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Douglas Farr:

Sustainable Urbanism

Social Conditions of Urban Design

Professor Harald Bodenschatz
Tutor Katharina Janke
TU Berlin, Summer Semester 2008

Presentation and Paper by:

Jana Milosovicova Matr.-No. 317367

Table of Contents

Abbreviations 2 3 Closing Words to „Sustainable Urbanism“ 17

I Introduction 3 4 References 18
1.1 Douglas Farr & Farr Associates 3 5 List of Figures 19
2 Sustainable Urbanism. Urban Design with Nature 3 Attachment 20
2.1 Part I: The Case for Sustainable Urbanism 4 Smart Growth 20
2.1.1 Pioneering Reforms before “Sustainable Urbanism” 4 New Urbanism 20
2.1.2 Sustainable Urbanism: Where We Need to Go. Green Building Movement 21
The Grand Unification 5
2.1.3 LEED-ND 5
2.2 Part III: Emerging Thresholds of Sustainable Urbanism 6
2.2.1 Density (Compactness) 7
2.2.2 Sustainable Corridors 7
2.2.3 Biophilia (Human Access to Nature) 8
2.2.4 High-Performance Buildings and Infrastructure 8
2.2.5 Sustainable Neighborhoods 9
2.2.6 Time: The 2030 Community Challenge 12
2.3 Part II: Implementing Sustainable Urbanism 12
2.3.1 Conventional and Unconventional Regulations 12
2.4 Part IV: Case Studies in Sustainable Urbanism 14
2.4.1 Hannover - Kronsberg (Built greenfield Project) 15
2.4.2 Dockside Green Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
(Unbuilt infill project, being realized) 16

Table of Contents 1

AIA The American Insitute of Architects

DU/A dwelling units per acre

cit. citation

e.g. “for example“, (from Latin phrase “exempli gratia“)

etc. “and so forth“ (from Latin phrase “et cetera“)

LEED Leedership in Energy and Environmental Design

LEED-ND Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Neigborhood Development

VMTs vehicles miles travelled

2 Douglas Farr: Sustainable Urbanism

I Introduction
Sustainable Urbanism

This paper introduces to the American velopment (LEED-ND) project, a first ever
movement and network Sustainable Urba- leadership standard for sustainable land
nism, as promoted by one of its founders developments. [Farr], [wBF]
Douglas Farr in the book “Sustainable Ur-
Farr Associates is widely regarded as one
banism. Urban Design with Nature”. “Su-
of the most sustainable planning and ar-
stainable Urbanism” may be an answer to
chitecture firms in the country. Its mission
many questions referring to how places
is to design sustainable human environ-
should grow, how people should get from
ments with environmental, social, econo-
one place to another and how people could
mic and aesthetic benefits. [wFF]
live more sustainable. This movement units
these questions with one coherence set of
policies which can help next generations 2 Sustainable Urbanism. Urban Fig. 1 Douglas Farr

cities get reality. Design with Nature

The book provides a comprehensive intro-
1.1 Douglas Farr & Farr Associates duction to sustainable urbanism.
Douglas Farr, an architect and urban desi-
“A small but fast-growing number of lea-
gner, is the founding principal and presi-
ders are now beginning to recognise the
dent of Farr Associates. He has served as
power of thoughful urbanism to induce
cochair of the Environmental Task Force of
people to voluntarily live a more human-po-
the Congress for New Urbanism, chair of
wered and less resource-intensive lifestyle
the AIA Chicago Committee on the Envi-
(...), to enhance the inherent sustainability
ronment, and chair of the U.S. Green Buil- Fig. 2 Cover page [Farr]
of a walkable, diverse urbanism integrated
ding Council`s LEED for Neighborhood De-
with high-performance buildings and in-

Introduction / Sustainable Urbanism. Urban Design with Nature 3

frastructure.” [cit. Farr, p. 10, Preface by nagement − and high-performance buil- 2.1.1 Pioneering Reforms before “Su-
Andrés Duany ] 1 dings and infrastructure. The last section stainable Urbanism”
of the book is given over to case studies.
Content at a glance: The first part deals Sustainable urbanism grows out of three
with American conditions up to day. Fol- late 20th Century reform movements:
lowing sections focus on the type of lea-
2.1 Part I: The Case for Sustainable
The “smart growth”, “new urbanism” and
dership and communication strategies Urbanism
“green buildings movement” with its stan-
most helpful in implementing both small The first part of the book posits that the dards for green building - Leedership in
and large-scale projects; technical tools American lifestyle puts society and the Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).
and special techniques for community in- planet on the wrong course. The effects While all three share an interest in com-
volvement are also explored extensively. are: growing obese, economic cost, indoor prehensive economic, social and environ-
Other chapters discuss the role of density, activities, psychic prize (due to asphalted, mental reform, they differ in their history,
how to approach corridor situations, dia- non-walkable urban spaces), etc. constituencies, approach and focus.
gramming neighborhoods, „biophilia“ −
“We have seen the enemy and he is us.” The smart growth movement concerns
including everything from designing walka-
Pogo, by Walt Kelly with taking advantages of compact buil-
ble streets to integrating wastewater ma-
ding design. The location within a region
“By the age of twenty-five, the average
1 Andrés Duany is an American architect and is important so natural areas can be pre-
American has spent one year in a car.” [cit.
urban planner. Duany and Plater-Zyberk foun- served. New urbanism‘s main focus is on
Farr, p. 20]
ded Duany Plater Zyberk & Company (DPZ) in
creating walkable and mixed-use neigh-
1980. DPZ became a leader in the national
This part proposes sustainable urbanism, borhoods. The green building concern with
movement called the New Urbanism, which
seeks to end suburban sprawl and urban dis- a comprehensive reform, as an achievable urban heat islands, stormwater filtration,
investment. At DPZ, Duany also led the deve- remedy to the effects caused by the Ame- local content, and buildings’ life cycle cost.
lopment of comprehensive municipal zoning rican lifestyle and as an outline for courses [Farr, p. 50] For more information about
ordinances that prescribe appropriate urban
in planning, architecture, engineering, en- these movements, see Attachment 1.
arrangement for all uses and all densities. Du-
any is a co-founder and emeritus board mem- vironmental studies and interdisciplinary
ber of the Congress for the New Urbanism, However, among these movements, the-
sustainable development.
established in 1993. [wWD] re has been an unwillingness to engage a

4 Douglas Farr: Sustainable Urbanism

comprehensive and interdisciplinary agen- 2.1.3 LEED-ND
da. For instance, a certified green building The book seeks to create an agenda and
isn´t really positive for the environment standards for an emerging and growing
when it is surrounded by a massive paved sustainable urbanism reform movement.
parking lot; a walkable neighborhood is There has always been a demand for com-
hard to sustain when its houses are waste- munities and developments that integrate
fully constructed and energy inefficient. the features and benefits of urbanism with
those of environmentalism, but the ability
2.1.2 Sustainable Urbanism: Where to develop consensus standards has been Fig. 3 A green building project could
We Need to Go. The Grand Unification blocked by urbanists who resist environ- acchieve LEED Platinum - despite its
auto-dependent location.
The three movements above mentioned mental performance and by environmen-
are essential stepping-stones, but only by talists who oppose urbanist development.
the principles of smart growth, new urba-
using them as a cooperative whole a new [Farr, p. 10, p. 54]
nism, and green building into the first na-
framework that supports a truly sustaina- Leadership in Energy and Environmen- tional standard for neighborhood design. It
ble lifestyle can be formed. „The time for tal Design for Neigborhood Development is being developed by U.S. Green Building
half measures has passed.” [cit. Farr, p. (LEED-ND) may be just that seeked bran- Council (USGBC) in partnership with the
41] ded standard. It expands the focus of LEED Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU)
The path to a sustainable lifestyle builds beyond the scale of the individual building and the Natural Resources Defense Coun-
on the principles of the three movements. to address infrastructure and entire neigh- cil. [wFAQ]
The setting for this lifestyle is sustainable borhood-scale developments.
LEED-ND Standards are organized into four
urbanism - the communities that are well Closely related to the themes of the book, divisions:
designed for a high (healthier and more in- LEED-ND is a voluntary leadership stan-
dependent) quality of life because people The location of the project in a region –
dard to define what constitutes smart, su-
decide to meet their daily needs on foot where it is – (primary focus of the Smart
stainable land development. [Farr, p. 54]
and transit. Growth movement) is adressed in the
LEED-ND is a rating system that integrates “Smart Location and Linkage” Division.

Sustainable Urbanism. Urban Design with Nature 5

Walkability, land uses, urban design and applied to the design of infrastructure and
The total score projects may acchieve di-
vides them into following categories:
architecture of place – what goes on there entire neighborhood-scale developments.
– (principal concern of New Urbanism mo- [Farr, p. 54 - 55]
(The more project’s point score goes up,
vement) is addressed in the “Neigborhood
the more positive the result)
Pattern and Design” division. 2.2 Part III: Emerging Thresholds of
“Certified” – 40 - 49 Points
The “greenness” of the construction and Sustainable Urbanism
“Silver” – 50 - 59 Points the operation of a development – how is it “Over the next 45 years, estimated 2.6
“Gold” – 60 - 79 Points built and managed – (principal concerns of billion people worldwide will be housed
the LEED rating system) are addressed in in new developments. All of that develop-
“Platinum” – 80 - 106 Points
the “Green Construction and Technology” ment needs to be built to sustainable urba-
Fig. 4 Total score levels in LEED-ND Ranking division. nist principles. It is difficult for every pro-
Fourth division, “Innovation & Design Pro- ject in the country (...) to do so. How can
cess”, rates innovative performance in ca- thousands upon thousands of stakeholders
Development Timeline of LEED-ND:
tegories not specifically addressed by the intergrate the human and natural systems
2007: LEED for Neighborhood Develop- of sustainable urbanism if the rules are un-
LEED-ND rating system.
ment pilot program launched (Pilot pro-
written?” [cit. Farr, p. 101]
gram with 238 projects) For the first time, social issues such as
housing diversity, affordable housing, com- The third part of the book is devoted to
2008: Public comment periods begin for
post-pilot version of LEED for Neighbor- munities, visitability for all including the teasing out those rules and features nearly
hood Development handicaped and community participation thirty emerging thresholds of sustainable
but also urban design attributes such as urbanism. Every threshold is interdiscipli-
2009: LEED for Neighborhood Develop-
walkability, connectivity and a mix of uses nary. For example, car sharing can reduce
ment will ballot and launch [wCNU]
are now part of a neighborhood rating off-street parking requests and increase
Fig. 5 Development timeline of LEED-ND system. Even design strategies such as allowable development density. This one
stormwater infiltration, energy efficiency, strategy, after being fully integrated, can
and local and recycled content, are now create neighborhood wealth, contribute to

6 Douglas Farr: Sustainable Urbanism

the reduction of greenhouse gases, and in- use mix (fig. 6). To acchieve a well-based
crease the quality of life. [Farr, p. 101] density and to free people from automobil
dependence, minimum of 7 DU/A are re-
The thresholds may be organised into five
quired. For even better service and modes,
comprehensive areas of concern: densi-
a density of 15 DU/A for trolley transfer
ty, corridors, biophilia, high-performance
and 22 DU/A for light trail system are ne-
buildings and infrastructure and neighbor-
cessary. The corridor land use mix should
hoods. Together they constitute some of
achieve a 1:1 job-housing balance. [Farr,
the most challenging opportunities in su-
p. 113]
stainable urbanism. [Farr, p. 13, p. 101]
Transit corridors are the backbone of su-
2.2.1 Density (Compactness) stainable urbanism, linking neighborhoods Fig. 6 A sustainable corridor (building block of a
together with districts and other regional sustainable region)
Sustainable urbanism is not achievable at
low densities below 7-8 dwelling units per
acre (DU/A). The sites should be dense
enough to set the place walkable and pro-
vide the place with public traffic system.
For these reasons, sustainable urbanism
requires minimum development densities
roughly four times higher than an average
U.S. development density of two DU/A.

2.2.2 Sustainable Corridors

Sustainable corridors are building blocks of
sustainable regions. The main parametres
of such a corridor are its density and land

Sustainable Urbanism. Urban Design with Nature 7

destinations. Biodiversity corridors sup- 2.2.4 High-Performance Buildings and
port sustainable populations of native and Infrastructure
rare species and connect otherwise isola-
In this chapter, the impact of urban plan-
ted habitat patches. [Farr, p. 46]
ning on building energy usage is shown.
Building orientation and massing (which
2.2.3 Biophilia (Human Access to Na- is the work of an urban planner) have si-
ture) gnificant influence on the energy used by
Biophilia is the name given to the human the unit, even before any energy efficiency
love of nature based on the interdepen- measures are incorporated into the design
dence between humans and other living (e.g. well insulated walls etc.). The results
systems. In order to stregthen human in- from planner’s perspective are obvious:
terdependence with natural systems, su- Reduce surface-to-volume ratio as much
stainable urbanism believes that human as possible and reduce south-facing glass
settlements need to be designed to make that receives direct sunlight (in terms of
resource flowas visible and experiental. overproportional heating) [Farr, p. 189-
For example, a wastewater system that 193]
extracts nutrients to grow food in one’s
The term “high-performance infrastruc-
neighborhood creates an incentive not to
ture” refers to core best practices impro-
Fig. 7 High-performance buildings: Buil- dump chemicals down the drain. [Farr, p.
ving the performance of the entire road-
ding massing and orientation options. 48-49]
way system (fig. 8). This design includes
Chapter “Biophilia“ concerns in detail with street and sidewalk, underground utilities,
biotopes, stormwater systems, local- stormwater infrastructure, landscapes,
ly grown food and local waste manage- and streetscape elements. [Farr, p. 195-
ment. 198]

8 Douglas Farr: Sustainable Urbanism

2.2.5 Sustainable Neighborhoods ties, populations, commercial components
A sustainable neighborhood is a form of real etc.), the metrics of neighborhoods should
traditional neighborhood, which „meets range widely to reflect regional customs,
those same needs – for housing, work- climates, and site conditions. Although
places, shopping, civic functions – but in the numbers vary, there are five basic de-
formats that are compact, complete and sign conventions that link great neighbor-
connected, and ultimately more sustaina- hoods:
ble and satisfying.“ [cit. Farr, p. 127] Very
1. Identifiable Center and Edge to the
important is, that despite the impression, Fig. 8 High-performance infrastructure: Rights-of-
we should specify the exact parametres of
Neighborhood way can be designed to reduce long-term res-
source use and costs, e.g. by creating absorbent
the ideal neighborhood (dimensions, densi- “One should be able to tell when one has landscapes.

Sustainable Urbanism. Urban Design with Nature 9

arrived in the neighborhood and when one 3. Mix of Land Uses and Housing Types
has reached its heart.” [cit. Farr, p. 127] The
A mix of uses gives residents the ability to
best centers are within walking distance,
dwell, work, entertain themselves, exerci-
and typically some gradient in density is
se, shop and dinf faily needs and services
discernable from center to edge.
within walking distance. It is understood
that the amount of nonresidential uses va-
2. Walkable Size
ries from neighborhood to neighborhood.
The overall size of the neighborhood should Some neighborhoods may have a tine
be suitable for walking. Neighborhoods commercial presence, but every live/work
range from 40-200 acres (16-81 hectar). combination, also known as “zero-com-
A quarter-mile radius (approx. 400 m) is a mute housing”, eliminates at least one car
benchmark for creating neighborhood unit from rush-hour traffic. [Farr, p. 129]
that is manageable in size and feels wal-
kable. Even before the World War II, most 4. Integrated Network of Walkable Streets
Fig. 9 Sustainable neighborhoods: Five basic neighborhoods were one-quarter mile from
A street network forms blocks that set up
design conventions center to the edge. [Farr, p. 127]

10 Douglas Farr: Sustainable Urbanism

sites for private and/ or public develop- More components of sustainable neigh-
ment and it provides multiple routes for borhoods are e.g.:
walking, biking and driving safely through
- Car-Free Housing (buildings which do
a neighborhood. The maximum average
not provide off-street parking)
block perimeter is 1.500 feet (approx. 450
- Neighborhood Retail
m), with streets at intervals no greater
than 600 feet (180 m) apart along any sin- - Third Places (Where people meet, deve-
gle stretch. Small block size and frequent lop, trust and form associations)
Fig. 10 Neighborhood Unit by Clarence Perry
intersections are necessary. When desig- - Transportation demand management (left), updated by Duany Plater-Zyberk & Co. (right)

ning streets, we should make them walka- (strategies to make the most efficient
ble first and then add provisions for moto- use possible by limited transportation)
rised vehicles. “Design speed” for a highly - Car Sharing
walkable environment should be less than
25 mph. [Farr, p. 129] Furthermore, a high- The diagram of the sustainable neighbor-
quality public street space for activity and hood (fig. 11) builds on the diagrams by
aesthetic values should be provided and Clarence Perry, 1929 and Duany Plater-Zy-
its environmental qualities should be pro- berk & Company. Following the previous
tected as well. [Farr, p. 154] charasteristics, five distinctions result:

- the neigborhood is a building block of a

5. Special Sites for Civic Purpose
transit corridor
In complete neighborhoods, some of the - the central bus stop is replaced with a
best real estate should be set aside for higher density transit mode (BRT, trolley,
community purposes. Landmarks and civic light rail)
buildings as well as open space facilities
- it is fitted out with high-performance
(parks, squares, plazas, green corridors
infrastructure: district power, dimmable Fig. 11 A sustainable neighborhood unit (building
and playgrounds) should be a part of it.
streetlights and a share car per block blocks of a sustainable corridor) by Farr Associates

Sustainable Urbanism. Urban Design with Nature 11

- the mix and density support car-free the transportation sector, while improving
Goals for Per Capita LEED-ND Plati-
housing and a “third place” community health and well-being. [wFC]
num Certification for Land Develop-
- habitat and infrastructure greenways
ments in a Given Jurisdiction
give the neighborhood distinct edges 2.3 Part II: Implementing Sustaina-
2010: 20 %
Thresholds in the book have demonstrated ble Urbanism
2015: 40 % that a complete neighborhood can encou-
An introduction to the implementation
rage walking and reduce car trips by up to
2020: 60 % tools of part two of the book makes only
10-40 %, and is associated with reduced
sense after the intentions and thresholds
2025: 80 % levels of obesity, land consumption and
of sustainable urbanism have been descri-
2030: 100 % per capita pollution. [Farr, p. 160]
bed in this paper.

Fig. 12 2030 Community Challenge - Goals for 2.2.6 Time: The 2030 Community The book proposes sustainable urbanism
LEED-ND Platinum Certification to be implemented continuously, by inter-
disciplinary terms, working at all scales,
The 2030 Communities Campaign propo-
on every project. To make this easy to do,
ses to reverse the increase in vehicles mi-
there are some basic principles like inter-
les traveled (VMTs) and adopt LEED-ND as
disciplinary work in form of charrettes and
a municipal standard by 2030. The challen-
benchmarking as well as the planning re-
ge calls for a 50% decrease in VMTs from
gulations system introduced in the book.
2005’s baseline of 8000 VMTs per capita,
to 4000 VTMs and aims to have 100% of
2.3.1 Conventional and Unconventi-
public and private development projects
achieve LEED-ND Platinum certification
onal Regulations
by 2030 (fig. 12). The 2030 Communities The book provides a historical perspective
Campaign serves as a viable standard to on the standards and regulations that are
address the challenge of climate change in often barriers to reform. Hundreds of sepa-

12 Douglas Farr: Sustainable Urbanism

rate national standards, and likely millions cies that the projects will be realised as
of local regulations, interact to increase planned, all with their sustainable compo-
resistance to change and make it difficult nents. Such commitments can be difficult
or even illegal to create sustainable urba- to enforce in the above mentioned, normal
nism. regulatory process. Unconventional instru-
ment “Codes, Covenants and Restrictions”
Regulating Plan and Form-Based Code (CC&Rs) applied to private property can
Conventional zoning generally ignores buil- work with other regulations to ensure the
ding form, and focuses solely on use. The desired outcome.
result has been buildings that are out of An example of a “code provision” is a stan-
character with existing development of dard that rain barrels and cisterns have
the community. aprropriate safety covers. A “covenant”
Conventional form-based codes focus on is a promise or obligation, for example a
building form and how it affects public commitment to pay the cost of mainte-
spaces. This focus allows form-based nance for a bike trail. “Restrictions” are
codes to guide the creation of active, su- the limits on activities that are allowed wi-
stainable neighborhoods. thin the project. An example of restriction
is the prohibition of campfires within pre-
This codes are visual representated making
served open spaces.
it easy for all stakeholders to understand,
but are missing many of criteria important LEED-ND
for sustainable development.
LEED-ND is an instrument for communities
Codes, Covenants and Restrictions to require a specific certification level from
Stakeholders involved in the master-
planned communities desire assuran-

Sustainable Urbanism. Urban Design with Nature 13

2.4 Part IV: Case Studies in Sustai-
nable Urbanism
This part documents a diverse and mature
worldwide movement of neighborhood-
scale projects, both those already built
and those yet to built. The case studies,
redevelopment- and greenfield projects,
integrate walkable urbanism, natural habi-
tats, and high-performance infrastructure
and buildings. The case studies confirm
that the best sustainable neighborhoods
are more than a complex of energy-sa-
ving technologies − sustainability needs
context. One of the signs for the practice
of sustainable urbanism is the variety of
scales at which projects are beeing built
(fig. 13): a small-town mayor can pursue a
moderately sized project on an avalable in-
fill site; and areas of fast greenfield grow-
th can plan entire transit-rich sustainable

In this paper, one realised project and one

up to be built project will be introduced. By
both projects, the key urbanism sustaina-
ble thresholds are listed.
Fig. 13 Sustainable urbanist projects organized by size

14 Douglas Farr: Sustainable Urbanism

2.4.1 Hannover - Kronsberg (Built
Kronsberg - Project Details:
greenfield Project)
Master plan and developer: City of Kronsberg
The Kronsberg project is the city of Land area: total development 395 acres;
Hannover’s vision for sustainable develop- first phase 173 acres
ment in Germany. The planning process Timeline: city council resolved to use
resulted in a development dominated by sustainable guidelines in
1990; first phase built 1998
ambitious energy reduction goals, transit-
Dwelling units: First phase: 3.000, including
oriented design, and mixed-income resi- 300 private row houses;
dential areas. When the city of Hannover 3.000 additional private
won the bid to host the Expo 2000 World houses upon completion / in
Exposition, the city made a decision to pur-
Commercial: approx. 377.000 square feet
sue a sustainable development under the
motto “Humankind – Nature – Technolo- Project Highlights / Benchmarks:
gy”. Kronsberg’s big success is, by 2001, - Compulsory connection to district heating
a 74 % reduction in CO2 emissions compa- system reduces CO2 emissions by 23%
red with conventional developments. Fig. 14 Hannover-Kronsberg Masterplan
- 74% reduction in CO2 emissions in 2001
- All residents within +/- 1/3 mile (536 m)
Key Sustainable Urbanism Thresholds: from tram stop

Compactness − Walkable streets and - 0,8 parking spaces per dwelling

networks − Open space − Stormwater - Bike street runs through development

systems − Intergration of transportation, - Green building guidelines built into land con-
land use and energy − Impact of planning
- Two 1,5-megawatt wind turbines
on building energy usage −Large district
- All digged up soil used within development
energy systems
- 47 units per net acre density supports a
[Farr. p. 242-245] tram line Fig. 15 Hannover-Kronsberg residential area with
biosystem network

Sustainable Urbanism. Urban Design with Nature 15

2.4.2 Dockside Green Victoria, British
Dockside Green Victoria - Project
Columbia, Canada (Unbuilt infill project,
being realized)
Master plan: Busby Perkins + Will
A reclaimed industrial wasteland near to
Developer: Windmill Develop. Group and
the waterfront will host Victoria’s most Vanity Enterprises
ambitious green project to date - a zero- Land area: 15 acres
Fig. 17 Dockside Green Victoria, Canada.
Masterplan carbon development, regenerating this Timeline: 10-year build-out; first phase
parcel formerly contaminated with petro- to be completed 2009

chemicals and toxic heavy metals. The Dwelling units: approx. 860

project philosophy values economic pro- Commercial: 242.194 square feet +

73.842 square feet of indus-
fits as well as environmental and social
trial space
issues. Dockside Green is famous for its
plan to certify all 26 buildings in the deve- Project Highlights / Benchmarks:
lopment as LEED Platinum, in addition to - All 26 buildings LEED Platinum certified
incorporate green infrastructure. [Farr, p. - Estimated building energy savings of 45-
258-261], [wDG] 50 %
Fig. 16 Dockside Green Victoria, Canada. Biodi- - Estimated potable water savings of 65 %
versity corridor
Key Sustainable Urbanism Thresholds: - 11 percent affordable housing and senior-
Compactness − Walkable streets and net- assisted facilities will help to ensure resi-
dent diversity
works − Car sharing − Neighborhood Re-
- Biomass co-generation facility
tail − Biodiversity corridors − Open space
- Biodiesel facility
− Stormwater systems − Wastewater
- Re-strengthening of harbor industry
treatment − Integration of transportation,
- Re-use or recycle at least 90 % waste on-site
land use and technology − The impact of
- Pedestrian and cyclist routes run through
planning on building energy usage − Lar-
the heart of the development
ge district energy systems

16 Douglas Farr: Sustainable Urbanism

3 Closing Words to „Sustainable Urbanism“
“Sustainable Urbanism”, reduced to its most basic principles, is walkable and transit-ser-
ved urbanism integrated with high-performance buildings and high-performance infrastruc-
ture; where compactness and human access to nature are core values and where aspects
of sustainability, functionality and interconnectivity are more important than design.

Nevertheless, design aspects play very important role in Sustainable Urbanism, too. This
makes the movement a strong competitor to other co-existing movements, whose‘ primary
focus is on the design quality as a basis for socially sustainable settlements (e.g. contem-
porary streams in European urbanism which focus on reconstruction of traditional cities).

However, even more important is the fact, that “Sustainable Urbanism” is not only the ap-
proach how sites are designed and managed - it is furthermore a comprehensive network
and agenda of interdisciplinary focused stakeholders - planners, architects, engineers etc.
and thanks to this characteristics it has - and also in the future will have - reforming influ-
ence on the whole planning and developing community.

The movement searches for global urbanistic solutions - having its roots in America by
facing the problems of suburban development, it helps moreover to adapt sustainability
principles in different urban planning conditions worldwide. This posits the movement to
the role of a global network and agenda which values local factors and responds - by using
the tools of sustainable urban design - to local requests.

Sustainable Urbanism targets critical issues and challenges - not only those of urban de-
sign - social, environmental and economic sustainable community development as well as
health and climate on local and global scale; and proposes comprehensive solutions for
these interdisciplinary tasks of both present and future meaning.

Sustainable Urbanism. Urban Design with Nature / Closing Words 17

4 References

[Farr] Farr, D.: Sustainable Urbanism. Urban Design with Nature. Farr Associates. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken,
New Jersey, 2008.

[wCNU] http://www.cnu.org/node/717 (Access on 2.7.2008)

[wDG] http://docksidegreen.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1 (Access on 2.7.2008)

[wFAQ] http://www.cnu.org/sites/files/LEED-ND%20FAQ_2-28-07.pdf (Access on 2.7.2008)

[wFC] http://www.farrside.com/community/. (Access on 2.7.2008)

[wFF] http://www.farrside.com/firm/ (Access on 2.7.2008)

[wL] http://www.usgbc.org/DisplayPage.aspx?CMSPageID=148 (Access on 2.7.2008)

[wLPC] http://www.usgbc.org/ShowFile.aspx?DocumentID=4109 (Access on 2.7.2008)

[wWD] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A9s_Duany (Access on 2.7.2008)


[Farr] Farr, D.: Sustainable Urbanism. Urban Design with Nature. Farr Associates. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken,
New Jersey, 2008.

[wWNU] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_urbanism (Access on 2.7.2008)

[wWSG] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_growth (Access on 2.7.2008)

18 Douglas Farr: Sustainable Urbanism

5 List of Figures

Fig. 1 Douglas Farr. http://www.farrside.com/book/images/douglasfarr.jpg (Access on 29.7.2008)

Fig. 2 Cover Page. http://www.buildersbooksource.com/booksite/images/items/9780471777519.jpg (Access on 29.7.2008)
Fig. 3 A green building project ... . [Farr, p. 36]
Fig. 4 Total Score Levels in LEED-ND Ranking
Fig. 5 Development Timeline for LEED-ND, [wCNU] (Access on 2.7.2008)
Fig. 6 A sustainable corridor (building block of a sustainable region). [Farr, p. 113]
Fig. 7 Building massing and orientation options. [Farr, p. 191]
Fig. 8 High-performance infrastructure. [Farr, p. 196-197]
Fig. 9 Sustainable neighborhoods: Basic design conventions. [Farr, p. 131]
Fig. 10 Neighborhood Unit by Clarence Perry (left), updated by Duany Plater-Zyberk & Co. (right). [Farr, p. 125]
Fig. 11 A sustainable neighborhood unit (building blocks of a sustainable corridor) by Farr Associates. [Farr, p. 126]
Fig. 12 2030 Community Challenge - Goals for LEED-ND Platinum Certification. [Farr, p. 206]
Fig. 13 Sustainable Urbanist Projects Organized by Size. [Farr, p. 295]
Fig. 13 Hannover-Kronsberg Masterplan. [Farr, p. 243]
Fig. 14 Hannover-Kronsberg residential area with biosystem network. http://www.oekosiedlungen.de/kronsberg/galerie/galerie2.html
(Access on 29.7.2008)
Fig. 15 Dockside Green Victoria, Canada. Biodiversity corridor. http://www.busby.ca/clients/docksidegreen/index.htm (Access on
Fig. 16 Dockside Green Victoria, Canada. Masterplan. http://www.metaefficient.com/images/docksidegreen_plan.gif (Access on

References / List of Figures 19


Smart Growth New Urbanism hundred government officials in the fall of

1991, at its first Yosemite Conference for
Smart Growth is an urban planning and New Urbanism is an American urban de-
Local Elected Officials.
transportation theory that concentrates sign movement that arose in the early
growth in the center of a city to avoid 1980s. Its goal is to reform many aspects Calthorpe, Duany, Moule, Plater-Zyberk,
urban sprawl; and advocates compact, of real estate development and urban plan- Polyzoides, and Solomon founded the Chi-
transit-oriented, walkable, bicycle-friendly ning, from urban retrofits to suburban infill. cago-based Congress for the New Urba-
land use, including neighborhood schools, New urbanist neighborhoods are designed nism in 1993. The CNU has grown to more
streets that work for everyone, mixed- to contain a diverse range of housing and than 3.000 members, and is the leading
use development with a range of housing jobs, and to be walkable. international organization promoting new
choices. urbanist design principles. It holds annual
New Urbanism can include (neo)traditional
Congresses in various U.S. cities.
Smart growth values long-range, regio- neighborhood design and transit-oriented
nal considerations of sustainability over a development. The CNU‘s Charter of the New Urbanism
short-term focus. Its goals are to achieve says: “We advocate the restructuring of
In 1991, the Local Government Commis-
a unique sense of community and place; public policy and development practices
sion, a private nonprofit group in Sacra-
expand the range of transportation, em- to support the following principles: neigh-
mento, California, invited architects Pe-
ployment, and housing choices; equitably borhoods should be diverse in use and po-
ter Calthorpe, Michael Corbett, Andrés
distribute the costs and benefits of deve- pulation; communities should be designed
Duany, Elizabeth Moule, Elizabeth Plater-
lopment; preserve and enhance natural for the pedestrian and transit as well as
Zyberk, Stefanos Polyzoides, and Daniel
and cultural resources; and promote pu- the car; cities and towns should be shaped
Solomon to develop a set of community
blic health. [wWSG] by physically defined and universally ac-
principles for land use planning. Named
cessible public spaces and community in-
the Ahwahnee Principles, the commissi-
stitutions; urban places should be framed
on presented the principles to about one
by architecture and landscape design that

20 Douglas Farr: Sustainable Urbanism

celebrate local history, climate, ecology, to attract much governmental policy sup- with optional credits than earn points to-
and building practice.” [cit. wWNU] port throughout the 1980s. In 1993, howe- ward an overall score. As a project’s point
ver, the American Institute of Architect´s score goes up it earns LEED certification
New urbanists support regional planning
Committee on the Environment, inspired at increasing levels of performance from
for open space, context-appropriate ar-
by the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, published “Certified” on the low end to “Platinum”
chitecture and planning, and the balanced
The Environmental Ressource Guide. This on the high end. This flexibility works well
development of jobs and housing. They
comprehensive catalogue on the theory, in the marketplace, allowing a project to
believe their strategies can reduce traffic
practice and technology of “environmen- incorporate only well-suited green building
congestion, increase the supply of afforda-
tal” buildings drew heavily on the pioniee- strategies. [Farr, p. 35]
ble housing, and rein in urban sprawl. The
ring work that preceded it. [Farr, p. 35-36]
Charter of the New Urbanism also covers
issues such as historic preservation, safe The USGBC leaders and industry professi-
streets, green building, and the redevelop- onals, David Gottfried, Richard Fedrizzi and
ment of brownfield land. [wWNU] Michael Italiano, were inspired by the Rio
Earth Summit and The Environmental Res-
Green Building Movement source Guide as well.

United states Green Building Council (US- Shortly after its founding the USGBC draf-
GBC): Sustainability’s Building Perfor- ted pioneering standards for green buil-
mance and Certification Movement ding, completing a “final” version in 1995.
The name Leadership in Energy and Envi-
The oil shocks of the 1970s jump-started
ronmental Design (LEED) was adopted in
a movement for building energy efficiency
1996. USGBC launched the pilot version in
and solar heated and powered buildings.
1998 and its rating system in 2000. The
Unfortunately this movements were unable
LEED standard combines prerequisities,

Attachment 21

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