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>Globalization relies on media as its main channel for the spread of culture and ideas.

>Media is the communication outlet or tools used to store and deliver information or
data. The term "medium" (singular form of "media") is defined as one of the means or
channels of general communication, information, or entertainment such as newspapers,
radio, television and many more.

>Global media culture explores the relationship between the media, culture and
globalization. The role of the media in the globalization process is very important
because it connects the world to a network of information easily accessible for all of us.

>Herbert Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian philosopher. He became internationally

famous during the 1960s for his studies of the effects of media on thought and behavior.

>According to McLuhan, the medium is the message means that the nature of a
medium is more important than the meaning or content of the message. Global village
means that the world is considered as a single community linked by

>Pre- Industrial Age- people had learned or discovered fire, developed paper from
plants, and forged weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron.

>Industrial Age- people discovered the use of power steam, developed machine tools,
established iron production, and the manufacturing of various products (including books
through the printing press).

>Electronic Age- people invented the transistor ushered in the electronic age.

>Information/ Digital Age- people advanced the use of microelectronics with the
invention of personal computers, mobile devices, and wearable technology.

>The three main categories of media are print media, broadcast media and the
internet media.

>Media don’t just help us pass the time, they keep us informed. Increasingly, media
create shared cultural moments and reflect who we are as people. The industry needs
financial models that work to be able to keep fulfilling these functions, which appear
ever-more important during times of COVID-19.

>Social media can connect us to new ideas, help us share our work, and allow
previously unheard voices to influence culture but make sure to check its credibility and
source. It can also be a highly addictive time sink if we’re not careful about our goals,
purpose, and usage. The world is much more than just on the screen.

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