Module 1: Course Orientation: Learning Delivery Modalities Course 2 For Teachers

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Region I


City of San Fernando, La Union 2500
San Juan District

Module 4

Learning Delivery Modalities Course 2

For Teachers


Legleg Elementary School
Teacher I

Module 1: Course Orientation

Reflections and Insights
As a teacher, we should embrace this LDM2 LAC Sessions to become more
equipped in handling a new normal class in this time of pandemic. We should be
prepared in embracing this kind of changes for the benefit of our learners who are
our primary concern.

I realized that we should be more flexible in different types of learning

modalities to ensure that we could sustain learning among learners. This kind of
challenges will test among teachers the ability to cope up different situations in

Knowledge, Flexibility, and a BIG HEART is what we should have. PARA SA


Module 2: Most Essential

Learning Competencies
Reflections and Insights
We need to unpack MELCs to systematized learning activities and effectively
address the varying needs of learners and the challenges of instructional deliveries. I
realized that we should unpack and combine MELC to make our lesson more
specific. In that way, learners will easily understand every topic that we will tackle.

As a teacher, we should level our standards to our learners so that we could

easily address the vital needs which is mastery of learning. We don’t need broader
and difficult topics to ensure them to equip with learning.

Module 3A: Designing

Instruction in the Different
Learning Delivery Modalities
Reflections and Insights
Preparing Weekly Home Learning Plan and Individual Monitoring Plan help
our parents who will stand as a teacher to pursue education in times of pandemic.

Parents and teachers will join force for the benefits of our learners. This
joining force will give a greater impact in molding a 21 st century learners. There’s a
saying that “If there’s a will, there’s a way”, so we do it by heart t make our burdens
in educational work easier.

Service with a BIG HEART!

Module 3B: Learning

Reflections and Insights
As a teacher, we should patronize, localize, and indigenize materials to our
learners so that they can relate and interconnect their own culture and diversity as
well as gender sensitivity learning materials.

We must adopt this tool and use it every time we make our own Learning
Resource Materials considering culture, gender-fair issues. And we must
contextualize our learners’ materials for them to embrace our unique culture and

Contextualized materials can help the parents and guardians easily

understand different topics that we want to feed in this new normal class.

CREATIVITY is the secret.

Module 4: Planning for

Continuing Professional
Development and LAC
Reflections and Insights

I need to develop and give more focus on the Content Knowledge

and Pedagogy. As my self-assessment where I got Satisfactory level, so
there’s a room for improvement. I also want to enhance the community
linkages and professional engagement. I need to build strong
relationship with the guardians/parents of my learners to deliver quality
supervisory among them as well as with my co teachers in school.

In the preparation of learning materials, we need to be responsible

and to appropriate use the ICT to achieve and reinforce learning.
Through the use of LRMDS and DepEd Commons, we can apply
assessment tools in choosing learning resources for the modules.

ACCESS, GIVE ATTENTION to the leaders, websites and

materials that could help us in this time of pandemic.
Minutes of the Meeting
Date: September 16, 2020

Topics discussed:
 Planning for continuing professional development

 LAC Planning

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