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Advantages of Food Additives

 Food additives Improve the look, colour and texture of food

 Food additives increase the shelf life of food
 Food additives help prevent food poisining

Disadvantages of food additives

 Food additives sometimes destroy vitamins in food

 Food additives may be used to make bad quality food look good
 Many people are allergic to particular food additives

Most foods that are purchased these days in small stores and supermarkets have chemicals in
them as these are used to improve production and ensure the food lasts for longer. However,
there are concerns that these have harmful effects.  In my opinion, the potential dangers from
this are greater than the benefits we receive.

There are several reasons why chemicals are placed in food. Firstly, it is to improve the
product to the eye, and this is achieved via the use of colourings which encourage people to
purchase food that may otherwise not look tempting to eat. Another reason is to preserve the
food. Much of the food we eat would not actually last that long if it were not for chemicals
they contain, so again this is an advantage to the companies that sell food as their products
have a longer shelf life.

From this evidence, it is clear to me that the main benefits are, therefore, to the companies
and not to the customer. Although companies claim these food additives are safe and they
have research to support this, the research is quite possibly biased as it comes from their own
companies or people with connections to these companies. It is common to read reports these
days in the press about possible links to various health issues such as cancer. Food additives
have also been linked to problems such as hyperactivity in children.

To conclude, despite the fact that there are benefits to placing chemicals in food, I believe
that these principally help the companies but could be a danger to the public. It is unlikely
that this practice can be stopped, so food must be clearly labeled and it is my hope that
organic products will become more readily available at reasonable prices to all.

 How additives work

Additives also add flavor and appearance to foods. Everyone is familiar with adding salt and
sugar to foods. This is practice which has taken place for centuries. Salt was used before
refrigeration to preserve meats and fish, but it is also added to improve the taste of food.
Sugar in the past was added to preserve fruits; and it also enhances the taste of food and
drink. Leavening agents like baking powder allow baking goods to rise. While we are
familiar and feel comfortable with these, some people are concerned about other additives.

Today, we use thousands of other additives in our foods, as many as 3,000 and more. These
additives are rigorously monitored and controlled by the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), so there should be no reason to fear their safety. The FDA sets safety standards which
must be adhered to by manufacturers.

 The Bad Points

Despite attention to detail by the FDA, a minority of people suffer adverse reactions to food
additives. Most of the time, this is due to a medical condition of the individual. The chemical
elements in a food additive may cause allergic reactions. Sulfites are among the non-nutritive
additives which can affect asthmatics. Sulfites are preservatives which are used to extend
shelf life, prevent some foods from browning, preserve spoilage and preserve texture in some
foods. Sulfites are found in soft drinks and beer and wine, and also in canned and dried
products such as dried fruit, grain products and processed meats. Product labels are required
by law to indicate if a food contains sulfites, so it is important to read the label, especially if
you know you are asthmatic.

Other allergic reactions come from acacia gum or gum arabic which is also found in soft
drinks, and in frostings; benzoic acid, also found in soft drinks, and in jellies, jams and
margarine ;and paraffins which are coatings on fruits, vegetables and candy. Monosodium
glutamate (MSD) which the Chinese use as a salt in their food, can cause mild symptoms
such as body tingling or warmth, and also chest pain in some people.

The best advice is to read labels carefully if you or a family member is allergic or intolerant
of any food additives, so you can avoid these products whenever possible. If you do have an
adverse reaction to a food additive, contact your doctor as soon as possible.

 The Good Points

Food additives add visual appeal to food; they make them more attractive. They also boost
nutrition, like the fortifier vitamin D used in milk. Vitamins and minerals are additives which
food producers add to foods which lose their nutrients during processing, like flour and
cereal. Food additives improve the flavor of your foods, and they extend their shelf life. They
also improve the texture and consistency of foods and keep them fresh. All additives are
listed on product labels; so it’s a good idea to study the labels and become familiar with the
various additives.

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