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Himalaya Mentat - Herbal Antidepressant Alternative Proven to Work

If you are suffering from depression, but would prefer to try something natural before going the
traditional pharmaceutical route, you should choose alternative remedies. Here below is a list of

1. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps people change how they think about things. In contrary to
more traditional forms of therapy CBT focuses on “here and now” problems and difficulties.
Numerous clinical studies conducted in different places around the world have consistently
demonstrated that cognitive behavioral therapy is as effective as antidepressant medication.
Within 20 sessions of individual therapy, approximately 75 percent of patients experience a
significant decrease in their symptoms.

2. Light Therapy

For many years, light therapy has been used to treat seasonal affective disorders; a type of
depression caused by short winter days and extended darkness. A lack of exposure to sunlight is
responsible for the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which can trigger a dispirited mood and
a lethargic condition. Light therapy helps to regulate the body’s internal clock in the same way
that sunlight does. Light therapy is an effective treatment for seasonal affective disorder, and it
may reduce the symptoms of non-seasonal depression as well.

3. Exercise

Researchers have found that regular exercise, and the increase in physical fitness that results,
alters serotonin levels in the brain and leads to improved mood and feelings of wellbeing. Study
after study has shown that exercise promotes mental health and reduces symptoms of depression.
The antidepressant effect of regular physical exercise is comparable to potent antidepressants
like Sertraline.

4. Massage

One of the best-known benefits of massage therapy is its ability to enhance feelings of well-
being. Massage produces chemical changes in the brain that result in a feeling of relaxation and
calm. It also reduces levels of stress hormones. Massage therapy lowers levels of stress hormone
cortisol by an average of 30 percent. Massage also increases serotonin and dopamine,
neurotransmitters that help reduce depression.

5. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment in which needles are inserted at specific points in
the body. Research suggests that acupuncture can decrease or eliminate the symptoms of
depression. A review of 8 controlled trials supported the theory that acupuncture can
significantly reduce the severity of depression.
Benefits of MENTAT

Mentat is a unique all-natural multi-ingredient formula that promotes brain health. It is safe and
gentle and assists the brain with cognitive tasks and functions. It supports the natural ability of
the healthy brain and nervous system to readily store and recall information. It is also a calmative
and provides a relaxed feeling.

Mentat supports brain function in normal and demanding situations of life. The benefits of taking
Mentat daily have been demonstrated in a broad range of cases. Mentat is beneficial to both
adults and children.


Enhances memory and learning capacity:  The natural ingredients in Mentat improve mental
quotient, memory span and concentration ability.

Treats neurological disorders: Mentat reduces the level of tribulin, an endogenous monoamine
oxidase inhibitor that is elevated during anxiety. The calming effects of Mentat are beneficial in
treating insomnia and convulsions.

As an adjuvant in neurological diseases: Due to its anticholinesterase, dopaminergic-

neuroprotective (important neurotransmitter in the brain), adaptogenic and antioxidant
properties, Mentat is useful as an adjuvant in the treatment of epilepsy and enuresis.


 Memory and learning disorders – attention fluctuation, concentration impairment, language and
learning disability

 Behavioral disorders – hyperkinetic states, asocial behavior, temper tantrums, aggressive

behavior, enuresis

 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

 Anxiety and stress-related disorders

 Mental fatigue

 Enuresis

 Supportive therapy in mild to moderate mental retardation

 As an adjuvant in epilepsy
Key ingredients:

Thyme-Leaved Gratiola (Brahmi) maintains cognitive function. Well known for its nootropic
(memory enhancer) effect, the herb enhances memory and learning. It is also known to calm
restlessness and is used to treat several mental disorders.

Indian Pennywort (Madhukaparni) possesses antiepileptic properties and is commonly used as

an adjuvant to epileptic drugs. It balances amino acid levels, which is beneficial in treating
depression. It also prevents cognitive impairment.

Winter Cherry (Ashvagandha) is used as a mood stabilizer in clinical conditions of anxiety and
depression. Withanolides, the chemical constituents present in Winter Cherry, possess
rejuvenating properties. The herb also reduces oxidative stress, which can cause mental fatigue.

Directions for use:

Please consult your physician to prescribe the dosage that best suits the condition.

Available as a syrup.

Side effects:

Mentat is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage. Visit us to
know about us at Gymnema Sylvestre

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