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Seat Number ‡ãŠãÊã - 011


202 : Case Studies in Strategic Management

(New) (From June 2017) (712020)
P. Pages : 7
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 60
Instructions to Candidates :
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Graph or diagram should be drawn with the black ink pen being used
for writing paper or black HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. All questions carry equal marks.
5. Attempt any three cases out of five.

1. Sweet Drinks Ltd. is a drinks company whose core business is 20

manufacturing and selling soft drinks to 80,000 outlets through out India.
The business of the company is good with annual turnover exceeding three
billion of rupees profits are good and share holders are often rewarded with
lucrative dividends and bonuses.
Four years back the company has diversified into the alcoholic drinks
industry and has taken over two small breweries located in western India.
The company has also diversified into hotels with purchase of twenty five
hotels of three / four star category across the country. To its advantage the
company has been able to obtain a monopoly for the sale of its soft drinks
in its hotels and is beginning to establish itself as a brand name in the
brewery industry.
Part of the strategy of the company is to continue to purchase hotels,
particular by targeting National Capital Region of Delhi where tourism is
likely to pick up with the forthcoming common wealth games. The company
also intends to construct a five star hotel in Gurgaon to take tax advantage.
Everything was going on well until recently, when a public interest
litigation from NGO accused the company of indulging in surrogate
advertising of its brewery products. In fact the company has similar brand
names for its soft drinks and brewery products. This triggered a lot of
protests and demonstrations against the company. News papers were
flooded with the articles against the company. There were also some
demonstrations and some small incidents of stone pelting in a few of its
a) Discuss the factors related to SWOT analysis for the company.
b) Explain how Sweet Drinks Ltd. is achieving synergy?
c) Explain the nature of diversification adopted by the company.

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2. A public sector organization with about 5000 employees was successfully 20
managed for the beginning of its existence. Later. There were some
changes in and around the environment of the organisation. The employee.
employer relation were not congenial. Some chief executive did not pay their
attention in managing the organization effectively because of their
appointments at the age of their super annuation. There were many unions.
But two were recognized. the unions were Militant and strong. The
organization hand accumulated losses in crores of rupees.
The organization did not get orders from the customers and was not in
a position to repay the debts. the employees benefits. were reduced The
employee employer relations were not good. Some strikes were also
organized by the unions. There was a some uncertainty of receiving salaries
regularly. There was a lot of competition from some other organizations.
a) What are the Causes of low performance of the Organization?
b) Explain the revival process of organization.

3. Tata Motors is going places. The company is in the process of becoming a 20

global player. The initiative in this strategy followed by the company is
unique as for as Indian Industry goes.
The Company has signed an agreement with Rovers U.K. to sell
10,00,000 Cars to them in the next five years to be sold under the brand
name of Rovers. At the same time the company is going to sell Indica cars
in the European Markets under its own brand name as well. Selling Cars in
Europe is a tough job as it a well developed Market. Tata are however
confident that this strategy that they are following wids definitely work. They
have a very strand presence in Europe and have been selling Tata Safari
and other Cars in these markets for some time now and have a dealer's
network and service back up in some countries in this region.
On the other hand, the company has just acquired the unit of Daewoo
Motors in Korea for Making Trucks. the acquisition is the first of its kind for
the company this gives the company unrestricted use of Daewoo's brand
name which is popular in China and south East Asian countries. This
acquisition will also help the company take on the challenge posed in the
Indian Markets by Volvo in truck and passenger segments. The Company
can import the Higher range vehicles to India from this Korean facility. The
Indian Market on the threshold of growth due to the road projects that are
being implemented in the country and also due to the fact that old vehicles
are being phased out due to environmental problems. The company is also
seriously planning to enter Chinese Markets soon and in negotiating a big
tender for supply of trucks to south Africa.
Following facts give in Idea as to what the company is up to:
• New age Tata trucks to roll out in a range of emerging markets like
South Africa, China, Brazil and Indonesia.
• Global sales to contribute 10% of total commercial vehicle business
by 2010.

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• Low cost manufacturing base to be leveraged to offer Models at
prices that are expected to be at least 25% lower than offered by
global majors.
• A six member team with Italian experts is working on a new design
for the cabins.
• Focus on fuel efficiency. something that American and European
Manufactures do not focus on.
• Offering will be in the range of 9 to 49 payloads.
• Acquisition of local companies wherever required. Thus Total
Motors has developed strategies to be a global player in the near
Questions :-
i) Analyze The case and state what it means to Indian industries at
ii) Comment on the strategies of the company. Do you think that these
strategies will be successful? Why?

4. Indus was diversified company operating in a number of niche markets that 20

were largely Independent of each other that is customer buying decisions in
each of these Markets were made independently. The company's primary
basis for competitive advantage in each of these markets was to be the first
mover (and leader) in product innovation. The company faced the following
customer / production situations.
Case A:-_ The Customer was Mainly performance sensitive rather than
price sensitive. Also, there was little production synergy across the various
product lines.
Case B :- The customer was mainly performance sensitive rather than price
sensitive. However, there was considerable production synergy across the
various product lines.
Case C :- The customer was equally sensitive regarding product
performance and price. However, there was little production synergy across
the various product lines.
Case D :- The customer was equally sensitive regarding product
performance and price. However, there was considerable production
synergy across the various product lines.
Question : In each case, how should Indus be organized and controlled?

5. In 1987 perfect computer Ltd (PCL) entered in to PC business. At that time 20

only two firms VIZ. Vipro and HCL were dominating the business. PCL had
departments like production, marketing and export division.

1) Last quarter of 1995 :- Massive expansion programme in the

production deptt and marketing deptt implemented. New software
business was added. At the same time, due to higher credit norms,
short term funds with high interest rates were taken. it received
manufacturing contract from foreign country.

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2) April – July 1996:- Entire export order got cancelled due to improper
3) Sept. 1996 :- Marketing division slashed PC prices dramatically. It
took money in advance from customers and promised delivery 6-8
week later. The fund collected in such way were spent not on
production cut other than that.
4) Nov. 1996 :- Due to production not keeping any pace customers did
not get PC'S in time and even after 10-12 weeks. Banks did not issue
fresh funds. PCL faced fund crisis no money to buy components to
Manufacture the PC's.
5) Jan. 1997:- Bank asked interest payment which are over due.
6) Feb 1997:- Entire organization grinds to halt.
7) June 1997:- PCL thinking massive restructuring.

Financial Highlights of PCL

Year Sales ` Cost of Production Interest cost Organization
1993-94 266.6 Cr 87.2% of Sales 18.90 Cr Margins 12%
1995-96 701.8 Cr 100.5% of Sales 23.99 Cr 9.17%

Questions:- Design the restructuring or turnaround strategy for PCL.


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½ãÀãŸãè Á¹ããâ¦ãÀ
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 60
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7) •ãî¶ã 1997 - PCL (¹ããèÔããè†Êã) ‡ã⊹ã¶ããè ½ããñŸ¿ãã ¹ãƽãã¥ããÌãÀ ¹ãì¶ãÀÃÞã¶ãñÞãã ãäÌãÞããÀ ‡ãŠÀãè¦ã ‚ããÖñ.
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