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The UN Secretary-General, M TRI PANCA W, will

introduced the annual report on the activities of the

Organization at the opening of the general assembly.

Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is my pleasure to join you to the annual report on the activities of the
Organization at the opening of the General Assembly.
Today I congratulate the global education community who are
championing education at this difficult time. I commend our courageous
teachers who are adapting their classrooms according to social
distancing guidelines in order to provide safe learning environments for
their students. I also applaud all parents who are doing their best to
facilitate learning at home.

To the students tuned in around the world, do not be disheartened. This

pandemic will pass, you will return to school with your friends, and you
will be equipped with the skills you need to navigate a rapidly changing
world and pursue your dreams.

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that we need to urgently

reimagine and invest in education, if we are to achieve the targets of
Sustainable Development Goal 4. In this Decade of Action to deliver the
SDGs we must create inclusive systems that are resilient to shocks and
accessible to all.
This begins with data. Despite progress, many countries still do not
collect, report, or utilize data on those furthest behind.

We cannot rebuild and recover from this global pandemic if we only

include 50% of our population. We will need this upcoming generation
of women to develop the science behind the next vaccine we need, to
teach the next generation, and to design the climate-resilient
infrastructure and technology that will allow us to reach those furthest

Indeed, none of us would be participating in this event today if we did

not have access to education. The Universal Declaration of Human
Rights proclaims that ‘Everyone has a right to education.’ At this time of
crisis, it is our duty to uphold this right for everyone, everywhere.

The world has suffered enough as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,

we cannot afford to lose a generation of students now.

I thank you very much for giving me the opportunity of participating in

this very important meeting.

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