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The 10 golden rule s of a kitchen hygiene are:

Kitchen hygiene 101: wash hands
Making sure your hands are clean is at the top of the kitchen hygiene rules list. It’s
easy for bacteria to be transferred, so wash your hands throughout prepping and
cooking food. Regular hand washing is one of the most essential kitchen hygiene
rules for kids too, so make sure the whole family knows how to wash their hands
2. Thoroughly cook foods
One of the most important food hygiene rules is to ensure food is cooked
properly. If undercooked, harmful bacteria could lead to food poisoning. Cut into
the food to check that it is cooked through and make sure any reheated food is
piping hot.
3. Correct food storage
Proper cooking is only the first of the essential food hygiene rules. Another one of
the most important food hygiene rules in the kitchen is safe storage. Make sure
leftovers or open food packets are covered with cling film or sealed in a plastic
container. Don’t put warm food into the fridge, and keep your fridge clear of any
items that are out of date.
4. Wipe down counter tops
Wiping kitchen counter tops after every use is one of the easiest (and most
essential) basic kitchen hygiene rules. You’ll not only be keeping things clean and
tidy, you’ll be stopping the spread of bacteria, too.
5. Food hygiene rules: don't cross-contaminate
If you’ve ever had food poisoning, you’ll understand why avoiding cross-
contamination is high on the list of basic kitchen hygiene rules. Use different
boards for cutting fish, meat, veg, dairy or bread (different colour boards can help
with this), and never leave edible food next to raw meat. These simple kitchen
hygiene tips will help avoid the spread of potentially poisonous bacteria.
6. Clean your chopping board after use
Bits of food left on a chopping board will soon breed bacteria, so scrubbing down
your board immediately after use is vital to stop them spreading. Quick, easy and
essential, cleaning chopping boards is one of the most basic kitchen hygiene rules.
7. Bin basics
Regularly changing your bin is a key aspect of kitchen hygiene. Old food in a bin
will soon decompose and bacteria will start to form, so take your rubbish out on a
daily basis to avoid any funny smells.
8. Stop grease in its tracks
Have you ever wiped a greasy mark, only to find it has transferred from your cloth
to every other surface in the kitchen. Try using a piece of absorbent kitchen towel
instead – it’ll stop the spread of grease and bacteria.
9. Keep the fridge clean
Ensuring your fridge is clean is one of the top 10 hygiene rules in the kitchen for
good reason. Left alone, spills and decaying food can spread their nasties to
everything else, so use kitchen paper to spot-clean on a daily basis between
thorough fridge-cleaning sessions.
10. Scrub your sink daily
Your sink is used regularly throughout the day, so it’ll become grimy and covered
in bacteria quickly if it’s not kept clean. Again, this is one of those kitchen hygiene
rules that doesn’t take much time, but that is well worth doing: just give your sink
a quick scrub with a scourer and a spritz of kitchen cleaner once a day. Wipe up
any pooled water or spillages round the sink with kitchen towel to keep it hygienic
between scrubs.

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