Physics Definitions

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Emiliano Sánchez Martinez.


Physics general concepts

-the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and
energy. The subject matter of physics, distinguished from that of chemistry and
biology, includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity,
magnetism, and the structure of atoms.
5 Contributions of Physics to modern Science:
One of the biggest discoveries that humankind has ever made is electricity.
A transistor is the most basic part of a computer that has allowed for the
creation of computer chips and has fueled the computer age.
The advance of the airplane is due primarily to advances in physics. Airplanes
are capable of flight according to Bernoulli's fluid dynamics formulas.
-Space Flight
Rocket science relies heavily on physics, deriving the formulas for thrust and
combustion directly from it. The force of combustion is a measurable quantity,
and the force can be directed through a nozzle to create a knowable thrust.
-Nuclear Energy
The nuclear bomb, one of the most powerful weapons humankind has at its
disposal, is directly related to physics.
5 pioneers in Physics and their contributions:
-Isaac Newton
Co-inventor of calculus, a major contributor to the science of optics and a gifted
mathematician, Isaac Newton (1643-1727), who was born in Lincolnshire,
outlined the laws of mechanics that now underpin vast swaths of classical
-Niels Bohr
Born in Copenhagen, Bohr (1885-1962) developed the modern idea of an atom,
which has a nucleus at the centre with electrons revolving round it. When
electrons move from one energy level to another, they emit discrete quanta of
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-Galileo Galilei
Born in Pisa, Galileo (1564-1642) initially trained as a doctor. On hearing of the
invention of the telescope in 1609, he built his own and turned it to the heavens,
revealing the existence of sunspots and a pitted, mountainous surface on the
-Albert Einstein
Three great theories define our physical knowledge of the universe: relativity,
quantum mechanics and gravitation. The first is the handiwork of German-born
Albert Einstein (1879-1955), who remains the physicist with the greatest
reputation for originality of thought.
-James Clerk Maxwell
In contrast to Newton and Einstein, Edinburgh-born Maxwell (1831-79) is
virtually unknown to the general public. Yet his contribution to physics was
every bit as significant, particularly his discovery of the theory
of electromagnetism
Scientific method and its steps:
-The scientific method is a process for experimentation that is used to explore
observations and answer questions. Does this mean all scientists
follow exactly this process? No. Some areas of science can be more easily
tested than others.
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Find the 5 main branches of Physics.:

-The Classical mechanics.
-Statistical mechanics and Thermodynamics.
-Electronics and Electromagnetism.
-The Relativity theory.
-Quantum mechanics.

-In physics, magnitude is described in simple words as 'distance or quantity'. It
shows the direction or size that is absolute or relative in which an object moves
in the sense of motion. It is used to describe the size or extent of something.
Generally, in physics, magnitude relates to distance or quantity.

Fundamental magnitudes:
-Length, mass, volume, the quantity of a substance, voltage, etc, are
magnitudes. The following magnitudes are called fundamental physical
magnitudes. If you add to these magnitudes two complementary ones: the solid
angle and the plain angle, starting with them you can express ALL the other
physical magnitudes.


-is the determination of the size or magnitude of something. By comparing that

unknown quantity with some standard quantity of equal nature, known as
measurement unit. Measurement can also be defined as "Comparison of an
unknown quantity with some known quantity of the same kind".

Unit of measure:
-A Unit of measure is the actual unit in which the associated values are
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specifies a system of physical measurement (the International System of Units,

SI). Physical measurement is only one type of measurement. Value
measurement is another type of measurement.
The seven SI base units, which are comprised of:
Length - meter (m)
Time - second (s)
Amount of substance - mole (mole)
Electric current - ampere (A)
Temperature - kelvin (K)
Luminous intensity - candela (cd)
Mass - kilogram (kg)

Direct and indirect measurement:

-Direct measurement' refers to measuring exactly the thing that you are looking
to measure, while 'indirect measurement' means that you're measuring
something by measuring something else. For example of direct measurement is
weight, distance, and so on.

Scientific notation:
-a widely used floating-point system in which numbers are expressed as
products consisting of a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by an appropriate
power of 10 (as in 1.591 × 10−20)

International system
-The International System of Units (SI, abbreviated from the French Système
international (d'unités)) is the modern form of the metric system. It is the only
system of measurement with an official status in nearly every country in the
world. ... Twenty-two derived units have been provided with special names and
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English system
-The English system is defined as the measurement system used in many
countries including the United States using feet, pounds and seconds. An
example of English system measurement is a man being six feet tall. noun.

Vernier caliper (concept and how to use it)

-The vernier calipers found in the laboratory incorporates a main scale and a
sliding vernier scale which allows readings to the nearest 0.02 mm. This
instrument may be used to measure outer dimensions of objects (using the
main jaws), inside dimensions (using the smaller jaws at the top), and depths
(using the stem).

Vernier calipers are used to measure the inner and outer breadth of rods and
domains and thickness of any sort of object accurately. The Vernier calipers can
also be utilized to measure deepness of holes and objects which can be too
hard to do with any other scale.


PatrickB. (2019, March 2). Importance of physics in the modern world. Sciencing.

McKie, R. (2013, May 11). The 10 best physicists. The Guardian.

Martínez, E. (n.d.). Scientific notation. Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-
Emiliano Sánchez Martinez. 5toB

Using the VERNIER CALIPERS & micrometer SCREW GAUGE. Using the Vernier
Calipers & Micrometer Screw Gauge | Department of Physics. (n.d.).

Guzman, A. (n.d.). Physics Measured. Physical magnitudes.

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