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Soal Latihan Colors


Read carefully and answer the questions below.

What is the color of sea? The color of sea hair is blue

1. What is the color of the sky
Answer : ____________________________.
2. What is the color of leaf?
Answer : ____________________________.
3. What is the color of cloud?
Answer : ____________________________.
4. What is the color of carrot?
Answer : ____________________________.
5. What is the color of orange?
Answer : ____________________________.
6. What is the color of cotton?
Answer : ____________________________.
7. What is the color of grapes?
Answer : ____________________________.
8. What is the color of milk?
Answer : ____________________________.
9. What is the color of banana?
Answer : ____________________________.
10. What is the color of apple?
Answer : ____________________________.


1. Red = Merah
2. Pink = Merah muda
3. Green = Hijau
4. Yellow = Kuning
5. Black = Hitam
6. White = Putih
7. Blue = Biru
8. Orange = Oranye
9. Purple = Ungu
10. Gray = Abu - abu
11. Brown = Coklat

Contoh Kalimat menggunakan Colors

 The color of the sky is blue = Langit itu berwarna biru
 The color of banana is yellow = pisang itu berwarna kuning
 The color of grass is green = Rumput itu berarna hijau
 The color of apple is red = Apel itu berwarna merah
 The color of milk is white = Susu itu warnanya putih
 The color of chocolate is brown = Coklat itu warnaya coklat
 The color of flamingo is pink = burung flamengo itu berwarna pink
 The color of carrot is orange = Wortel itu berwarna oren
 The color of my shirt is purple = Kemeja itu berwarna ungu

 The color of Indonesian hair is black = rambut orang

indonesia berwarna hitam.

2. Contoh Kalimat
- My hair is black.
  (Rambut saya berwarna hitam.)
- The sky is blue.
  (Langit itu berwarna biru.)
- The apple is red.
  (Apel itu berwarna merah.)
- Sunflower is yellow.
  (Bunga matahari berwarna kuning.)
- My teeth are white.
  (Gigi saya berwarna putih.)
- The orchid is purple.
  (Anggrek itu berwarna ungu.)
- His bag is grey.
  (Tas dia berwarna abu-abu.)
- The leaf is green.
  (Daun itu berwarna hijau.)
- Our flag is red and white.
  (Bendera kami berwarna merah dan putih.)
- The color of my boyscout uniforms is brown.
  (Warna dari seragam Pramuka saya adalah coklat.)
- I have a red doll.
  (Saya mempunyai boneka berwarna merah.)

3. Untuk menanyakan warna menggunakan kalimat:

1. What colour is it?
    (Apa warna itu?)
    It is blue.
    (Itu warnanya biru.)
2. What colour is the starfruit?
    (Apa warna belimbing itu?)
    The starfruit is green.
    (Belimbing itu berwarna hijau.)

3. What colours are the flowers?

    (Apa warna bunga-bunga itu?)
    The flowers are red.
    (Bunga-bunga itu berwarna merah.)

4. What colour is the hat?

    (Apa warna topi itu?)
    The hat is black.
    (Topi itu berwarna hitam.)

5. What colour is the apple?

    (Apa warna apel itu?)
    The apple is red.
    (Apel itu berwarna merah.)

1. What colour is the starfruit ? .....

Apa warna buah belimbing itu

The starfruit is Green /Yellow

Buah Belimbing itu berwarna hijau

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