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Surveying - II

Assignment 03 Section A+B

Last Date: 18/10/2021 CLO 01+ 03
Marks 50 Instructor Engr. Waqar Ahmad

NOTE:Submit the assignemnt in the form of a report in hard form.A maximum of 5 number of students
can work together on this assignment and submit a single report per group.All copied assignments will be
cancelled.Assume any missing data.

Q:01 The following table summarizes the field data required for plotting the traverse.
a) Calculate the consecutive and independent coordinates after applying all relevant checks.
b) Plot the traverse on A2 size paper by following all the relevant protocols of engineering drawing.
c) Find out the area of the traverse.

Q:02 A survey line was measured on sloping ground and recorded as 500 ft. The difference of elevation
between the ends was 19.3ft. The tape used was later found to be 100.5ft when compared with a standard
of 100ft. Calculate the corrected horizontal length of the line?

Q: 03 The following data was obtained after road survey resulting in a plan of a road as shown in the figure below. The
width of road is 25ft. You are required to

a) Propose a horizontal curve at any suitable location along the given plan of road.
b) Calculate all the required information for setting out the proposed curve.
c) Sketch the final outcome of the curve along with all its elements on A2 size paper.
Chainage of Chainage of Station Length of Line Bearings
Instrument Station Sighted FB BB
0+000 0+300 300’ 254o 73o
0+300 0+800 500’ 252o 72o
0+800 1+000 200’ 234o 30’ 56o
1+000 1+200 200’ 220o 30’ 38o
1+200 1+600 400’ 308o 30’ 128o 30’

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