Summary, Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendation

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Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions and finally

the statement of recommendations as implicated by the results and findings

of the study.


The objectives of this study are: The purpose of this study will be to

determine the assessment given by the senior citizens to their respective

women community leaders. Next is to emphasize equality, respect, and care

for all individuals especially women. Lastly, is to appreciate how women’s

leadership can change a community into a better one. It is descriptive-

correlational in nature which involve collection of data in order to answer the

questions concerning the senior citizens’ assessment towards women

leaders in the community at Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte on the terms given

in the independent variables and how they were correlated to their socio-

economic profile in general. This study was conducted to investigate the

senior citizen’s assessment to their women leaders. It involved 50 senior

citizens and 50 women leaders from Kapatagan, Lanao del

Norte as respondents of the study. It was conducted during the second

semester of S.Y. 2019-2020 as a district-wide exploration in the province of

Lanao del Norte. The interpretation of the gathered data, the following

statistical tools were utilized; frequency and percentage, weighted mean, and

qhi-square test.


The following are the salient points found in the study:

1. . Among the (100) senior citizens, 23% are aged 60-65, 29% are age

66-70, 26% age 71-75, 17% age 76-80, and 5% age 81-85 ;

2. Among the 100 senior citizens, 63 were female and 37 were male;

3. From the 100 respondents, seventy-nine 68% are Roman Catholic,

twelve 13% are not in the option, 4% are SDA, (5%) are Baptist, (1%)

is from the islam, 6% from jehovah’s witness, and 3% from INC .

Majority of the respondents are Roman Catholic;

4. (59%) are elementary level, (28%) are high school level, and (13%) are

college level of senior citizens;

5. (62%) are widowed,(30%) are married, (5%) are separated and (3%)

are single of senior citizens;

6. (13%) are self-employed. (74%) are not in the option, and (13%) are

government worker;
7. 10% came from poor bracket, 82% from low income, and 8% lower

middle income;

8. With regard to the Level of Leadership of Women Leaders in terms of

Roles and task it gathered 3.01 of the general weighted mean where

most of the seniors agree with the positive statement;

9. With regard to the Level of Leadership of Women Leaders in terms of

Leadership Qualities, it gathered 3.29 average which means women

leaders promotes open comminicatiion to the whole community.

10. With regard to the Level of Leadership of Women Leaders in

terms of Democratic Ways , it gathered 3.41 average which means that

women leaders take more participative role in decision-making

processes so they can prevent biases.;

11. With regard to the Senior Citizens’ Assessment to the women

leaders, it gathered 3.12 average which means that, they are satisfied

with the women leaders leadership regardless of their differences, they

still manage to live in unity.

12. Observations are done during the conduct of activities and tests

of the subjects. The subjects have a positive response during the

conduct of the study. They expressed their assessment honestly and

13. Implications can be devised based on the results.

Senior citizens did not consider any of it whether their women leader is

rich or not, educated or not, young or old, or may have the same

religion as theirs. They see-through the fact as to the kind of leadership

that their women leaders possess, and that’s what people really need.


The data embroils that most of the seniors agree with the positive

statement that the researchers provided in assessing their women leaders. It

means that their women leaders embody good leadership and embracing

such empathy to the members of the community as they serve

wholeheartedly to the people.

Theoretical Perspectives on Aging by (Crosnoe and Elder 2002) notes

that functionalists find that people with better resources who stay active in

other roles adjust better to old age three social theories within the functional

perspective were developed to explain how older people might deal with

later-life experiences. The earliest gerontological theory in the functionalist

perspective is disengagement theory, which suggests that withdrawing from

society and social relationships is a natural part of growing old.

The Trait Leadership Theory by Allport (1930) believes that people are

either born or are made with certain qualities that will make them excel in
leadership roles. That is, certain qualities such as intelligence, sense of

responsibility, creativity and other values puts anyone in the shoes of a good

leader. The trait theory of leadership focused on analyzing mental, physical

and social characteristic in order to gain more understanding of what is the

characteristic or the combination of characteristics that are common among


The Behavioral Theory by Cherry (1940) is offering a new perspective,

one that focuses on the behaviors of the leaders as opposed to their mental,

physical or social characteristics. Thus, with the evolutions in psychometrics,

notably the factor analysis, researchers were able to measure the cause an

effects relationship of specific human behaviours from leaders. From this

point forward anyone with the right conditioning could have access to the

once before elite club of naturally gifted leaders. In other words, leaders are

made not born. The behavioural theories first divided leaders in two

categories. Those that were concerned with the tasks and those concerned

with the people. Throughout the literature these are referred to as different

names, but the essence are identical.


Based on the findings and conclusion made, the following

recommendations are given:

1. That, the Department of Social Welfare and Development should provide

possible programs to enhance women’s empowerment in a community.

2. That, the community should promote women’s opportunities that could

help individuals purchase their skill and would come up an organization that

is exclusive for women.

3. That, the teachers should visualize as to how women should be taken care

of especially their learners and that each of them is unique in their way.

4. That, the senior citizen’s should identify and describe an individual's

unique characteristics as they pertain to leading, managing, and directing

others and how such characteristics fit into a given position's requirements

especially to the women leaders.

5. That, the students should appreciate the importance of leadership and the

value their self-worth.

6. That, the future researchers serve this as a guide and reference to other

researchers that will be interested in tackling a similar study and will be

comparing the statistics as well.

7. That, according to Professor Ginka (2016), women hold 46% of jobs in the

United States and hold 50% of middle management positions according to a

recent report by the International Labor Organization. Even more

significantly, a report from the US Department of Labor noted that women

outnumbered men in executive roles in the areas of finance, human

resources, education, medical and health services, accounting and auditing,

budget analysis, real estate and social and community services.

8. That, according Annelle (2018), female students, for one, are more likely to

complete their tertiary studies compared to the boys; and when it comes to

the workforce, more women take on higher-paying positions compared to

men. In the Philippines, women are also underrepresented in local elective

offices—and it paints a “particularly alarming” picture, according to the report.

9. That, according to Society for Education, Animation, Rural Care and

Health or known as SEARCH (2015), the disenfranchisement of women is

largely due to lack of access to education, skill development, and income

generation opportunities, which has a knock on effect on women’s


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