PayDay! A Truly Pay Per Use Hosted Payroll Solution

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A truly pay per use hosted payroll solution

The problem: Changes to Singapore’s regulations from 2014 affect SME payroll
services and software providers. This meant that Payroll Serve needed the assurance
that its chosen system provider could not only meet information security and
transparency requirements, but also ensure regulatory compliance in line with the

Singapore payroll Services provider and Stone Forest Company Payroll Serve wanted
to provide its clients with a market-leading service.

The Solution: To address this issue, Web Synergies developed PayDay! - A cloud-
based payroll software that automatically ensures regulatory compliance at all times.
Web Synergies provided a total package for the client - designing and developing the
system, as well as providing ongoing support. As Payroll Serve processes S$1billion of
salaries each year, it required a robust and reliable solution.

Project Highlights:

● All data is encrypted using the highly secure 128-bit SSL encryption technology.
● An employee’s payslip is automatically generated and delivered to them after
every payroll process.
● Employees can now view their payslips on their smartphones or any web
browser through an app available both in the Apple Store and as an Android
version through Google Play.
● The cloud hosting using Windows Azure is supported by Web Synergies’ highly
trained technical support team.

Technologies used:
Outcomes: In a statement to the media, Mr. Tay Thain Lin, Payroll Serve’s
Technical Director, said that PayDay! will close the gap for small firms relying on
manual entry.

“We realised that most small businesses do not have payroll software and eventually, it
will be tough for them to migrate their manual information for accounting purposes,” Mr.
Tay was quoted as saying in The Straits Times.

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