Employee Engagement and Employer Branding: Final Project

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Final Project

Student Name: Shradha Lawande

Roll No.: DM20C47
Company Name: Godrej FMCG
Submitted To: Dr. Rajalakshmi M
Table of Content

 Page Template
 Career Page Explained
 Strategies For Employer Branding (External)
 Strategies For Employer Branding (Internal)
 10 innovative employee engagement idea to retain and motive employees

 Employee Engagement Survey in Covid-19

Page Template

Career page highlights are-

1. Gallery Tab

This action button will take the user to the page where there are pictures of employees,
how does working at Godrej looks, pictures of events, rewards and events. This will help
the user understand how the work cultures of the company looks like and will help in
building Employer Branding as well.

2. Internship Tab

This will help in attracting the fresher who will be keening looking for an internship. This
tab will have testimonies of students who has already completed the internship and the
profile the worked on and how was their experience working with Godrej FMCG.

3. Blogs

Blogs will be the highlights for this page as it will have blogs written by the employees
who currently working the organization on topics such as “A day at working in Godrej”,
“My journey as a fresher with Godrej”. “Why did I choose to work with Godrej over
other FMCG” etc. This will help the user hear directly from the current employees and
have better understanding of the organization.

4. Employee Testimonies

It will have a few feedbacks and reviews from the current employees to attract the active
candidates in the market.

5. Employee Engagement Scores

There are lot of people who are data oriented and numbers help them understand the
actual state of the EVP. So puts some stats such as Employee Engagement Score,
Diversity Ratio, HR ratio etc will help in building a better EVP.

Strategies for Employer Branding (External)

6. Employer Ambassadors
Involving employees as brand ambassadors. It requires finding engaged employees to
speak out about the company and the workplace. This can be one of the most effective
and cost-efficient recruiting tools available.

7. Gamification
Employers are increasingly looking to games and new technology as a means of
immersing people in real-life challenges that demonstrate their job skills and
simultaneously engage candidates with the employer. Some companies hire game
developers within their recruitment budgets.

8. Social Media
Proactive companies encourage employees to use social media, to attract the next
generation that is Gen Z Company should post actively on their social media pages such
as Facebook, Intagram, etc.

9. Align the employer brand with the overall company brand

Work with the marketing and communications groups to ensure a holistic branding

10. Develop and use metrics

To assess and track the success of the employer brand. Metrics may include quality of
hire, brand awareness, employee satisfaction, employee referrals or other metrics.

11.Make use of the current situation

Like in case of Covid-19 make to showcase what changes were made in the working
style, how employees were supported in this time, ask employees to share their stories of
working in the pandemic and working from home.

12.Keep Current employees happy

To attract more talent by employee referral make sure that the current employees are
happy by making them engage in the organization, giving better working condition,
work- life balance, friendly and supportive management. This will help in attracting the
talent and set an employer brand by ‘Word of Mouth’.

Strategies for Employer Branding (Internal)

13.Office and workplace

Make sure to have a friendly and open work culture where employees feel at comfort.
These two are company’s showcase. They reflect the spirit of the company.

14.Perks and benefits

Give good perks and benefits such as Healthcare benefits, sports club membership,
company breakfasts etc. They aren’t the most important benefits, but they can make a
difference for a candidate who has to choose between two similar offers between two
different companies.

15.Company events

There are two kinds of employer branding events: internal and external. Internal events
are the great tool to bond the team and show people, that the company cares and external
ones are the perfect medium to show off a little bit and spread the company image among
potential employees.

16.Awards & Rewards

Awards give people motivation for their further development. Use them wisely and they
will pay off. This keeps the employee engage and helps in building a good EVP.

17.Feeling of belongingness

Give gifts and merchandise with company logo and motto. Wearing something that has
the company name on it gives the feeling of belongingness and association of the
employee with the brand name.

18.Ask employees to express

Ask employees to express how they feel about the company and working in the office in
form of blogs, videos, vlogs etc.

10 innovative employee engagement idea to retain and motive

1- Idea Management System

According a Gallup survey 7 out 10 employees feels that their inputs in the organization
are not heard and taken into consideration. To help employees engage idea management
system should be build where employees can put their thoughts and suggestion and they
will be taken care of by the HR department.

2- Recognizing employee behavior

Have awards and rewards based on employee’s behavior in the organization towards
peers, manager, ground staff and customers. This will engage them in have a good and
friendly behavior in the working place.

3- Engage employee’s family as well

Have events like family days where employees can get their families to work place as
well and get to meet families of other peers as well. This will show that the company not
only cares about the employee but their families as well.

4- Celebrate small occasions

Celebrate small occasion such as small achievements, birthdays, festivals will make
employees to look forward to office to work and have fun as well.

5- Cross Trainings

Arrange common event/ trainings from different departments such as finance depart can
conduct a training on “How to invest wisely”, HR depart can keep a training on “How to
write a CV”, Marketing department can arrange a training on “How to approach a client”
and so on.

6- Cross Working

Working in the same job for a long can become boring to employees to keep their interest
in the organization giving them opportunities to work in different department will help
them keep their interest intact.

7- Family Hiring

Encourage employees to refer their family members to work with the company. When an
employee has a family at work place they might be more involved in their work and be
more engaged.

8- Take care of their other talents

Make sure to give employees to showcase their talent apart from their work such as some
employee can be good at dance, singing, playing an instrument etc. Make sure to give
them space where they can show case these talents as well.

9- Team Outing

To understand employees better there should be regular team outing as well where
employees can connect with each other apart from work as well. If they have a friend at
work they will be more engaged in the organization.

10- Regular surveys and feedbacks

Make sure to have weekly feedback and engagement surveys so that we get to know if
the steps taken by the department are falling the right direction and if employees are
actually happy working the organization.

10 | P a g e
Employee Engagement Survey in Covid-19

1- Name
2- Age
3- Working Mode
4- Department
Q1- Do you feel more stress working from home?
-Prefer Not to Answer

Q2- Do you prefer working from home or office?

-Prefer Not to Answer

Q3- Are your inputs are taken care of in the current scenario?
-Prefer Not to Answer

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Q4- Do you feel you are well supported to do your work?
-Prefer Not to Answer

Q5- Have you face any Covid symptoms in last 3 days?

-Yes (Please Specify)
-Prefer Not to Answer

Q6-Do you feel you’ve been able to learn and grow in the last few months?
-Prefer Not to Answer

Q7- What are the biggest challenges you are facing while WFH?
-Physical workplace
-Internet connectivity
-Too much distraction at home
-Commutation with coworker is harder
-Other ___________________

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Q8- How would you rate your mental wellbeing right now?

Q9- Are you facing issues with your alined manager?

-Yes (Please Specify)
-Prefer Not to Answer

Q10- Do you feel you are able to take your regular breaks?
-Strongly Disagree
-Strongly Agree

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