Describe The Solar System. 5 Pts

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Name ______Ms.

Souksakhone Phiavong___ID 180132__

World Geography Quiz

Remember no class tonight. Use the time to complete your quiz than email it to me by Saturday.

Giving exams on line is very difficult. I learned some things from my first quiz I gave to World Culture. Do
not copy your answers from the internet. An exam should be taken not using outside sources. It should
be a test of your own knowledge on a certain subject. I want you to answer the question using your own
words. Short, concise answers that answer the specific question. Not a whole lot of useless information
that doesn’t address the question.

For example:

How did people live during the prehistoric era?

People were nomadic hunter gatherers who moved from place to place in search of animals they
depended on for their survival. They had fire, used tools and weapons made of stone, couldn’t read or
write, and lived in caves where they painted pictures of animals on the walls.

Now answer these questions with short, concise answers using your own words.

Describe the solar system. 5 pts.

Answer: The solar system is made up of the sun and everything substance in the solar system revolves
around the sun and there is a total of eight plants that orbit around the sun such as Mercury, Venus,
Earth , Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Describe the forces that begin beneath the earth’s surface (the crust) that cause great change to the
appearance of the earth. 5 pts.

Answer: There are many thing that can cause great change to the appearance of the earth such as: wind,
water, ice erode, earthquake, and volcano are the forces that begin beneath the earth's surface (the
crust) that cause great change to the appearance of the earth.
Describe precipitation. 5 pts.

Answer: Precipitation is any liquid or frozen water that form in the atmosphere and fall back into the
Earth. It comes in many forms, like rain, sleet, and snow. Any kind of these weather conditions are falling
from the sky.

Name the different bodies of water, both salt and fresh, that cover the earth. 5 pts.

Answer: Water bodies include areas of water both salt and fresh, large and small which are different
from one another in many ways.

1. The Biggest Bodies of Water is Oceans

- Ocean Sub-sections: Seas
2. Inland Bodies of Water is Lakes
3. Bodies of Water in Motion are Rivers & Streams
4. The Frozen Kind of Water Bodies is Glaciers

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