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1. Open the Journal file. Click Sheet 2 on the Worksheet bar.

2. Type the following data:
A2-Date B2-Explanation C2-P.R. A3-July 31
D2-Debit E2-Credit F2-balance C3-J1
3. Click A2 and drag to F5, CLICK Cell Styles and select style you want.
4. Set the column-width of the following:
A-7 B-20 D to F -11
5. Center the column C.
6. Set the column D-F with comma and two decimal places using Accounting.
7. Click F3, press =, click D3, type -, click E3, and press enter. This ledger formula is for Assets,
Drawing and Expense accounts. (=D3-E3)
8. Copy the data from A2-F5 to cell A8, A14, A20, A26 and A44.
9. Click F27, press = click E27, type -, click D27, and then press enter. This ledger formula is for
Liabilities, Capital and Income accounts. (=E27-D27)
10. Copy the data from A26-F29to cell A32, A38 and A50.
11. Copy the data from A2-F23 to cell A56.
12. Press Home, type the Account Numbers and Account Names. (e.g. A1 type 111 and C1 type


Chart of Accounts

Accounts No. Name of Account

100-149 ASSETS
111 Cash
112 Accounts Receivables
113 Auto Parts
121 Equipment

151 Accounts Payable
152 Bank Loan


201 Jose Cruz, Capital
202 Jose Cruz, Drawing

250-299 REVENUES
251 Repairs Income

300-349 EXPENSES
301 Parts Expense
302 Rent Expense
303 Salary Expense
304 Supplies Expense
13. After typing the Account numbers and Account Name, press Home and Click Save button.
14. Click View tab, click New Window, Click Sheet 1, Click Arrange all, click Horizontal and click Ok.
15. Press Home, click A6, Click View tab, click Freeze Panes-select Freeze Panes, press Page Down 3
to 5 times.
16. Click the Ledger window, click D3, type =, click Journal window, click E22, and press Enter. See
the result. (=Journal!E22)
17. 17. Create a formula in Balance Column that linking the Ledger to Journal Sheet from Accounts
Receivable up to Supplies Expense.
18. Save your work.


1.Open the Journal file. Click Sheet 3.
2 Type the following:

3. Create the formula to compute the sum of Debit and Credit account.
4. Apply a Cell Styles in cell A1 up to cell E21.
5. Center the C Column.
6. Change the column width of column D to E to 11.
7. Set the column D and E with comma and two decimal places using Accounting.
8. Press Home, click Save button, then Move to B1, click View Tab-Split.
9. Click View tab, click New Window, click Sheet 2, click Arrange All, click Vertical and click ok.
10. Click the Ledger window and move to B1.
11. Click View Tab-Split.
12. Click the Trial Balance window, click D7, type -, click the Ledger window, click F3, and press enter.
See the result(=Ledger!F3).
13. Continue the formula up to Supplies Expense that linking the Trial Balance to Ledger.
14. Click the Ledger window, click View tab – Split.
15. Click the Trial Balance window, click View Tab-Split. Click the maximize button to expand your
16. Save your work.

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