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Rules of prediction on education

1. the houses are goods for education are 4 , 9, 10 and 11. and negative for
education are 3 , 8, 12 .
2. mercury is the significator of education , so see which house mercury signify.
3. then see the sub – lord of 4th house and which house the sub – lord signify.
4. then see the sub – lord of 9th house and which house the sub – lord signify.
5. then dasa lord during the education period .

if mercury and sub lord of 4th signify 4 , 10 ,11 then it indicate that the person will
able to complete his primary, and secondary education or graduation.
And if they indicate 9th house also then he will be able to complete higher education .

6. it is also necessary to examine the sub – lord of lagna for education .

7. if sub- lord of 4th signify 4,9,10, and connected with sun , ven , mer, and mar,and
also connected with airy sign , he will take science .
8. if sub – lord of 4th signify 5 and 10 and connected with moon, ven, sat, and also
connected with watery sing then he will take humanity or arts .
9. if sub of 4th signify 3,7,12, and watery sign then he will take commerce.

Then examine the job prospect of the native , according to his job you advise the
person of his job oriented education . the details of rules of prediction of job will be
given in other pages.

Besides this rules you should examine of planet which signify some specific subject
of education :--
Mathematics : - mercury must be strong to be good in mathematics and be the
significator of 2 or 4 or 9 .

Law and logic :- sub –lord of 4th and 9th indicate mars, mercury and mars .

Engineering :- mars and mercury indicate civil, mechanical , and constructional

Venus and mercury :- sanitary, chemical, electrical, automobile.
Sun and mercury :- chemical ,drugs pharmaceuticals
Moon and mercury :- textile,
Moon ,mars and mercury :- marine.
Saturn and mercury :- mine engg.
Mars , Jupiter and mercury : press, mechanical, machines tools, spare parts.
Uranus and mercury :- reseach, atomoc energy,.
Neptune and mercury :- marine or chemical , manufacturing poison.
Moon satrun and mars :- excavation ,mine,or trenches, construction of dam or bridge.
Philosophy :- 1.sun and mercury as singificator of 5 , connected with Saturn .
2. Jupiter and satrun as significator of 4th or 9th house.
Journalism :- Jupiter, mercury and moon give the student of journalism . if the 3rd and 9th
houses are signified by these three planets one will take journalism.
Audit and accounts :- mercury and moon indicate account . airy sign and virgo are
favourable sings to learn accounts.
Geology : Saturn and planest occupying either Capricorn , the earthy sign belonging to
Saturn ,or in the sub of Saturn gives taste to geology.
Geography :-sun, planets in sun’s star and sun’s sub show that one will be interested in
Chemistry :- venus , planets in ths star and sub of venus and sun give taste of chemistry.
Physics :- mercury and venus show physics, planets in their constellation or sub also
make one proficient in physics.
History : - moon , mercury and Jupiter indicate history.
Medicine:- sun is called dhanvanthri, virgo is said as the hospital of the zodiac.
Scorpio indicates medicine , chemicals pises shows isolation hospital , sanatorium etc
Leo indicates medicine.
Sun and Jupiter – physician . sun and mercury – consulting physician. Sun and mars –
surgeon. Sun , venus and Jupiter – materniaty. Sun venus , mars and Saturn – venereal.
Sun and satrun – bone and osseous system. Sun, Saturn and venus – optician . sun and
satrun – dentist. Sun, venus, and mercury – ear, nose,throat. Sun, venus and rahu or
Uranus – ‘x’-ray. Sun ,moon and mercury – digestive system. Sun and moon and Jupiter
– hernia, appendicitis. Mars Jupiter and sun – ayurvedic . sun , Jupiter and satrun –
Music:-5th house shows music . 2nd house is for vocal and 3rd is for instrumental, 3 and 12
indicate such instruments where both the legs and hands are to operate.neptune stringed
instruments venus gives taste for music , mercury denotes rhythm,, thalam, mars ,Saturn
and venus – tabla . airy sing and short ascension denotes foute. Neptune and venus
connected with airy or earthy sing indicate veena voice sign or sign ruled by venus being
the 2nd house or venus in 2 makes one a vocal musician.

Success in competitive examination : - 1 . whether he has necessary courage to compete ?

2 . whether he will be appear ? and 3 . whether he comes out successful ?
Courage is to be judge form 3rd house , if sub lord of 3rd cusp is moon one tries to adjust
himself but not take bold decision, if it Saturn he is very cautious and lack of confidence,
if mercury the native will in two minds, but sun ,mars Jupiter and venus gives courage
and confidence. If lagna is spoiled by natural malefic or sig of 6 8 or 12 then native will
not be able attempt because of illness or any unavoidable difficulties.
For competitive examination house to judge house 4 ,9 and 11 . at the time of
examination if dasa bhukti and antra period governing planets are significatror of houses
4, 9, and 11 , you will come out successful , if not you will fail.

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