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Pontifical and Royal = University of Santo Tomas g ‘The Cao Unive ofthe Pines Espana, Mana 3 y COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE Building Technology@ 3 Reinforced Concrete Construction Ah Rat Cura i Reinforced Concrete Concrete in which steel reinforcement is embedded in such a ‘manner that the two materials act together in resisting forces Aso called Beton arme, Ferroconcrete. Plain Concrete Concrete having no reinforcement, or inorced only for drying shrinkage or thermal stresses, Ferroceront Constructed of cement- sand mortar over wire mesh that has been preshaped overa mold, Cast-in-Place Conerete, Cast in-situ, In-situ Concrete Concrete which is deposited inthe place where it is required to harden 2s part ofthe structure, as opposad to precast concrete Reinforcerent AA syslem of steel tars, sands or wites for absorbing tensile, Shearing and sometimes compressive stresses in a concrele member or siuctue, Deformed Bar A reinforcing bar hot-rlled with surlce deformations to develop a ‘reater bond with concrete, Tension Peintoroement Reinforcemer designed ta absorb tensile stesses. Compression Reinforcement Feinforcament designed to absorb compressive siresses. Balanced Section AA concrete secton in which the tension reinforcement theoretically Teaches its specified yield srengih as the concrete in compression ‘reaches its assumed ultimate ain. A design so proportional such that (he madrum stesses in the concele aid sles! ae reach Simultaneously so that hay fl ogeter Ovencintorced Section ‘Aconcrete sectin in which the concrete in compression reaches, its assumed ultimate stain before the tension reinforcement ‘eaches its soci yield srengn, This isa dangers condition ‘hoe fare ofthe section could occur instantaneously without warning, This type of design is nat advisable because concrete fils abrupt in compression Underrinorced Section ‘concrete section in which the tension reinforcement reaches its Specified yield strength betore the concrete ln compression Teaches its assumed ultimate sain, This is a desirable condiion since ‘site of the section would be preceded by lage detonation, aiving prior warning of impending collapse In this particular type of design, resto! ts first ile the cancel has not ye reached its allowable valves but the fale is gradual with Sioa ying ‘Assumptions in Hastic Theory in Concrete 1. Plane section remains plane before and ster bending occurs, 2. Concrete is elastic; that is the stress of concrete varies tram 280 he noutel axis o-amandmum atthe exteme fibers, ‘8. Concrete snot good in crying lension and ody the steal bas ar cerying all the stresses Gu to bending which i nian 4. Thee must be no siopage between cance and size bars Historical Note: ln 1867, Joseph Monier (Face) used the concept of ion reinforcing tars (evar) wien he reinforced ‘Wiliam Ward's (US) flower pots using wre. Boam A ‘igld structural member designed to cary and transfer transverse loads across space io suppotting elements, ‘Simple Bear Fefers to 2 beam having a single span supportd atts nd without ‘restraint at tne support. ‘Semi-continuous Beam eles to a beam with two spans with or wihout restraint atthe two etre ends. Cantlever Bear ‘A beam supported on one end and the ciher end projecting beyond the suppor, beam or wal Continuous Beam ‘A term appa to a beam that rests on moe an two supports Team Patt of te floor and beam unit when poured sinulanesusly theteby producing @ monolithic srucure where the potion of fe Sa at oth sides ofthe beam serves as anges of sich beer, Reinforead Concrele Beam ‘A concrete beam designed to act together with longitudinal and Web ‘reinforcement in resisting applied forces, formed and placed along withthe sta it supports. Beam Nemenclature lective Depth of Seton The depth of a concrete section measwed trom the compression face tothe centroid of Be tension reinforcement, to-center spacing of pace! bars, the resuling clear stance between he bas being requaed by bar clamor, ‘maxinum size of coarse aggrenae, and fikness ofthe concreta section, ‘Span of Supports Refers tothe distances between posts, columns or supporting walls, Concrete Cover The amount of concrete required to protet ste reinforcement rom fre and corosicn, measuied rom the sua of the reinforcement to ‘he outer surface othe conctete section, Bond The adhesion between two substanes, as concrete and reinforcing ba Bond Stress ‘The adhesive force par unit aoa of contac between & enforcing tar and the surrounding concrete developed at any section ofa tixual ‘member. Development Length ‘The lengh of embedded reinforcement required to develoo the design stengh of reinforcement a2 cial section, Enbecment Length nati of embeded reinforcement provide bayonda crtical section Ed Anchorage Lengh of reinforcerent or mechanical anchor or heck. or cebinaton there beyond point fa sess in inka Hook ‘A bend or cure given to the end ef a tension bar to develop an quivalet erbedent length, used wher there i insufcen room te develop an embodtrent feng, Longitudinal Reinforcement Reinforcement essantally parallel othe hoizantal surlace ota seb othe lng ais ofa conrete bear o clu Percentage Reinforcement Tha ratio of etectve area of reniorcement to efecine aa of concrete at any secon of aein‘orced concrete member, exressec as aperoentaze. Top aa Any ofthe longtucnal bars serving as tension reinforcement fn the sect ofa conerateDeam or sla subject to ¢ negative moment. Bottom Bar ‘Ay ofthe longtuinal bars serving 2s tension reinforcement in the section ofa concrete beam or sib subject to positive moment. Wieb Reinforcement Reinforcement consisting of bont bars or stiups, placed in a concrete beam to resist agora tension, Bent Ba ‘longitudinal bar bent to an angle of 90° or mare with the axis of the coreete beam, perpendicular to and intersecting fhe cracking thal coud occur fom dagoraltnsion Bend Reinforcing Bars Reinocing bars thal re bent upon or near he infection point and are exended a the lop ofthe beam arcs the suppot towazes the adjacent spn. No Bent Bars Ba thal ae nol bent, an addtional staight reinforcing bas placed (on the top ofthe bedam aeoss the supports tothe reuied length and ofer straight additional bars are also placed at te bottom center ofthe beam span where postive moment develops. Toss Br ‘longitudinal bar Dent up or down at pnts of mornent reversal ina reinforced concrete beam. stieup Any of ie U-shape or closed-loop bats placed perancicular tothe longitudinal reinforcement of 2 concreto beam to resist he verte! component of agonal tension. Buiking Code Reireents Reinforced Conc (401 318-77) ‘Standard for Tests and Materials Cements Cement shall conform to one ofthe following specifications for Portland Cement: 4. Specifications for Portland Cement (ASTM 150) 2. Specifications for Blended Hydraulic Cemenis (ASTM C 595), excluding Types S and SA which are not intended as Principal constituents of structural concrete. ‘Admintures 1. Admidures to be used in concrte shall be subjact to prior approval by the Engineer, 2. An adminture shall be shown capable of maintaining essentaly the same composition and performance throughout the work as the product used in establishing conctete proportions. 3. Admmicures containing chloride ions shall not be used in prestressed concrate containing aluminum embedments if {hetr use wil produce deleterious concentration of chloride in the mising water. Aggregates Concrete aggregates shall coniorm to one of the following specifications: 1. Spectications for Concrete Aggregates (ASTM C 33) 2, Specifications for Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete (ASTM C 330) Nominal maximum size of aggregates shall not be larger than: 4.1 the narrowest dimension betwoen sides of forms, nor 2.18 he depth of slabs, nor 3. 3/4 the ‘maximum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars, or prestessing tendons or ducts, Water» 4. Waler used in'misng concrete shal be clean and free rom injurious amounts of oils, aids, alas, salls, organic rmalerals or olher substances that may be dolelenous to ‘concrete of reinforcement 2. Mixing water for presiressod concrete or concote that wil conlain aluminum embedments, inctiding thal portion of mixing waler contibuted inthe form of free moisture on aggregates shall not contin daleerious amounts of chloride ions, Metal Reinforcement 1. Relnforcoment stall be deformed minforcement, except tha plain reinforcement may be used for spirals or tendons; and reinforcement consisting of sinictural ste, sleo pipe, steel tubing may be used. 2. Reinforcement to be welded stall be indicated in the Grawings and welding procedure to be used shall be specifi. Reinforcement Details Standard Hook ‘A.90", 136° 07 180° bend made atthe end of a reinioreing bar according to industry standards wth radius based on the bar diameter. ‘Standard Hooks (NSCP, 4th ed, 1992) 1, 180" bend plus 4ab extension, bul not les than 65 mm at free end of tar. 2. 80° bend plus 12d extension, a fre end of bar. For Stimups and Tie Hooks 1. 16 mm bar and smaller, 90° bend pls 6d, exension at free end of bar, 2. 20-mm bar and 26 mm, $0" plus 12d, extansion at free end of bar. 3. 25 mm bar and smaller, 135° bond plus 6d, exiension at free end of bar ‘Minimum Bend Diameters 1. Diameter of bend measured on the inside ofthe bar ther than {or stmups and ties in sizes 10 mm through 15 mm diameter, ‘Shall no be less than indicated onthe table beloy. Minimum Diameters of Bend Ba Sie Nitra Dieter TommTe25 wm, 6g, 28 mm and 2 mm 8d, 38 mu Tog, 2. Insido diameter of bend for stimups and tes shall not be lass ‘han 44, for 16 mm and smaller. 3. Inside diameter of bend in welded wire fabric (plain or deformed) fr stimups and ties shall nol be less than 4d, for deformed wire larga than D6 and 24, for all other wires, Bonds with inside diameter of less than Bd, shall nol be lass than 44, frm nearest welded Intersection Bending 1. All reinforcement shall be bent cold, unless otherise permitted by the Engineer, 2. Reiaforcementpatialy embedded in concrete shall not be field bent, except as shown on the drawings or peried by the Engineer. ‘Surface Conitons of Reinforcement 1. Allime concrete is placed, metal tentorcament shal be free from mud, ll or olher nonmetallic coatings that aversoly atlect bonding capacity. 2. Metal reinforcement, except presressing tendons, wih rst, rill scale or & combination of both shall be considered sallstaclory, provided minimum dimensions and weight of a hand-wire-brushed test specimen are not less than epplicable ASTM specifications requirements. Placing Reinforcement 1, Reinforcement, prestessing tendons and ducts shall be accurately placed and adequately supported before concrete is placed, and shall be secured against displaoement within tolerable imi, 2. Welding of cross bars shall not be permitted for assembly of ‘reinforcement unless olherwise authorized by the Engineer. ‘Spacing Limits for Reinforcement 4. The minimum clear spacing between parallel bars in a tyer shall bo dy but ot ies than 25 mm, 2. Whore parallel reinforoement is placed in two or more layers, bars inthe uppor layer shal be plaved directly ahove bars in the bottom layer wit clear distance between layers nol less than 25 mm, 3. In spirally reinforeed or tied renforced compression members, clear distance between longitudinal ba shall not be lass than 1.5 d, nor more than 40 mm. 4, Clear distance limitation between bars shal apply also tothe clear distance between contact tap splice and adjacent splices or bars. 5. In walls and slabs otter than concrete joist construction, primary flexural weforcement shal be spaced nat father apa an three times the wall or lab thicness nor more than 450 mn, 6. Bundled bars shal be dne in following manner 8.1 Groups of parallel reinforcing bars bundled in contact to acts a uni shall be limited to four in any one bund, 6.2 Bundled bars shall be enclosed within slimups oF tas. 6.3 Bar largor than 22 mm shall not be bundled in beams. 6.4 Individual bars within a bundle terminated within tho span of flewal members shll terminate at diferent points with at least Ody stagger 6.5 Where spacing limiations and minimum concrete cover are based on bar dlametar da unit of bunded bars shall be trated asa single tar of lameler dered from the equivlent (ola area Concrete Protection for Reinforcement Concrete Cover ‘The amoiunt of concrete required to protect steel rinforcemont from tie and corosion, measured from the surlace of the ‘reinforcement tothe outer surface of the concrele section, ‘Schedule of Minimum Concrete Cover Castin place Concrele (Non-prestressed) Minimum Cover (mm) Conerele cast agains and emanenty exposed eath % CConctele posed o ca or wea 20mm frough 36mm bars ‘16mm bw, W31 of O31 wire and small Bs ‘Gonetelendl oposedin weaher orm contac wth ound: ‘Slabs, Walls, oii, 32 mm tar and smaller ‘Beane, Column: Primary ‘reinforcement te, sirups, spirals Shel, Fotied Pele membes 20mm ba ang ager 46 mm bar, W31 oF smaller 1 Wire and Precasl Cone (vanuiacred Under Pint Cntol Conon) ‘Concrete epnsed to ea or wear Wall panels: 32mm bar and emaler Other Manes 20 mm ba through 32 mem bar 16 mm br, W31 o 81 Wie snd smallor 0 ‘Concrete nck exposed io wealer of contact with ground: ‘Slabs, Walls Joists: 32mmba and sail 15 Beams, Columns: Primary Reinforcement but nol ess than 15 and eed not exceed 40 Ties, Straps, Spira’s 10 ‘Shells, Flded Plate menbers 20 mmbsr and ager 16 mmbar, Wt or B21 Wire, and smaller 5 10 Presiexad Ome Tainan Cover {ina Conerete cas against and perenenly eposed io eth % ‘Concrete xpased ta carb or wealhar Wall Pan, Slabs, Jost Other Members| ‘Concrete nol exposed to wader or contac wih round: Slabs, Wals, Joists Beans, Coluras: Primary Reinforcement Tes, Stirups, Spas ‘Shells, Folded Pate Member: 16 mm ba, W31 of O31 Wie, and smaller (Other Reinforcement Src Nn Cruel Co ol be Pio Reinforced Concrete Column 10 4, but not ss than 20 ies WSOP ‘A concn designed to act together with vertical and lateral reinforcement in resisting applied forces. Reinforced concrete column constituting the principal supports fr a floor or root should have a minimum diameter of 10 in (254 mm) or if rectangular in section, a minimum thicness of 8 in (203 mm) and 3 minimum gross are ot 96 sq, in (61935 sq. mm). ‘Shor Colum A colurm having an ursupporied height nt grealr than 10 tins the shortest letra dension of he oss section, Long Colum ‘When the unsupporte height is more than 10 times the shortest lat dimension of he cross socin Tied Column ‘A concrete column reinforced with vertical bars and individual lateral fies. Laleral ies should have a diamelr of al least 10 mm ‘398 in.) spaced apart not more than 48 lie diameters, 16 bar iameters or the least dimension ofthe column section. Vertical Reintrcement Longtusina reinforcement placed in cancete colin to absorb Compressive skesses, resist bending stresses and reduce the effects of erep and sinkage inthe column, ale Peinforcerent Splat reinoroement or ler ies placed in a concrete column to lateral estan he vatical enforcement an prevent icing Spit Reinforcement ater reinforcement consisting ofan evenly spaced continucus spiral held fy in place by vertical spacers. Bundled Reinorcerent Rinforement employed consisting of two to fou bars tid in rect contact with each other to sane or act as one unit reinforcement placed al the comer of lateral es. Lateral Reinforcement for Compression Members Lateral Ties 1. All nonprestrossod bars shall be enclosed by lateral ties, al Jeasl 10 mm in sie for longitudinal bars 32 mm or smaller, and al last 12 mm in size for 36 mm and bundled longitudinal has, Deformed wire or wolded wire fabric of equivalent area is allowed. 2. Vertical spacing of tes shall not exceed 16 longitudinal bar diameter, 48 tio diameters, or least dimension of ‘the ‘compression member. 3. Ties shall be aranged such that wary comer and altemate longitudinal bar have lateral support provided by the comer ofa tie with an included angle of nol more than 135 degrees and no bar shall be farter than 150 mm clear on each side along the tie from sucha laterally supported bar. Whore longtulnal bars are located around the perimeter of acecle, a complete circular tie isalowed. 4. Ties shall be localed vetially not more than 1/2 a tie spacing ove the top of footing of slab in any slry, and shall ‘be spaced as provided herein fo nol more than 1/2a te spacing below the lowest horizontal reinforcement in slab or drop panel above, 5, Where beams or brackets frame from four directions into a column, ties may be temminated not more than 75 mm below ‘owest reinforcement in sallowest of such beams or brackos, ACI Spectication for Avaly Loaded Tied Columns Particulars Remarks Min. Gross sachona aa OF | 60,000 ma colum Ag Minimum —tiekness oF | 200 mm coum Minimum covering of | Ta estan arm 2 Not less than 15 times the max, | sizeof coarse agorogaia | Winiiom Garnet of teal | 10 mm ciameter ties (eral ies pag 1. Retmora tha 16 bar ameter 2 Nol mor than 48 te daneter 3. Nat mere than the east dimension of cour lear dstnce betvean | Not less Tray 16 times the bar horizontal ars déameter nor less than 15 ties tne mak s.r of coarse aggregate Mima ramberofbas —|-4~ 16mm dameler a (rao of oss rob. aea | 001-007 to gross cuss. sectional ea) ut aan Cars tae RS) Spiral Column AA cconcrete column wit spiral wnorcement enclosing a circular ore reinforced with vertical bars, ‘AC\ Specification for Avially Loaded Spiral Column Paticulrs Remars ] inimiom diane 0mm, Za} ‘inenum giants of sal] 10 mm ameter ties ‘Spating of sel tes Nat mor an 75 2. Notless han 25 min 43. Nat less han 15 tes he size of oars aggreaio 4.1/6 core deter ‘Nininum rormbarofbars [6-16 mm darter Clear distance between 7. Nor less than 15 IMs bar longitcinal bas diameter 2. Nol ess an 1.5 times max, sie of coarse aggre Pato of gossrent wea | 0.01 -0.08 to goss ross secon aree of coum) ‘Saute: Amana Corea alte POY Lateral Reinforcement for Compression Members Spit Reinforcement 1. Spirals shal consist of evenly spaced continuous bar of of such size and so assembled to permit handling and placing Without distortion ftom designed dimensions. 2. For cast-in-place constuction, size ot spirals shall not be {ess than 10 mm diamter. 43, Clear spacing between spirals shall not exceed 75 mm nor less than 25 mm, 4. Anchorage of spiral reinforcement shall be provided by 1 4/2 era tums of spiral bar or wire at each end of a spiral uit 5. Splicos in spiral reinforcement shall be lap splices of 48db but nt less than 300 mm or welded. 6, Spirals shall extend trom top of focting or slab in any story to level of lowest horizontal reinforcement in members supported above, 7, Where beams or brackets do not frame int all sides of a ‘column, ties shall extend above termination of spiral to bottom cof slab or drop panel. 8, In columns with capitals, spirals shall extend to a level at which the diameter or width of capital is two times tht ofthe column. 9. Spirals shall be hed firmly in place and tue to line Compost Column A type of column where structural slee! is embedded into concrete co0'@ ot spiral column, Combined Column ‘column with a structural sleel encased ina concrete of atleast 7 cm thick reinforced with wite mesh surrounding the columan at 4 distance of 3 cm inside the outer sure of the concrele ‘covering. Lally Colum ‘fabricated post made of stee! provided with a plain tat siee! ‘ar of plate which hotds girder, grt or bear. The ste! pipe is sometimes filled with concrete for additional strength and rolection from must or corrosion, ‘Special Reinforcement Details for Columns Offset Bars 4. The slope of an inclined portion ofan oftset bar with axis of column shall not exceed 1 in 6. 2. Portions of bar above and below an offset shall be parallel to axis of column, ‘3. Horizontal support at offset bends shall be provided by lateral ties, sprels or pats of floor construction. Horizontal support provided shall be designed to resist 1 1/2 times the horizontal Component ofthe computed force in the Inclined portion of an offset bar. Lateral ties or spirals, if used shall be placed not ‘more than 150 mm from points of bend, 4 Otfset bars shall be ben! before placement of fom. 5. Where a column is ofset 75 mm or greater, longitudinal bars ‘hall not be offset bent. Separate dowels, lap splices with the longitudinal bers adjacent to the offset column faces shall be provided, Notes on Concrete Columns. 1. Colurans shall be of the sizes indicated in the schedule or as. etaled in drawings and reinforced as shown, with daformed bars only. Vertical bars of columns shall have & 90° bend and ‘anchored at the supporting footing or other supposing member. 2. Concrele protective covering from the face tothe reinforcing steel shall be 40 mm. Splices of vertical bars stall be staggered as“much as possible, localed preferably at the ‘middie hati of the column height. Not more than allemate bars ‘hall be spliced at any one level. Bar splices. may be lapped: Splices, or electrically butt welded that can develop the full capacity of te bar. 3. The spacing of lateral ties shown in the schedule are ‘Maximum spaciig which shall be used only outside the |heighis and away from joints, where a reduced ‘spacing of not ‘more than 0.10 meter on center is required, The distance ‘which is measured upward from top of footing or floor lines, ‘and downward ftom bottom and ceapest beam ‘of girder, shall be the largest of the following: (1) maximum column: 2 ‘one-sivth (1/6) ot the clear height of the ‘column; and (3) 457 ‘mm (18 inches). 4. ff the column is reduced in size at an ‘upper floor, the vertical ‘bars of the column from the lower floor may be crimped of offset to the new position at the ‘upper column if the horizontal distance between the two positions is not ‘more than 75 mm (3 inches). in crimping or offsetting the bars, the angle of ‘bend shall not be more than one horizontal to six vertical (1:8). Extra fateral ties shall be Drovided at the lower end of ‘the bend to care of at least 1.25 of the outside thrust caused tty the inctined position of the bar, and this may be satislied bby providing at least two extra ‘hoops to bold the bent bars at the beginning of the bend, these ‘hoops spaced close together. 5. Lateral ties and spirals shall be Provided for the vertical bars of the column within the depth of the beams and/or girders at ‘the intersection with the column and ‘Spaced not more than 0.10 meter on centers, ‘Minimum Thickness of Non-presressed Beams Noles on Goncrete Beams 1. The clear stance from the bar to the father face of the wall ‘shall not be less than 4 bar diameters (4d) if reinforcing bars end ina wall 2. Bars may be bundled in twos, threes, fours, as indicated on ‘rawings, such bundled bars shall be securely wired together {o prevent them from separaing, 53. Use 25 mm separator at 1/m apart fortwo or more layers of ‘reinforcing bars, withthe bars not bundled, 4. Beam renforcing bars supporting sib reinforcement shall be 25 mm clear fom the botom ofthe fish. The clear concrete Covering between ihe face of the beam al the Bottom ofthe sides shall be 350 mm. ‘5. When the beam crosses a glider, rest beam bars on lp of sider bars. 6. Boar reinforcing bars shall ba symmetrical about the vertical ‘ais whenever possible, and 2bout the centerline at midspan 2xoopt for end spans and where otherwise shown 7. Stirups for rectangular beams without flanges shall be closed stmups. Stimups forte beams wih flanges on one side only stall Mkewise be closed stiup. Stimups for tee beams with flanges on both sides may be U stimups. U stinups may be placed in altemating inverted and upright postion, Floor System The horizonial planes that supports both lve loads and dead loads and transfer their loads: horizontally across to a beam column orto load- bearing walls ive Load Fetes to those movable loads imposed onthe or such a people, ‘uminge and the ike. Dead Load Felers to the sac lead such as the weight of the constuction materials which generally cary te Ihe oad. nvronmental Load Consist of wind pressure nd suction, earthquake load, rier on flat toof and forces caused by temperare changes or dftentas Reinforced Concrete Slab Atigid planar structure of ooncret designed to act together with Principal and secondary reinforcements in resisting applied forces, Slab Nomenclature Principal Reitercement Feinfrcement designed to absoro the stesse rom applied kaos and moments. Shrinkage Reivorcoment Reinforcement laced perpendicular to he principal retvorcemert in a one-ay st to absorb the sbeses resting from shinkage o¢ changes in temperature. Also called Temperature enforcement Concrete Topping ‘thin layer of high-qualiy concrete placed ovr a concrete frm 2 floor surace Bonding Layer A thin layer of mortar speed ona moistened and pepred exsing concrete surface pio to leyng anew coneee sab, Expansion sont A jit gap between adjacent pats ofa bulcing or stuctre or conctete work which panmils Heir ralatva movement eo temperate changes (or other condiions) witeat ruphre or damage, Aso called Conraton Jon. ‘ConsnuctonJont Alt where two success pacemenis of concrete mec, {solion Joint Ott caled Expansion Joint, it lows movement betwesn concrete ‘18 and ajoring colurms ang walls of balding, Control Joint loin that creates lines of wesiness so that cracking that my resuit ‘om tense svess occurs ong preceleined lines, One-nay Slab A concrete sla of uniform thickness reinforced in one direction and cast integrally with pall suppoting beams, One-way slabs are suitable ony for eatvely shot spans. This type of ‘lab I supported by two parallel beams, the beam taming ilo ‘girders in um framing into columns. The reinforcement in the ‘lab runs in one draction ony, from beam to beam, hence the sab is known as One Way Slab, ‘Maximum spacing of main reinforcing bars should nat exceed 3 times the thicess of slab nor 450 mm while the maximum Spacing of temperature bars is fv times the slab thiciness nor ‘more than 450 mm, Min. main enforcing bas = 12 mm @ Min, Terperatue tas = 10nm@ ‘Mex, spating of main bars nal > tan 3 times thidness of sab ot 450mm Max. spacing o emparaure bars not «5 tes bicknss of san 9 450 em Stee! Covering = 20 mm Clear dita tom centr of enforcing bars to the botom of slab = 25 mm Temperature bas: ‘AS ~ 0.002 bor Grade 300 (fy — 300 Ma) ‘AS = 0.0018 bor Grade 400 (ty = 400, ‘Minimum Thickness of On way Sieb Simply Supporte One end continous ‘Both ends continu Cantiewsred = 10 When S/.<0.5, iis one way sb, where: $ shorter span Two-way Slab ‘concrete stab of uniform thicness reiniorced in wo dirotions ‘and cast integrally wit supporting edge beams or beating wals 1 four sides. Two-vay slabs are economical for mecium spans ‘with ilermestate to heary loads S/L OS, its two way slab Min, thicinosst = Perimeter’ 180 ‘Max. spacing of main bars = 3 ot» 450mm ‘Spacing of tars within the col ship is 372 ties te spacing atthe cent ‘Beamm-and-Ginder Slab ‘A0ne-way slab supported by secondary beams which in tum are ‘supported by primary beams or girders, Z Continuous Siab reinforced concrete slab extending as stnitural unit over three oF more supports in a given direction, A continuous slab is Subject to lower bending moments than a series of disoole, simply suppotted slabs, Flat Plate ‘A concrete slab of uniform thickness reinforced in two or more Sirections and supported directly by columns without beams or ders, Fat plates are suitable for shor! to medium spans with ‘ealively light Ive loads. Sine there no colamn capitals or drop nels, shear governs the thickness ofa fa pat, Flat Stab A flat plate thickened at its column supports with column captals and crop panels to increse its shear strength and moment-esisting capacity. Flat slabs are suitable for heavy loaded spans. Waffle Siab A two-way concrete slab reinforced by ribs in two directions. Walle slabs are able fo cany heavier loads and spans longer listanoes than flat slabs. Supporting beams and drop panels can ‘be formed by omiting in selected areas, Precast Conemte Slabs 4 concrel slab member or product thal is cast and cured in a place over than where itis o be installed ina structura, Solid Flat Seb A prec, prestrossed conctele plank sulable ‘er shot spans and tufomiy distributed toot and root leads Hollow-core Stab ‘A boca, resvessed concrete plenkinfomally ered to reduce ead weigh. ellow-core slabs ae suibo for medium t lang ‘bans id uniformly désribue foo and ota, Single Tee A brecas,presressed concrete sieb having a broad, T-shaped section Double Tee ‘Aprecast, prestessed concrete sab having two slems an a broad ‘oss section resembling the capita laters 1. bt Tee A ecast, prediessed ledger bean having oss section resembling an inverted capital Lean A recast, prestesoed ledper beam having a cross section ‘eserbling the capita leter Ledger Beam A teinirced concrete eam having projecting ledges for receiving the ends of jos or slabs. Noes on Concrete Slabs 1. All sla reinforcement shall be 0.02 m, clear from the bottom and 0.015 clear from the top of slab, unless ethenviso indicated or stated in code 2. I wo-nay slabs, the bars along the shot span shal be at the lower layer for bottom bars, and at upper tayer for lp bars so that the bars along the shorer span sll have the bigger lective depth, unless otherwise dozled or noted due lo the contiuly of bars from adjoining spans. 5. In two-8abs, the top reinforcement vera common support two adjacent spans are diferent, the smaller spacing shall be followed at that common support 4. Slab reinforcement shall rest on the reinforcement of the supporting beams, 5. Bas shall be spiced only wie indicated on deals. Sight continuous bars in slabs may be spliced (lapped or welded) at supports fr bottom bars and at midspan for top bars, Noles on Concrete Walls 1. All walls to be reinforced according to the schedule provided in the Working crawing shall be observed unless otherwise specified or indicated on drawings. 2. Reinforcing bars shall be 0.03 m. clear from the face of the Wall except in 0.10 m wall where they shall be al the center, unless otherwise detailed. ‘Schedule of Wall Reinforcement Wall Varical [Horizontal Temas Thiciness Gi0m. | TOmmat | TOmmat —| Afcanar ha 030m | 030m. | Staggered O1Sm | TOmmal | TO | Bot aces, va 030m — | 020m. | outside Om | TOmmat | imma —| Somes vet 030m __| 025m, Outside 025m. | Tamme] 10 mmal | Boih aces, hor, 030m | 025m__| outside LE) amma | i2ama | Bot aces, Far, 030m | 030m. _| ouside Os Yenma__| 12mmat | Boe taes, For. 530m | 030m _| outsce 1a Tamm a |12mmat | Bot faces, to ox0m | 025m __| outsite 1 iémma__| mma | Bot aces, Fer 030m | 025m —_| cutside oH Témma—_[Témmat — | Both ices Fo, o3x0m [030m | outside Foundation Engineering ‘= Foundation The lowest division of a building, its subsiructue, or other Construction, constructed partly or wholly bolow the surface of the ground, designed to support and anchor the Suporsiructure above and transmit its load dlecty to the earth; thal part of the sinicture that supports the weight ofthe structure and transmits the load to underlying sol or rock, Foundation Engineering applies the inowiedge of Mechanics, rock mechanics, geology and’ structural engineering to the design and consiuctin of foundation for buildings and other structures. Shallow Foundation ‘A foundation system type whichis employed when stable soil of adequate bearing capacity occurs relatively near to the round surface, they are placed directly below the lowest pat ofthe sub-stricture and trans bildng loads directly to the ‘supporting soil by vertical pressure. Deep Foundation A foundation system type employed when the soil underying a foundation is unstable fo transfer building loads to a more appropriate bearing stratum of rock or dense sand and gravel well below the superstructure. Footing ‘Tha! prof the foundation bearing dectly upon the supporting Soil, sel below te natura rade line and enlarged to distribute its load over a geater aoa * Tie Beary Footing Tie Beany Grade Beam ‘A teslorced concrete beam distibuing the hriacnia exces ‘tom an eccetically laced ple cap or spread fatng to oer pile caps or foatings; a reinorcd concrete beam supporting a Supersbucture a or near a ground level and tasting Ihe load eoated footings, pes, ops. Supersiructure ‘That part ofa building or structure which is above the level of the adjoining ground or the level ofthe foundation, * Substucture ‘The underying structure forming the foundation ofa builcing or other construction, = Substratum Something that underies or serves as a base or foundation, Also called Substrata. * Soll Pressure/ Contact Pressure ‘The actual pressure developed between the focting and the ‘supporting sol mass, equal fo the quotient of the magnitude ofthe forces and the area of conlat Passive Soil Pressure ‘The horizontal component of resistance developed by a soil ‘mass against the horizonlal movement of a vertical structure Uhrough the sol. It occurs usually a the side of retaining walls between the walls and the surounding soil ‘Active Soil Prossure ‘The horizontal component of pressure that a soil mass exoris| ‘ona vertical retaining wal, * Allowable Bearing Pressure/ Allowable Bearing Capacity Allowable Sol Pressure The maximum unit pressure a foundation is permed to impose vetically o laterally on a supporting soll mass, * Base Course ‘A layer of coarse granular materials placed and compacted on ‘undisturbed soil prepared fill to prevent the capiany rise of ‘moisture toa concrete ground slab, = Consolidation ‘The gradual reduction in the volume of a soil mass resulting from the application of a sustained load and an increase in ‘compressive stress, Primary Consolidation ‘A reduction volume of a soil mass under the action of a Sustained foad, due chiefly to a squeezing out of water from ‘he voids within the mass and a transfer of the load from the ‘oll walor othe soll solids. Also calle Primary Compression ‘Secondary Consolidation AA reduction in volume of a soil mass under the action of a Sustained load, due chiefly to adjustment cf the intemal Stuciure of the soil mass after most of the load has beon transfered from the sol war to soi solid, * Settlement ‘The gradual subsiding ofthe structure as the soil beneath its foundation consolidates under loading, * Differenial Settlement The reiatve movement of parts of a structure causod by ‘uneven sttlement underying solo allure of its foundaticn, Allowable Bearing Capacttios of Various Soils al Pounds |” Kos/m? | Klopasca | —Tons Ghassan | pert fea | Pert (oss) ‘Aiwa sal [000 4581 [sa H Soft Clay 2.000) 37e2—— 107 1 Firm lay [4000 [19564 [215 2 WetSend "4000 | 19.564 [215 2 Send & Chy [4000] T9584 [25 2 FOUNDATION Ema ued PASSIVE EARTH PRESSURE Niet Fam DySand_| 6000 aa [aaa 3 Coase Dy) 8000 | 99,128 — [280 4 Sand Gravel repo sa690 [eae o Gravel Band [15.000 [78258 | 960 8 Well Cemenied Kad or (20000 | rae Tors 0 | Hard Shale Medium Rook | 40000 — | Toa m6 | [a RockUnder~|50000 | 2ag5a5— [2687 25 Catssons Far Rock | Teo 000 | Teze5_| ase [oo * Soll Test, Foundation desig is primarily basod onthe result of subsurface investigation. The technical personnel as to make a reasonably accu conception of the physical properties and arengement of this underiyng soi * Types of Soil Testing and Investigation Methods * ‘Auge Boring Method ‘An auger is used for this purpose where a hole fs bored onthe gruel, ‘Two byes of auger may be used, the Halcal ° Post Hole Auger. Peril helical augers ar avalabe irom 80 to 300 mm. in dame and used for making dooper holes, ‘Wash Boring Method This method empioys the use ot a pio of melel ube 50 mio 100 ‘nm in ciate, used to borehole wit dats ranging fom 1.50 m to 3.0m The tbe or casing is cleared of he sal sample by chopping bit to the lover portion of the wash pipe insered inside the bing of ‘casing. Wale is then used to wash down through the wesh pipe by ‘means of high Velocity pump to rinse the tagments of soi trough ‘he annul space between te tube an the wash pipe. This method i sinila tothe process of instaling an underground water pump wire the pipes cleaned by was pipe and water, * ‘Hollow Stem Auger Baring Metnod Altuck mounted diving rig tums the anger toa dat of more tha 60 ‘mele using continuous fights of auger wih a hollow stem vere ‘savples of sol canbe revived, has an aver wih sizes rangng om 60 mm to 60 mm ciaeter. = Rotary Diting Employed 2s one of he most effcen and corvenent method of soll sample rebieva method and used for soil stuckre characterized by high resistant materials such as rock, clay 28 wall as sand. tary Doting Gameterrenges om 0 mn to 200m, + Percussion Dring Method Sometimes called Cable Too! Diting Method, used when bring or ‘auger method is not possible due to diiculty in peneteion of sil especialy hata sol tla, Panetromeler This i a ceice used to investigate the consistency of echesire deposit ot eltive densty of cobesioness stata witout the necessiy of ling and cbaning samples. Sac penetration is chraceized by ‘consistent and uniotm force or pressure application and Dynamic Denetation when civ into te Soll. Standard panetaon test is done by cropping 260 kg, hammer into ail hoe tom a height of 700 mm, ‘he nurber of biows to make a penton of 300 mm is regaced 29 the penebtion resistance, * Dutch Cone Paneation Matiod ‘A 60 dogee core wit a base area ot 100 sq. mm is used in this ‘athd. Misi atlaced tote tp ota red and protected by a casing The cone fs pushed by the rod into the grasn, fhe cones sighly larger than the pipe in order 1o minimize fiction between te took and ‘he sureunding sol + Vane Shea Test The vane vice for shear testing of cay sll in pace consis of four tcl rectangucr blades at right angles t vertical shat. The vanes ‘hen used into the so and taisted uni the sll fs ruched in a finical form, shear stength is computed om the maximum 'marment need to rupture the sil and thereby oblcning sol sample. * Standard Load Test The follwing i n otne ofthe cad tsi procedure 2s flows: Dug io the ceih of he sol tobe iested usualy the proposed footing evel, The pit wicth should be at last fve times “ie load pl wih, +The square load plate with 2 general dimension of $00 mm x 600 mm is sat on leveled batom of epi "Load on iop ofthe pile must be places on he pil bed and 2 pltirm losded with conctele blocks or bags of cement on top must be Provide. Genoral Guidelines in Foundation Systems Design Depth must be adequate to avoid fatoal expulsion of maloil {rom beneath the foundation, paticulaly footings and mats. * Dept must be below lemperlue volume changes or within the zone of active organic materials. * System mus! be safe agcist overtuming, rotation, sling or sol upture (shear strength lu). * System must be safe agaist corosion or deterioration due to harmful materials present inthe sot * System should be adequale to sustain some changes in later site or constuction geometry or be easily modiie’ should later changes be majrin scope, * The foundation should be economical in tems ofthe methods of instalation or constncton. *= Total earth movements (generalysetlements) and diferent ‘movements should bo tolerable for the foundation element and/or any superstructure eloments. ‘Types of Footings and Foundation Systems * Isolated Footing A single spread footing supporting a feestanding column or bior. ‘Spread Fecing ‘A concite fooling exerded latealy to cstibte the leundaion ‘oad ov 2 wide enough zea tha heal ouable beating capty of supporting scl snot exceeded. TYPES OF FOOTINGS & FOUNDATION SYSTEMS - - COMBINED FOOTING ‘CONTINOUS FOOTING ] ISOLATED FOOTING | STRIP FOOTING |) = RIBBED MAT ] LEVER FOOTING | GRILAGE FLOATING FOUNDATION TEBEAM } ROATING FOUNDATION * Square Block Footing = Mid Footing Comer Feoing * Ege Footing * Square Sloped Footing ‘A type of isolated footing having inclined top, sloping fowards the edges. * Stepped Footing A lype of footing that changes levels in stages. to ‘2ccotnmodate a sloping grade and manta the required dopih at all points around a building with the center having the thickest part ofthe footing. * Rectangular Footing A footing, rectangular in plan and supporting load of ‘unequal magnitudes in both aes. * Combined Footing A reinforced concroto footing fora perimeter column or ‘foundation wall extended to support an inltior column load, Rectangular Combined A ype of combined footing rectangular in plan and Supporting two colurms. Column loeds are assumes a be of the same magnituce, Tapezcidl Combined Footing Columns las nih type of tooing ae assumed to be of unequal magnitude. * Footing Tie Beam A type of beartke footing placed undemeath the ground in order to transmit and provide additional ‘igi to two or more columns. * Grade Beam Reinforced concrete beam supporting a bearing wall at OF near the ground level and transfering the load to ‘isolated footings, piers or ples * Continuous Footing A reinforced concrete footing extended fo support a row of columns. of foundation wal, * Stap/ Cantilever? Connected Footing A reinforced concrete footing connected by ate beam 'o another footing in order to balance an asymmetically Imposed load, as atthe perimeter ofa building site + Mal Foundation AA thick, slab-tke heavily reinforced concrete footing ‘supporting a number of columns ora entre building * ibbed Met ‘Amat foundation erorced by grid of ribs above or below thos, * Collar Mat ‘A composite stucure of reniovced conte slabs and basement vals serving as 2 mal jundation, aft Foundation, ‘Amat providing a footing on yielding sol, usually for an entre building, placed so that the weight of the

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