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1. Sita is the traditional essence of a good woman.

Like Penelope, the Queen of

Ithaca who waited for Odysseus's return for 20 long years, Sita is also a
faithful wife. Does Sita exemplify the traits that you think women should have?
Why or why not?

 Yes, because women should be faithful to his husband and also the
husband should be faithful to his wife. That’s the ethical behavior and ideal
characteristics of every human being and also a married couple. If your
country follows the tradition or beliefs of the elderly or ancients, then you
should respect and follow it. Sita shows the traits of a good woman
because she is not just a good looking woman but she has also a beautiful
heart. She is really faithful to Rama even if her life is in danger.

2. The Ramayana suggests that much of Rama's greatness is the result of his
choices to place dharma above his own personal interests. Likewise, Ravana
possess many noble characteristics, but has chosen to use them for a life of
evil. Do you think that being good or bad is a matter of personal choice, or are
people simply born good or bad?

 People are innate to be good, but as soon as they get older, people
become more aware of everything and most of them tend to do a good
thing because they knew that doing good thing will also result to a good
one. While others wanted to do bad thing rather than doing good, so that’s
their choice and they need to face all the consequences of doing bad
things. Being good or bad is a matter of choice and that choice has
specific consequences. In the story, Rama and Ravana have good talent
and they are both strong but they are different in terms of how they used
it. Rama chose to do what is right while Ravana chose to do bad things or
a life of evil.

3. Ravana received a number of warnings to release Sita and apologize to

Rama, but he chose to ignore this advice. Do you think Ravana deserved the
terrible fate that befell him? Why or why not?

 Yes, because he already knew that Sita is innocent. Ravana’s evilness is

dominating him and he chose not to release and wanted to fight with
Rama and Lakshmana. So he deserves those consequences of his bad
doings. If choses to do good and follow that advice then his life will not
become terrible and he will not die.
4. Who do you think is the most admirable character in the Ramayana?

 Rama because he always chose the right things and he always follows
command from the elderly and the leaders. That’s the characteristic of a
good person or a good leader should possess. If you want to be a good
leader you need also to become a good listener and a good example to
many. Doing good thing is an ethical value of a person and being good
must always prevail. And those people who always choses the right one
will become more prosperous and will live with comfortable life.

5. Rama insists that his exile in the forest is destined by fate. What purpose did
this exile serve? 

 To serve as a lesson to all people and to widen their mind that doing good
thing will always result to a good one. And before we achieved those
fruitful things we should also experience those suffering and that
experiences will build us to become a stronger person. People who
achieved the things that they want easily are not good because
sometimes it will also easily disappear if you don’t know how to use it. It is
nicer if we experienced a lot of things like suffering, failures and rejections
because it will build us to become stronger and to have a brighter future.

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