Fa-
maxime curae sit cultus sacrosanctae Eucharistiae ther Benedict are to have special care for the
ac sacratissimi Cordis Jesu, cujus mysteria Sanctis worship of the most holy Eucharist and the most
O. N. jam pridem revelata gaudeamus; tenerri- Sacred Heart of Jesus, the mysteries of which we
mum praestent obsequium Immaculatae Virgini rejoice to have been first revealed to Saints of
Mariae; pie colant Angelos et Sanctos, S. our Order. They are to show a most tender ser-
Josephum, imprimis et gloriosum P. N. vice to the Immaculate Virgin Mary; they are pi-
Benedictum, aliosque sanctos monachos. Diligant ously to cultivate the Angels and Saints, St Jo-
praeterea Oblati Rosarium B. M. V., Viam Crucis, seph, and especially our glorious Father Benedict
necnon alia pietatis exercitia indulgentiis ditata, and other holy monks. Oblates are furthermore
votaque faciant pro triumpho S. Ecclesiae, religio- to love the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the
nis progressu, haeresum schismatumque exstir- Way of the Cross, as well as other pious exercises
patione, conversione infidelium, emendatione endowed with indulgences, and they are to pray
peccatorum, justorum perseverantia ac defuncto- for the triumph of Holy Church, for the progress
rum refrigerio. of religion, for the extirpation of heresies and
schisms, for the conversion of unbelievers, the re-
form of sinners, the perseverance of the right-
eous, and the refreshment of the deceased.
Insuper Ordinis nostri vestigia prementes, ora- Also, closely following the footsteps of our Order,
tioni Iaborem Oblati conjungant, ita ut inter fervi- Oblates are to join work to prayer, so that they
diores bonorum operum promotores jugiter ad- may be ever numbered among the more fervent
numerentur. promoters of good works.
Peculiaria Oblatorum officia sint sequentia: The following are to be the special duties of Ob-
1. Quotidie Oblati, qui nec Breviarium nec 1. Every day, Oblates who do not recite the Brev-
Officium Parvum B. M. V. recitant, nec alicui ho- iary or the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
rae canonicae intersunt, vel tertiam partem nor are present at some canonical hour, will re-
Rosarii B. M. V. vel Officium Oblatorum-recita- cite a third of the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin
bunt. Quas preces Moderatori Oblatorum Iiceat Mary or the Office of Oblates. The Director of Ob-
rationabili de causa in alias, etiam breviores, lates may, for a reasonable cause, commute
commutare. these prayers for others, even shorter ones.
Mane, S. Gertrude magistra, actiones suas Deo In the morning, following the teaching of St Ger-
offerant ad intentionem Sacratissimi Cordis Jesu, trude, they are to offer their actions to God ac-
et vespere conscientiam scrutentur de agendi ra- cording to the intention of the Most Sacred Heart
tione per diem. of Jesus, and in the evening they are to examine
their conscience concerning what they have done
throughout the day.
2° Singulis hebdomadis Feriam Ill. (cfr. decr. S. R. 2. Every week they are to dedicate Tuesday (cf.
C. d. d. 28 febr. 1927. O. 34/1927) S. P. Benedicto decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, 28
dedicent et, aliis forte impediti diebus, ea saltem February 1927, O. 34/1927) to our Holy Father
feria missae sacrificio intersint devote, aut certe Benedict, and if they cannot on other days, at
quodam opere pio Parentem Casinensem exco- least on that day devoutly to assist at the sacrifice
lant. of the Mass or by some pious work honour our
Father of Monte Cassino.

Statuta Oblatorum O.S.B. 4/5

3° Singulis mensibus per dimidiam horam ante 3. Every month they are to spend in meditation
SSṁum Altaris Sacramentum vel saltem tempore half an hour before the Most Holy Sacrament of
missae obligatoriae meditationi vacent, et ad sac- the Altar or at least the time of a Mass of obliga-
ram Communionem frequenter, imo quotidie, tion. Let them approach holy Communion fre-
juxta consilium confessarii accedant. quently, even daily, according to the advice of
their confessor.
Praeterea menstruos conventus et Moderatoris Furthermore they are to frequent the monthly
collationem spiritualem data1 opportunitate fre- meetings and spiritual conference of the Director,
quentent. if they have the opportunity.
4° Quotannis oblationis actum renovent in 4. Every year they are to renew their act of obla-
Praesentatione B. Mariae Virg. (21 Nov.), qui est tion on the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
festus dies Oblatorum praecipuus. Celebrent in- Mary (21 Nov.), which is the principal feast day of
super diem Purificationis B. M. V. (2. Febr.) obla- Oblates. They are to celebrate furthermore the
tione Salvatoris sacram, necnon festa SSṁi P. day of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Benedicti, S. Henrici Imperatoris (15 Julii) et S. (2 Feb.) sacred to the oblation of our Saviour, as
Franciscae Romanae Viduae (9 Martii), quos well as the feasts of our Most Holy Father Bene-
Oblati coelestes patronos venerentur. dict, St Henry the Emperor (15 July) and St
Frances of Rome (9 March), whom Oblates are to
venerate as their heavenly patrons.
Oblati sacerdotes in « Confiteor » adjungere pos- Priest Oblates may add “Our Blessed Father Ben-
sunt « B.P.N. Benedicto» (cfr. decr. S. R. C. d. d. edict” in the Confiteor (cf. decree of the Sacred
28 februarii 1927 - O. 34/1927. Congregation of Rites, 28 February 1927 – O.
Oblati saeculares habitu nigro, scapulari et cin- Secular Oblates may, in accord with their piety,
gulo induti pro sua pietate sepeliri possunt. be buried dressed in the black habit, scapular and
Sciant autem Oblati haec statuta non obligare sub Let Oblates know that these statutes do not
peccato, ne quidem veniali. oblige under pain of sin, even venial sin.
Tesserae Oblatorum haec sint: «In omnibus glori- These are to be the mottoes of the Oblates: “In
ficetur Deus» et «Pax». all things may God be glorified” and “Peace”.
Haec Statuta Oblatorum O. S. B. revisa et novo C. These Statutes of the Oblates of the Order of St
J. C. accommodata a S. Congregatione Benedict, revised and adapted to the new Code
Religiosorum approbata sunt per rescriptum d. d. of Canon Law, have been approved by the Sacred
24 Martii 1927. (Num. 1815/27). Congregation for Religious by a rescript dated 24
March 1927 (Num. 1815/27).
Nota: Quoad desiderium a pluribus Abbatibus manifestatum et S. Note: With regard to the desire manifested by many Abbots and
Congregationi submissum, obtinendi nempe pro Abbatibus faculta- submitted to the Sacred Congregation, i.e. of obtaining for Abbots
tem dispensandi, ob graviores causas, super defectu 10 dierum novi- the faculty of dispensing, for more serious reasons, from a lack of 10
tiatus, eadem S. Congregatio respondit, huiusmodi facultatem non days of the novitiate, the same Sacred Congregation answered that
concedendam esse modo perpetuo et ratione statutorum, sed pro- this kind of faculty is not to be granted in a perpetual way and by
videndum esse huiusmodi necessitatibus per temporaneam faculta- reason of the statutes, but a temporary faculty is to provide for
tem. needs of this kind.
Singuli ergo Abbates vel Abbates-Praesides petitionem facere pos- Therefore individual Abbots or Abbots President can petition to ob-
sunt ad obtinendam, si hoc necessarium duxerint, supradictam fa- tain the aforesaid faculty, if they regard it as necessary.

1 In textu: pata.

Statuta Oblatorum O.S.B. 5/5

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