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Question Bank

1. Postings in a Company Code are done in G/L account of

a) Consolidation Chart of Accounts

b) Operative Chart of Accounts

c) Country Chart of Accounts

d) All of the above

2. Posting to a G/L Account is controlled by

a) Account Group of the G/L account

b) Field Status Group in the Chart of Accounts segment

c) Field Status Group in the Company Code segment

d) All of the above

3. In SAP FI, what are the organizational elements?

a) Company Code

b) Business Area

c) Chart of Account

d) All of these

4. What are the components of R3 system with respect to three tier architecture?

a) Database, Application, Presentation

b) Development, quality, production

c) Demo, training, sandbox

d) Ms, icm, gn

5. You can post transactions to an account in any currency only if

a) Account currency is not maintained

b) Account currency is same as local currency of the Company Code

c) Account currency is different from Company Code currency

d) Under all circumstances

6. If we are using the same Chart of Account in more than one Company Code

a) The Company Code segments are same in all company codes

b) The account name and account number is the same in all Company Codes

c) The currency in Company Code segment in all Company Codes is the same

d) The group account number is different in all Company Codes

7. The views maintained For Vendor Master Data are

a) General Data, Company Code Data

b) General Data, Company Code Data, Purchasing data

c) General Data, Company Code Data, Business Area Data

d) General Data, Company Code Data, Business Area Data, Plant Data

8. Every Company Code can have following combinations as Chart of Accounts (CoA)

a) One Operating CoA and many Group CoAs

b) Many Operating CoAs, One Group and One Alternate CoA

c) One Operating CoA and One Alternate CoA

d) One Operating, One Group and One Alternate COA

9. Each G/L Account Code in Group CoA can be mapped to following no. of Account Codes in Operating CoA

a) Only One Account Code

b) Maximum Three Account Codes

c) Many Account Codes

d) Cannot be mapped

10. Retained Earnings Account is ______

a) Specific to Company Code

b) Specific to Client

c) Specific to Chart of Accounts

d) None of the above

11. Transaction Code for Customization





12. What is posting key and what does it control?

a) Account Types

b) Types of Posting (Debit or Credit)

c) Field Status of transaction

d) All of these

13. While creating a sample account, following information may be entered

a) Only company code segment data

b) Only COA segment data

c) Both CoA segment and Company Code segment data

d) Only account control and account management data from Company Code segment

14. Depreciation postings can be executed

a) Through Background processing (batch input session)

b) Direct FI postings

c) Any one of the above

d) None

15. Which object has to be used to avoid a change of Reconciliation Account in the customer's master data?

a) The Field Status of the activity

b) The Field Status of the Posting Key

c) The Field Status group of the Reconciliation Account

d) The Field Status of the Customer Account group

16. A document can have ______________ Maximum Line items?

a) 999

b) 1

c) 9

d) 9999

17. Segment is derived from

a) Client

b) Cost Center

c) Profit Center

d) Company Code

18. Posting Key of a line item controls (3 correct answers)

a) Document type

b) Account type

c) Field status

d) Items of credit and Debit

19. Account number of Vendor is created at?

a) Master data

b) Client level

c) Cost

d) Profit center

20. Combination of Hide and Required for a field under different Field Status Variants for a Account will
result in?

a) Warning

b) Error

c) All of the above

d) None

21. What is the priority followed in Field Status Variant application?

a) DROH (Display, Required, Optional and Hide/Supress)

b) HDRO (Hide/Supress, Display, Required and Optional)

c) ROHD (Required, Optional, Hide/Supress and Display)

d) OHRD (Optional, Hide/Supress, Required and Display)

22. Posting Period Variant used for

a) To control which accounting period is open for posting

b) To define the fields

c) Both

d) None

23. A user posts a wrong document in GL accounts. What can be done to correct the mistake?

a) The user can create a reverse posting. If the posting period of the original posting is already closed

b) Delete the posts that are created

c) Create an entry again and post it

d) None of the above

24. What are One-time Vendors?

a) Vendors that need to posted one time

b) Vendors with only a few transactions

c) Both

d) None

25. Tolerance groups are applied for?

a) Vendors and Customers

b) General Ledger

c) Employee Group

d) All of the above

26. Field Status Group is mainly used for

a) To define which fields are displayed while posting the transactions to GL a/c?

b) It controls fields during master record Posting GL master

c) It controls line items during document posting

d) All of the above

27. You post a G/L document. For the Text field, the Field Status of the Posting Key is set to Required Entry
and the Field Status of the G/L account is set to Hidden Entry. What happens during posting?

a) An error message is shown

b) A warning message occurs

c) Both occurs

d) None of the above

28. Phases of SAP Implementation Project:

a) Project Preparation-Business Blueprint-Realization-Final Preparation-Golive

b) Business Blueprint- Project preparation – Realization – Final preparation- go live

c) Realization- Golive – Project Preparation – Final Preparation – Business Blueprint

d) Final Preparation – Project Preparation – Realization – Business Blueprint - Golive

29. Which line item field is filled automatically by the sort key field of a master record (G/L Account,
Customer, or Vendor)?

a) Text

b) Business Area

c) Assignment

d) None of the above

30. The infrastructure of people, information, process &application integration refers to?

a) Net weaver

b) Web As

c) SAP Net weaver

d) Sap ixp

31. Two Company Codes use the same Chart of Accounts. Can an account be defined as a Balance Sheet
Account for one Company and as a P&L statement account for another Company?

a) No, because this characteristic is defined at Chart of Account level

b) Defined at Client level

c) Both

d) None of the above

32. What is the T code for viewing report screen of Customer?

a) FBL3N

b) FBL1N

c) FBL5N

d) FBL6N

33. What is Field Status Variant used for?

a) It helps in deletion of fields

b) It defines the fields while posting to the GL

c) Both are correct

d) Both are incorrect

34. FS00 is used for?

a) Ledger posting

b) Ledger creation

c) Ledger report

d) None of the above

35. OX02 is used for

a) Creating Business Area

b) Creating parent Company

c) Creating Company Code

d) Assigning parent Company to Company Code

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