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Paper:- Math’s Class:-One

Name:________________ R.NO:_______

Total Time:- 3HRS Total Marks:-100

Q.1 Choose the correct option.

1. 8-4=
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6
2. 7+2=
a) 6 b) 9 c) 8
3. What comes between 49____51.
a) 53 b) 51 c) 50
4. What comes after 30__.
a) 16 b) 41 c) 31
5. 10+5=
a) 14 b) 15 c)17
6. 4x2=
a) 8 b) 10 c) 6
7. Who is the smallest number ?
a) 9 b) 16 c) 5
8. 10-6=
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6
9. 10+10+10=
a) 20 b) 30 c) 40
10. 5x5=
a) 35 b) 25 c) 15

Q:1 Solve the following question.

1. 4 2. 3 3. 5
+ 2 + 7 + 5

4. 5 5. 3

+ 3 + 2

Q2:- Solve the following questions.

1. 4 2. 3 3. 5
- 2 - 7 - 3

4. 2 5. 6

- 3 - 2

Q3. Solve the following questions.

5 6 5 3 7

x 2 x 4 x 6 x 5 x 2

Q4. Write tables of (3) and (5) marks:-30

3x1= 5x1=

3x2= 5x2=

3x3= 5x3=

3x4= 5x4=

3x5= 5x5=

3x6= 5x6=

3x7= 5x7=

3x8= 5x8=

3x9= 5x9=

3x10= 5x10=

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