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Project Report




Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award Of


Batch 2010-2012

Submitted by: Under the Guidance of :

Abhishek Awasthi Prof. Manju lamba

Akansha Pandey Faculty (Management)

Akhil Lakhani ( ITS GHAZIABAD)

Mainak Chakrabortty


Meetu Tyagi


An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute and NBA Accredited
(Approved by AICTE)
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Phone: +91 120-4174900 Fax: 0120- 4174913 Website:

This is to certify that the Project titled “EVOLUTION OF CAR ENGINES AND THEIR
MANUFACTURING PROCESS” submitted by Abhishek Awasthi, Akansha Pandey,
Akhil Lakhani, Mainak Chakrabortty, Manoj Kr. Yadav, Meetu Tyagi students of
PGDM (2010-12) for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of the POST GRADUATE
DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT embodies the bonafied work done by him under my
supervision. I also declare that this dissertation is a result of his effort and no part of this
research has been published earlier or been submitted as a project by him for any degree or
diploma for any institute or university.

Date: Signature of the mentor


There are number of important people I want to thank, without their support, guidance,
encouragement and help, this work would not have been possible. I want to thank Prof.
Manju Lamba Faculty (Management), who has been my advisor and mentor throughout my
studies. Without her criticism, continual support, effective teaching, constant challenge and
encouragement I would not be able to give my best efforts, I would not have learned what I
needed to nor been prepared to complete this project and future work.

Abhishek Awasthi
Akansha Pandey
Akhil Lakhani
Mainak Chakrabortty
Manoj Kr. Yadav
Meetu Tyagi
Table of Content

Serial Particulars

1 Introduction

2 Literature review

3 Objective

4 Data & Methodology

5 Report

6 Analysis

7 Conclusion

8 References

A brief study by Quarterman Lee, P.E (1983)

In 1983 I visited Toyota's Kamigo Engine Plant. It was, at that time, the most efficient
automotive engine plant in the world. My first surprise was the American-built machinery.
Greenlee, Hydro-Mat and Cincinnati were among the names on equipment. 

It seemed, at first, like returning to the Ford plant where I had worked fifteen years
before. But, not quite: at Kamigo there were few fork trucks, no overhead conveyors and very
few workers.

As I looked around for overhead conveyors, very common in U.S. auto plants, I noticed only
a few abandoned conveyor lines. 

From an elevated walkway, we saw almost the entire machining area. I observed only a half-
dozen or so workers, a single fork truck and no inventory banks. 

What had Toyota done to achieve this? The basics at Kamigo were similar to the usual
descriptions of Lean Manufacturing. The emphasis and specifics differed because this was
engine machining rather than assembly or stamping

Ritu Sharma: - plant layout

Plant location is the location where an industry wants to start its operations. It is the selection
of suitable location or site .Various types of industries needs to consider various factors in
this respect. If the industry is engaged in "heavy manufacturing " i.e. these are the industries
which are relatively large and requires a lot of space. And as a result, they are expensive to
construct. Important factors in the location decision for these plants are construction cost,
modes of transportation , means of waste disposal and labour availability. And if it is a "light
industry" i.e. the industry which is engaged in producing electronic equipment and
components, parts etc .These type of industry doesn't require large storage capacity, so for
them proximity to customer is important. And if the industry is warehouse or distribution
centre , then they just require huge space .in addition to all the defined factors.

Pramod R. Sambidi (2003) plant location

An important contribution of this study is the application of the conjoint analysis to the
industry location problem. This is among of the few studies which have employed conjoint
analysis for analyzing the relative importance of each attribute in the location decision of an
industry. Another important contribution of this study is the application of a bridging
technique, which is utilized to bridge the three conjoints. A total of 30 attributes were
analyzed, of which the relative importance of 12 attributes were determined by utilizing
conjoint analysis, and the 77remaining 18 attributes were analyzed based on attitude ratings
given by each respondent. The attributes and levels that were analyzed by the conjoint design
were selected based on the literature review, group discussions, and personal interviews with
experts of the U. S. broiler industry. The attributes related to broiler growing, feed
production, and broiler processing were studied separately, and later bridging techniques
were used to measure the relative importance of the attributes in the location decision of a
total broiler complex.
Data will be primarily collected from secondary sources. Websites of various Engine
manufacturers like Rolls Royce will be used. For technology and process of manufacturing
Articles published by companies like Castrol & Shell will be used.

 To find change in technology during evolution of engines

 To find the factors of plant location in engine manufacturing

We all use one or other means of transport every day, we cannot imagine our life without
cars, busses, trains, aircrafts or any other mode of transport. But what runs this transport
system? Whose evolution makes us faster? The answer is Engines. An engine may be defined
as motor that converts thermal energy to mechanical energy or An engine is a machine
designed to convert energy into useful mechanical motion. In common usage, an engine
burns or otherwise consumes fuel, and is differentiated from an electric machine (i.e., electric
motor) that derives power without changing the composition of matter.



An internal combustion engine is any engine that uses the explosive combustion of fuel to
push a piston within a cylinder - the piston's movement turns a crankshaft that then turns the
car wheels via a chain or a drive shaft. The different types of fuel commonly used for car
combustion engines are gasoline (or petrol), diesel, and kerosene.

A brief outline of the history of the internal combustion engine includes the following

 1680 - Dutch physicist, Christian Huygens designed (but never built) an internal

combustion engine that was to be fueled with gunpowder.
 1807 - Francois Isaac de Rivaz of Switzerland invented an internal combustion engine
that used a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen for fuel. Rivaz designed a car for his engine -
the first internal combustion powered automobile. However, his was a very unsuccessful
 1824 - English engineer, Samuel Brown adapted an old Newcomen steam engine to
burn gas, and he used it to briefly power a vehicle up Shooter's Hill in London.
 1858 - Belgian-born engineer, Jean JosephÉtienne Lenoir invented and patented
(1860) a double-acting, electric spark-ignition internal combustion engine fueled by coal
gas. In 1863, Lenoir attached an improved engine (using petroleum and a primitive
carburetor) to a three-wheeled wagon that managed to complete an historic fifty-mile road
trip. (See image at top)
 1862 - Alphonse Beau de Rochas, a French civil engineer, patented but did not build a
four-stroke engine (French patent #52,593, January 16, 1862).

 1864 - Austrian engineer, Siegfried Marcus, built a one-cylinder engine with a crude

carburetor, and attached his engine to a cart for a rocky 500-foot drive. Several years later,
Marcus designed a vehicle that briefly ran at 10 mph that a few historians have considered
as the forerunner of the modern automobile by being the world's first gasoline-powered
 1873 - George Brayton, an American engineer, developed an unsuccessful two-stroke
kerosene engine (it used two external pumping cylinders). However, it was considered the
first safe and practical oil engine.
 1866 - German engineers, Eugen Langen and Nikolaus August Otto improved on
Lenoir's and de Rochas' designs and invented a more efficient gas engine.
 1876 - Nikolaus August Otto invented and later patented a successful four-stroke
engine, known as the "Otto cycle".
 1876 - The first successful two-stroke engine was invented by Sir Dougald Clerk.
 1883 - French engineer, Edouard Delamare-Debouteville, built a single-cylinder four-
stroke engine that ran on stove gas. It is not certain if he did indeed build a car, however,
Delamare-Debouteville's designs were very advanced for the time - ahead of both Daimler
and Benz in some ways at least on paper.
 1885 - Gottlieb Daimler invented what is often recognized as the prototype of the
modern gas engine - with a vertical cylinder, and with gasoline injected through a
carburetor (patented in 1887). Daimler first built a two-wheeled vehicle the "Reitwagen"
(Riding Carriage) with this engine and a year later built the world's first four-wheeled
motor vehicle.
 1886 - On January 29, Karl Benz received the first patent (DRP No. 37435) for a gas-
fueled car.
 1889 - Daimler built an improved four-stroke engine with mushroom-shaped valves
and two V-slant cylinders.
 1890 - Wilhelm Maybach built the first four-cylinder, four-stroke engine.

Engine design and car design were integral activities, almost all of the engine designers
mentioned above also designed cars, and a few went on to become major manufacturers of
automobiles. All of these inventors made notable improvements in the evolution of the
internal combustion vehicles.


One of the most important landmarks in engine design comes from Nicolaus August Otto
who in 1876 invented an effective gas motor engine. Otto built the first practical four-stroke
internal combustion engine called the "Otto Cycle Engine," and as soon as he had completed
his engine, he built it into a motorcycle. Otto's contributions were very historically
significant, it was his four-stroke engine that was universally adopted for all liquid-fueled
automobiles going forward.


In 1885, German mechanical engineer, Karl Benz designed and built the world's first
practical automobile to be powered by an internal-combustion engine. On January 29, 1886,
Benz received the first patent (DRP No. 37435) for a gas-fueled car. It was a three-wheeler;
Benz built his first four-wheeled car in 1891. Benz & Cie., the company started by the
inventor, became the world's largest manufacturer of automobiles by 1900. Benz was the first
inventor to integrate an internal combustion engine with a chassis - designing both together.

In 1885, Gottlieb Daimler (together with his design partner

Wilhelm Maybach) took Otto's internal combustion engine a
step further and patented what is generally recognized as the
prototype of the modern gas engine. Daimler's connection to
Otto was a direct one; Daimler worked as technical director
of Deutz Gasmotorenfabrik, which Nikolaus Otto co-owned
in 1872. There is some controversy as to who built the first motorcycle Otto or Daimler.

The 1885 Daimler-Maybach engine was small, lightweight, fast, used a gasoline-injected
carburetor, and had a vertical cylinder. The size, speed, and efficiency of the engine allowed
for a revolution in car design. On March 8, 1886, Daimler took a stagecoach and adapted it to
hold his engine, thereby designing the world's first four-wheeled automobile. Daimler is
considered the first inventor to have invented a practical internal-combustion engine.

In 1889, Daimler invented a V-slanted two cylinder, four-stroke engine with mushroom-
shaped valves. Just like Otto's 1876 engine, Daimler's new engine set the basis for all car
engines going forward. Also in 1889, Daimler and Maybach built their first automobile from
the ground up, they did not adapt another purpose vehicle as they had always been done
previously. The new Daimler automobile had a four-speed transmission and obtained speeds
of 10 mph.

Daimler founded the Daimler Motoren-Gesellschaft in 1890 to manufacture his designs.

Eleven years later, Wilhelm Maybach designed the Mercedes automobile.


Over the past 40 years, engine manufacturers worldwide have invested significant capital in
research and development efforts to improve natural gas reciprocating engine technology.
These efforts to improve efficiency and reliability, reduce emissions, and lower costs have
provided proven advances in engine power production for many applications, resulting in
increased customer value for a variety of applications including baseload and standby electric
power generation, natural gas compression, agricultural irrigation and other mechanical

One key advancement, begun in the early 1980’s, became known as “lean burn” combustion.
Lean burn combustion, using up to 100% excess air, results in significantly lower NOx
emissions compared to rich burn combustion which was the prevalent and standard engine
technology of the time. Lean burn combustion has the added benefit of improving energy
efficiency and life cycle costs for end users. Although more complex and costly to
manufacture, lean burn combustion results in engine-out NOx rates that are some 90% lower
than rich burn, from 15 grams/bhp-hr to 1-2 grams/bhp-hr, along with a 5-10% fuel economy
improvement and up to a 50% reduction in specific maintenance costs.
Major engine manufacturers developed lean burn engines in response to a market demand for
improved efficiency, lower costs, and reduced NOx emissions. Lean burn engines are capable
of meeting NOx emission limits in most states without expensive aftertreatment devices.
Rich-burn engines generally need the addition of three-way catalysts to reduce their
inherently higher NOx emissions that result from the rich-burn combustion process. Today,
after nearly a quarter century of continuous lean burn development and investment, over 80%
of all heavy duty stationary natural gas engine horsepower sold in the US employs lean burn
combustion technology, making it the world standard for best combination of low NOx
emissions and affordable, durable operation.

Recently, increasingly stringent national ambient air quality standards are forcing air quality
regulators to seek even further reductions in NOx emissions from stationary sources,
including engines. In areas with poor air quality, such as in several regions of California,
regulators are imposing extremely tight emissions standards that require the use of
aftertreatment devices even on clean, lean burn natural gas engines. Because of the exhaust
gas characteristics, further reductions in NOx emissions from lean burn engines necessitate
the use of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) aftertreatment devices to meet these new
standards. SCR is an expensive system which greatly adds to the capital and operating costs
of lean burn engine systems. Depending on the NOx level established by regulators,
stationary engine systems, even with aftertreatment technology, often cannot effectively meet
some of the stringent NOx emissions standards being promulgated today.


The Use of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Systems in Stationary Natural Gas

Because engines are often the best-suited and most cost-effective technology available, or the
only feasible option, to produce power for many applications, customers and suppliers are
exploring technical options that will allow engine-based systems to operate under extremely
low NOx emissions limits imposed by some regulators. Recently, a combustion concept
called EGR, or exhaust gas recirculation, has received attention as a potential solution.

The EGR concept was first investigated on stationary, natural gas engines in
the US in the early 1980s and, more recently, put forward in Europe. EGR also is being used
on many diesel and gasoline mobile sources. EGR employs hardware changes to recirculate
engine exhaust into the combustion chamber of a heavy duty natural gas engine as an inert
substitute for the excess air normally supplied in lean burn engine operation. EGR allows the
combustion chamber to operate as if it were a rich burn engine and, since no excess oxygen is
present in the exhaust, a much less expensive nonselective reduction catalyst can be used
when aftertreatment is needed to meet further NOx emissions standards. NOx emissions rates
from an EGR and nonselective catalyst equipped engine can be as low as, or lower than, a
lean burn engine equipped with the much more expensive selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
system, thus making lower installed catalyst cost a key attraction of the EGR concept. This
advantage in catalyst cost is the primary driver in promoting EGR systems. Several
independent companies have installed retrofit systems on existing natural gas engines and
have reported some success in meeting very low emissions requirements during initial and
limited field testing.

Most major engine manufacturers are also investigating EGR systems as an alternate
combustion technology where the most stringent emissions standards are in place. While lean
burn combustion will remain the most attractive choice for most worldwide and US locations,
EGR systems could play a role in certain geographic areas where extremely low emissions
are required to meet regulatory standards. Although EGR systems are of interest in these
areas, previous industry research has shown that these systems have several significant
technical issues which need to be fully understood and developed in both lab and field
applications before being introduced as a viable and certified option.


• COMBUSTION CONTAMINATION. Exhaust gas from any combustion process may
have certain contaminants, including acid forming compounds, unburned and partially burned
hydrocarbons, air pollutants, and liquid water. These contaminants can be successfully
reintroduced into the combustion chamber but may lead, over time, to serious combustion
degradation and instability, and shorter component life. Such effects need to be fully
understood and documented, and appropriate improvements made to the combustion process
to protect the customer’s investment and maintain true long-term emissions compliance. This
activity would be a key element of any major engine manufacturer’s development process.

• CONTROL SYSTEM STABILITY. Control systems for modern engines have been
developed over two decades and involve integrated strategies to adjust air/fuel ratio, ignition
timing, and air flow rates to maintain emissions control at varying loads, speeds, and fuel
conditions. These systems are at the heart of successful engine operation today and are vital
to satisfactory long term operation. Adding EGR into the combustion process introduces
further complexity that must be carefully integrated into the entire engine control system
approach for successful operation over a wide range of conditions. For instance, if fuel
quality changes over time, the air/fuel ratio, ignition timing, air system rates, AND the EGR
rate must be adjusted accordingly to keep the combustion system stable and emissions in
compliance. On the other hand, if the engine’s load changes rapidly from part load to full
load and back to part load, the EGR system dynamics must be included in the overall control
strategy response to make sure the engine operates smoothly during this transition.

• APPLICATION VARIABILITY. Adding an EGR system to a current engine may seem

benign for a steady state, non variable application. However, manufacturers must develop
engines that can meet an endless variety of applications which our customers demand, and
control systems must be fully developed to accept the addition of an EGR system. In
addition, the applicability and effectiveness of EGR will depend on engine size since the
addition of EGR will alter an engine’s thermal loading and temperature profile. Because of
different inlet temperature needs, an EGR application that works on a small engine may not
necessarily work on larger or turbocharged engines.
• MATERIALS AND DURABILITY: EGR systems may decrease long-term life of the
components affected, including the EGR coolers and control valves, the pistons and cylinder
heads, exhaust manifolds and sensors, as well as the post engine catalyst. Operating a few
hundred hours per year may not lead to any significant materials degradation in the overall
lifespan of an engine. However, continuous duty applications at 8500 hours per year may
cause near term emissions noncompliance and longer term materials breakdown, shorter
component life, and even unexpected, catastrophic engine failures. To minimize or eliminate
the potentially negative impacts of EGR on engine components, compatible components and
designs must be used that often require thousands of hours of lab and field test operation for
validation. Although both expensive and time consuming, such efforts are a necessary part of
proving any new combustion design including EGR systems. Therefore, major engine
manufacturers worldwide need to plan for and execute these tests in order to develop the
materials needed for successful EGR. applications.

• LIQUID DROPOUT. During exhaust gas recirculation, the gasses must be cooled with an
external cooler before being reintroduced into the cool inlet manifold of an engine. The
cooling process for the EGR may result in liquids being formed in the return lines, depending
on temperatures and local humidity, much as liquids are formed in the tailpipe of an
automobile at certain conditions. This liquid dropout could be a continuous stream that needs
to be carefully understood and managed with the needs of the local environment in mind.
While there may be ways to reintroduce this liquid into the combustion process, doing so may
create further problems with combustion and lead to other emissions complications and
instability. As such, managing liquid dropout needs careful study and development in an
integrated development program.

• DECREASED FUEL ECONOMY. For a non-selective reduction catalyst to properly treat

engine exhaust, the underlying combustion must be rich burn. Rich burn combustion is not as
fuel efficient as lean combustion, resulting in decreased fuel economy. Also, using exhaust
gas recirculation to dilute the air-fuel mixture is inherently less desirable than simply
introducing excess air into the combustion chamber. Atmospheric air has a nearly constant
quality at specific altitudes worldwide, while exhaust gas can be highly variable depending
on the fuel combusted and the changing dynamics and integrity of the combustion system.
Since modern engines are highly tuned for optimal performance and fuel economy, any
changes to the combustion chamber to accept EGR constituents may contribute to lower fuel
economy rates over time.

• EMISSION REDUCTION QUESTIONS. A handful of companies have applied add-on

EGR and catalytic reduction aftertreatment systems to stationary engines and reported
promising results in terms of emissions reductions. These results are based on short-term tests
on select applications and do not necessarily represent expected results from the complete
suite of stationary gaseous-fueled engines or applications and duty-cycles on the market
today. In addition, the short-term field test results are not adequate to demonstrate whether
the reported emissions rates are sustainable over the required certification period or life of the
equipment. Consequently, the results must be considered preliminary and most likely are not
acceptable for regulatory or certification purposes.

The use of EGR systems on stationary engines involves many technical hurdles that have yet
to be understood and overcome. Prudent investments in research, development, and rigorous
testing over time are still needed to determine the true value that EGR may provide. Of
particular importance will be the development of an integrated 5 materials and engine
combustion control strategy for EGR equipped engines that assures the satisfactory operation
and long term durability and reliability of the engine.

With the understanding that the necessary engineering work to resolve the many technical
issues has not been completed to date, the limited and short-term field testing of engines
outfitted with EGR and nonselective catalysts appears to be a promising option to further
reduce NOx emissions from gaseous-fueled engines. However, neither the amount nor extent
of emissions data currently available are adequate to demonstrate that the low NOx emissions
levels observed are sustainable over the life of the engine or can be achieved over the large
variety of engine types needed in the stationary market.

Unless and until sufficient testing results are available to demonstrate long-term and broad
effectiveness of EGR systems in reducing emissions, regulatory agencies should not consider
EGR systems as a feasible and cost-effective emissions control option for stationary engines.
In particular, EMA does not believe that the current emissions data and operating experience
regarding EGR systems provide the basis to establish national, state, or local regulatory
standards or certification limits for stationary engines.


Units concerning both manufacturing as well as the assembling of the products are on a very
large scale affected by the decisions involving the location of the plant. Location of the plant
itself becomes a very important factor concerning service facilities, as the plant location
decisions are strategic and long-term in nature.

Plant location decisions need detailed analysis because:

1. Wrong plant location generally affects cost parameters i.e. poor location can act as a
continuous stimulus of higher cost. Marketing, transportation, quality, customer satisfaction
are some of the other factors which are greatly influenced by the plant location decisions –
hence these decisions require in-depth analysis.

2. Once a plant is set up at a location which is not much suitable, it is a very disturbing as
well as very expensive process to shift works of a company to some other place, as it would
largely affect the cycle of production.

3. The investments involved in the in setting up of the plant premises .buying of the land etc
are very large and especially in the case of big multinational companies, the investments can
go into millions of rupees, so economic factors of the location should be very minutely and
carefully checked and discussed in order to achieve good returns on the money which has
been invested.

The Need for location decisions -

These decisions are needed when a new plant is to be set up or when the operations involved
in the company at the present location need to be expanded but expansion becomes difficult
because of the poor selection of the site for such operations. These decisions are sometimes
taken because of the social or the political conditions engulfing the working of a company.

The way the works of a company have to be performed, largely depends upon the industrial
policies issued by the government. Any change that creeps in the industrial policy of the
government which favors decentralization and hence does not permit any change or any
expansion of the existing plant – requires strictly evaluated location decisions.

Factors governing plant location:

1. Regional factors: These factors include proximity of the plant to the market and also to the
sources of the raw materials. They also include infrastructural facilities, transportation
facilities, and availability of skilled workers, legislation, the taxation and also the work
attitude of the workers.

Robinson was the one who has very clearly and efficiently justified industrial location
concerns using pure materials nearer to the markets or the consumption centers. According to
Robinson, the place of production is likely to be at the place of consumption where the final
product is more expensive to carry because it is more bulky, more fragile or more perishable
than is raw materials.

2. Community factors: These involve accommodation, education, entertainment and transport

facilities. It also includes attitude of the community, supporting industries and services,
suitability of the land etc.

Examples of plant location ( India) 

• Most of the textile mills are found in or near Mumbai and Ahmedabad because of the
humidity conditions that prevail there.

• Sites for nuclear power plants to be located in different parts of the country largely depend
upon environmental, safety, socio-economic and also the engineering factors affecting the
construction and operation of such plants.

• Steel plants are generally located near the Jharkhand, Bengal, Chhattisgarh and Orissa
regions. This choice of site is mainly because of more economical transport of the finished
goods as compared to basic raw materials.

• Similar case is observed in the plants which manufacture cement; such plants are located
near the lime and the coal deposits.
• Namroop and Thal Vaishet, both act as very important sites for the gas-based fertilizer
plants. Coal based fertilizer plants at Ramagundum are located near the source of raw
materials (coal).

• Naptha / oil based fertilizer plants at Mangalore, Madras, Cochin have been located near
ports, which act as a great source for the import of the raw materials.

• ‘Proximity to market’ forms a major factor which affects plant location decisions in case of
machine tool industries. In case of such industries, sites are scattered over different parts of
the country such as Ludhiana, Pune, Bangalore, Calcutta, Mumbai etc.

• Information Technology/BPO/Software Industries depend largely on availability of skilled

personnel, infrastructure etc… Because of these reasons most of such organizations operate
in urban areas such as Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune etc.

Toyota kamigo engine plant: - A brief study by Quarterman Lee, P.E

In 1983 I visited Toyota's Kamigo Engine Plant. It was, at that time, the most efficient
automotive engine plant in the world. My first surprise was the American-built machinery.
Greenlee, Hydro-Mat and Cincinnati were among the names on equipment. 

It seemed, at first, like returning to the Ford plant where I had worked fifteen years
before. But, not quite: at Kamigo there were few fork trucks, no overhead conveyors and very
few workers.

As I looked around for overhead conveyors, very common in U.S. auto plants, I noticed only
a few abandoned conveyor lines. 

From an elevated walkway, we saw almost the entire machining area. I observed only a half-
dozen or so workers, a single fork truck and no inventory banks. 

What had Toyota done to achieve this? The basics at Kamigo were similar to the usual
descriptions of Lean Manufacturing. The emphasis and specifics differed because this was
engine machining rather than assembly or stamping

Lean Manufacturing At Kamigo

Total Productive Maintenance

One reason that U.S. automotive plants had inventory banks between operations is that the
equipment of that time was not reliable. If the machines had been closely linked, as at
Kamigo, a breakdown on one machine would quickly stop the entire plant. 

The solution for Toyota was Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). TPM includes

Preventive Maintenance in which components are inspected and replaced before failure. It
also includes thousands of engineering improvements to increase Reliability, increase
Mean-Time-Between Failure (MTBF) and decrease Mean Time to Repair (MTTR). 

These concepts did not originate at Toyota. The difference was the intensity and tenacity
in their application.


The Kamigo layout placed each machine adjacent to its upstream and downstream
operations. Work could then flow directly through a series of machining operations. There
were no significant inventory banks between operations. This eliminated the need for
conveyors and fork trucks. 

Simple Transfer Devices

Kamigo used a wide variety of simple transfer devices that moved one part at a time from
one operation to the next. This was made feasible by the layout that placed these
operations close together.


 Foundry: “designer” materials for castings

 Robots producing core packages out of very fine sand

 From a fine art to a perfect process: iron casting in Mannheim

 One of the world’s largest machine shops for the “5 Cs” of CV engines

 The first composite camshaft for heavy engines

 Spectacular and unique machining processes

 The “Illig factor” – benchmark for cleanness in the motor industry

 Assembly: engines built under essentially clean room conditions

 Engine testing by directional microphone

 Mannheim plant at the heart of international co-ordinated production

 New production facility protects both neighbours and environment


 Engines have traveled a very long journey in their evolution with many fruitful
results. They started their journey in 1680 and till now they have developed a lot.
From steam then gunpowder as fuel now they are running on hydrogen and electricity.

 From primitive single cylinder engines they have evolved to advanced engines like
multi cylinder engines

 Companies like Harley Davidson, Rolls Royce, Mercedes Benz have done
commendable job in manufacturing & innovating new designs.

 Plant location is primarily decided by location of car manufacturer. Major plants are
located in the proximity of assembly lines.
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