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Tel No.: 4390685

Ref No-077/78-108 Date: 25th July, 2021

The project manager,
Burtibang Paudi-Amarai Tamghas Sandhikharka
Gorusinghe 132 kV Transmission line Project,
Grid Development department,
Transmission Directorate,
Nepal Electricity Authority,
Sandhikharka, Arghakhachi, Nepal

Subject: Submission of ERT Reports for Approval.

REF: (Design, Supply, Construction, Testing and Commissioning of Paudi-Amarai 132/33/11KV Substation,
Tender No: BPTSG-NCB-75/76-02)
With reference to the subject, we are submitting the Electical Resistivity Test Report (ERT) Report prepared by
Soil Tech Consultant for Paudi-Amarai Substation Project for approval and we request you to provide its approval
at earliest.

1. ERT Report -1 set

Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,

Pratik Thapa
Project Manager
Mudhbhary & Joshi/RJ
construction J/V
Electrical Resistivity Test Report

Submitted to:

Nepal Electricity Authority


Submitted By:
Mudbhary & Joshi - R.J. Construction JV

MAY 2021
Executive Summary
The development of Transmission Lines has been given a new
priority by Government
of Nepal (GoN) and by the national utilities, Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) and
Rastriya Frasaran CiiO Company Limited (RPGCL). ATransmission System
oevelopment Plan of Nepal has been prepared by RPGCL which incorporates the new
vision ior the design of the transmission system while imbibing the framework
previous transmiss'ion plans. ln the context of this development, Dhalkeba- Loharpatti
132Kv Transmission iine shall be implemented which will be focused on the provision
of power transmission facilities to evacuate the power generated.

Scope of Works:-
i) Burtibang-Poudi-Amarai-Tamghas-sandikharka-Gorusinghe 1 32kVA
Transmission Line Project & Associated Substations

The present document called the Report on Earth Resistivity Test (ERT) is a part of
the Earth Resistivity Test of the project. The report presents as major results the
geological propertiei of the transmission line alignment and the proposed location for
the Earth Resistivity Test.
The report on Earth Resistivity Test refers to the field testing, calculations and result
of Earth Resistivity Test to be carried out in 6 locations for each substation and 44
locations of the Angle Points and intermediate tower location along the entire
alignment. The location of the Angle Points for the Earth Resistivity Test is proposed
such that every type of angle towers lies in all kind of the geological feature.
This document presents the glimpse of the location of the Angle points and
Substations proposed for the Earth Resistivity Test along with the methodology along
the line alignment and the substation location.
Table of Contents
1. Objectives of Earth Resistivity Test........ ""'- 1 -
2. Organization of the Team """"""' - I -
3. Earth Resistivity Test......... """""'-2'
3.1 Location......
Earth Resistivity Test """""""- 3-

3.2 Methodo1ogy.................. """"- 3-

3.2.1 Earth Resistivity Test "' -4-

3.2.2 Earth Resistivity Test Equipment.. "' -5-

3.4 Conclusion """"- 72'

Annex-1 :Calibration Certificate of Device
Annex-2: Field Data
Annex-3: Pictorial

List of Tables
Table 1: List of test Testing points ... - 3 -
Table 2: Resistivity Data at location ERT-1 ....... - 6 -

Table 3: Resistivity Data at ERT-2........ .............. -7 -

Table 4: Resistivity Data at ERT-3.... .......-.-.-....... - 8 -

Table 5: Resistivity Data at ERT4........ --.--.......... - 9 -
Table 6:Resistivity Data at ERT-5........ ......"...'. - 10 -
Table 7:Resistivity Data at ERT-6........ ............. - 11-
List of Figures

Figure '1: Google Map Showing Substation Area at ................" - 1-
Figure 2: wenner's Four Pole arran9ement.................. .......... - 3 -
Figure 3 Four Pole connection arrangement for Sonel ..----.. - 4 -

1. Objectives of Earth Resistivity Test
The objective of ERT investigation is to find out the variation of Electrical resistivity
Soil by taking two perpendicular lines at given coordinate axis on proposed Substation
Area ai Gulmi. Soil'resistivity Test (Electrical Resistivity Test -ERT) is to be carried out
6 different locations at proposed Substation area .

Figure 1: Google Map Showing Subsiation Area at Gulmi

2. Organization of the Team

Field Crew:
1. Binod Timalsina
2. Sushil Shrestha
1. Bimal Dhakal

Data Analysis and Technical Expertise

1. Amrit Abhamani Dhakal
2. Arun Kr. Pandit
Report Preparation
1. Alisha Shrestha
2. Dinesh Shah

3. Earth ResistivitY Test
plays a key role
Soil or Earth resistivity or (Electrical resistivity of Soil) and earthing system
ingeneration, transmissionand distribution for safe and proper operation of any electric
power system. Soil resistivity directly affects the design of earthing system. When designing
an extensive earthing system it is advisable to locate the area of lowest soil resistivity

order to achieve the economical grounding installation [6]'

R=(pxL) lA
where, p = Resistivity of the conductor material (O-m)
L = Length of the conductor (m)
A = Cross sectional Area (m2)
When designing an earthing system to meet safety and reliability criteria, an accurate
resistivity model of the soil is required. Factors that affect resistivity may be summarized as
1. Type of earth (e.g. clay, loam, sandstone, granite).
2. Stratification; layers of different types of soil (eg, loam backfill on a clay base)
3. Moisture content; resistivity may fall rapidly as the moisture content is increased,
however, after a value of about 2Oo/o lhe rate of decrease is much less.
i 4. Temperature; above freezing point, the effect on earth resistivity is practically
5. Chemical composition and concentration of dissolved salt
6. Presence of metal and concrete pipes, tanks, large slabs, cable ducts, rail tracks,
metal pipes

3.'t Earth Resistivity Test Location

The Earth Resistivity test was carried out at proposed Substation at six different Six point
to cover the overall substation area.

SN Description Easting Northing

1 ERT-1 83.24339 28.21367

2 ERT-2 83.24361 28.21381
3 ERT-3 85.24398 28.21355
4 ERT-4 83.24394 28.21304
5 ERT-s 83.24387 28.21350
b ERT-6 83.24382 28.21268
Table 1: List o{ test Testing Points

Wenner's 4 pole methods have been used in determining the earth resistivity of the
allocated site. ln this method, 4 electrodes were used (4 electrodes embedded to the
ground in straight line) out of which 2 electrodes were responsible for current injection and
the remaining 2 electrodes were used for voltage measurement. Basically, the Werner 4
pole arrangement is done as below:

Figure 2: wenrier's Four Pole arrangement

From the above figure it can be seen that'a' is the distance between two electrodes. The
depth of the electrodes should not exceed 1/2}th or Less of electrode spacing 'a'. Using
the above arrangement, the resistance can be measured with the help of which resistivity
can be calculated using the following equation:

p - Z.rt. a. R
Equation 1:Where, p = resistivity in O m. R= resistailce in O and a= spacing between electrodes in meter

lf the depth of electrode 'b' is not less than 1/20th of spacing 'a', then the general formula is
p= '2a d
' ' :-:
.tfi a a6z tlaz + b2

o nr. . a= spacing between eleclrodes in meter atrd

R' resistance in o
Equation 2:Where. p = resistivity ir.r
b=depth of electrode in meter

3.2.1 Earth ResistivitY Test

The following steps were taken in order to measure the earth resistivity for the
Substation Locations.
1. The Observation and methodologies used to prepare this report conforms to IEEE
2. The weather condition, soil condition and its type were noted being in the site.
3. The coordinates were checked and marked that were provided by the client
representative, in the site.
4. Keeping the provided location as a reference, the test was conducted along two
p"rp"nIi"rlai lines parallel to the co-ordinate axis. For one location, 7 readings in
each axis were taken by putting the spacing of electrodes as 1 m,2m,5m, 10m,20
m ,30 & 50m in two axis perpendicular to each other.
s. The readings were taken by using 4 Pole connection arrangement in device (
Sonel MRU-120) as Per Figure 3.

t_ Eq S l*


lj t. { t

Fiqure 3 Four Pole cotrnection arrangement for Sonel MRU-120

6. ln order to complete a connection for the circuit at location , water was used if
necessary to reduce auxiliary earth contact resistance for node ES & S.

7. Taking the measured value of resistance, the resistivity has been calculated using
above Equation 1.
8. Finally, the average resistivity for different allocated locations were calculated.
9. The readings for four axes were verified by the Study team and witnessed by the
responsible personnel in site.
10. Voltage setting in device was 50 v with frequency of 60H2.
3,2,2 Earth Resistivity Test Equipment

In the field work for data acquisition was made using following equipment'
a. Earth Resistivity Tester ( Sonel MRU-120)
b. GPS (Garmin GPS 72H)
c. Test Leads
d. Hammer
e. Electrodes
f. Compass

MRU-120 Tester has following features.

- measurement of resistance of auxiliary electrodes R" and Rn.
- measurement in the presence of voltage in the power network with frequency 50Hz 60Hz
- selection of maximum measuring voltage (25 V and 50V)
- introducing the distance between the electrodes for the resistivity in meters (m) or feet (ft)

Picture 1: Equipment Used for test

3.3 Result

SS Location ERT.1
Coordinate E=8324339 N= 28.21367
Weather Sunny
Site Condition FlaGned Land , Loose soil on top
Date of 2021-US3
Soil Type oravellv SAND with traces of silty sandy

Resistivity Value in Both neqleLA11s:

First Radial Axis : NE-SW Second RadialAxis : SE-SW
Electrode Resistance Resistivity Resistance Average
Resistivity Resistivity
S.N Spacing (o) (om) (o) (om)
(m) {Om}
24.29 '152.60 154.75
1 1 24.97 156.90
2 11.12 139.80 11.11 139.60 139.70
3 6.49 122.30 5.60 105.60 113.95
5 3.23 101 .50 4.01 126.00 113.75
10 1.73 '108.90 2.29 144.00 126.45
6 15 1.27 119.90 1.19 112.60 116.25
7 20 1.05 131.40 0.97 121.50 126.45
30 0.76 142.64 0.56 105.20 123.90
I 50 0.52 163.40 0.41 146.75
Table 2: Resistivity at location ER 1

Picture 2: Radial Direction of Testing at ERT-1 {c

E= 83.24361 N= 28.21381
Farm land, recently harvested

'avelly SAND with traces of

RadialAxis : E-W RadialAxis : N-S

Electrode Average
Resistance Resistivity Resistanc Resistivity
Spacing (om) Resistivity
S.N (o) (om) e (o) (om)

1 48.70 306.00 46.47 292.00 299.00


2 20.05 252.00 19.74 248.O0 250.00

3 9.M 181 .80 10.88 205.00 193.40
5 6.65 209.00 6.40 201.00 205.00
10 1.43 89.80 1.69 106.00 97.90
15 0.97 91.80 1.23 115.90 103.85
20 0.77 96.60 0.97 122.20 109.40
30 0.70 131.10 0.91 172.30 151.70
o 50 0.48 150.90 0.55 172.70 161 .80
Table 3: ResistivitY Data at ERT-2

Picture 3 Radial Directiorr cf Testing at ERT-2

SS Location ERT-3
Coordinate E=83.24398 N=28.21355
Weather Sunny Day
Site Condition Plouqhed Field , Loose soil
Date of 2021-04-03
SoilTvpe qravellv SAND with traces of siltv sandv

Electrode Radial Axis: E-W Radial Axis : N-S

S.N Spacing Resistance Resistivity Resistance Resistivity
(m) (o) (Om) (o) (Qm)
1 1 15.63 98.20 17.01 106.90 102.55
2 2 9.75 122.50 9.44 1 18.60 120.55
3 3 5.56 '104.80 5.01 94.40 99.60
4 5 2.98 93.60 3.26 102.40 98.00
5 10 1.51 94.70 1.40 87.70 91.20
6 15 1.06 99.70 0.96 90.40 95.05
7 20 0.89 111.40 0.78 98.50 104.95
8 30 0.71 133.50 0.63 1 18.00 125.75
I 50 0.53 166.50 0.54 '170.50 168,50
Table 4; Resistivity Data at ERT-3

His O'
Picture 4: Radial Direction of Testing at ERT-3 c

SS Location ERT4
Coordinate E=83.24394 N=28.21304
Weather Sunny Day
Site Condition Plouqhed Field , Loose soil
Date of 2021-04-04
Tvoe of Soil qravelly SAND with traces of silty sandy
Electrode RadialAxis : N-S RadialAxis : E-W Average
S.N Spacing Resistance Resistivity Resistance Resistivity Resistivity
(m) (o) (om) (o) (om)
1 1 24.22 152.20 27.37 172.00 162.10
2 12.08 151 .80 13.55 170.30 161 .05
3 3 9.78 184.30 9.70 182.90 183.60
4 5 5.92 185.90 5.24 164.50 175.20
5 10 2.O7 130.00 2.15 135.00 132.50
6 15 1.17 110.30 1.19 112.20 111.25
7 20 0.94 1'18.30 0.97 122.O0 120.15
8 30 a.71 134.50 0.70 't32.60 133.55
9 50 0.54 170.20 0.56 175.00 172.60
Table 5: Resistivity 0ata at ERT-A

Picture 5:Radial Direction of Testing Loharpatti ERT-4

SS Location ERT.6
Coordinate E--83.24382 N=28.21268
Weather Sunny Day
Site Condition Flattened Barren Land , Loose Soil on top
Date of 2021-04-04
Soil Tvpe oravellv SAND with traces of silty sandy

Electrode RadialAxis : SE-NW Radial Axis : NE-SW Average

S.N Spacing Resistance Resistivity Resistance Resistivity Resistivity
(m) (o) (om) (o) (om)
1 1 35.01 220.O0 37.56 236.00 228.00
2 2 23.79 299.00 24.27 305.00 302.00
3 3 16.76 316.00 17.56 331.00 323.50
4 5 9.93 312.OO 9.23 290.00 301.00
5 10 3.37 212.00 3.34 210.00 211.00
6 15 2.61 245.60 2.53 238.00 241.80
7 20 1.51 189.30 1.58 198.00 193.65
8 30 0.72 135.00 0.78 147.00 141.00
o 50 0.56 176.30 0.57 178.50 177.40
Table 7:Resistivity Data at ERT-G

Picture 7:Radial Direction of Testing at ERT-5


3,4 Conclusion

Soil Resistivity Test ( ERT ) is carried out in 5 different points of Loharpatti Substations
area, The testing was carried out in two perpendicular radial direction at each testing
points. After seeing the variation in resistivity we have adopte$'Spgle Layer & two layer
,. i
soil model accordingly . By Using Sunde's Graphical Method dep-lh of upper layer soil is
calculated for different point as below. F#

: r;
ERT-1: , ,- ff
It is
found that the resistivity of soil for varying electrode spacingris not changing with in
30% range we can assume single layer model. The average resistivity is found to be 130
Om. 'J.t.
ERT.2: -.1.

It is found that the resistivity of upper layer soil is 300 O m with depth 1.5 m and lower layer
has resistivity of 165 Qm.


!t is found that the resistivity of upper layer soil is 120 O m with depth 2 m and lower layer
has resistivity of 170 Qm,

ERT4: Ir.
It is found that the resistivity of soil for varying electrode not changing with in
30% range we can assume single layer model. The average resistivity is found to be 151
Qm. ri
It is found that the resistivity of upper layer soil is 250 Q m with dppth 1.45 m and lower layer
has resistivity of 200 Qm.
ERT-6 ,,+
It is found that the resistivity of upper layer soil is 300 Q m with dqpth 5.25 m and lower layer
has resistivity of 180 Qm.

Annex 1: Calibration Gertificate of Device

h&r . r! {sE-..L!!tx:l!- ba!
la.:ts .*rfu6&rcbq

Bak €&sie C&b rqwl
O*CrOr a6E.e,*
*.sB F@r&rd&u$!6d,!rffisa
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Effii[ rar! rr .e uqagd@ b.ryad*


ctlr8Rnt,&,l c€Htlni^1.E 6edt{ lrlEo*}'ioiliJu &as4wcl+v{?ofi'cuJlc6 ss}€r sr
k. d d38 6 M 20rq C#.iaBrr No 19o835'tg prOs
S fC |t*irsc {d *siaary!fin dG(,!da)

0 AC Girt G (r{t*n6 fia*ruaf,n(4ilsttt{V tlh do$lc tiret*)

RrteM v*,* o{ f/h&rL.d tAa ol llB*$edffi t t&urFq{
nstse t&tlr6 B$s.lre ulwt8ily ffiat
(i {} {l t)
0. q:?E offi
05' € 5A/ s wi
1S Sr3 ,0 000 qm
f4013 1 6 lg{a t/, o0r2 1.E]1
rl9.r 6t

A&tnsnad L)

Annex 2: Field Data

-L] -
'ilf :t I.€ 0!-ol..rr1,
gfi:.!ll't 4t-1 ,?5 oJi- ','!.:.r1't"'3 \ ctr-0i.-:toll
'1a t9g'8-ttt4 ' Itt, !tr'21h /-{ ra-l
Jo.-,12?: $"rt- (.., t n- ,.fi-- ,)?2'5rLh 9.r,n
S,r-iot' 5' n' rr 3)oa' 3n.. ..^ta t!'8.ah
*s !IrL
laa. lot'9Jt-}l I rtn. 5a 93 6&?, ? 9J.,1
rrrr lt9'9.f\)' l2'lt! lan- 9q.tJLa / S/A
2ots -13t.:4 a-a l 0ltJL |t. 99 \.!Ln / ttJl
'dom t42'6*n goh qt.+lD
o.ll;n .*. - ,. o $!A
, S!^- kq t3l>. S ttm i r3 -tr
. iom le 3 'J
Sa r<.5 .zr5
s'€ . '.. -- --. .... . l.r- 5
. .53 11-
\D...r5?..6.nm ,ra :. lqa- : JL" q I1.03 -a
i2a.139.t-n-n tr't11i,..--. ....
1.4 ..11915.2a 3 tr4.n-
'! trS:[,*r,
3rl 5'.x,Sr> -,-:: &rt{ +r' .f'azlL.. -.,.. ...
'.5m tzr.s4n 1 -*- *' Ua -ipL. t.tLh :1., s-/!
t 'rJA
A l!.tt*Jllr:t,9-t]...., ..
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l tia*;r7;(*a "-- "1.rt*-"11* l1a)ao"t,,*a h,9{t\;'.': .':;

€!:t:3. . ...w- E oh..qt:-?r.11

*9. 3\1t -Ln 60'd ''L
9a gS'*rs.2q8-n- .art n ,g.6rr
3a..23') *n 12.',|:5 r't-

5a ! At" lst" 4't9.^.

lotr g3'lr $ i' t'zi'Jl
t<a a< E.Jat> I'a2.^-
?ort to E''9 rr''r o.gsJr
3os tqt,{-\-t> ^ \( n

5O,rt 2a6 J\t' c.{ S./L

!h 3llrr$'t,
2n .., 2i!c tt ra
9|' L ait-a q,
5a t2ll't,ttt

Annex 3: Pictorial

r-- :.l
I -.--
4. tl , -
tr ,..*rt-fi

^*ie :i,

Picture 8: ERT-I Testing Field


Picture 9: GpS Locarion ot ieiting ;t ERT-02

EIq <a

"Picture 'tr ffi: '\.. r.-.
10: Eleclrode Marking Durirrg Testirfi

Picture 1 1: Measuremenl Value-at E -03


Picture 12: Testing Location ERT-03

Piclrr<l 13; Testing, Location ERT-05



Picture 14: Tesring Lo.ation tRT-4


Ficture 15: During Testing at ERT-O6

F:ctr.;r r:r j.i:: ltt iii:il l_u(.,:tii-1$ [S1 .L][


Picture 17: Measurement Value at ERT-01

Picture 18: Measurement value at ERT-02

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of Grounding systems in
Multilayer soirs, a parametric Anarysis,
rEEE'rrrrr..tiJn.";r-;;;, ourirury,
4- IEEE Guide for safety in AC substation Grounding
, |EEE std 80_2000
5. lndian standard, code of practice for earthing, rsio+s
6' lndian standard, Geological Exploration uy c-eopnysical-1gg1
Method, ls:157 36:2007


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