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Writing and Language Test


Turn to Section 2 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.


Each passage below is accompanied by a number of questions. For some questions, you
will consider how the passage be revised to improve the expression of ideas. For
correct errors in
other questions, you will consider how the passage might be edited to
sentence structure, usage, or punctuation. A passage or a question may be accompanied

by one or more (such as a table or

graphics that you will consider as you make
revising and editing decisions.

Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage. Other questions will
direct you to a location in a passage or ask you to think about the passage as a whole.

After reading each passage, choose the answer to each question that most effectively
to the
improves the quality of writing in the passage or that makes the passage conform
conventions of standard written English. Many questions include a "NO CHANGE" option.
Choose that option if you think the best choice is to leave the relevant portion of the
passage as it is.

Questions 1-11 are based on the following passage.

Made-Up" Science B) example, consequently we
When we hear about the opinions of "ten scientists C) example: we
or "ten dentists, or we hear that things are "clinically D) example, we
proven" or "lab-tested" for example, andwe might
expect to be reading scientific journals. However, these
phrases and statistics are well- known outside of scientific Which provides the most relevant detail?
circles because they are so commonly used in a less likely
place: advertising. It's not enough for, say, a shampoo to B) tomerge into larger corporations and reduce the
promise clean hair: it seems the only way to sell shampoo number of shampoo brands.
is 2 by lowering the price and offering special deals and C) by comparing the product to other products
customers buy more regularly.
D) to promise 40% more volume and bounce or 60%
fewer split ends than other brands.

2 These claims are
part of what has been called, since
1961, "cosmeutical science. The word itself combines A) NO CHANGE
"cosmetics and "pharmaceutical" Since the term was
B) Vogue and,
coined in 1961, cosmetics companies have been under
C)Vogue; and
more pressure to innovate, as
competition grows and D) Vogue: and
markets expand outside the United States. This pressure
has led to an increased reliance on scientific data as a
to back up the advertisers' claims. 4
To make this paragraph most logical, sentence 5
(1] But where exactly do these claims come from? should be placed
[2] However, if these claims seem absurd at times, it's A) where it is now.
because they may come from nowhere at all. [3] A recent B) before sentence 2.

study of these scientific claims appears in the Journal of C) before sentence 3.

Global Fashion Marketing. [4] In this study, the researchers D) before sentence 4.
looked at over 300 advertisements from fashion magazines
like Elle, 3 Vogue, and Vanity Fair. [5] The obvious
answer would seem to be "the lab 4 A) NO CHANGE

To anyone who has ever 5 believed the truth-value B) pondered

of these advertisements (or of advertisements in C) questioned
the researchers' findings are probably not surprising. The D) skepticized
researchers found that a mere 18% of the claims made in
these advertisements were true. 23% of the claims were 6

classified as "outright lies. 6 42% were considered too The writer is considering deleting the underlined
vague to classify. portion. Should the writer do this?
A) No, because it demonstrates the most surprising
of the researchers' findings.
B) No, because it completes the discussion of the data
and is mentioned again in the
C) Yes, because it is a reminder of how subjective the
researchers' study truly was.
D) Yes, because the reader could deduce this
information through simple mathematics.

PracticeTest 1 29
12 findings are good for a laugh,
but 7 they may

as well. Although everyone

have more serious implications B) will have
Administration can
knows that the Food and Drug C) may have
what is less
what goes into food and drugs,
8 D) might be having
known is that the FDA can also punish false advertising
claims. That sizable 23% that is telling "outright lies" may
federal agency investigating its claims,
and these
have a
have resulted in significant fines
investigations 9 might
and lawsuits. B) regulate
C) name
While this has obvious ramifications
for the "outright
D) administrate
the FDA do 10 from that much larger
lies what can

for the
share of "too vague" claims? These may be safe
that they are too vague to be disproven. 9
simple reason

research should A) NO CHANGE

Whatever the FDA may decide to do, this
about the potential perils of B) have resulted in significant fine's
still remind consumers

Thus, the claims C) may result in significant fines

trusting the word ofadvertisers.11
are often harmless, but consumers want to believe that D) may result in significant fine's
hard-earned money to trustworthy
they are giving their
organizations. 10

B) to

D) with

B) On the other hand,

C) True,
D) Nevertheless,

2 2
Questions 12-22 are based on the following passage 2
and supplementary material.
Gerry's Salamander B) Happily
The United States is often lauded for C) Politically
its contributions
to democracy in the world. When the process is D) Unfortunately,
allowed to work, democracy in the United States is truly
admirable, and all of those who vote can feel that they are 13
participating in the process in a
significant way. 12 This A) NO CHANGE
being the case, there are some abnormalities in the history B) Gerry then governor of the state,
of U.S. elections that fall short of these C) Gerry, then governor of the state
D) Gerry., then governor, of the state
[i] One notable instance came in a state senate
election in Massachusetts in 1812. [2] Unfortunately, it
was not the last. [3] Shortly before this election, Elbridge 14
13 Gerry, then governor of the state, called for a A) NO CHANGE
redistricting that was supposed to reflect demographic B) would have become
shifts within the city. [4] To anyone paying attention, C) became
however, it 14 will become clear that this redistricting D) becomes
would benefit Gerry's own party, the Democratic-
Republicans. [5] It was one of the first and most 15
infamous works of political trickery in the history of the To make this paragraph most logical, sentence 2
country.15 should be placed
A) where it is now.
B) after sentence 3.
C) after sentence 4.
D) after sentence 5.


PracticeTest 1 31
2 Gerry's tactics gave birth to a new term. The Boston 16
Gazette poked fun at Gerry's redistricting 16 plan. Which choice most effectively combines the two
sentences at the underlined portion?
This newspaper said that the newly created South Essex
A) plan, when the paper said
electoral district resembled a salamander on the map. This
image, combined with the governor's name, came to be B) plan, at which time the paper said
known by a very specific 17 name: gerrymandering. The C) plan, saying
practice unfortunately continues to be a tool of political D) plan and they said

manipulation to this day.

Particularly on the state and local levels,
gerrymandering can have a tremendous influence on

B) name: which was

the outconme of an election. As the below graphic shows,
gerrymandering can turn 18 votersagainst some of C)namne
D) name. And it was
the legislative bodiesin their state. In a population of 50

people, in which voting blocs lived in contained areas,

different districting can result in vastly different outcomes, 18
Which choice best completes the description of the
even where there is advantage for one party. In
a clear
purpose of gerrymandering?
the redistricting shown below, 19 40% light gray voters
can become 60% dark gray districts through the careful
B) a series of political factions against one another.
manipulation of the districts.
C) elections into long processes with delayed results
Gerrymandering, explained D) electoral disadvantages into electoral advantages.
Three different ways to divide 50 people into five districts

Perfect 2. Compact, 3. Neither compact

50 people
but unfair nor fair

Which choice most accurately and effectively
represents information in the figure?

B) 60% dark gray voters can become 60% light gray

2 light gray districts

light gray voters can become 100% darkgr

5 light gray districts
3 light gray districts
60% light gray
40% dark gray
2 dark gray districts O dark gray districts 3 dark gray districts
D) 60% light gray voters can become 60% dark grey

2 2

Gerrymandering almost always benefits the parties 20

in 20 power, not those out of power, because those are A) NO CHANGE
the parties that have the influence necessary to redistrict. B) power usually,
Many perfectly viable candidates have been shut out
by C)power
cruel and unfair districting practices. In this and in other D) power for the good
political arenas, it is much easier to stay in power than to
gain power.
The real victims of
gerrymandering. however, are the A) NO CHANGE
voters. The process is used
quite often to disenfranchise B) their
certain voters by making 21
they're votes lessvaluable. C)there
In "majority-minority" districts in particular, districts with D) they are
large non-white populations, gerrymandering can discount
the importance of particular races or classes of voters,
many 22 of whose voting interests may go against those 22
in power. The American voting system works, but only B) voters
when all voters are given an equal say in the outcome of an
C) of their
D) DELETE the underlined portion.


Practice Test 1 33
Questions 23-33 are based on the following passage 23
and supplementary material. A) NO CHANGE

B) marked,
The Original Condition
C) being marked in a way,
If you've ever been to an art museum, you know the D) by so means of marking,
basic layout: long hallways and large rooms with paintings
hung a few feet apart. You know how the paintings are
23 by certain means marked, and you know that
the paintings have been arranged chronologically or
B) you've surely noticed how new all the paintings
thematically look,
There's one thing., however, which you've definitely C)noticing the new look ofall the paintings is
something you can do,
noticed even if you can't quite articulate it. Particularly
D) the paintings always strike you as very new
when looking at old paintings. 24 paintingsall havethat looking,
vividlynew look, whether they were painted in 1950 or
1450. Even where the subject matter is older, the colors are

vibrant, and you're never forced to wonder exactly what

the painting must have looked like in its original stat The writer is considering deleting the underlined
sentence. Should the sentence be kept or deleted?
25 The history of paintingis nearly as long as the history
A) Deleted, because it strays from the paragraphs
of mankind.
major focus by introducing an irrelevant fact.
B) Deleted, because it restates a historical detail that
is provided in a later paragraph.
C) Kept, because it is a useful introduction to the
topic of this paragraph.
D) Kept, because it provides a humorous anecdote
regarding the work of art restorers.

2 This incredible feat is the work ofa
highly specialized 26
group: art restorers. Despite this specialization, the
At this point the writer wants to add specific
profession has exploded in recent years. 26 Art information that is consistent with the focus of the

restoration has been growing steadily since 1930. While paragraph.

the job of an art restorer may seem

27 when looking, the job is in fact quite complicated. 0.00000119

**book conservation b 0 o k restoration

a r t restoration

Sometimes, in the case of Michelangelo's famous


sculpture David, the cleaning and restoration of artworks 0.000000569%|

is a simple 28 matter, applying chemicals, washing away 0.00000044%

grime, and scrubbing off the dirt.
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
1905 1915 1925 1935 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005

Which choice most effectively provides a sentence

with relevant and accurate information from the
graph above?
B) The number of book restorers who became art
restorers tripled in 2000.
C) By the year 2020, it is predicted that art restoration
will even eclipse art conservation.
D) From 1970 to 2005, the percentage of people
working in art restoration has roughly tripled.

B) beholden,
C)at first glance,
D) under your gaze,

B) matter
C) matter:
D) matters


Practice Test 1 35
29 With most paintings, however, the process is a
good deal more involved because it is not necessarily just
a matter of "cleaning" the older paintings. One cannot
B) Anyway,
C) In this sense,
merely take a scrub brush to a centuries-old great work.
D) Alongside cleaning.
Because of the wide range of restoration techniques, art

restoration itself can be controversial business. For many

years, before museums became the high-volume tourist 30

attractions they are today, art "restorers" were typically A) NO CHANGE

artists themselves. They would project some image of what B) to, and including,
the painting must have looked like originally and applya C) to and including

variety of techniques, up 30 to and including: repainting, D) to, and including:

to preserve this "original"

1] Now, however, more attention is paid to the 31

historical quality of the artworks. [2] Some art historians A) NO CHANGE

31 who is writing today even go so far as to say that B) who are
historical fabric of a C) whom is
and grime themselves are parts of the
Others argue that
painting and thus should be left in. [3]
D) whom are

matters. [4] They will

the purity of the painting is all that
restore the original look of a painting, even
if that means
"fixing" the painting by some non-paint
means. 32
The writer wants to add the following sentence to the
art restorers are more paragraph.
Whatever methods they use,
For example, a recent restoration at Harvard s
needed 33 for ever, but their work is also less permanent.
Art Museums involved precisely calibrated lights
In order to retain the integrity of the artwork
in o
that would correct the color damage to a series

restorers make a mistake, all restoration must now be murals done by Mark Rothko in the 1960s.

reversible, a reminder that art "history is very much a The best placement for the sentence is immediately
A) after sentence 1.
thing of the present and the future.
B) after sentence 2.
C) after sentence 3.
D) after sentence 4.


B) by
D) than
2 2
Questions 34-44 are based on the following passage. 34
Which choice most effectively combines the sentences
The Rise of Hyperion
at the underlined portion?
Literary critics have always paid the most attention A) modes, which notably include
toserious" authors. The great authors of recent memory, B) modes, and overlooked in particular is
especially in American literature, have been distinctly C) modes, specifically
"literary" authors: Toni Morrison, Philip Roth, Thomas D) modes, and one genre suffering neglect is
Pynchon, and Jonathan Franzen. Often overlooked in this
pantheon of great authors are the contributions of authors 35
in non-traditional 34 modes.Specifically overlooked is A) NO CHANGE

B) For all that,

thegenreof science fiction. In some ways, the novel that
has hearkened back to the great authors of the Victorian C) To this day,

nineteenth century is not Morrison's Beloved or Rothis D) Check this out,

American Pastoral but Hyperion by Dan Simmons.

Simmons's novel was published in 1989, and it won
the Hugo Award for best science-fiction novel that year.
B) which,
35 All things considered, it is regularly listed among
C) is that which
the greatest science-fiction novels of all time. The novel D) DELETE the underlined portion.
that spawned a series of novels dealing with the
same fantastic universe, the first of which was The Fall of
Hyperion, published in 1990. Hyperion tells the story of A) NO CHANGE
who travel to the distant world of
seven pilgrims B) not sure in their entirety

Hyperion in an attempt to avert a galaxy-wide w a r between C) not entirely sure

hostile factions. Because the pilgrims are 37 not sure
D) lacking a complete sureness
been recruited for this
in a complete way why they've


Practice Test 1 37
"pilgrimage? they spend the long journey to Hyperion 38
sharing 38 your stories, each of which illuminates the A) NO CHANGE

journey 39 while explaining this new fantasy world to the B) their

reader. C) our

Ifthis structure 40 of sound familiar, that's because D) everyone's

it draws on some of the great classics of literature, most
notably The Canterbury Tales, which itself is a kind of
travel narrative, A) NO CHANGE
as it follows 41 pilgrimstravel together
the B) when
Canterbury Cathedral. The name of the novel draws
on a long literary history as well: poems by John Keats C) though
D) as if


B) and sounding
C) sounding
D) sounds

B) pilgrimis travels
C)pilgrim's traveling
D) pilgrims traveling

2 2
and novels by Friedrich Hölderlin and Henry Wadsworth 42 SR
Longfellow. 42 With all of these literary tributes, if great Which choice most effectively sets up the information
works of literature are expressions of, T.S. Eliot that follows?
says, Dan Simmons must have studied the poems and
"tradition and the individual talent then Hyperion is A)
essays of T.s. Eliot at some point in his life.
certainly a great work. 43
B) Even beyond these nominal debts, Hyperion pays
In addition to its incredible achievements in terms of homage to countless genres, including the war
story and the detective novel.
literary history, Hyperion is also a truly incredible work of
C) But don't worry, there are still plenty of lasers and
science fiction. The future world it imagines is vivid, and
space ships in the book too.
its continuities with the contemporary world 44 is clearly D) Although the critics of the early twentieth century
defined. Hyperion is awash in literary laurels, but it is also would've loved it, many of them died
before Hyperion was published.
an entertaining novel-quite a combination!

The fact that Hyperion is not as well known as some

of the more accepted "classics" should make us wonder
At this point, the writer is considering adding the
what we mean by this term "classics." We should also
following sentence.
wonder what else we've been missing because it hasn't met Some of T.S. Eliot's most famous poems are The
our traditional criteria for greatness. Waste Land and "The Love Song of J. Alfred

Should the writer make this addition here?

A) Yes, because it helps to put the literary quality of

Hyperion into its appropriate context.
B) Yes, because it names another series of works that
are overlooked for being non-traditional.

C) No, because it introduces a new set of information

that does not have a clear link to the rest of the

D) No, because it disagrees with the passage's central
claim that Hyperion is the greatest work of science


B) has been

D) are

STOP only.
check your work on this section
finish before time is called, you may
If you section in the test.
Do not turn to any other

Practice Test1 39
13 31

11 -

Ma th Test - No Calculator

Turn to Section 3 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.


For questions 1-15, solve each problem, choose the best answer from the choices
provided, and fill in the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions
refer to
solve the problem and enter your answer in the grid on the answer sheet. Please
may use
the directions before question 16 on how to enter your answers in the grid. You
any available space in your test booklet for scratch work.

1. The use of a calculator is not permitted.
indicate d.
2. All variables and expressions used represent real number s unless otherwi se
3. Figures provided in this test are drawn to scale unless otherwis e indicated.
4. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwis e indicated.
number s xfor which
5. Unless otherwis e indicated, the domain of a given function fis the set of all real
f(x) is a real number.


G Ow 6
A = nr 2
C= 2nr
A = I)
t- W
c =a+
2 b2
2~~ x

x fi
5 45°

2 Special Right Triangles

V= f wh 1
V= 3f wh

The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.

The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2n.
The sum of th e measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.
• ~ u',

. , f


During a certain week, Jan worked j hours each day
For i = ✓
-I, what is the sum (10 - 4i) + (3 + 6i)?
for 3 days, and Noah worked n hours each day for
5 days. Which of the following represents the total A) 13 - lOi
combined number of hours worked that week by Jan B) 13 + 2i
and Noah?
C) 7 - lOi
A) 3j + Sn
D) 7 + 2i
B) Sj + 3n
C) 8jn
D) 15jn

(ab 2 + 4a 2 + 6a 2 b2 ) - (-ab 2 +2a2 b2 + 4a2 )
Which of the following is equivalent to the expression
II above?
y+2 A ) -2a 2 b2
If - - = c and c = 4, what is the value of y ?
5 B) -2a 2 b2 + 8a 2
A) 16 C) 2ab 2 - 2a 2 b2 + 8a 2
B) 18 D) 2ab2 + 4a 2 b2
C) 20
D) 22
13 3J'
w = 3,150 + 4501 12
If x = 3, what is the value of Y ?
A marine biologist uses the equation above to
y X

estimate the weight, w, of a mature great white shark, A) 4

in pounds, in terms of the shark's fork length, l, in B) 6
feet. Based on the equation, what is the estimated
C) 8
weight increase, in pounds, for each foot of growth in
fork length in a great white shark? D) 12
A) 3,150
B) 2,700
C) 1,350
D) 450

5x-4y=-1 5
What is the solution (x, y) to the system of equations
shown above?

Juan is a book editor who is given a book to edit. The A) (-7, -5)
number of pages that he has left to edit at the end of B) (-4, -1)
each hour is estimated by the equation P = 326 - 12h, C) (-3, O)
where h represents the number of hours spent editing
the book. What is the meaning of the value 326 in this D) (5, -11)
A) Juan edits pages at a rate of 326 per day.
B) Juan edits pages at a rate of 326 per hour.
C) Juan is given a total of 326 pages to edit.
D) Juan will finish editing the book in 326 hours.
•------------ r 2
A line in the xy-plane has a slope of - and passes
c = l-(l :20: )-N M through the origin. Which of the following points lies
on the line?
In order to buy a house, a couple takes on a mortgage
of M dollars at an annual rate of r percent to be paid A) ( 0, ½)
off over N months. If the equation above is used to
determine the monthly payment, c, that the couple B) (2, 3)
needs to make to pay off the loan, which of the
following expressions gives the value of M, in terms of C) (6, 4)
c, r, and N?
D) (9, 4)

A) M =(-r)c
1, 200

B) M = (1·:oo}
fix) = cx2 + 30

C) M =
-(l+ -r J-N 1,200
_ . . . . o . _ __ _---'---C
For the fun ction f defined above, c is a constant and
f(3) = 12. What is the value off(-3)?
r A) -1 2
1,200 B) -2
r C) 0

D) M = l-(l :20: )-N c

D) 12

13 ~


m ·- ... ~
ID -- - ~7JFTW R .,,,, T I

If (ax+ 3)(bx + 5) = 35x2 + kx + 15 for all values of x

A= 240- 20w
and a+ b = 12, what are the two possible values fork?
B = 320- 30w
A) 46 and 50 ·
In the equations above, A and B represent the
price per night for a room in Hotel A and Hotel B, B) 15 and 35
respectively, w weeks after September 1 last autumn. C) 21 and 25
What was the price per night in Hotel A when it was D) 5 and 7
equal to the price per night in Hotel B ?
A) $80
B) $160
C) $180
D) $220

If y > 5, which of the following is equivalent to

___1 __ ?
1 1
-- + - -
y- 4 y - 3
A) 2y- 7
If a - 4b = 18, what is the value of _!_ ?
A) 812 B) y2 - 7y + 12
B)' 96
C) 31s y - 7y + 12
D) The value cannot be determined from the 2y-7
information given.
D) 2
y - 7y + 12
11 -


Answer: 7 Answer: 2.5

For questions 16-20, solve the problem and 12
enter your answer in the grid, as described below, Write 2
- 7 2 5
on the answer sheet. answer Fraction
in boxes. line
CD ,,----. -Decimal
I~ 10 I~
1. Although not required, it is suggested that point
you write your answer in the boxes at the top CDCD e CD CD CD CD CD
of the columns to help you fill in the circles
accurately. You will receive credit only if the
Grid in - .
Cl) Cl) Cl) .
cJ) cJ) cJ) cJ)
® ® ®

(3) (3) (3) (3)
® ® ® ®
circles are filled in correctly.
2. Mark no more than one circle in any column .
G) G) G) CT)
• CZ) CZ) CZ)
@ @ @

3. No question has a negative answer. CIDCIDCIDCID CID CID CID CID
(]) (]) (]) (]) CID CID CID CID
4. Some problems may have more than one
correct answer. In such cases, grid only one

5. Mixed numbers such as 3 ~ must be gridded 7

Acceptable ways to g rid ; are:

as 3.5 or 7/2. (If ~ is entered int o 2 I 3 I 6 6 6 6 6 7

the grid, it w ill be interpreted as ~1 , not as


6. Decimal Answers: If you obtain a decimal
• •
Q) Q) Q)
Cl) Cl)

G) G) ® ®
Cl) Cl) Cl) Cl)
Q) Q) Q) Q)
® ® ® ®
Cl) Cl) Cl) Cl)
Q) Q) Q) Q)
® ® ® ®
answer with more digits than the grid can CS) CS) CS) CS) CS) CS) CS) CS) CS) CS) CS) CT)
accommodate, it may be either rounded or
truncated, but it must fill the entire grid .
@ @ ® @
(J) (J) (J) (J)
lr0'\ 0", /'Q'\rp'\
(J) (J) (J) (J)
rQ'\,ff\rp'\ ~
(J) (J) (J)
rs'l'\ ./ 'Q'\ rs'l'\

Answer: 201 - either position is correct

2 0 1 2 0 1 NOTE: You may start

your answers in any
column, space
permitting. Columns
you don't need to
use should be left

m .,. ,.
.a, ..

If y > 0 and y2 - 36 = 0, what is the value of y ?


Ill 0
In a right triangle, one angle measures d where ,

cos d0 = - . What is sin (90° - d 0
) ?

In a certain park, the layout of the six bicycle paths

is shown in the figure above. The lengths of PQ, QT,
QS, and SR are 3 miles, 4 miles, 8 miles, and 10 miles,
respectively. Paths PR and ST intersect at point Q, and
LTPQ is congruent to LQRS. What is the value of m ?

I --

If c = 3✓5 and Sc = Js;,, what is the value of z ? a+b=-10

2a + b = -33
What is the value of b in the system of equations
shown above?

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section in the test.

14 I -

Ma th Te st- Calculator

this section .
Turn to Section 4 of your answer sheet to answe r the questio ns in


the choices
For questions 1-30, solve each problem , choose the best answer from
questi ons 31-38,
provide d, and fill in the corresp onding circle on your answer sheet. For
Please refer to
solve the problem and enter your answer in the grid on the answer sheet.
grid. You may use
the directio ns before questio n 31 on how to enter your answers in the
any available space in your test bookle t for scratch work.

1. The use of a calcula tor is permitted.
ot herwise indicat ed.
2. All variables and expressions used represent real numbe rs unless
3. Figures provide d in this test are drawn to scale unless otherw ise indicat
4. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwi se indicated.
set of all real numbe rs x for which
5. Unless otherwise indicated, the domain of a given functio n f is the
f(x) is a real number .


GA= nr 2
A =
w6 b
2 b2
2~ x

s 45° s'12.
45 °

C =2nr A=lbh c=a+

2 Special Right Triangles

V= f wh V= fnr3
4 f
V= 3f wh

The numbe r of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.

The numbe r of radians of arc in a circle is 2:rc.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.
14 i .:
• • 90
(a.I 80
O ,,..._
~ '.3 70
3 ..r:0 60 - ,r---
,..__ '
- - - - -+------+--- - - k ,., ....
V Cl.
J::. ---
50 I
I ..._
E 40 r--. I I

i I
8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
A .M . A .M . A . M . A . M . P. M . P. M . P. M . P. -"l P. M . P. M . P. M .


The graph above shows the number of customers per

hour at a co ffee shop. Over which of the fo llowi ng
interYals is th e number of customers stric tl y
In the fig ure shown above, lines a and bare parallel decrea sing then stri c tly inc reasing?
and lines k a nd / are parallel. If t he measure of Lx is A) From 9 A.M . lo 12 P.M .
7-s°, what is th e measure of Ly?
B) From 12 P.M . to 2 P.M.
A) 15°
C) From 2 P.M. to 5 P.M .
B) 75°
D ) From 3:30 P.M. to 6:30 P. M .
C) l 05°
D ) J 65°

If y = ~, where k is a constant, and y = S when x = 30,

what is th e va lue of y when x = 42 ?
A) 6
B) 7
C) 10
D ) 17
. ,"Which of the graphs below best illustrates a strong
1 kilogram = 1,000 grams positive correlation between h and p ?
10 decigrams = 1 gram A) h

A pharmacy sells a certain type of medication in •• •
1-decigram doses. Based on the information shown in •••
the box above, three kilograms of medication contain
• • •• •
how many 1-decigram doses? • ••
A) 300,000 • •
' - -•- - - - - - - - , p
B) 30,000
C) 3,000 h
D) 300 B)

• •• •
• •• • •
• •
•• • •• G
IIL. p
If 6x - 4 is 11 less than 25, what is the value of 9x ?
A) 3 h
B) 8 •••
•••• ••
C) 18
D) 27

•• •
• •• p

• • • • • • ••
• • • • • ••
14 i .
- 41
Wind Turbine Operation in Five Counties
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following information.

p = 101 + 10.094d
The total pressure on an object submerged in the ocean
depends on the depth of the object beneath the surface. Del Norte
The formula above shows the relationship between p,
pressure, in kilopascals, and d, depth, in meters. Calaveras


• At which of the following depths will the total

pressure be closest to 200 kilopascals?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A) 8 meters
B) 9 meters l11e number of wind turbines in use in five counties
C) 10 meters is shown in the graph above. If there are a total of
3,750 wind turbines operating in these five counties,
D) 11 meters which of the following is an appropriate label for the
horizontal axis of the graph?
A) Number of wind turbines (in tens)
B) Number of wind turbines (in hundreds)
C) Number of wind turbines (in thousands)
D) Number of wind turbines (in tens of thousands)
Which of the following formulas expresses depth in
terms of pressure?

A) d=-p--101

B) d=
101- p
p + 101
C) d=

D) d=
1111 WIJlc 11 ol' tlH• f,;lln wl 11H l 1i1 cw 111 CI\N N<f f' lw
1:or how ma11 y vn lt1l'!i ol' A. is It I rue· I hat /11 noltll lon to tlw l1wq1 111 l ily {1 ~ ti · . '/J. \'
l.'q ual to 011 d
A) Nonc
B) 0
B) ( )nc
C) 'l'wo
I> ) 2
D) More tli:1 11 lwn

m ID
Numb er of llcs idcnl s i11 Ea ch of' 14 Apart J11(;1ils
Weig h ts of p ot a l(J (.;/, (in (Jll ll CCS)

2 1 J 1 '1 '1 5 5 6
6 7 7 7 7 H 8 9 9
An ugrit.u ltu re'>11 ha r vc,, tcd 18 pota l o c!-1 from
th e sc hool gun.k n and rn111pi lcd th <.: we ights of
-~ 4 r--- th e po tatoc: s i11 th e tahl e ah 11 vc. If Lh c 2-uu n cc
0 mcas urcm <.: nt b n.: 111c,vcd fro 111 th e dat a, which of
,.CJ 3 - i-- r----
fo llowin g stat isl ica l meas ures of th e: va lues li sted

chan ge th e least?
2 r--- r- r--- - A) ·1he mean
r--- ,....._
r---- ~

B) 'I he rncdian
C) ·1he ran ge
2 3 4 5 6 7
I> ) ·1he total
Numb er of apartments

According to the histogram shown above, whi ch of

the following is closest to the average (arilhmetic
mean) numb er of residents per apart ment?
A) 3
11) 3.25
C) 3.5
D) 4
I -

- 41
ID m
Political Party
,- - X < -)'
Liberal Conservati ve Independe nt Total
In the xy-plane, (2, 2) is a solution to the system of 62 195
Men 59 74
inequalitie s shown above . Which of the following
Women 82 63 55 200
must be true about p and r?
Total 141 137 117 395
A) p < r

B) r <p A group of voters in country X responded to a poll

C) p + r= 0 that asked which political party they planned to vote
for. The table above shows the results of the polling
D) /p/ = /r/ data. Which of the categories below accounts for
approxima tely 15 percent of all poll responden ts?
A) Men voting Liberal
B) Men voting Independe nt
C) Women voting Conservat ive
D) Wom en voting Liberal
14 i '

Which of the equations below shows the relationship

Questions 16 and 17 refer to the following
between d and P ?
A) P= 25d
Total Cost of Renting a Car by the Day
B) P = d + 30
C) P= lOd + 30
150 D) P= 20d + 30
140 /
130 l/
120 /
110 /
100 V
90 V
70 V
60 /
50 V
0 \..
r d
0 2 3 4 5 6
Time (in days)

The graph above shows the total price P, in dollars, to rent

a car for d days.

What does the slope of the graph represent?

A) The total number of cars rented
B) The initial cost of renting a car
C) The average increase in price to rent a car for each
additional day
D) The total number of days for which a car is rented
14 I 41
111 1111,_ __
Nu mb er of Exe rcis e Ses sio
..4,.._ ns per We ek

0 2 3 5 Mo re tha n 5 Tot al
Gro up 1 13 22
- 15 50
, ~ t--.. Gro up 2
- y = }\x ) t-
Tot al
11 18 21 50
I 1 \ lS' 24 40 36 100
\ The tab le abo ve wa s com pil ..
ed by a nut riti on
0 ,, X
""" res ear che r stu dyi ng how oft
' 1 ,\ en peo ple exe rcis e wh en
I \ .,/
_,..,,.,. ask ed to kee p a log of the ir
exe rcis e ses sio ns. Gr oup
I 1 wa s com pri sed of peo ple
wh o reg ula rly eat sna cks ,
and Gro up 2 wa s com pri sed
of peo ple wh o rar ely eat
sna cks . If one per son is ran
dom ly cho sen fro m am on
I tho se wh o exe rcis e few er tha g
I n six tim es per we ek,
wh at is the pro bab ilit y tha
t thi s per son bel ong ed to
The figure abo ve sho ws the Gro up 1?
com ple te gra ph of the
fun ctio n fin the xy- pla ne. For
wh ich of the foll ow ing
values of xis f(x) at its ma xim
um ? A) 35
A) -4 -
B) -3
B) 50
C) -2
D) 3
C) 29

D) 35
The pri ce of a tra in tick et pur
cha sed in the tra in
sta tion or fro m a con duc tor
is 15 per cen t less dur ing
off -pe ak hou rs tha n it is dur
ing pea k hou rs. If a
tick et is pur cha sed fro m the
con duc tor, an 11 per cen t
sur cha rge is add ed to the pric
e. Ale c pur cha sed a
tick et fro m the con duc tor dur
ing off -pe ak hou rs and A ser vic e sta tio n sell s gas oli
pai d a tota l oft dol lars . Wh ne for $3. 25 per gal lon
ich of the foll ow ing , in and die sel fue l for $3. 00 per
term s oft , rep res ent s the pri gal lon . On Mo nda y, the
ce he wo uld hav e pai d if ser vic e sta tion 's rev enu e fro
he had pur cha sed the tick et m sel lin g a tot al of 131
in the tra in sta tion dur ing gal lon s of gas oli ne and die
pea k hou rs? sel fue l wa s $40 4.25. Ho w
ma ny gal lon s of die sel fue l
on Mo nda y? did the ser vic e sta tio n sel l
A) t
A) 35
B) 55
B) 0.9 6t
C) 76
C) D) 86
D) (0. 85) (1. ll)t
I ..

Questions 22 and 23 refer to the following information.

Total Budget Spending in One U.S. State by Category, 2010- 2014

Year K-12 Higher Public Medic aid Corre ctions Trans portat ion
education education assistance
2014 3,635,265 3,099, 112 29,450 2,990,415 930,525 1,556 ,244
2013 3,677,428 2,734,615 45,873 3,005,188 820,855 1,873,618
2012 3,715,853 2,550,665 55,645 3,020,012 773,420 1,721,682
2011 3,747,921 2,309,789 54,321 2,984,375 694,011 1,388,904
2010 3,785,200 2,104,214 55,787 3,001,650 632,350 1,434,006

The table above summarizes annual spending, in thousa nds of

dollars, for six categories of spend ing in one U.S.
state, 2010-2014.

m m.
Of the following, which category's ratio of its 2010
Which of the follow ing is the best appro ximat ion
spend ing to its 2014 spend ing is nearest to the higher
educa tion category's ratio of its 2010 spending to its of the average rate of chang e in spend ing on public
2014 spending? assistance from 2012 to 2014 ?

A) K-12 education A) $6,000 ,000

B) Medicaid B) $10,000,000

C) Corrections C) $13,000,000

D) Transportation D) $26,000,000
i .
- 41
Ill . m
A fish leaps vertically upward from the surface of a A square lawn has a length of 8 feet and a width of
Jake at an initial speed of 9 meters per second. The 8 feet. Eight researchers each examine a randomly
height h, in meters, of the fish above the surface of the chosen region of the field; all regions are square with
waters seconds after it leaps is given by the equation length and width of one foot. The researchers count
h = 9s - 4.9s2 • Approximately how many seconds after the number of seedlings in each region that have
the fish leaps will it hit the surface of the lake? reached a height of at least 2 inches. The table below
A) 2.0 shows the resulting data.
B) 2.5 2 3 4
Region 1
C) 3.0 Number of seedlings 82 87 95 99
D) 3.5 Region 5 6 7 8
Number of seedlings 102 106 111 115

Which of the following best approximates the number

of seedlings that are at least 2 inches high in the entire
A) 80
II B) 640
A circle in the xy-plane is centered at (3, 0) and has a
C) 800
radius with endpoint ( 1, % W hich of the following D ) 6,400

is an equation of the circle?

A) (x- 3)2 + y2 = -

B) (x + 3)2 + y2 = -10 ID
A zoologist is studying the reproduction rates of
C) (x _ 3)2 + y2 = 100 two different breeds of chinchillas in country Y He
9 discovered that the Eastern chinchillas in his study
produced 30 percent more offspring than the Western
D) 100
(x+ 3)2 + f=- chinchillas did. Based on the zoologist's observation,
9 if the Eastern chinchillas in his study produced
143 offspring, how many offspring did the Western
chinchillas produce?
A) 100
B) 103
C) 110
D) 186
When polynomial g(x) is divided by x - 4, the y
remainder is 3. Which of the following statements
about g(x) must be true?
A) g(-4) = 3
B) g(4) = 3 -----+-- ----,..x
C) x - 4 is a factor of g(x).
D) x + 3 is a factor of g(x).

If the system of inequalities y ~ x + 2 and y ~ - x - I
is graphed in the xy-plane shown above, how many
quadrants will contain solutions to the system?
A) 4
y B) 3
C) 2
D) 1

--------+---------• X

The figure above shows the graph in the xy-plane of

the function f(x) = x 2 + 2x - 8. Which of the following
is an equivalent form of the function/that includes
the coordinates of vertex V as constants in the
A) f(x) = (x + 1)2 - 9
B) f(x) = x(x + 2) - 8
C) f(x) = (x - 2)(x + 4)
D) f(x) = (x + 2)(x - 4)
i -

Answer: 7 Answer: 2.5
For questions 31-38, solve the problem and 12
enter your answer in the grid, as described below, Write - 17 / 1 2 / 2 5
on the answer sheet.

1. Although not required, it is suggested that

in boxes. .


. .
~ ~' ]2;
CD - Fraction
,.,-----, (
- - Decimal
you write your answer in the boxes at the top
of the columns to help you fill in the circles
accurately. You will receive credit only if the
jCl ) wQ) e
:2E ~12E,2EI
• (2) (2)
G) G) G) G)
circles are filled in correctly.
2. Mark no more than one circle in any column .
Grid in- \ CT) CT) G) 3)
result. \ l(.Q
I :-6)
~ / ,~ I
,7',rZ'\ /. ~

,CZ) CZ) 1(]) '

@ @ @

3. No question has a negative answe r. I CBY® i@ '@ I @ @ @ @
\_ l~ ~_i_ g:,J__(]21 CID CID CID CID
4. Some problems may have mo re than one
correct answer. In such cases, grid only one

5. Mixed numbers such as 3 1 must be gridded Acceptable ways to grid

1 are:

~ is entered into
as 3.5 or 7/ 2. (If 2 / I3 . 6 6 6

the grid, it will be interpreted as ~1 , not as

.·o :-)
,,..Q) i---.Q,') t__OJI @ iCID CO) CID 0 CID
3-¾,} '(1) • 1(])/(b)i
G) IQ)G) •
(1)1(1)(1) C1)
IG)G)G) Q)
Q) (]) C1) (])
Q) Q) Q) G)
6. Decimal Answers: If you obta in a decimal G) G) 'G) IG), G)G)G) G) G) G) G) G)
m1m,m:m CT) CT) CT) CT) CT) CT)
answer with more digits than the grid can
accommodate, it may be either rounded or
tru ncated, but it must fill the entire grid.
@®®)® '
CZ) ICZ) CZ) (J)
~ . 'Q"- rc:f' ~
®· ••
(J) (J) (J) (J)
(J) (J) (J)

Answer: 201 - either position is correct

NOTE: You may start
2 0 1
your answers in any
column, space
permitting. Columns
you don't need to
use should be left


Safety regula tion s in a certai n buildi ng require that
Amou nt of Greg's Heatin g Bill Each Month the elevat or not ca rry more than 1,600 pound s. A
from Janua ry to June delive ry driver will enter the elevat or with a pallet
conta ining a certai n numb er of identi cal carton s that
80 1 - - ~ - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
weigh 45 pound s each. If the comb ined weight of the
70 l--- --_ __; =-- ---- ---- ---- delive ry driver and the empty pallet is 250 pound s,
60 l--- --- -~ -- -- -- -- - what is the maxim um numb er of carton s that will be
501---- - - - ------ - - - - - allowe d by the buildi ng's safety regula tions?
40 l-- --- --- ~- --- --- -
30 i-- --- --- --- --,- --- --- -
201- ---- - - - - - - - ~ - - - - -
10 1--- ---- ---- --_ __; ----__
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June
Month ID
The line chart above shows the amou nt of Greg's
month ly heatin g bill from Janua ry to June. The
amou nt of his bill in April was what fraction of the
amou nt of his bill in February?
1-- 9 inches --1

An alumi num can in the shap·e of a right circul ar

cyl inder has a diam eter of 9 inches and a volum e of
Bln cubic inches. What is the heigh t of the can, in
ID inches?
A worker at a shoe factory is requir ed to box at least
8 pairs of shoes per minut e, but is not allowed to box
more than 12 pairs of shoes per minute. According to
this inform ation, what is a possible amou nt of time, in
minutes, that it could take the worker to box 168 pairs
of shoes?
14 I

For what value of x is the expression
Questions 37 and 38 refer to the following
undefined? information.
(x - 6) 2 + 4(x - 7) + 8
Helene purchased a $50 savings bond, issued by city A,
which earns interest that is compounded annually. She
uses the expression $50(1.03Y to find the value of the
savings bond after t years.

A train passes through the Appleton train station
every 20 minutes. The first train each day passes m
through at 6:00 A.M., and the last train passes through What is the annual interest rate, expressed as a
at 10:40 P.M. How many trains pass through the

percentage, earned by the savings bond? (Disregard
Appleton station in one day? the percent sign when gridding in your answer.)

Helene's sister Carolyn purchased a $50 savings bond
issued by city B. Carolyn's bond has an interest rate,
compounded annually, that is 1 percent greater than
the interest rate earned by Helene's bond. After 12
years, the value of Carolyn's bond will be how much
greater than the value of Helene's bond? (Round your
answer to the nearest cent and disregard the dollar
sign when gridding in your answer.)

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section in the test.

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