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1. Read the short children's story The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams. After reading it,
answer the following questions:

a. If you think of something that does not exist, does that mean it is not real? Why?

If something isn’t real then it doesn’t exist, however if we were given hope for something better,
do we make ourselves believe that the unreality can be real? When the old horse was gleaming
about the idea of the toys evolving to be real, the rabbit because of his unlikable circumstance
(against the new mechanical toys) , instantly without doubt grasped the idea of the whole reality
concept to ease his anxiety , and that mentality became the whole struggle and hope of the
rabbit. For him, even without the existence of proof, it became real because he wanted it to be.
This proves that reality can be subjective because the existence of the unseen doesn’t stop us
from rejecting the idea of its virtuality. Sometimes we choose to be blindsided with our belief of
something greater, whether it be found in religion or the supernatural; we believe because we
need to believe , and the line between reality and unreality can be blurred.

b. In your own definition, or based on your experiences, what is the meaning of 'reals

Based on my experience the meaning of real is what you believe to be true. In religion, even
without witnessing God, I believe in his reality. The choice of accepting his existence without any
visual proof comes because of my need to hope for a better understanding of my life against my
daily trials. The emotional experience that can’t be qualified nor quantified and isn’t the same as
everyone, but still everyone believes in Him because our lives is better believing in Him rather
than without Him.

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