FR2 54 MW Windmill

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Presentation Outline

A. Overview
B. Plant History
C. Brief Plant Description
C. Major technical considerations for Pililla project
D. Facts about wind power in Southeast Asia and
E. Facts about global wind industry
• Overview
• Overview

• Topograhic condition:

a. Hilly Plateau
b. 300 meters above sea level
c. Land used are either
purchased or leased from
private owners and rizal
provincial government.
• Overview

• First wind project under the Philippine Renewable Energy Act of 2008
that has been financed through non recourse project financing facilitated by
a consortium of 3 Philippine banks.

• Project is financed with 70:30 debt – equity ratio.

54 MW Pililla Wind Project

• Plant History

• October 2009, Wind Energy Service Contract (WESC) was awarded to APHC.
• October 2011, Alternergy declared commerciality.
• May 2013, Alternergy received from Dep. Of Energy (DOE)’s confirmation of commerciality
for Pililla project.
• May 2014, Notice to Proceed (NTP) was given to contractors.
• March 2015, Substation and 115 Kv Transmission line was energized.
• June 2015, Declared Pililla wind project completed.
• Plant Descrption:

• Transmission line:
7 km – 115 Kv Transmission line
from Alternergy substation,
connected to 115 kv Malaya
– Teresa Transmission line

• Substation
2 units x 40 MVA Power Xfmr
(115/22.8 Kv )
Ring Bus system
( 3 units x SF6 PCB )
• Plant Description:

• 27 units of Wind Turbine Generator

Rated at 2 MW each WTG (690 VAC/
22.8 kV ), connected in 5 feeders.

• Total length of underground cable

is 12,970 Meters.
• Plant Description:

• Gamesa 2.0 MW WTG 1A

Hub Height : 78 Meters
Rotor diameter : 90 Meters
Tower Base: 3.78 Meters
Length of Blade: 44 Meters
• Major technical considerations for Pililla wind power project

1. Wind Resource Assessment

Installed 60 Mtrs Meteorological Mast -1

last August, 2010 and March 2011 for
Meteorological mast -2 .

Minimum requirement of 1 year data

collection with an average wind
speed of 6 m/s. Based from the wind data gathered,
Pililla project garnered an average of 36 kph.
2. Land Assessment / availability –
Purchased / leased option
Access road – 10 meter width
Use of geographical information system mapping
to identify constraints such as houses, trees, rivers/
creeks. ( Cadastral and topographic map )
Tower foundations / platform preparations ( using 600 ton
CC 2800 crawler crane ) for at least 1 hectare.
3. Grid accessibility –

Identified transmission line route through desktop study /single line diagram from Meralco and
NGCP and on site survey. Final confirmation of grid connection thru Distribution Impact study by
Meralco and System Impact Study by NGCP. Interconnection agreement signed March, 2012 with

For the transmission line construction works, the following clearances were secured from:

a. Department of Public Works and Highways

b. Barangay Halayhayin
c. Private land owners affected
4. Logistics –

From Manila Port via Road

10 (reverse traffic) - C3 –
Sgt. Rivera – E. Rodriguez
Aurora Blvd – Marcos Hwy
Sampaloc Rd – Manila East
Rd – Pililla WF Gate 1 .

Rotor weight – 45 tons

Nacelle weight – 72 tons
Tower weight – 165 tons
Wind power in Southeast Asia and Philippines

Southeast Asia
1. Thailand – Targeting 1.2 GW of installed wind capacity by 2021 under its alternative
energy development plan. Thai government subsidies wind power by
supplementing the standard electricity tariff with ($.15/kwh) for projects
below 50 MW. (from Windpowermonthly )
2. Taiwan – Last 2012, installed 57 MW of new capacity, all onshore.
(from Windpowermonthly)
3. Vietnam – Targeting 1 GW wind by 2020 and 6.2 GW by 2030. FIT rate was introduced
in 2011. As of 2013, a total of 36 MW total installed capacity.
(from Windpowermonthly)
4. Philippines – Presently, atleast 400 MW was commissioned from wind power.
Considered as the wind power capital in Southeast Asia.
Potential wind capacity of 2,345 MW by 2025 – DOE.
Where are the top 10 best locations for wind development in the world?

1. Brandenburg, Germany
2. Castile La Mancha, Spain
3. Castile and Leon, Spain
4. Lower Saxony, Germany
5. Inner Mongolia, China
6. Texas, United States
7. Iowa, United States
8. Saxony Anhalt, Germany
9. Galicia, Spain
10. Tamil Nadu, India

Why? 1. Feed In tariff 4. Tax Breaks

2. Government Support / Permit privileges
3. Excellent wind resource (Source:Windpowermonthly)
Thank you very much!

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