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MMP 5009 Radiation Physics

(3C, 30 L, 30 P)

 Introductory concepts of modern physics,

 atomic and nuclear structure,
 Radioactivity,
 Interaction of radiation with matter: Photon
interaction, charged particle interaction,
Neutron interaction, Detectio and
Measurement of Radiation

Spontaneous nuclear transformation that

result in the formation of new
These transformations
can be

 Alpha particle emission

 Beta particle emission
 Orbital electron capture
The exact mode
transformation depend on

 the type of instability

Whether the N/Z ratio is too high or
too low
 Mass energy relationship among the
parent nuclide , daughter nuclide and
the emitted particle.
Mass energy relationship

P D+ X +Q

MP = M d + M x + Q

Q >0 Mp- Md – Mx >0

Types of decay

 Alpha decay
 Beta Decay
(1) -
(2) -
(3) Orbital electron capture
 Gamma emission
Alpha decay

 Highly energetic helium nucleus is

emitted from an alpha unstable

 Observed in heavy Nuclei Z >83

 210 Po 206 Pb + 4He

Decay scheme 210 Po

Q= 5.4 MeV 210 Po

Alpha particles are mono energetic.

100% Eα = 5.3 MeV

206 Pb

5.3 Eα

Alpha spectrum of 210 Po Look at the direction of the arrow

Complex alpha spectrum


 If the above radionuclide emits 100
alphas per second calculate the
number of alphas emitted with each
Beta decay

 Three types of decay

– – decay
– + decay
– Orbital electron capture.
β – decay
 Beta particles are electrons emitted from beta unstable

 Nucleus is beta unstable when the N/Z ratio is too high

 ie the nucleus is unstable because it is having too many


 What happens is a neutron inside the Nucleus is converted to

a proton by emitting a beta particle

n p + – +Q
32 P 32 S + – + 1.71 MeV

32P Q=1.71 MeV

N (E
E max = 1.71 MeV

1.71 MeV

Look at the direction of the arrow.


spectrum of 32 P
 Unlike alpha spectrum beta particles have continues
energy distribution

 The reason for this is that the beta decay is a three body

 ie a third particle called neutrino is emitted with the

beta particle.

 The decay energy is shared between the beta particle ,

neutrino and the recoiling daughter.

 Neutrino is a particle with no charge and no detectable

rest mass. It is very loosely interaction particle with a
 Eg. of pure beta emitters

32 P, 3 H, 14 C, 90 Sr

 Decay to the ground state of the


Beta gamma emitters

 Most of the beta emitters are gamma emitters too

Eg. 203 Hg , 137 Cs

 Decays to the excited state of the daughter and the excited daughter decays

to the ground state by emission of a gamma ray .

of beta
& one 137 Cs
203 Hg
gamma Two 94.4%, E -= 0.51MeV
ray 100%, E -= 0.213 MeV groups
of beta 137m Ba (2.3min)
& one
, 0.279 MeV gamma
81% ray , ec
5.6%, E 1 -= 0.51MeV

137 Ba
Positron emission
(positive electron ?)

 Positron is particle with mass = mass

of the electron
Charge = + e

 Takes place in nuclides whose N/Z

ratio is too low to be stable.

 ie in neutron deficient nuclides

p n + + + Q

22Na 22 Ne + + + Q
N (E )

+ decay is also a three

E +max
body process and the
spectrum is continues

Mass energy relationship

 Mp = Md + Me + Q Nuclear masses

 Mp’ = MD’ + 2 Me + Q atomic masses

 Mp = Mp’ - Z Me

 MD = MD’ - ( Z-1 ) Me
Orbital electron capture.
 The above equation requires that for + decay to
be energetically possible


ie MP’ – MD’ > 2Me

 When this condition is not satisfied the neutron

deficiency is overcome by a process called orbital
electron capture
 A proton in the neutron deficient nucleus captures an electron
from the extra nuclear structure.
p +e n + ν

 Unlike the neutrinos emitted in the other two types of beta

decay this neutrino is mono energetic.

 Mass energy relation

Mp’ + Me = Md’ + Φ + Q

Φ is the binding energy of the captured electron

 Whenever the o e c takes place x rays characteristic to the

daughter element is emitted.

X ray


From 7Be we can see 10.5% ,ec

477keV gamma and
characteristic x rays of Li.
89.5% ,ec
477.5 keV, 10.5 %

More examples

57 Co

100%, ec
100% , ec

122keV, 85.6 %
55Mn 136 keV, 10.68 %

14 keV, 9.16 % ,
Radiations emitted from 57 Co
Get Characteristic 57
X rays of Mn x …………………………….

rays …………………………….
Gamma rays

 They are mono energetic electromagnetic radiation emitted

from nuclei of exited atoms following radioactive

Name some other types em

radiation you know.

State some properties of em
X rays and gamma rays

 Differ by the mode of origin.

 x rays originated in the extra nuclear structure of

the atom

 Gamma rays in the intra nuclear structure of the


X ray

Gamma ray

 X rays are in the low energy range and

gammas are in the high energy range.

But is possible to have a gamma and x

ray of the same energy.

Exact difference lies in the mode of

Internal conversion
•Internal conversion is a
mechanism by which an exited
nucleus may rid itself of the
excitation energy.

•During Internal Conversion

nuclear de-excitation energy is
transferred directly to an
atomic electron which is then
ejected from the atom.

• This is followed by a
characteristic x-ray emission
This process competes with gamma ray
as the ‘hole’ left by the electron
emission. (pictured in green above)
is filled.
The Internal Conversion Coefficient (ICC)
is the calculated ratio between internal
conversion and gamma ray emission.
 KE of the conversion electron
Ee = E - Φ

Where E is the energy of the gamma ray and Φ is the energy of the
converted electron.

 Conversion electrons are mono energetic.

• K shell conversion is more probable than L shell conversion

 Internal conversion coefficient.

 
Beta spectrum of 137 Cs

 K conversion

L conversion
spontaneous fission
 This is another type of decay that heavy nuclei
can undergo: they Fission

 decay by splitting into two lighter nuclei with the

release of several neutrons:

98 Cf 140
56 Ba 42 Mo  3n

 In addition, large amount of energy is released

per fission event. Similar process called
฀ INDUCED FISSION is used in nuclear reactor.
Fission tracks from 238U fission in old zircon

Method of dating minerals

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