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Choose the best answer.

1. Food gives us _____________

a) Energy b) Happiness c) Money

2. Cars get their energy from ____________

a) Petrol b) Air c) Engine

3. In our body the food combines with ___________ from the air we

a) Carbon dioxide b) Oxygen c) Nitrogen

4. Food keep us __________

a) Warm b) Happy c) Cool

5. Food ____________ damage parts of our body.

a) Repair b) Change c) Polish

6. Food has ___________ energy.

a) Extra b) Stored c) Good

7. Green plants make _____________ using energy from the Sun.

a) Fats b) Carbohydrates c) Vitamins

8. Our body can make its own _____________

a) Fats b) Carbohydrates c) Food

9. Fats give us more energy than ____________________.

a) Minerals b) Proteins c) Carbohydrates

10. Fried food contains a lot of __________.

a) Fats b) Proteins c) Fibres

11. Sugar and starch are examples of _____________.

a) Fats b) Carbohydrates c) Vitamins

12. About _______ % of our body weight is water.

a) 70 b) 60 c) 50

13. An elephant’s heart beats about ___________ times each


a) 20 b) 25 c) 10

14. Our body is made up of millions of tiny building blocks called


a) Vitamins b) Fats c) Cells

15. Our body is made up of __________ million cells.

a) 2500 b) 2000 c) 1000

16. After water __________ makes up the next highest proportion of

our body.

a) Fats b) Proteins c) Vitamins

17. Every second millions of __________in our body dies and new
ones have to be made.

a) Fats b) Cells c) Minerals

18. Blood cells die after ___________ hours.

a) 20 b) 30 c) 40

19. __________ Cells die after 19 days.

a)19 b) 20 c) 21

20. Bone cells die after between ____________ years.

a) 15 and 25 b) 25 and 35 c) 35 and 45


1) Egg white is almost _____________ and water.

2) Cheese is made from _________

3) There are _________ parts of our diet.

4) Our body can make vitamin ______ using energy from sunlight.

5) _____________ keep our body and gums healthy.

6) _________________ help our bones and teeth to grow strong.

7) Calcium is the most important ____________.

8) _______________ is needed for healthy red blood.

9) If we do not eat enough __________ we may become constipated.

10) The main food in bread is _____________.

11) Starch is a _____________.

12) When we put butter and margarine on bread we are adding


13) In our body spare or extra food is turned into ___________.

14) Our blood is mainly ____________.

15) The word _________ simply means things you eat and drink.

16) Exercise uses ___________ which comes from our food.

17) Our heart is made up of _____________.

18) A human’s heart beats ______________ times in a minute.

19) On each beat our heart pushes _____________ around the body.

20) A mouse heart beats about __________ times in a minute.

21) Our heart is a _____________.

22) Muscles of our heart contract more than ___________ each

21. When you exercise your muscles needs more food and

22. Extra ________ goes to the skin and muscles when we are
working hard.

QNO2: Give answers (5*4)

Q1: Why do we need food?

Q2: What are the benefits of exercise?

Q3: How do proteins give us energy?

Q4.Write down the foods containing

Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin E,

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