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Drafting a Petition case



C.R. Case No. 230/ 2021

In the matter of:

An allegation under section 420 of the Penal Code.


In the matter of:

Nazim Uddin
Son of Nizam uddin
58 C-Office Road
………………………… Complainant


1. Md. Atab Ali

Son of late Forkan Ali

2. Ratan Das
Son of Kumer Das

3. Md. Abdul Kuddus

Son of late Nur Kuddus

4. Md. Elyes Fokir

Son of Afif Uddin Kuddus
5. Md. Shajahan
Son of late Jhahangir Ali
All are of 32 Mondalpara, Bhola

……………………… Accused


1. The complainant herself

2. Mehedi Hasan, h/o the complainant.
3. Miss. Zabun Zarin, d/o the complainant.
4. Abur Rahim, son of Abdul Karim

Date of Occurrence: 05/08/2021

Place of Occurrence: Claimed land.

Most respectfully


1. That the complainant is a honest person. On the other hand, all

the accused persons are very cruel and dishonest in nature.

2. The accused and complainant both are living in the same place.

3. That on 23/05/21 an agreement is made between the

complainant and the accused persons for the purchase and sale
of land.

4. The complainant’s husband, daughter and Abdur Rahim were

present at the time of signing the contract.
5. The accused forged a deed and fraudulently sold the land
because they were not the real owners of the land. They hid the
matter from the complainant. They sold the land by lying and
took the sale price from the complainant.

6. After the land is registered, when the complainant takes

possession of the land, she finds that the owner of the land is
someone else and that the person has the original paper. He is
the real owner of the land.

7. The complainant can check all the documents and see that the
accused cheated him and sold the land to him by cheating him.

8. Since the accused is not the real owner, the purchase of her land
and its registration will not be considered valid.

9. That the complainant returned home and being informed she

reported the matter quickly to the Officer in Charge of the Bhola
Sadar Thana. The OC of Bhola Sadar Thana refused to take the
case and regulate it even after having specific evidence.

10. That being unable to file FIR against the accused persons,
the complainant begs to prefer this petition of complaint before
this honourable court.

Wherefore it is humbly requested that your honour would be

graciously pleased to take the case on file, issue warrant of
arrest against the accused persons and punish them on holding
trial and deal according to law for the ends of justice.

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