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A Project Report Submitted to the Karnatak University, Dharwad

For partial fulfillment of


During the academic year 2019-20

Submitted by:




Dr. N. Ramanjaneyalu


Kousali Institute of Management Studies,

Karnatak University, Dharwad.



Dr. R.R. KULKARNI 91+8360-2215305

Director 91+8360-2440011
Professor of KIMS, Dharwad Email id: -

Ref No: KIMS/MBA/2019-2020 DATE: 01/08/2020

This is to certify that Ms. Shilpa. M. Sankangoudar, student of 2nd
semester has completed her Summer In Plant Project training. She has
prepared and submitted project assigned to her entitled “A STUDY ON
of the requirement for the award of degree of “MASTER OF BUSINESS
ADMINISTRATION” as prescribed by Karnataka University, Dharwad
during the academic year 2019-2020.

Registration No-19MBA038

Dr. R. R. Kulkarni


1. ___________________ 2. ____________________



Dr. N. Ramanjaneyalu 91+8360-2215305

Professor 91+8360-2440011
KIMS, KUD Dharwad Email id:

Ref No: KIMS/MBA/2019-2020 DATE: 01/08/2020


This is to certify that Ms. Shilpa. M. Sankangoudar, a bona-fide student of

MBA (CBCS) 2nd semester (2019-2020 Batch) of our Institute. This Project
has been prepared and submitted by her in partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION of
Karnataka University, Dharwad under my supervision and guidance.

Dr. N. Ramanjaneyalu

Reg: 19MBA038
MBA: 2nd SEM
Batch: 2019-2021

I hereby declare that the dissertation titled “Study on

Recruitment And Selection Process in Dabur” has been
carried out by me during the academic year 2019-20, under
the guidance of Dr. N. Ramanjaneyalu, Professor at Kousali
Institue of Management Studies, Karnatak University

I am submitting this project report to Karnatak University,

Dharwad as the partial fulfillment of the MBA degree.



The satisfaction and joy that accompanies the successful

completion of my SUMMER INPLANT PROJECT would be
incomplete and short-lived without the mention of people made
it possible.

First and foremost, I would like to thank our beloved guide and
Professor of KIMS Dr. N. Ramanjaneyalu for providing constant
guidance and support in successful completion of this project and
helping me in every possible way and guiding me throughout the
progress of this project. I am very thankfull for immense help and
moral support.

I would like to thank all the teaching staff members of KIMS.

Thanks to everyone who has been a great source of strength
directly and indirectly all through this work.


Content Page No.

Preface 5-6
Executive summary 7-9
Objective of study 10
Introduction 11-14
Company history 15-20
Introduction to recruitment 21-29
Company profile 30-34
Recruitment & selection 35-50
procedure in Dabur
Research methodology 51-54
Conclusion 55-56
Recommendations 57-59
Limitations 60
Bibliography 61


The purpose of my research report was to learn the practical application of

Recruitment and Selection Process and its importance in Dabur along with the HR

policies of Dabur which prides itself to be the market leader.

While carrying out the study I have gained a good amount of knowledge and insights

of how HR department works but I have touched the tip of iceberg. There was more to

learn but due to constraint of time it was not possible. The HRD manager has to work

with the missionary spirit. Unlike many roles in an organization where tangible short-

term benefits can be obtained, it is difficult for HRD functionary to demonstrate any

tangible short- term accomplishment. Yet HRD managers are tempted to show to the

top management, line manager and themselves that they are making things happen

through training program, recruitment& selection

In Dabur a meticulously natural team stands at the very heart of the group. 4,000

Personnel evince perfect camaraderie. A steadfast dedication to qualify an attainment

of maximum team potential is the touchstones of the company.

The company is engaged in constant learning process through intensive selection and

training program. Indeed, the aspiration is to

shape a winning team of self motivated, empowered, professionals with knowledge

and confidence to take independent decision. Dabur recognizes each employee’s

individuality, ability and efforts and also applauds for their contribution to the success

of the group.


The recruitment and selection procedure of the company determines the level of

achieving organizational goals in the long run. As per definition it is stated that which

is all about selecting right person for the right job at the right time at the best possible

position. Although it sounds quite simple but it is also not an easier job to evaluate a

person with his ability and skills that may satisfy the core competency for the job so

that his degree of willingness to pursue a job becomes positive. From job seeker’s

prospective it is the core competencies, which matter much for a job. So it is the

effective recruitment and selection procedure, which determines not only the right

candidature for a job but also a long-term accomplishment of organizational goals.

I have chosen Dabur for studying their methods of recruitment and selection function.

In the course of study I came to know that, it has the probability of achieving more

than 50% of the people to be placed for the right job, which reflects some of the

unique ways for recruiting the candidates to fill up various vacancies.

The aim of the company is to achieve overall organizational goal not only by way of

fulfilling the targeted top-line but also employee

satisfaction towards various position of job to the maximum level. This I will see as I

proceed subsequently in my Research.

Basically recruiting is the discovering of potential candidates for actual or anticipated

organizational vacancies. It also can be said in another way that bringing together

those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs.

It is important to study Recruitment and Selection because through it I can identify our

human resource needs. I can know what kind of people must be select to fill up the

specified vacancies.

The ideal recruitment effort will attract a large number of qualified applicants who will

take the job if it is offered. It should also provide information so that unqualified

applicants can self select themselves out of job candidacy, that is, a good recruiting

program should attract the qualified and not attract the unqualified.

Recruiting people is done by various ways, for the study first I have to know the

recruiting sources. There are internal and external sources as well as employee


In this Research I am studying recruitment and selection process of Dabur. To find out

actual recruitment and selection process of Company is my main objective of study.

Through this kind of surveys I will be able to achieve real recruitment program of the

company where for all kinds of operational level technical qualification is needed. I

also have the picture of Selection cost of the company. It is very interesting to study

recruitment and selection process as it will give me clearer picture of the process.

Objective of Study

The basic objective of this report is to “Recruitment and selection process In

Dabur”. Following fundamental objectives have been identified as the sub-objectives

of the study:-

1. To study the identity of the recruitment & selection process in the

organization as a whole.

2. To find out the employees as per company’s vacancies.

3. To find out the various sources of advertisement of vacancies like-media

(electronic or paper or both), schools, posters etc.

4. To study the work environment and select the pattern of interview, which can

help out to select the suitable employee for the organization.

5. To study the interpersonal relationship.


Recruitment is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated

organizational vacancies. Certain influences constrain managers in determining

recruiting sources such as image of the organisation, internal policies, attractiveness of

the job, union requirements, government requirements and recruiting budgets.

Popular sources of recruiting employees include internal search, advertisements,

employee referrals, employment agencies, schools, colleges and universities;

professional organizations and casual or unsolicited applicants. In practice, recruitment

methods appear to vary according to job level and skill.

Proper selection can minimize the costs of replacement and training, reduce legal

challenges, and result in more productive workforce. The primary purpose of selection

activities is to predict which job applicant will be successful if hired. During the

selection process, candidates are also informed about the job and the organisation.

The discrete selection process would include the following: initial screening interview,

completion of the application form, employment tests, comprehensive interview,

background investigations, physical examination and final employment decision. In

the discrete selection process, an unsuccessful performance at any stage results in the

rejection of the applicant.

An alternative to the discrete selection process is the comprehensive approach, where

all applicants go through every step in the selection process and the final decision is

based on a comprehensive evaluation of the results of each stage. To be an effective

predictor, a selection device should be reliable, valid and predict a relevant criterion.

Selection devices provide managers with information that will help them predict

whether an applicant will prove to be a successful job performer. The application

blank is effective for acquiring hard biographical data, while the weighted application

can provide information for predicting job success.

Traditional tests that assess intelligence, abilities and personality traits can predict

job proficiency but suffer from being non-job related. On the other hand, interviews

consistently achieve low marks for reliability and validity. Background

investigations are valuable when they verify hard data from the application, although

they offer little practical value as selection devices. Physical examinations are

valid when certain physical characteristics are required to be able to perform a job



The scope of study is to observe the degree of satisfaction levels of the employer as

well as the employees towards the process of recruitment and selection techniques

adopted by the company. It will also show the deviations if any, towards this affect

that will be experienced in research. Apart from getting an idea of the techniques and

methods in the recruitment procedures it will also give a close look at the insight of

corporate culture prevailing out there in the organization. This would not only help to

aquanaut with the corporate environment but it would also enable to get a close look at

the various levels authority responsibility relationship prevailing in the organization.

Also the stipulated time for the research is insufficient to undergo an exhaustive study

about the topic assigned and moreover the scope of the topic (recruitment and

selection) is wide enough, so it is difficult to cover all the topic within the stipulated



Milestones to success

Dabur India Ltd. made its beginnings with a small pharmacy, but has continued to

learn and grow to a commanding status in the industry. The Company has gone a long

way in popularizing and making easily available a whole range of products based on

the traditional science of Ayurveda. And it has set very high standards in developing

products and processes that meet stringent quality norms. As it grows even further,

Dabur will continue to mark up on major milestones along the way, setting the road for

others to follow.

1884 - Established by Dr. S K Burman at Kolkata

1896 - First production unit established at Garhia

1919 - First R&D unit established

Early 1900s - Production of Ayurvedic medicines Dabur identifies nature-based

Ayurvedic medicines as its area of specializations. It is the first Company to provide

health care through scientifically tested and automated production of formulations

based on our traditional science.

1930 - Automation and upgradation of Ayurvedic products manufacturing initiated

1936 - Dabur (Dr. S K Burman) Pvt. Ltd. Incorporated

1940 - Personal care through Ayurveda Dabur introduces Indian consumers to personal

care through Ayurveda, with the launch of Dabur Amla Hair Oil. So popular is the

product that it becomes the largest selling hair oil brand in India.

1949 - Launched Dabur Chyawanprash in tin pack Widening the popularity and usage

of traditional Ayurvedic products continues. The ancient restorative Chyawanprash is

launched in packaged form, and becomes the first branded Chyawanprash in India.

1957 - Computerization of operations initiated

1970 - Entered Oral Care & Digestives segment Addressing rural markets where

homemade oral care is more popular than multinational brands, Dabur introduces Lal

Dant Manjan. With this a conveniently packaged herbal toothpowder is made available

at affordable costs to the masses.

1972 - Shifts base to Delhi from Calcutta

1978 - Launches Hajmola tablet Dabur continues to make innovative products based

on traditional formulations that can provide holistic care in our daily life. An

Ayurvedic medicine used as a digestive aid is branded and launched as the popular

Hajmola tablet.

1979 - Dabur Research Foundation set up

1979 - Commercial production starts at Sahibabad, the most modern herbal medicines

plant at that time

1984 - Dabur completes 100 years

1988 - Launches pharmaceutical medicines

1989 - Care with fun The Ayurvedic digestive formulation is converted into a

children's fun product with the launch of Hajmola Candy. In an innovative move, a

curative product is converted to a confectionary item for wider usage.

1994 - Comes out with first public issue

1994 - Enters oncology segment

1994 - Leadership in health care Dabur establishes its leadership in health care as one

of only two companies worldwide to launch the anti-cancer drug Intaxel (Paclitaxel).

Dabur Research Foundation develops an eco-friendly process to extract the drug from

its plant source

1996 - Enters foods business with the launch of Real Fruit Juice

1996 - Real blitzkrieg Dabur captures the imagination of young Indian consumers with

the launch of Real Fruit Juices - a new concept in the Indian foods market. The first

local brand of 100% pure natural fruit juices made to international standards, Real

becomes the fastest growing and largest selling brand in the country.

1998 - Burman family hands over management of the company to professionals

2000 - The 1,000 crore mark Dabur establishes its market leadership status by staging

a turnover of Rs.1, 000 crores. Across a span of over a 100 years, Dabur has grown

from a small beginning based on traditional health care. To a commanding position

amongst an august league of large corporate businesses.

2001 - Super specialty drugs with the setting up of Dabur Oncology's sterile cytotoxic

facility, the Company gains entry into the highly specialized area of cancer therapy.

The state-of-the-art plant and laboratory in the UK have approval from the MCA of

UK. They follow FDA guidelines for production of drugs specifically for European

and American markets.

2002 - Dabur record sales of Rs 1163.19 crore on a net profit of Rs 64.4 crore

2003 - Dabur demerges Pharmaceuticals business

2005-Dabur acquires balsara

2006-Dabur announces bonus after 12 years

2006-Dabur crosses $2 bin market cap, adopts US GAAP

During the year 2009-10, the company acquired 20% of the equity share capital of
Fem Care Pharma Limited (FEM) from the public shareholders, in addition to the
controlling stake to 92.15%. also, as

per the scheme of amalgamated with the company with effect from April1, 2009. The
scheme became effective on June 18, 2010.

During the year 2010-11, the company acquired Turkey’s Leading personal care
products maker Hobi Kosmetik Group through Dabur

International Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the company for USD 69 million. In
January 2011, they acquired 100% equity in Namaste Laboratories LLC of the US, a
leading ethnic hair care group Based in Chicago with operations in US, Europe and
Africa, through Dermoviva Skin Essentials Inc, a wholly owned Subsidiary of the
company for USD 100 million. They launched India’s first fruit flavoured
Chyawanprash. Dabur Chyawanprash was Launched in orange and Mango flavoured

In the year 2011, the company launched their first ever online shopping portal With this, the company is the first Indian FMCG company to
launch a dedicated online shopping portal for its beauty products range. The portal will
be the online gateway for consumers to know, understand, buy and gift the exclusive

Dabur Uveda range of skincare products. The company acquired Ajanta Pharma’s
over the counter energizer brand ‘30-Plus’.

In 2012, Namaste Cosmeticos Ltd, became new step down subsidiary company in
Brazil. The company also expanded its range of fruit juices viz, Real Activ.

In 2013, Dabur Enters Yoghurt Drink market with Brand Real Activ. The company
Expands Skin Care Portfolio and launches Oxy Life Gel Bleach. The company
Launches New Fruit Juice Range: Real SuoraFruits. Dabur Launches Indias First Oral
Health Portal.

In 2014, Dabur Launches India’s First Ayurvedic Medical Journal. The company also
enters Packaged Coconut water market with Real Activ.


As a reflection of its constant efforts at achieving superior quality standards, Dabur

became the first Ayurvedic products company to get ISO 9002 certification.


Reinforcing its commitment to nature and its conservation, Dabur Nepal, a subsidiary

of Dabur India, has set up fully automated greenhouses in Nepal. This scientific

landmark helps to produce saplings of rare medicinal plants that are under threat of

extinction due to ecological degradation.


Recruitment and selection are the most important functions in an organization because

with the help of these functions the management selects the best available candidate

from a batch of them. The organizations, in this growing competitive world, need to

have the best of the manpower so as to have an edge over its competitive.

According to Flippo, "Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective

employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an


In the words of Yoder,"Recrutiment is a process to discover the sources of manpower

to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measured for

attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an

efficient working force."

The recruitment needs can be classified into:

 Planned.

 Anticipated.

 Unexpected.

Planned need arise from changes in the organization and retirement policy. These

occur due the expected changes in the organization so the management can make a

proper policy for it.

Anticipated need refer to the movements in personnel which an organisation can

predict by studying the trends in the internal and external environments

Resignations, deaths, accidents and illness result in to the unexpected needs.


 Recruitment is a process or a series of activities rather than a single event.

 It is a linking activity as it brings together the employers and employees.

 It is positive process because in this activity the employers want to have the

maximum number of job seekers so as to have a wider scope for choice ultimately

leading in spotting right persons for job.

 It is an important function as it makes it possible to acquire the number and

type of persons required for the effective functioning of the organization.

 It is an on going function in all the organizations, but the volume and nature of

recruitment varies with the size, nature and environment of the organization.

 It is a complex process because a number of factors affect it --the nature of the

job offered, image of the organization, organizational policies, working conditions etc.


The various sources of recruitment are –

Internal Sources:


 Present Employees who can be transferred or given promotions.

 The retired and retrenched employees who want to return to the company.

 Dependents and relatives of the deceased and disabled employees.

 External Sources:

Consist of-

 Press advertisements.

 Campus Interviews.

 Placement Agencies.

 Recommendations.

 Recruitment at factory gate.

 Employment Exchanges.

During my short stint at DIL, it was observed that the recruitment need of DIL is

diversified. It needs persons who have knowledge of use, processing of natural

ingredients of number of varied products, technical know-how of latest industrial

technical knowledge, and computer applications to pharmaceutical industry to manual

workers. The importance of the process could be understood that the present work

force of DIL is 2,500 employees. Hence, the recruitment and selection procedure

should match the complexities of the need and at the same should commensurate with

the complex need of the organization.


Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate out of the all the applicants. In

this process, relevant information about the applicants is collected through a series of

steps so as to evaluate their suitability for the job to be filled.

It is the process of matching the qualifications with those required for the job so that

the candidate can be entrusted with the task that matches with his credibility.

It is a process of weeding out unsuitable candidates and finally identifying the most

suitable candidates.

This process divides the candidates into two categories-the suitable ones and the

unsuitable ones. The suitable people prove to be the asset for the organization.

Selection is a negative process because in this process the management tries to

minimize the number of people at each step so that the final decision can be in the light

of all the factors and at the end of it best candidate is selected. Selected candidate the

has to pass through the following stages-

 Preliminary Interview.

 Application Form.

 Selection Test.

 Selection Interview.

 Physical Examination.

 Reference Check.

 Final Approval.

 Employment.

Preliminary Interview is the initial screening done to weed out the undesirable

candidates. This is mainly a sorting process in which the prospective candidates are

given the necessary information about the nature of the job and the organization.

Necessary information about the candidate is also taken. If the candidate is found

suitable then he is selected for further screening else he is dropped. This stage saves

the time and effort of both the company and the candidate. It avoids unnecessary

waiting for the candidate and waste of money for further processing of an unsuitable


Application Form is a traditional and widely used device for collecting information

from candidates. This form asks the candidates to fill up the necessary information

regarding their basic information like name, address, references, date of birth, marital

status, educational qualifications, experience, salary structure in previous organization

and other such information. This form is of great help because the scrutiny

of this form helps to weed out candidate who are lacking in education, experience or

any other criterion provided by the organization. It also

helps in formulation of questions, which will be asked in the interview. These forms

can also be stored for future references thus maintaining a databank of the applicants.

Selection Tests are being increasingly used in employee selection. Tests are sample of

some aspect of an individual's attitudes, behavior and performance. It also provides a

systematic basis for comparing two or more persons. The tests help to reduce bias in

selection by serving as a supplementary screening device. These are also helpful in

better matching of candidate and the job. These reveal the qualifications, which remain

covered in application form and interview.

Selection Interview involves the interaction of the employer and the employee.

Selection involves a personal, observational and face-to-face appraisal of candidates

for employment. It is an essential element of the selection procedure. The information

obtained through application form and test can be crosschecked in the interview.

The applicants who have crossed the above stages have to go through Physical

Examination either by the company's physician or the medical officer approved for

the purpose. The main aim is to ensure that the

candidate is physically fit to perform the job. Those who are found physically unfit are


The next stage marks of checking the references. The applicant is asked to mention in

his application form the names and addresses of two or three person who know him

well. The organization contacts them by mail or telephone. They are requested to

provide their frank opinion about the candidate without incurring a liability. The

opinion of the references can be useful in judging the future behaviour and

performance of a candidate.

The executives of the concerned departments then finally approve the candidates

short-listed by the human resource department. Employment is offered in the form of

an appointment letter mentioning the post, the rank, the salary grade, the date by which

the candidate should join and other terms and conditions in brief. Appointment is

generally made on probation of one or two years. After satisfactory performance

during this period the candidate is finally confirmed in the job on permanent basis or


Selection is an important function as no organization can achieve its goals without

selecting right persons for the required job. Faulty selection leads to wastage of time

and money and spoils the environment of an organisation. Scientific selection and

placement of personnel can go a long way in building up a stable workforce. It helps to

reduce absenteeism and labour turnover. Proper selection is helpful in increasing the

efficiency and productivity of the enterprise.




Dr. S.K. Burman lays the foundation of what is today known as Dabur India Limited.

Starting from a small shop in Calcutta, he began a direct mailing system to send his

medicines to even the smallest of village in Bengal. The brand name is derived from

the words ‘Da’ for Daktar or doctor and ‘bur’ from Burman.

The principal activies of the group are manufacturing of natural/herbal and ayurvedic

product, healthcare and food product and pharmaceuticals. The Group export its

products to middle-east and other countries which accounted for 9% of sale .Consumer

goods accounted for 70% of 2002 gross revenues; Pharmaceuticals

products,12%;Food products,6% Ayurvedic products,6%; and other ,6%.

The founder SK BURMAN was a physician of par excellence who brought

ayurvedic medicines to the ailing masses of Bengal. Dabur commenced operation in

1884 and is today a multinational multi-product enterprise. The company has major

interest in health and beauty care.

Dabur is a leader in ayurveda, the traditional Indian health care system. The company

manufacturers and markets a range of oncologicals. Dabur is one of the few companies

in the world to produce paclitaxel-an anti cancer drug.

The company has 12 manufacturing plants in India, Nepal and Egypt. Dabur products

are also manufactured in Dubai. It has a transactional network of 19 offices serving

both rural and urban markets in India. The company has sales and marketing offices in

Dubai and London. Dabur

Products are available over 50 countries. It has collaborated with leaders in their fields

to set up joint ventures in India. The joint ventures are with Agrolimen of Spain,

general Deconfeteria India ltd., manufactures confectioneries. Dabur International ltd.,

the joint venture with Bongrain of France, will manufacture specialty cheese. Dabur

has collaborated with Osem of Israel to manufacture bakery specialties & other food



Incorporated in 1979, Dabur Research Foundation (DRF) is a premier research

organization. It is possibly the only one of its kind in the country carrying out research

in divergent field like Ayurvedic Herbal products; plant derived medicines allopathic,

and bulk drugs, foods,

cosmetics, oil & fats, as well as basic research bin the field of Pharmaceuticals


Dabur finance ltd. is a well diversified non-banking finance company offering a full

array of commercial finance & services. It focuses on

transparency, commitment and high quality. Set up in 1992, DFL derives its skills and

belief from its parent from its parent organization, Dabur India ltd. It is involved in

issue management, portfolio management, leasing and finance.


Dabur is committed to maintain the ecological balance. The company’s afforestation

programs at planting medical herbs, plants and trees in the Himalayan range.

Extending into Nepal this exercise is actively supported by an in-house tissue culture



Corporate goals for the next two years. This journey has been called the STARS


The specific goals are:

- Sales turnover of Rs. 3500 crores in 2009-10.

- Profit after tax Rs. 334 crores in 2009-10.

- MAC (Most admired FMCG Company) within the top 5.


The management is fully committed to quality and ensures all resources to accomplish

this task.



- To focus on its customers and successfully meet their needs and requirements.

- To manufacture effective health care products at competitive prices and to

improve the quality of life of the common masses.

- To implement system to ensure prevention of errors rather than detection of


- To ensure global competitiveness by striving to achieve Current Good

Manufacturing Practices (CGMP).

- To ensure safety in all operations by working according to the systems in all

areas of operations.

- To provide appropriate training to improve their skills and expertise.

- To increase productivity and reduce wastage within the organization.


 Market capital- Rs. 2615 crores.

 Sales – Rs. 918.3 crores, up by 12.9%.

 Net profit- Rs. 50.1 crores, up by 15.1%.

 Equity (2006-07) - Rs. 28.5 crores.

 Earning Per Share- Rs. 25.3.

 All India Rank-40th (Business Today)

 7th in FMCG companies.

Spending on Advertising & Marketing:

 Total expenditure- Rs. 114.12 crores (2006-07).

 This is a change of 65.39% over the previous year.

 All India rank- 3rd in spending on advertisement.

 Ad/Sales- 12.43% (2006-07).



Dabur India Ltd. selects the future employees keeping everything in mind right from

the qualification of the employees to the future prospects-both of the organisation and

the employees.

The first step involves the filling up of Manpower Indent Form. This form is filled up

by the department, which is having the vacancy. The form consists of various

questions which are to be answered like if the current vacancy is a replacement

vacancy, its reason is to be specified -the factors which resulted it like death,

retirement etc.

The department is required to give the qualifications that the future candidate should


In the next step, this form is given to the Human Resource (HR) department; this

department sees if the position can be filled through internal sources. The internal

sources can be transfers, promotion etc. In the case of internal sources, the

recommendations of the employees are not taken into consideration. If the HR

department does not find suitable candidate within the organisation then this

department has to give reasons for it. The form then goes to the Corporate HR for its


When the suitable candidate is not available within the organisation, the organisation

then moves to the outside world for filling up the vacancies.

If the number of employees required is large then the company has in its consideration

three ways-

 The Data bank of the organisation.

 Advertisements.

 Contacting large consultants.

The company maintains a databank of the candidates, which is used when the number

of vacancies to be filled up is large. The sources of databank can be the qualified

candidates who had applied in the organisation earlier but due to some reasons could

not join the organisation.

Advertisements are the second big source to attract the candidates. These are having

much larger scope and reach to a number of people. The qualifications required by the

organisation and the criteria could be described in detail.

Large number of consultants also constitutes a big source. Many people register

themselves with these consultants and they act as a bridge between the organisation

and the candidates. The consultants provide the company required details about all

criteria. These

consultants are fixed for the organisation, which are chosen on the basis of their

performance. In case of overseas recruitment it is checked whether their Indian

counterparts can perform the job efficiently or not. If need arises then they are also

taken through consultants.

But if the number of vacancies is very small then the organisation takes the help of the

local consultants.

The candidates are then required to fill up the Application Form. This form requires

the candidate to fill the details regarding the previous employment, if any and his

personal data. The form is having details regarding like the marital status, organisation

structure, the position held by the candidate, his salary structure, the top three

deliveries to the organisation that proved to be beneficial to the organisation, career

goals, his strengths and weaknesses etc.

After the application form has been duly filled and submitted, the selection process

starts wherein the candidate has to pass through various stages and interview. The

interview panel consists of the persons from Corporate (HR), and other persons

including the executives from the department for which the vacancy is to be filled.

The selected candidates are then short-listed. The short listed candidates are then given

priority numbers; this is due to the reason

that sometimes the candidate who is having first priority is unable to join the

organisation due to some reasons then in that case the candidate next in the priority list

is given preference. The candidate has to under go medical examination and his

credentials are verified.

After qualifying these stages, the candidate is then absorbed in the organisation and

explained his/her duties. This phase marks the end of the selection procedure.

Dabur India Ltd.also performs Campus interviews as and when the need arises. The

esteemed organisation also provides apprentice training-wherein the organisation

trains the people in the working of the organisation and gives then stipend. If these

trainees are found useful to the organisation then they are absorbed in the organisation

else they are given certificate so that they can show this as an experience and get a job


HRM in the food Industry

When we talk of human resource management, we have in our mind a variety of

things. These include:

 Training

 Skill development and up-gradation of knowledge and skills of the employees.

 Motivating the employees,

 Effective utilization of the employees skills and capabilities

 Attracting the personnel and their retention

 Wages, salaries and rewards and

 Monitoring and controlling the employees performance

These aspects of human resource management and development are essential for every

sector but in the case of tourism, they have a special significance. This is because

tourism is a service industry and here the customer is not only buying a service or a

product but he is also experiencing and consuming the quality of service which is

reflected in the performance of the person involved in the production and delivery of

the service. Since what is marketed here is a relationship between the customer and the

producer of services, the importance of human resources becomes vital for the success

of the business. Generally, in such service operations the emphasis has been on

courtesy and

efficiency and it is assumed that the service in tourism is all smiles and effective

communication. However, with the changing nature of tourism and growing special

sation only smiles, communications skills and courtesy will not serve the purpose. For

example, a guide may be very good in communication but unless he or she is equipped

with knowledge and information related to the monument or the city, he or she will not

be able to perform quality service. Similarly, a driver may be very good at driving but

unless he knows the roads and addresses of the city, only his driving capabilities will

be of no help in providing quality service. And we must remember here that tourists,

whether foreign or domestic, are increasingly becoming more demanding as regards

quality of service.

Generally, human resource management, planning and development in tourism have to

be taken at both macro as well as micro levels. At the macro level, one takes into

account the educational and training infrastructure available in a country and the

efforts initiated by the ICAO. This also includes the efforts initiated by the private

sector. At the micro level, one takes into account how best individual organizations

plan and manage their human resources V S Mahesh, formerly Vice President (Human

Resources) with the Taj Group of Hotels, is of the opinion that two central features

common to all sectors of the tourism industry must be considered in this regard:

1) The concept of Moments of Truth (MOT), and

2) MOT’s relationship to the attainment of service excellence in an organization.

Jan Carlzon has defined MOT “as an intention between a customer and an organization, which

leads to a judgement by the customer about the quality of service received by her or him”. In

tourism industry, 95% of the MOTs take place between customers and the front line staff and

most of the time they are not visible to the management. For example, how a hotel

receptionist is handling the customers or how an escort is conducting the tour is not visible to

the management. Yet, the tourist’s experience of the holiday is dependent on how the staff

manning such services has treated him or her. Mahesh has pointed out that in case of negative

experiences, only less than five percent cases get reported to the management by the customers

and hence according to him the crucial questions is “are human beings capable of doing their

job correctly, willingly and with a smile, when they know that their management is most

unlikely to be able to see or hear them, let alone bear of their failure to do so”? This puts

additional on the human resources management factor in the tourism industry. Certain

organizations, companies and even destinations are known for their hospitality and are even

termed as service leaders in their areas of operations. Researches conducted by various

scholars in this area show that they have achieved this, status, through effective human

resource management in their organizations. According to Gail Cook Johnson these

companies have applied the principal of empowerment to all employees. This empowerment

is manifested in the way that companies:

 Are highly focused and consistent in everything they do and say in relation to


 Have manager who communicate with employees

 Facilitate, rather that regulate, their employees response to customers

 Solicit employee feedback about how they can do things better

 Stress the importance of team work at each level of the organization and

 Plan carefully the organization’s recruitment and training needs.

These companies give less emphasis on hierarchy and formal relationship rather; they

adopt flat organizational structure in terms of span of control. Johnson further states

that these service leaders can be recognised for:

 Their unfailing commitment to service principles,

 Their investments in people to ensure staffing competence,

 A management philosophy which stresses communication a proactive orientation

and employee feedback and

 A dedication to teamwork

In fact, human resource management and customer’s care/expectations management

are inter related area in the area of tourism. Sarah Mansfield has identified four key

principles in the development of customer care within companies. These according to

her are

1) Customer care ‘starts at the top’ was meaning that commitment to the principle

of customer care must emanate from senior management levels within an

organization. Successful management’ is not only about the right management

style but also an attitude, ethos or culture of the organization which overrides

the management techniques used, such that in the absence of other instructions

these values will dictate how an employee will behave.

2) ‘Customer care involves everyone’ within the organization. It is not just about

front-line staff. The contrary view ‘only services to reinforce the electricians’

or administrators, opinion that the standard of service they give in support of

the front-line staff is not important. How can cleaners do the right job unless

they fully appreciate their customer’ needs and the importance of their role?

High standards of customer care cannot be achieved by ignoring seasonal, part

time or voluntary staff that represents the face of the business to many


3) ‘Care for your staff and they will care for your customers. Too often

organizations look first to the customer, whereas the emphasis should be placed

on the staff. Improving the experience of the staff encourages a better service

and a better experience for customers. More customers are obtained thereby

improving the climate in which management and staff work. Investment and

greater professionalism follow success and the cycle of achievement is


4) ‘It’s a continuous’, meaning that ‘customer care is not a quick fix Research but

it long term plan’.

According to V S Mahesh “The nature, determinates and problem areas of service

quality within tourism points clearly to the central role of personnel, at all levels, in

attaining levels, of excellence in this respect. Development the service culture, within a

company, and within tourism industry, cans he seen as crucial to the success of

tourism.” Hence, the activities of an HRD manager in tourism can be categorised as:

 Human resource planing and

 Human resource development

Aspect like forecasting, recruiting and induction in the human resource area are taken

care of through human resource planning. The identification of specific developmental

needs for the manpower aimed

at developing and exploiting the competencies of the human resources are taken care

of through human resource development.


In this Section, we will deal with certain aspects which are relevant for managers or

entrepreneurs at an organization’s level in the area of human resource planning.

Human resource planing can be termed as a process for preparing a plan for the future

personnel needs of an organization. It takes into account the internal activities of the

organization and the external environmental factors. In a service industry like tourism,

such planning also aims at improving the quality of manpower resources. Human

resource planning involves:

 Analysis of existing manpower resources,

 Planning for future needs taking into account how many people with what skills

and at what levels the organization will need, and

 Planning for the development of the employees by adopting in-house training and

continuing education methods to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the



Recruitment and selection procedure is a vital factor of an organization. If it is not

done properly the production procedure will be hampered. Hence productivity will fall

down. So the organization will be in trouble and it will affect the employer- employee

relationship. So recruitment and selection procedure should be done in proper and

correct manner. The new candidates should replace the vacant post so that the

production of the company does not hamper. By this the productivity will increase and

the organization will gain profit. So the employer will be happy and will not hesitate to

distribute bonus and increments to the workers. The workers will also be more

motivated to work. Hence there will be harmonious relationship in the organization. It

will also stabilize the organization in the long run.


Organisation structure:

The whole organisation behaves as a Parivar, with one legal guardian. All directors and

shareholders are from among workers and the entire have taken an oath through

affidavit. In the court of law that neither their family members shall have claim or

share in the assets or profits of the company. All workers of company are the proud

owners of the organisation. The workers believe in the concept that “manpower is

superior to money power”.

Recruitment and selection:

Recruitment is the process of seeking out and attempting to attract individuals in

external labour markets, who are capable of and interested in filling available

vacancies. Recruitment is an intermediate activity whose primary function is to server

as a linked between Human Resource Planning on the one hand and selection on the

other. Sources of recruitment are through internal and external channels. Dabur recruits

it’s employees both externally as well as internally. Recruitment for the airline is done

through interviews of selected applicants and people who pass the interviews of

selected applicants and people who pass the interview are required to undergo a

medical test before he/she is finally placed in the Dabur.

Employees are also recruited through internal mobility. This is done on the basis of

merit and seniority. After passing the examination the candidates are called for an

interview along with the employees who have become eligible for promotion on the

basis of seniority.


 Recruitment and selection.

 Performance Appraisal.

 Training and Development.

 Promotion, Transfer, Separation.

 General administration & Welfare.

 Security.

 Public Relations.

 Industrial Relations.



The purpose of the methodology is to describe the research procedure. This includes

overall research design, the sampling procedure, the data collection method, and

analysis procedure.

Out of total universe 15 respondents from dabur have been taken for convenience. The

sample procedure chosen for this are statistical sampling method. Here randomly

employees are selected and interviewed. Information, which I collected, was based on

the questionnaires filled up by the sample employees.

Under secondary method I took the help of various reference books which I have

mentioned in bibliography and also by way of surfing through the company website.

 Primary Data:

 Questionnaire: Corresponding to the nature of the study direct, structured

questionnaires with a mixture of close and open-ended questions will be

administered to the relevant respondents within the Personnel and other

Departments of the organisation.

 Secondary Data

 Organizational literature: Any relevant literature available from the organisation

on the Company profile, recruitment & selection

procedures, Job specifications (dabur), department-wise break up of manpower

strength and the organisational structure.

 Other Sources: Appropriate journals, magazines such as Human Capital, relevant

newspaper articles, company brochures and articles on www sites will also be used

to substantiate the identified objectives.

 Sampling Plan and Design

A questionnaire will be used for the purpose of research:

 Questionnaire: To test the validity and effectiveness of the recruitment and

selection procedures within the organisation and to test the validity and

effectiveness of the policies and procedures within the organisation.

 The basic rationale of Questionnaire is to ascertain the perception of the non-HR

departments in terms of the validity and effectiveness of the policies and

procedures used by the organisation. It is also in line with the assessment of any

suggestions/recommendations that the respondents from these Departments might

have in terms of the use of an alternative source/device of recruitment and

selection, than what already forms the current practice of the HR Department.

 Questionnaire would be administered to 15 respondents, holding a senior

designation within the Personnel Department of the organisation. It will also be

administered to at least 15 respondents belonging to typical Departments

within the organisation and holding senior designations within their respective


 Sampling Element

 For the purpose of administering the Questionnaire, the respondents would

comprise of personnel holding senior designations within the Personnel

Department of the organisation. The respondents for the Questionnaire will also

be preferably being panel members of the Recruitment & Selection Board of the


 The respondents would comprise of personnel holding senior designations within

certain typical Departments identified within the organisation, namely:

- Stores

- Finance

- Operations

- Electronics

- Engineering

 Sample Extent: The extent of the sample is confined to the Sahibabad operations

of the Dabur, specifically to the Administration.

 Sampling Technique

 Judgement Sampling would be used for the purpose of choosing the sample for the

purpose of administering Questionnaire. The identified expert would have a

thorough knowledge about all the respondents within the Personnel Department of

the organisation. Thus his/her expertise would be incorporated in locating,

identifying and contacting the required respondents.

Again Judgement sampling would be effectively used in identifying the typical non

- HR Departments within the organisation and subsequently for the location and

identification of suitable respondents for Questionnaire.



‘Necessity is the mother of Invention’ this is true everywhere. In the study first of all I

tried to find out the cause of the process of Recruitment and selection.

I got the answer from Dabur that here in Dabur major cause for the process is its

Expansion program as Dabur is growing vastly. Few other reasons are Replacement

vacancy Retirement hardly takes place here.


An organization’s excellence depends upon its employee’s performance, which has not

only to be maintained on a consistent level, but also must be improved constantly. All

this can be achieved if suitable employees are selected, through proper Recruitment

and Selection procedure.


For the recruitment and selection various test include for e.g. aptitude test ,personality

test and group discussion. As we all know that, in today’s highly competitive age the


problem is of retention of its highly skilled employees in the organization. Recruitment

plays a vital role in this regard. But it should be seen that no system is without any

flaws. Every system has its strong and weak points and is open for change at any time.


DABUR a well-developed Selection System for its employee’s development. Thus, the

company provides scope for employees on future growth, career planning, training and



The research in Dabur has helped me in broadening my view. It has helped me to

know that HR is the heart of every organization. It made me aware about how policies

play an important role in the smooth functioning of any organization. But I have found

that there is something that lacks in the company and which is possible to overcome.

Dabur is engaged in making maximum sales, providing satisfaction to its customers, as

well as maintaining good relations with the corporate world. But it has not thought

about marinating a health relation with its employees. This is the reason that there was

an increase in the labor turnover. Also, it has never given consideration to find the

reason lying behind the same.

Employee retention is crucial to the long-term success of your business and therefore

the ability to retain employees is a primary measure of the health of your organization.

Of significant concern is the fact that unplanned employee turnover directly impacts

the bottom line of a business.

The company can undertake the following steps to maintain long and existing

relationship with its employees as well as a steady increase in sales:-

1. Employees should know clearly what is expected of them-

Continually changing expectations minimize employee’s sense of internal security and

create unnecessary stress. It is beneficial therefore to provide a specific framework, in

which people can work.

2. Employees should be provided with quality management and leadership-

It is well documented that people leave their managers more often than they leave the

company or the job. Turnover issues that cause an employee to feel unvalued by their

manager include lack of feedback about performance, lack of clarity regarding earning

potential, failure to hold scheduled meetings, and the failure to provide a framework

for the employee to succeed. Ensure that the right people are in place to lead your

teams, departments, business units and the organization as a whole towards success.

3. The company should compensate candidates applying for any position in the

organization in case of external recruitment; this will give candidates a positive

impression about the company.

1. The references given by the candidates at the time of selection should be

brought into use and should be verified in order to avoid undesired candidates.

2. Job specifications should be disclosed at the time of recruitment and selection

so that employees are well aware of the tasks to be performed by them and the

expectations their seniors have from them.

3. Company should undergo personality test in order to judge the personality of

the person applying for the job.

4. Company should have a round of panel interview so that decision of selecting a

candidate is not based on personal biasness of the interviewer, interviews

should therefore be followed by group discussion.


 The scope of the study in terms of coverage is limited to the Delhi operations of

the Dabur

 Within the organisation the study is limited to the top-level management of the

Personnel Department of the organisation (out of which samples of the

respondents are also members of the Recruitment & Selection committee). This

is for the purpose of administering the questionnaire.

 In line with the purpose of conducting employee interviews, the study would be

confined to personnel holding typical designations within the organisation at

different levels of management.

 Although the limitations that I faced in the organizations is the absence of Trade

Unions co-operation, otherwise which could have help me in understanding the

industrial relations in a comprehensive manner.

 Secondly, the limitation that I have is the scope of collection of sample size which

was confined to only one department, which would have other wise made my study

and observations in an effective manner.



 Robbins P. Stephens, Organizational Behavior, Prentice Hall, 7th Edition, Chapter

16, pages 636-641.

 Koontz Harold & Weihrich Heinz, Essentials of Management, Mc Graw Hill, 5th

Edition, Chapter 11, pages 217-245.

 Decenzo A. David & Robbins P. Stephen, Personnel/HR Management, Prentice

Hall, 3rd Edition, Chapters 6,7 & 8, pages 117-209.


 India Today

 Today’s traveller

 Business Today

News Paper

 Times of India

 Hindustan Times

 Economic Times

Web sites




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