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Joash, please don’t share to anyone!

What are your intentions, selfish motives in joining UPS and why UPS?
Other intentions, selfish motives?
Can you state your 5 year plan? Given a chance you will be an Upsilonian. (Specific year by
Can you state at least 5 strengths and weaknesses?
How do you plan to work on those weaknesses you’ve stated, ano ang mga ginagawa mo to
compensate and to improve these weaknesses?
What can you offer to the fraternity? (as much as possible be specific).
In what ways you can help the frat?
How about the fraternity itself? For the fraternity, what can you do in UP Mindanao, in the
Philippines, what can you do in UP?
Meron ka bang something tangible or activity in UP Mindanao or that can help your community?
What is your perception about hazing? First define hazing and give your stand.
Aware ka ba sa mga frat wars, rumble, sa mga gulo? May naririnig ka bang mga ganun?
What can you say about that?
Nung ininvite ka what made you decide to join eh alam mo naman pala possibly na meron
ganun (frat wars)?
Bigyan kita ng hypothetical situation, Upsilon kana tapos kasama mo ang Brod, naglalakad kayo
sa kalsada, tapos may mga nakasalubong tapos may bigla nalang sumuntok sa brod mo, ano
ang gagawin mo?
Paano mo idedefend ang brod mo in real time, ano ang specific na gagawin mo?
What is your understanding about seniority?
Kunwari, may mga seniors na mas bata sayo, paano mo iaddress yan?
Are you willing to subject yourself to Upsilon seniority? Yes
What are your perceptions regarding Upsilon Sigma Phi?
Ano ang top 5 priorities mo ngayon?
Sa tingin mo, bakit hindi ka namin tatanggapin? (wala namang tamang sagot, they just want you
to be honest and answer)
What is your greatest fear?

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