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What’s his name? His name is...

Where is he from? He’s from...

What does he do (job)? He’s a ...

What’s her name? Her name is...

Where is she from? She’s from...

What does she do (job)? She’s a...

Where did they meet? They met at...

What did he say to her? He said...

What did she say to him? She said...

Where did they go? They went to...

What did they do? They...

What happened next? Then they...

How did it end? It ended by / with...

For more FUN English Lesson Worksheets Boy Meets Girl - Lesson Collection Set #3
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Teacher’s Instructions - Page 1/2
Teaching the World English

Boy Meets Girl

Students then fold this first question back
so that the second question is now at the top of
the paper (and the answer to the first question is

Then everyone passes their worksheet to

the person on their left. This student answers the
second question: Where is he from?

After answering, students fold the paper

back again (like a paper accordion) and pass it
along to the student on the left.

Students continue in this manner until the

last question has been answered. When everyone
Student ability: High beginner ~ Intermediate has answered the 12th question: What happened
Approximate length of lesson: 25+
Number of students necessary: 2+ next? the worksheets are returned to the original
Preferred age/maturity: JHS ~ Adult owner (name is at the bottom of the page).
Type of lesson: Small group activity
The original owner now answers the final
***** question: How did it end?
Language Target: Students will have a good laugh
Once all of the questions have been
while practicing the important elements of
completed, students unfold their worksheets and
thinking, writing, reading and listening.
one by one, they read the story aloud. With larger
classes, this can be done in groups.
Setting Up: Tell students that they are going to
create a (romantic) story about a boy and a girl.
Variation 1: This worksheet is very simple and
new versions can easily be recreated for different
First, they imagine a boy: his name, where
kinds of stories such as Boss and Employee,
he’s from, what he does, etc. Do the same for the
Teacher and Student, Customer complains
girl. (This is all in their imagination, no notes.)
to Manager, Doctor and Patient, Lawyer and
Witness, etc.
Next, encourage the students to think about
where and when this couple first met, where they
Variation 2: Try making a future tense version or
went and what they did.
other tenses. For example:
Where are they meeting?
Finally, students imagine an ending to the
Where do they usually meet?
Where will they meet?
Where are they going to meet?
Getting Started: Each student receives a copy of
Where had they met?
the worksheet. They need to write their names at
Where have they been meeting etc.
the bottom of the page.

Variation 3: When students read their stories, pairs
Then the students fold the title: Boy Meets
of students read the story aloud. One student
Girl back so that the first question is at the top of
reads the part of the boy and the other reads the
the paper.
girl’s lines.
Starting with the first question: What’s his
Variation 4: Same as above, but students read the
name? students write an answer on the right
sentences in first person (My name is… . I’m
beginning with: His name is… .
For more FUN English Lesson Worksheets Boy Meets Girl [Lesson Collection Set #3 – Lesson 04a]
Visit: ©
Teacher’s Instructions - Page 2/2
from... . I’m a/an…, etc.) Writing Practice: Encourage students to rewrite
their stories by adding additional information
Building Fluency: This lesson is a good way to to account for all of the inconsistencies. When
introduce the discussion topics of love and complete, the story should make perfect sense.
romance. For example: These could be read aloud as well.

Are you a realist or a romantic? Similar Lesson:

Do you believe in love at first sight? Alien Meets Earthling
What does the phrase Love is Blind (Lesson Collection Set #3 – 04b)
Do you have a favorite romantic book,
movie or love song?

Contributed by Les Harrison-Cheshire

For more FUN English Lesson Worksheets Boy Meets Girl [Lesson Collection Set #3 – Lesson 04a]
Visit: ©

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