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Min L n 520 8 8thJUUU


Vol. XXX , MARCH , 1899 . No. 9 .







Published by






Woman's Missionary Friend.

VOL . XXX . MARCH , 1899 . NO . 9 .

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modesty in regard to orna

ments is not taught. Stones
have a standard value here.
If a woman has saved one
or two hundred rupees she
buys a stone. She has in
vested her capital ; she en
joys the wearing of the stone
daily, and she can at any
time turn it into cash .
Observe the shoe of the
woman and with it that of
the man in the following pic
ture. It seems queer to me
as yet and I know of no ex
planation . The Burmese
shoe for men and women is
one or one and a half inches
too long at the toe and the
same length too short at the
heel . If you ask why I must
give you the answer of my
very learned teacher in Bur
mese . I asked him a gram
mar question, such as any
home teacher would reason
ably explain . He answered ,
however, “ This is, sir, you
see, because that is so .”
BURMESE MAN WITH CIGAR. The Burmese long cigar
held in the hand is too often
AMONG THE BURMESE . described to need much comment. It is

REV . GEORGE J. SCHILLING . called “ say -late ” which means a “drug

roll ” and just that it is .
HESE pictures speak for them Burmese women have more recently
selves. As to the Burmese become addicted to the use of tobacco,
woman , I wish to say that it is and may be seen on the streets with the

likely that all her jewelry is real. long cigar in the mouth . The accompany
The Indians of India wear any amount of ing cut, p . 307 , shows a woman smoking .
imitation , but the Burmese woman uses The next picture, p.308 , shows one of the
jewelry for a money- saving investment. wandering eatingconveniences. The vender
The idea is not so bad in a country where sits with his back to you. The standing


man gives his order by pointing to the

kind of curry he wants to eat. The whole
takes place within the pagoda enclosure,
so you see that buying and selling within
the temple walls of an unspiritual people
has not died out yet.
The entrance to the Prome pagoda
( Prome is a city) is of colossal dimensions.
The picture, p . 309 , showing a part of the
shrines built in honor to Gautama shows

you on the right hand a woman in prayer.

Finally, the reclining Gautama, with repre
sentations of worshipping priests, is one of
the larger idols in Rangoon . Many fab
ulous things are told about it . One say .

ing is, that this idol turns around on its

other side once in a given period of years .
Since it is of mason work and plaster our
western minds cannot understand such a
lie , yet thousands believe it in Rangoon.
Burma is so little known that even in
a book as authoritative as Bishop Tho

burn's India and Malaysia the illus

tration of 6. Burmese woman and
child ” is faulty. The child is not
a pure Burman but a Sebardi , that
is, his father is an Indian though the
mother is Burman .
I will give you a word picture
which may interest your
you and
readers . The event took place in a
village called Tobia, about three miles
from here. My water-carrier is a
native of the place, and on Monday
last, he came to me in the afternoon
with an invitation to attend a wed
ding at his village. Since I had
never attended a wedding among the

se to NAKERE Karens, I was glad to avail myself of

the opportunity, and soon followed
A MAKER OF IDOLS . my guide on a footpath to his home.

I think we descended about two thousand for the occasion two buffaloes, and sent a
feet in the length of a mile and a half. portion of the meat into every house of
In the village I put up in the house of the village, enabling each family to feast on
my guide, who did his best to make me their bounty that day, preparing the meat
comfortable. He regaled me with honey, as each party liked best. I ate my portion
rice and a dish new to me, buffalo meat. cut up into squares and fried in oil spiced
with red pepper.
The whole village
of Tobia consists of
Christians belonging

to the Baptist Church .

Presently a gong rang
its deep sound and
every inhabitant of
the place proceeded
to the large chapel.
I think there were
about two hundred
souls present. The
church contained no
benches, no seats of
any kind , but every
one sat on the floor,
the men on one, the
Women on the other
side. In the center,
a little to the rear was
what we would call a
choir. The minister,
a short, thin man in
black coat and trous
ers, stood on a little
platform facing the
And now a won
This he had received from the groom as derful musical trick began to be performed .
a wedding treat, for even here the cus The choir in the church did not constitute
tom prevails to give a treat at that joy- all the musical force, for a number of men
ful occasion . But the young couple began to sing outside of the church build

knew how to overcome the wearisome ing as the couple approached ; then a bass
custom of being present after the cere solo was performed, while the large choir
mony at a tedious banquet. They killed inside took up the melody and sang a sort

of a chorus . This like any other oriental seem to have very powerful voices , so
music seemed to be an endless performance when I began as softly as I knew how , all
of many, many stanzas, for they were yet was well, but my theme and temperament
singing at this introduction when both got the better of me and I began to swell
bride and groom began to be restless from the sound . The bride and groom looked
waiting for the end . at each other, and the bridesmaids giggled .
Now scripture was being read, a short Then an unconquerable spirit told me to


address followed , and the couple were told pull out all the stops and the effect was
to join hands. Whether the bride promised overwhelming. Mothers clasped their chil
to obey her lord or not, I cannot tell, for I dren tighter, boys drew a little backward ,
do not understand Karen . The act of the choir singers opened their mouths, and
uniting the two being over, the pastor the picture was so intensely ridiculous it
asked me to sing to the new couple. I demanded all my will power not to break
felt well and complied without hesitancy, into a hearty laugh . But I mastered my
but I could hardly finish for the desire to self, drew in stop by stop and finished ,
laugh . The Karens in that village do not having soothed my audience to their nor

mal state . Think of my surprise when THE ANGEL TO THE SOUL REDEEMED.
the audience broke out in a boisterous EDWARD B. HEATON .
American clapping of hands. A SOUL redeemed stepped forth into the
Before parting the pastor invited me to morn
hold a Burmese preaching service after the Casting his weeds of earth — into the
couple was dismissed , and since there were light
Which filled his new horizon ; outward
a number of Shan traders staying in the
village, I was thankful to have a chance borne
to preach to them . Then we began to He spurned the door of death and shut
in night.
sing . I started “ Come to Jesus " in Bur
With face bright as a sun , with dulcet
mese, the Karens took up the melody and voice,
we had a joyful time. Then followed the One floated, hailed him in the Orient
preaching, then more singing. They sang, calm ,
I sang, we sang ; it was inspiring, but be “ Brother, be glad, with all thy powers re
gan to be endless . How should I close ? joice ,
A happy thought came. I told them to In Heaven's victorious psalm !
go home and attend to their buffalo meat.
I said at the beginning that there was a " Didst think our God would have His
queer mixture of oriental and occidental children grope

customs. This was shown again at this By unknown paths to where their man
time. The pastor rose , thanked me for sions lie ;

my words, and asked the congregation to Past all this vast, immeasurable scope,
rise as a sign of appreciation and respect . Where swift as thought His mighty
planets fly ?
This request was granted with the preci
sion shown in our colleges when a visiting Not thus, my brother, deem thy Father's
love ,
lecturer has successfully spoken.
He sends His angels, guides who know
Pegu , Burma, 1898 . the way ,
To lead them to th ' immortal homes above,
To everlasting day .”
The standing question at home about Thus borne upon the fragrant air they
my Chinese children has been : “ Do they sped
Of Jesus spoke, and of the shining road .
study the Chinese Classics? " For two and
a half millenniums, as a complete educa- They thought not of a form love said was
dead ,
tion, they have been the pride and glory of A pale face ’neath the sod so well be
the Celestials , and now as the flower of stowed .

No one And ever on the way companions came,

the field , in a day they wither.
could have dreamed of such an intellectual And joyful anthems filled the welkin
round ,
revolution taking place so suddenly !
And each the other greeted by his name,
Dr. Du Bose . Known to celestial ground .

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