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Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology

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Fluid-solid interaction: benchmarking of

an external coupling of ANSYS with CFX for
cardiovascular applications

D. R. Hose, P. V. Lawford, A. J. Narracott, J. M. T. Penrose & I. P. Jones

To cite this article: D. R. Hose, P. V. Lawford, A. J. Narracott, J. M. T. Penrose & I. P. Jones

(2003) Fluid-solid interaction: benchmarking of an external coupling of ANSYS with CFX for
cardiovascular applications, Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 27:1, 23-31, DOI:

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Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, Volume 27, Number 1, (January/February 2003), pages 23 ± 31

Fluid ± solid interaction: benchmarking of an

external coupling of ANSYS with CFX for
cardiovascular applications

D. R. Hose{*, P. V. Lawford{, A. J. Narracott{, recognizing the interaction of the ¯uid ¯ow with the
J. M. T. Penrose{ and I. P. Jones{ deformation of the arterial walls, been attempted.
{Medical Physics, University of Shef®eld, UK McQueen and Peskin [1] have presented one of the
{AEA Technology, Harwell, UK most advanced cardiac applications of ¯uid ± solid
interaction (FSI), using a custom-developed immersed
Fluid ± solid interaction is a primary feature of cardiovascular
boundary method. FSI is critical for the analysis of
¯ows. There is increasing interest in the numerical solution of
systems like heart valves, for which opening and closure
these systems as the extensive computational resource required for
characteristics can only be computed in a coupled
such studies becomes available. One form of coupling is an
manner. Even for arterial geometries the wall motion
external weak coupling of separate solid and ¯uid mechanics
can be important, particularly with respect to the
codes. Information about the stress tensor and displacement computation of parameters such as wall shear stress.
vector at the wetted boundary is passed between the codes, and an
iterative scheme is employed to move towards convergence of these
There are several approaches to the coupling process.
parameters at each time step. This approach has the attraction
Strong coupling features integrated solution of the
that separate codes with the most extensive functionality for each
¯uid and the structural variables, and is likely to be
of the separate phases can be selected, which might be important
most stable for general situations. There are various
in the context of the complex rheology and contact mechanics
forms of weak coupling, featuring iteration between
that often feature in cardiovascular systems. Penrose and Staples
solids and ¯uid solution software with transfer of data
describe a weak coupling of CFX for computational ¯uid
on the wetted boundary (e.g. [2]). A primary argument
mechanics to ANSYS for solid mechanics, based on a simple
for weak coupling is that it might offer the facility to
Jacobi iteration scheme. It is important to validate the coupled `bolt together' leading commercial codes with the most
numerical solutions. An extensive analytical study of ¯ow in
complete functionality for the separate solid and ¯uid
elastic-walled tubes was carried out by Womersley in the late
mechanics phases. The advanced features required to
1950s. This paper describes the performance of the coupling describe many of the phenomena associated with
software for the straight elastic-walled tube, and compares the
cardiovascular systems are unlikely to be resident within
results with Womersley's analytical solutions. It also presents
a single suite of programs. On the structures' side the
preliminary results demonstrating the application of the coupled
tissues are primarily nonlinear and anisotropic, and
software in the context of a stented vessel.
appropriate functions for the representation of their
stress ± strain characteristics are featured only in ad-
vanced structural solvers. Contact is also a common
Introduction feature which needs to be handled by the structural
analysis software. On the ¯uid's side, the rheology of
Over the last two decades there has been an enormous blood is complex: it is certainly non-Newtonian at some
increase in the application of numerical methods to the shear rates, and indeed two-phase plasma/erythrocyte
solution of complex three-dimensional cardiovascular representations might be most appropriate. There is
systems. The facility to calculate local ¯uid dynamic also the likelihood of turbulence in some cardiovascular
parameters on meaningful length scales has great systems, including distal to aortic heart valve prostheses
implication for the understanding of haemodynamic and at some arterial stenoses. For real application to
processes and for the design of prostheses. As an bene®t our understanding of haemodynamic processes,
example of the former, ¯uid shear stresses are including haemostasis and thrombosis, multiple species
implicated in the processes of haemolysis, thrombosis, and chemical reaction representation are important. In
thromboembolism and atherosclerosis, and of the terms of post-processing, transient particle tracking is
latter, the pressure drop is an important measure of an important feature for the assessment of haemolysis
heart valve performance. Fully transient numerical and its contribution to thrombotic processes.
studies of blood ¯ow in systems such as bifurcations,
anastomoses and heart valve applications have been Generic interfaces for the external coupling of struc-
performed for close to a decade. It has been normal to tural and ¯uid solvers have been produced, including
assume that the walls of the ¯uid domain are ®xed. one that featured an analysis of a mechanical heart
Only relatively recently have fully-coupled analyses, valve as a target application [3]. Many investigators have
coupled speci®c codes for a particular application,
*Author for correspondence. e-mail: d.r.hose@shef® including for arterial segments [4] and bifurcations [5].

Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology

ISSN 0309-1902 print/ISSN 1464-522X online # 2003 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/0309190021000036862
D. R. Hose et al. Fluid ± solid interaction

In these analyses the procedure has been to couple the

solid and ¯uid domains at a wetted boundary, typically Analytical solutions
passing surface components of a stress tensor from the Analytical solutions for transient ¯ow in straight tubes
¯uid domain to the solid and displacement or velocity with elastic walls are available in the literature.
back from solid to ¯uid. This process is repeated until Application to the cardiovascular system is covered
the pressure and displacements are converged. The extensively in [11]. The governing equation for ¯ow of
most common approach to the solution is some variant a Newtonian ¯uid of density r and viscosity m in a rigid-
of a Jacobi iteration scheme. It is often the case, walled tube is
particularly for incompressible ¯uids, that a relatively q2 w 1 qw 1 qp r qw
small movement of the solid wall causes a large change ‡ ÿ ˆ ;
in the local pressure and so inevitably some form of qr 2 r qr m qz m qt
relaxation is applied to stabilize the system to try to where w is the axial velocity at radius r, t is time and qp/
achieve convergence. It has been demonstrated that the qz is the axial pressure gradient.
relative stability of a Newton scheme might be more
appropriate for some problems [6]. Womersley [12] de®ned a dimensionless parameter,
a=(R2or/m)1/2, often referred to as the Womersley
parameter, and his solution for w at a fractional
Methods distance y(=r/R) from the centre of the tube is
The selection of codes for coupling is based on the A  R2 J0 …ayi3=2 †
requirements from the analysis. This paper presents wˆ 1ÿ exp …iot†;
ima2 J0 …ai3=2 †
numerical solutions for elastic-walled vessels and for a
stenting application using an external coupling of where A* exp (iot) is the complex Fourier representa-
ANSYS for the solid phase to CFX for the ¯uid phase tion of the sinusoidal axial pressure gradient (qp/qz) of
[7, 8]. The coupling software was developed and frequency o and J0 is the Bessel function of order zero.
validated in the context of cardiovascular applications
in a programme of work, BloodSim (EP28350), funded The velocity pro®le across the vessel diameter is
by the IT section of the European Framework 4 determined by this equation. Integration over the
initiative. The coupling features a simple Jacobi cross-sectional area yields volume ¯ow rate, Q. The
iteration scheme and only the normal component of phase of the ¯ow relative to the pressure gradient
the stress tensor is passed from the ¯uid to solid phase. (conventionally taken as 7qp/qz so that a positive
This is justi®ed on the basis that the shear stresses are pressure gradient produces a positive ¯ow) can be
typically several orders of magnitude lower than the computed. Assuming that the Reynolds number is
normal stresses, although this assumption might be suf®ciently low for the ¯ow to remain laminar, the
restrictive for some applications. The ¯uids code must shape of the velocity pro®le is determined by the
feature the facility for moving the mesh as the boundary Womersley parameter. Velocity pro®les at different
deforms, and must handle the mesh deformation terms times over the cycle for three values of a are illustrated
appropriately. The implementation of the mesh move- in ®gure 1. At low values (®gure 1 (a)) the ¯ow might
ment terms within CFX is based on the methodology be considered pseudo steady at any particular pressure
described by Hawkins and Wilkes [9]. In the study of gradient and a velocity pro®le approaching the para-
systems such as heart valve prostheses it is likely that bolic shape associated with Poiseuille ¯ow develops.
topological changes of the mesh will be required, and The pressure gradient and the ¯ow are almost in phase
so a facility for automatic remeshing and appropriate and the ¯ow leads the pressure temporally by up to 458.
results interpolation is required. It is unlikely that the In practice in the aorta the ¯ow leads the pressure by
most ef®cient mesh for the problem will be of similar up to 308. At high values of a (®gure 1 (c)) the core of
density in the solid and ¯uid domains (almost always the ¯uid moves effectively as a rigid region, or as a
the ¯uid mesh will be denser) and so a surface load and reciprocating piston, and the ¯uid shear is con®ned to
displacement interpolation facility should be provided regions close to the wall to accommodate this motion.
by the coupling software. The method coded within the Under these conditions the pressure gradient leads the
BloodSim software is based on a direct element-to- ¯ow temporally by up to 908. The pressure gradient
vertex parametric interpolation, which is robust and leads pressure by up to 908, and the pressure and ¯ow
suitable for most applications [10]. are almost in phase. At intermediate values of a (®gure 1
(b)), such as those typically encountered in cardiovas-
It is important to describe benchmark problems against cular systems, the velocity is neither parabolic nor ¯at
which the performance of numerical systems can be and the velocity at the centreline at any instant might
evaluated. This has long been recognized for ®nite not be the peak velocity on the cross-section.
element systems, and indeed the National Agency for
Finite Element Methods and Standards (NAFEMS) has Womersley [13] published solutions for an elastic-
published a series of benchmarks for this purpose. walled tube with longitudinal tethering, demonstrating
There is a need for similar benchmarks for coupled that the form of the solution is the same as that for the
systems. This paper proposes one such benchmark, the rigid-walled tube. In the elastic tube the pressure wave
solution of ¯ow in an elastic tube, and reports the moves along the vessel at a ®nite speed determined by
exercise of a recently developed coupling of ANSYS the properties of the ¯uid and of the elastic wall.
with CFX against this benchmark. Womersley took the form of the pressure gradient to be

D. R. Hose et al. Fluid ± solid interaction

Figure 1. Velocity as a function of radius, from centreline to wall, at eleven different times in a sinusoidal cycle for three values of
the Womersley parameter: (a) a small; (b) a=2.5; (c) a large.

A* exp [io (t ± z/c)], where c is the wavespeed. It should assumption of ¯uid homogeneity and Newtonian
be noted that the wavespeed, c, is complex, and so the viscosity for blood to apply.
phase of the pressure wave is not, in general, 908 from
that of the pressure gradient. The wavespeed, c0, in a The modi®ed Moens ± Korteweg wavespeed is
longitudinally tethered thin-walled elastic tube of 5.6 m s71. For a pulse wave of frequency 1 Hz this
thickness h, Young's modulus E and Poisson's ratio n, implies a wavelength of 5.6 m. The characteristic length
carrying a ¯uid of density r and zero viscosity is of this vessel, associated with the assumption of
 1=2 negligible bending stiffness, is 0.00056 m, and so it is
Eh assumed that the bending stiffness of the vessel can be
c0 ˆ :
2Rr…1 ÿ n2 † neglected. Analyses were performed with domain
lengths of 0.0005 m and of 0.004 m, and over these
This is the Moens ± Korteweg expression for wavespeed length scales it can be assumed that the pressure
in an elastic tube, modi®ed by the Poisson's ratio terms gradient, qp/qz, is constant.
associated with the longitudinal tethering. The viscosity
of the ¯uid acts to reduce the wavespeed, to change the The Cartesian co-ordinates were aligned such that the z
relative phases of pressure, gradient and ¯ow, and to axis corresponded to the tube axis, and a model of one
damp the pressure wave as it travels down the tube. The quarter of the system, represented by the positive xy
reduction in wavespeed is less than 2.5% for Womersley quadrant, was constructed.
parameters greater than three [13]. A basic assumption
in its derivation is that each longitudinal element of the Boundary conditions. The wetted boundary between the
tube acts structurally as an independent ring under an solid and ¯uid phases was de®ned as an interface
applied internal pressure. The bending stiffness of the between the solid and ¯uid analysis codes. Both ¯uid
tube is assumed to be negligible and so there are no planar boundaries normal to the tube axis were de®ned
internal transverse shear stresses in the wall of the tube. `openings' in CFX, permitting ¯ow either into or out of
This condition will be satis®ed if the wavelength of the the domain. Conventionally these boundaries might be
pressure pulse is long compared with the characteristic referred to as the inlet and outlet but these terms are
length of the tube. The characteristic length, or the less relevant in the context of pulsatile ¯ow with a mean
axial distance from an applied ring load at which the of zero. The ¯uid planes yz and zx were de®ned as
deformation in a cylinder will pass through zero, is symmetry boundaries, with no ¯ow perpendicular to
given by x=p/2b, where b=[3(1 ± n2)/R2h2]1/4 [14]. them.

In the solids code the yz and zx planes were also de®ned

Benchmark de®nition
as symmetry boundaries, with no translation perpendi-
Geometry and material properties. The ultimate purpose cular to them. The wall had two elements through the
of this work is to produce solutions for arterial ¯ows, thickness and this boundary condition thus prevented
and so it is reasonable to choose vessel dimensions and rotation about z on these boundaries. All nodes at mid-
material properties consistent with those expected in thickness of the wall were constrained in z, representing
the circulation. For validation by comparison with longitudinal tethering of the vessel.
analytical solutions, however, it is important that the
assumptions on which these are based are not violated. The Womersley solutions are developed for a sinusoi-
Initial tests were carried out on a linear elastic tube of dal pressure or pressure gradient. For a cardiovascular
radius 0.002 m, wall thickness 0.0001 m, Young's ¯ow a typical frequency might be 1 Hz, or
modulus 16106 Pa and Poisson's ratio 0.45, with a o=2p rad s71. The pressure gradient at z=0 is of the
Newtonian ¯uid of density 1000 kg m73 and viscosity form qp/qz=M cos (ot ± f). The amplitude chosen for
0.004 kg m71 s71. These properties and dimensions the analysis was 2000 Pa m71. In complex notation
are taken to be representative of a small carotid artery the complete expression for the pressure gradient is
that might be the subject of a stenting procedure. The qp/qz=A* exp (iot ± z/c) with A*=(0 ± i2000). The
vessel radius is within the accepted range for the corresponding amplitude of the pressure wave is

D. R. Hose et al. Fluid ± solid interaction

1305 Pa (%10 mm Hg). The phase was chosen such alone, i.e. entirely within CFX, with standard no-slip
that the pressure was zero at time zero. wall boundary conditions. The sensitivity of the solution
to mesh density, element type (hexahedral or tetra-
The Womersley parameter, a, for this system is 2.51. hedral), and order of integration scheme was investi-
Womersley's solutions indicate that the pressure gra- gated. In all cases the variation associated with change
dient leads the pressure by 67.58 and the ¯ow by 458 of these parameters was small. The meshes used are
and thus ¯ow leads pressure by 22.58. The amplitude of illustrated in ®gure 3 for the two lengths of ¯uid
the ¯ow wave is 2.1461076 m3 s71. Normalized plots domain studied.
of pressure, pressure gradient and ¯ow against time for
this system are presented in ®gure 2, illustrating the The parameter of most importance was the conver-
relative phase of the three quantities. gence criterion at each time step. It was found that
analyses with a convergence criterion of 161074, the
Static pressure was speci®ed as a function of time on default in CFX, consistently underpredicted the magni-
both openings of the ¯uid domain with an appropriate tude of the velocities at all time steps. Results with
phase lag between them, as computed from Womer- convergence criteria of 161075 and 161076 pro-
sley's solutions. The analysis was started from time zero duced excellent agreement between computed and
with a zero value of the pressure at the inlet and an analytical velocity pro®les. This is illustrated in ®gure 4,
appropriate phase-lagged pressure at the outlet. The in which the velocity on the tube axis (centreline) is
velocity pro®le at time zero was computed and applied plotted against time for the numerical studies with each
as an initial condition node by node to all nodes of the of the speci®ed convergence criteria and for the
¯uid domain. The pro®le applied was that computed analytical solution.
for z=0, on the assumption that the ¯ow variation along
the short domain is negligible. A typical result at a time step is illustrated in ®gure 5.
The velocity pro®le at each opening is presented as a
Time duration. The analysis was run for one half of a series of vectors and the pressure as a colour fringe plot.
sine-wave pressure cycle, i.e. 0.5 s at 1 Hz. After this The velocity pro®le is semi-parabolic and it can be seen
point the pressure would become negative. The analysis that the pressure is effectively a function of axial
has not been extended to the negative pressure phase, position only, i.e. independent of radius. The pressure
although some preliminary results have been obtained gradient is constant along the domain.
in this region. The critical pressure, pcr, in a long-
itudinally-tethered elastic tube at which elastic instabil- In order to investigate sensitivity to initial conditions an
ity is anticipated is Eh3/4R3 (1 ± n2), or 39.2 Pa for the analysis was carried out with zero initial velocity rather
current system. The ®rst buckling mode has two lobes than the prescribed Womersley velocity pro®le. The
(an ovalization), and is symmetrical about xz and yz time taken for a Poiseuille parabolic ¯ow pro®le to
planes. This mode can be captured by the quarter- develop in a tube full of ¯uid initially at rest is of the
model boundary conditions. order of 0.75R2r/m, or 0.75 s, and so it might be
anticipated that the ¯ow pro®le could develop towards
a consistent harmonic response over perhaps one cycle.
Results This was con®rmed in the numerical study. The ¯ow
pro®le at the end of a second sinusoidal pressure wave
was less than 1% changed from that at the end of the
Rigid tube
®rst wave.
As a preliminary to the execution of the coupled
solution, analyses were conducted in the ¯uid domain
Elastic tube
The analysis was performed using the BloodSim
coupling of ANSYS and CFX for a positive half sine
pressure wave using the dimensions and initial and
boundary conditions prescribed earlier. A convergence
criterion was adopted for the ¯uids analysis, based on
the results of the rigid tube study. Convergence of the
coupling cycle at a time step was assumed when the root
mean square of the pressure vectors on the wetted
boundary, calculated from two successive iterations of
the ¯uids solve, were consistent to within 1%. The
pressure relaxation parameter, describing the propor-
tion of newly computed to previously converged
solution adopted at each time step for the application
of pressure from ¯uid to solid phase, was 0.2. The
number of coupling iterations required for conver-
gence depends on the time step. A minimum of 20 and
maximum of 30 coupling iterations were speci®ed for a
Figure 2. Temporal variation of pressure, pressure gradient time step of 0.002 s. In practice after 20 coupling
and ¯ow for a=2.51, illustrating relative phase. iterations the chosen pressure and displacement con-

D. R. Hose et al. Fluid ± solid interaction

Figure 3. Meshes used for rigid tube analysis: (a) 0.5 mm length, hexahedral mesh; (b) 0.5 mm length, tetrahedral mesh; (c) 4 mm
length, hexahedral mesh.

Figure 5. Snapshot of velocity and ¯ow solutions at a time

Figure 4. Centreline velocity versus time: sensitivity to step in the solution.
convergence criterion.

constrained tube the radial displacement is

vergence criteria of 1% and 0.5% respectively were dr=pR2(1 ± n2)/Eh. For the current system the antici-
always satis®ed. At peak positive pressure (at 0.25 s) the pated peak radial displacement is 4.3761075 m, or
pressure convergence was 361076 and the displace- approximately 2% of the radius. The average computed
ment convergence was 361073. radial displacement at peak pressure was
4.5761075 m, an error of +4.6%. A plot of mean
The centreline velocity as a function of time over the radial displacement versus time is presented in ®gure 7
period 0 to 0.5 s is illustrated in ®gure 6 for time steps for time steps of 0.01 and 0.002 s. The solutions at the
of 0.01 and 0.002 s. The solution was very close to the two time steps are the same to within less than 1%. It is
analytical solution for both time steps. interesting to note, however, that the solution with a
time step of 0.01 s is smooth throughout the half-cycle,
Womersley shows that the pressure and the radial and that it fails when the pressure becomes negative, at
expansion of the vessel are in phase, and for the a pressure close to the theoretical buckling pressure of

D. R. Hose et al. Fluid ± solid interaction

Longer tube
These analyses of short longitudinal domains serve to
provide con®dence in the solution methodology and
coupling software. However it is very dif®cult to
monitor accurately the spatial transmission of the
pressure pulse in such a system. An analysis was
performed of a tube of the speci®ed geometry, but of
length 0.08 m. For this analysis a frequency of
18.9 rad s71 was speci®ed for the pressure wave,
corresponding approximately to the zero-to-peak ramp
of the pressure waveform in the carotid artery at the
onset of a systolic pulse. The Moens ± Korteweg
wavespeed is 5.6 m s71 and the wavelength is 1.86 m,
still over twenty times longer than the solution domain.
A viscosity representative of water, 0.001 Pa s, was
speci®ed for the ¯uid phase. For this system the
Figure 6. Centreline velocity versus time: effect of time step Womersley parameter is 8.7. The inlet boundary had
and comparison with analytical solution. a prescribed pressure varying linearly with time at a rate
of 22 mm Hg in 0.083 s, or 35 250 Pa s71 (based on the
carotid ¯ow waveform). The outlet pressure was
prescribed to be zero. A coupling loop pressure
relaxation parameter of 0.02 was found to produce
acceptable convergence characteristics.

A plot of the converged solution for the radial

displacement against z for the ®rst seven time steps
(0.001 to 0.007 s) is presented in ®gure 9, together with
a displacement-scaled illustration of the dilated tube at
time step 3. The tube dilates consistently until the
pressure wave reaches the end of the tube, when a
re¯ection occurs (not shown) depending on the outlet
boundary conditions. For this analysis both pressure
and displacement were relaxed as they were passed
between the codes, with relaxation parameters of 0.15
and 0.5 respectively. It is of great interest to extend the
analysis beyond the point at which this pressure
re¯ection is anticipated. In the BloodSim program a
Figure 7. Radial displacement versus time: effect of time step simple Windkessel model was produced to allow a
and comparison with analytical solution. relationship between outlet ¯ow and pressure to be
prescribed based on the solution of the one-dimen-
sional differential equation for a system with a lumped
the cylinder. With a time step of 0.002 s the tube starts resistance and compliance. A more sophisticated ver-
to oscillate in an elliptical mode at a time of sion is described by Formaggia et al. [3], who
approximately 0.1 s. The frequency of this oscillation demonstrate excellent results for the coupling of
is approximately 100 Hz, close to the natural frequency three-dimensional to one-dimensional systems to permit
of the vessel wall in isolation. The maximum radial the re¯ection-free transmission of the pressure pulse
oscillations, disguised by the mean plot shown in beyond the explicit three-dimensional model domain.
®gure 7, are of the order of 10% of the mean radial
displacement. The oscillations continue at a consistent It is noted that there is a blending of the radial
magnitude throughout the half cycle from 0.1 until displacement from the tangent to the curve at the tube
0.45 s, and then grow rapidly. The analysis fails at 0.49 s inlet to the undisturbed part of the tube. This was not
with excessive mesh distortion. anticipated. The bending stiffness of the tube is too low
to cause this effect. It is possible that it is associated with
For the analysis described above solutions were not inadequate convergence of the coupling algorithm but
computed for the negative pressure phase of the cycle. tighter convergence criteria appeared to have little
During preliminary tests with different material proper- effect. It is also possible that it is associated with a
ties and tube sizes encouraging results were obtained in dispersion in the ¯uid solve. Investigation into this
the sense that buckling was predicted and the ¯uid phenomenon is continuing.
remeshing algorithm coped well with large geometrical
changes. A snapshot of a solution showing true The speed of transmission of the pressure pulse was
(unscaled) displacement of the tube wall at negative computed based on the transmission of radial displace-
pressure, together with the associated deformed ¯uid ment along the tube. The distance between particular
mesh, is illustrated in ®gure 8. values of radial displacement at different time steps was

D. R. Hose et al. Fluid ± solid interaction

Figure 8. Form of buckling of elastic tube wall and associated deformed ¯uid mech under negative ¯uid pressure; coupled analysis.

Figure 9. Dilation of tube under ramped inlet pressure, 1 ms time increments, with snapshot of scaled dilated geometry at
3 milliseconds.

measured, and the wavespeed was computed from this

information. The displacement plots at successive time
steps are not parallel, and so the result for wavespeed
depends on the value of radial displacement chosen.
Mean and standard deviation values for a range of
displacements were computed.

The analysis was repeated for a range of wall stiffnesses.

Results for computed wavespeed are illustrated in
®gure 10, with good agreement with the Moens ±
Korteweg wavespeed, compensated for longitudinal
tethering. It was noted that the system was prone to
instability depending on the wall stiffness, and that at
lower values of wall stiffness adequate convergence
required longer time steps. A modi®cation to imple-
menting a Newton iteration scheme instead of the
original Jacobi relaxation has proved to be more stable
and less sensitive to the choice of time step.
Figure 10. Computed wavespeed from coupled analyses
versus analytical solutions.
Stent application
One of the targets of the coupled software is the
computation of the details of ¯ow characteristics and application of coupled code in this context. The
stress histories in stented vessels. A simple geometric geometry is not representative of any particular
stent model was constructed to demonstrate the commercial stent on the market today.

D. R. Hose et al. Fluid ± solid interaction

To construct the model a stent geometry was described Conclusions

in ANSYS with an external radius equal to that of the
internal radius of a straight elastic tube, and a contact This paper describes a potential benchmark test,
condition prescribed between stent and tube. Once representing pulsatile ¯ow in an elastic tube, for
again symmetry was invoked to construct a quarter coupled analysis software. It presents results of cardio-
model. The stent was assigned an arbitrary coef®cient vascular applications from an external coupling of
of thermal expansion and expanded by application of a ANSYS for structural analysis to CFX for ¯uids. It is
temperature increase. The idealized stent thus caused a demonstrated that weak external coupling is adequate
local dilation of the vessel wall. The resulting geometry for the solution of problems of this type, showing close
is illustrated in ®gure 11. correspondence between numerical and analytical
solutions. It also demonstrates the application of the
A ramped pressure was applied at the inlet and zero coupled software to the computation of wall motion in
pressure at the outlet. The radial dilation of the system an idealized stented artery.
at the time at which the pressure wave reached the
domain outlet is illustrated in ®gure 12. The radial Acknowledgments
dilation of the elastic vessel between the struts of the
stent is clearly seen. This motion of the vessel wall has The development and benchmarking of the external
implications for the ¯uid dynamics, including in coupling between ANSYS and CFX was performed
particular the local shear stress and particle residence under a grant from the Information Technology sector
times in the regions behind the stent struts. In a part of of the European Framework 4 programme (`BloodSim',
the BloodSim program reported separately, Bludszu- EP28350).
weit [15] has analysed the deposition of a clot in
obstructed ¯ow using the method described by Frie-
drich and Reininger [16] with good qualitative agree- References
ment in deposition patterns between the experimental
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Figure 11. Geometry of a straight elastic vessel expanded by an idealized stent.

Figure 12. Radial displacement of wall of vessel in region of stent.

D. R. Hose et al. Fluid ± solid interaction

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