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Downloaded From Rea.No. [ | | [| [|] Hess Question Paper Code : 91384 B.EJB.Tech, DEGREE EXAMINATION NOVEMBERDECEMBER 2014, Kighth Semester oo Electronics and Communication Engineering er a EC 2042/EC 801 - EMBEDDED AND REAL TIME SYSTEM (Regulation 2008) e ‘Time : Three hours An 100 marks Answer ALL questions. ™\_ PART A— (10x oy 1. What is the purpore of supervisor oN State the funetions of oem What do you mean by control aaYor 2s 4 Can latches be used to, ifiput ports? Justity, Define: Multitash o Give any two rages of Operating Systems ‘What are Wardyggre accelerators? Stategome ofthe networks dedicated for embedded systems. eer Whatedd you mean by co-design? =, 104 List ut the advantages of act-top-box. And =~ PART B— (5x 16 = 80 marks) 11. (a) Draw the architecture of an ARM processor. Explain about the various blocka in detail. (16) Or (®) @ How to evaluate OPU performance? © (@) State and explain various Instruction sets elie aries. 20) : Pies oe, (Grow With Us 13, 14. 15. @ (o) @) ) fa) ) fa) @) Downloaded From Explain memory system interface with CPU, with examplee. (as) Or (® Discuss briefly about Assembly and Linking (10) (ii) What are program validation and testing? 6) Describe in detail about the Scheduling policies with suitable example: : cs How to evaluate operating system performance? Rxplain. . (16) rd Explain about accelerated system design with cues (16) Discuss in detail about the distributed combed hitecture, (16) ( ration of software modem. (16) Describe in detail about the principle a oA What are FOSS toolssfor gmbellged system development? Explain the tools in detail A (16) 8 ra ao (Grow With Us

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