Exercise 1: Complete The Sentences With One of The Following Prepositions

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Exercise 1

Complete the sentences with one of the following prepositions

at on in from during between until

1. Liz went on a trip to the countryside with Ba’s family on Sunday.

2. Swimming is my favorite sport. I often go swimming summer.
3. Many offices are closed the weekend.
4. The end-of-term tests normally take place somewhere the
15th and 30th of April.
5. Let’s wait for John 7 o’clock. After that, we should go even
without him.
6. He was taken to hospital the night.
7. In England, banks are open 9am to 3pm
8. He works night and sleeps the day.
9. The school canteen is usually crowded lunchtimes.
10. When did you meet Fred yesterday? the morning or

Exercise 2

Choose the word that best completes each space in the passage.

Mr. Riley worked in an office. Everyday, (1) _____ the morning he

had breakfast with his wife (2) _______ 7.30, read his newspaper,
drank a cup of coffee and then left his house (3) ______ 8 o’clock to
go to catch his train to town (4) _____ 8.15 and 8.30
(5)______ that Monday morning, he was still sitting comfortably at
the breakfast table and reading his newspaper (6) ______ 8.10. he
did not seem to be _____ a hurry and asked his wife for another cup
of coffee.
‘Another cup?’ she asked. But aren’t you going to the office today?
Aren’t you working ______ (8) the morning or have you got a
“The office?’ he said and looked up from his newspaper very
surprised. ‘I thought that I was at the office.’

1. A. on B. at C. for D. in
2. A. in B. at C. on D. for
3. A. until B. during C. since D. before
4. A. from B. between C. till D. during
5. A. On B. In C. At D. Since
6. A. until B. since C. through D. over
7. A. for B. at C. in D. on
8. A. at B. from C. until D. during

Exercise 3

Choose the word that best completes each space in the passage.

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