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Religious Expression Case Analysis

July 28, 2021

EAD 505

Rational and Standard Alignment

The standard alignment in this case is standard 4 of curriculum, instruction and

assessment. It is very important to know what curriculum is being adopted into the classrooms.

According to the standard as a leader I must “develop and support intellectually rigorous and

coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to promote each student’s academic

success and well-being”. Meaning that adopting a religious bible curriculum would be of concern

to the students, and I wouldn’t be fulfilling my responsibility of promoting effective instructional

practice that is consistent with knowledge of student learning and development, with effective

pedagogy, and meet the needs of each student. The standard also aligns to this case because as a

leader I will be making executive decisions and some of them will be data driven, adopting a

bible curriculum won’t show data because the beliefs of other may limit the progress of students.

With this the valid assessments will not be consistent with knowledge of student learning and

development technical standards of measurement.

Religious Expression Case Analysis

Brief summary of the case is, there is a curriculum adoption committee, that wants to adopt

the Bible as a source a d form of reference in their new religious study course. With a parent that

wants to make the proposal to the district, has a friend, whom she shared the news of adopting

this new religious studies course. After finding out, the friend was very upset, and took action to
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prevent this curriculum of religious studies from getting adopted into the school. The identified

issues to be resolved in this case are, having a course that teaches about religion. Having a

community member upset because she does not agree with having a religious study course that

references the Bible. Therefore, she took it upon herself, to arrive at the district with News

channel and media in a protest matter. In this case the stakeholders are, the principal, the

students, curriculum adoption committee, the community members, and district officials.

One or two existing laws or court rulings that relate to the issues are Separation of Church

and State which means that “the government cannot exercise its authority in establishing a

national religion. schools constitute a local extension of the government which cannot make

religion mandatory for all students. This clause of the First Amendment is the “Establishment

Clause”. Some district policies that relate to the issues are the First Amendment, schools may not

forbid students acting on their own from expressing their personal religious views or beliefs

solely because they are of a religious nature. Schools may not discriminate against private

religious expression by students but must instead give students the same right to engage in

religious activity and discussion as they must engage in other comparable activity.

Possible solutions to the issues, are one, making sure that the adoption committee knows the

laws for teaching religion in school, by sharing the separation of church and state. And making

sure the committee fully understand why the school cannot establish a religion course and mke it

mandatory for all students. Then talk to the community member who is upset and keep an open

communication with them. The way I am choosing to solve this issue is by not adopting the

religious course of study, as it will upset community members. And it will help by preventing a

wildfire to occur at the district level, it will allow students to speak freely of how they truly feel

about their own religion.

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Action steps for implementing my solution, include, one addressing the issue with the district

officials to fill them in on the situation (the first day that the parents bring up the idea of adopting

a religious study course). Two making sure that the adoption committee knows the laws for

teaching religion in school, by sharing the separation of church and state. (Next couple days after

discussing with district officials). Three making sure they fully understand how the First

Amendment protect all student’s freedom of religion and making them understand how this may

cause major conflict during school instructional time. Having them knowledge that the school

cannot establish a religion course and make it mandatory for all students. (Next couple days after

discussing with district officials). Three, then talk to the community member who is upset and

keep an open communication with them. (After finding out that one of the parents shared

information, to try and prevent anything from happening) Lastly, potential moral and legal

consequences of the solution: Lawsuit against district for violating rights, this can happen if the

situation gets out of hand, to where there are other parents involved. It can also happen if as a

leader I don’t respond in a careful matter.

The decisions that I have made for this case is deciding not to adopt the religious studies

curriculum, and this supports the school’s vision and mission animation because mission of the

school is to provide students with a lifelong learning experience that will help them in the 21st-

century. A religious studies course should be an option for students later, down the road when

they become their own person or adults, to where they choose to learn about other religions. At

all costs protect the student’s rights through the First Amendment, and safeguards by preventing

any kind of scene at our school grounds, because the community member took upon herself to

show up to the district and brought media with her, it is my job to look after the student’s

privacy. It is only fair if we all follow the law and not abuse power, by taking actions in the best
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interest of students. In this case preventing students’ rights and students’ beliefs, from being

exposed to the unknown. In my opinion, the decision I am making promotes social justice and

ensures that individual students need inform all aspects of schooling because everyone is given

equal opportunity of choosing not to have to participate in a course that may violate the students’

rights. In the further steps that I am taking, which are, addressing the issue with the district

officials to fill them in on the situation 1. making sure that the adoption committee knows the

laws for teaching religion in school, by sharing the separation of church and state. 2. making sure

they fully understand how the First Amendment protect all student’s freedom of religion and

making them understand how this may cause major conflict during school instructional time.

Having them knowledge that the school cannot establish a religion course and make it mandatory

for all students. 3. then talk to the community member who is upset and keep an open

communication with them. Promotes collaboration between the stakeholders for the best interest

of our students. When communicating with others we must trust in their communication, ensure

our expectations are met they said high expectations, such as learning about law and student

rights, how a decision can affect our community, lastly taking the time to learn about our student


PSEL Standards
The standard I choose for this assignment, is PSEL standard number 4, curriculum,

instruction and assessment. This standard specifies that “Effective educational leaders develop

and support intellectually rigorous and coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and

assessment to promote each student’s academic success and well-being”. In this case study I

believe that as a leader I must put the student needs first. Although the committee does make

great suggestions, I believe all stakeholders should have a say in what is getting adopted before

adopting new curriculum. Part of the standard also reads that as a leader should adopt curriculum
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that will “Implement coherent systems of instruction, and assessment that promote the mission,

vision, and core values of the school, embody high expectations for student learning, align with

academic standards, and are culturally responsive.” In my opinion adopting a religious

curriculum can affect more than help students grow.

Partner With (2021) Separation of Church and State.

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Constitution Annotated Analysis and Interpretation of the U.S Constitution. First Amendment.

National Policy Board for Educational Administration (2015). Professional Standards for

Educational Leaders 2015. Reston, VA:


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