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Name: Blondy Zhania
ID# :s11166666
Tutor: Mr. John Hubertson Pei
Campus: Selwyn College
Assessment #:2 dairy writing
28th April 2018

9: 00am

Dear Dairy

As I sit down on my desk steering at the whiteness color of the exam paper in front of me filled
with confusion mind and tears of sorrow , suddenly everything seem to be disappears at the
moment as I glance through them. I felt that I was alone in my on world ever since I was born. I
sat down for an hour stare at my paper as it slowly move from white to black color, feeling like
I was standing at the edge of a high cliff ready to fall , as slowly as the clock run. What a sad
moment that ever happen in my entire life, as all the happiness the laughter and the unforgetful
memories for years just disappear in a blink of an eye, as I usually heard people said that it is
very sad to lose someone you truly love. If this is, something that every individual have to
encounter in life, then why do I have someone very special in my life?

This day mark the first milestone in my life. That is the feeling of losing someone in life. I
always had a close relationship with my grandfather ever since I was born. Nevertheless, my
parents always remained me that one fine day I will going to lose my grandfather in an expected
hour. However, I just neglect words from my parents, but now at this moment I want to write it
If other people that have experience the same feeling that I have going through they will also
help to figured it out their feeling of losing someone special in life.

Definitely, the most significant things that you need to know is the sadness feeling and the
mournful moments in my life that make me feel sorry for losing my grandfather. Throughout
those past years, I did not notice that as the years proceed my grandfather age is getting increase
and his body is getting old and weak and his days to deport from this earth is catching up. Even
though sometimes we did not realize about the importance of years and time in life.

Therefore, that is my weakness in life: of not considering my parents words and notice my
grandfather physical appearance. That why I was shocked and very sad when I heard the died of
my grandfather; and it take me for five year to mourn for losing the presence of my
grandfather in life. However, many times in life, I feel like my grandfather is my pride; he is
everything to my world. Take for a close look at the people who still having their grandfathers
with them. However how many of them aware that as the year proceeds their grandfather day to
deport from this earth is catching up? Maybe it less than two percent of the population?
However, it is very important. Therefore, I know and experience more than I had learned before
about losing someone special in life and the important of knowing their life span on earth.
However, out of everyone sadness feeling, it seems, but mine is the most.

However if it was not for my grandfather died, I would never had experience this feeling in life.
Here I remember when one of my girl friend told me about his sadness feeling of losing people
who she loves the most. However, I thought that this problem could not happen to me earlier as it
is. However, more likely I had to follow the process in normal human daily routing in life. For
five years, I experience the pain and sorrow within me. I may even have to keep going back to
recover from all those feeling within me. In addition, to know what kind of life do you have
when you lost someone special in your life, which sometimes people regard it as a slow process
that people thinks that it impossible to happen early. Therefore, sometimes I have some doubt
and I asked myself why did people die?

Therefore what I have learned from the feeling of losing someone. In addition, is to know how
important of my grandfather to my life. Definitely, I cannot wait to keep it within me about those
feeling. However, this realization which has force me to write down my dreams, my fear, my
pain, sorrow and my innermost thoughts. Ever since I could write my feeling in a paper, also I
always have minded that influence me to write. In proving sadness feeling in life. Therefore in
writing down my feeling on this paper. I hope to found strength and courage. In addition, in
writing the events of life give, as lesson to change and grow mature in life .it could be that
someone who experiences the same situation that I get through might take courage in my
personal writing experience. Here I hope it will also help them to know that we cannot stop time
in life.

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