MAT 111 - Elemantry

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Prepared by
Dr. R. Pangayar Selvi, Assistant Professor
Dr. B.Sivasankari, Assistant Professor
Dr. R. Vasanthi, Assistant Professor
Dr. M. Nirmala Devi, Assistant Professor

Department of Physical Sciences and Information Technology

Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Coimbatore – 641 003


Prepared by
Dr. R. Pangayar Selvi, Assistant Professor
Dr. B.Sivasankari, Assistant Professor
Dr. R. Vasanthi, Assistant Professor
Dr. M. Nirmala Devi, Assistant Professor


COIMBATORE – 641 003

To understand and apply fundamental concepts of mathematics applicable in
biology and to acquire about theoretical concepts of Algebra, Geometry, Calculus and
Mathematical Modeling.
Unit - I
Algebra: Permutation and Combination -meaning of nPr and nCr (simple
problems). Matrices- Definition of Matrices, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
Transpose and Inverse up to 3rd order by adjoint method, Properties of determinants up to
3rd order and their evaluation.

Unit - II
Analytical Geometry: Distance formula, section formula (internal and external
division), Change of axes (only origin changed), Equation of co-ordinate axes, Equation
of lines parallel to axes, Slope-intercept form of equation of line, Slope-point form of
equation of line, Two point form of equation of line, Intercept form of equation of line,
Normal form of equation of line, General form of equation of line, Point of intersection
of two straight lines, Angles between two straight lines, Parallel lines, Perpendicular
Equation of circle whose centre and radius is known, General equation of a circle,
Equation of circle passing through three given points, Equation of circle whose diameters
is line joining two points (x1, y1) & (x2,y2).

Unit - III
Differential Calculus: Definition of function, limit and continuity, Simple
problems on limit, Simple problems on continuity, Differentiation of x n , ex , sin x &
cos x from first principle, Derivatives of sum, difference, product and quotient of two
functions, Differentiation of functions of functions (Simple problem based on it),
Logarithmic differentiation (Simple problem based on it), Differentiation by substitution
method and simple problems based on it, Differentiation of Inverse Trigonometric
functions. Partial differentiation with first and second order -Maxima and Minima of the
functions of the form y = f (x) and y = f(x1,x2) (Simple problems based on it).
Unit –IV
Integral Calculus: Integration of simple functions, Integration of Product of two
functions, Integration by substitution method, Definite Integral (simple problems based
on it), Area under simple well-known curves (simple problems based on it).

Mathematical Models: Agricultural systems - Mathematical models - classification of

mathematical models- Fitting of Linear, quadratic and exponential models to
experimental data.
Simple problems in Permutation and Combination -meaning of nPr and nCr
Problems in Algebra of matrices , Transpose and Inverse up to 3rd order by adjoint
method, evaluation of determinants up to 3rd order. Problems in Straight lines using
distance formula, section formula (internal and external division), Change of axes (only
origin changed)- Equation of co-ordinate axes- Equation of lines parallel to axes.
Problems in equation of a line in : Slope-intercept form, Slope-point form, two point
forms, Intercept form, Normal form , General form, Point of intersection of two straight
lines. Problems in Angles between two straight lines, Parallel lines, Perpendicular lines.
Problems in Equation of circle whose centre and radius is known, General equation of a
circle, Equation of circle passing through three given points, Equation of circle whose
diameters is line joining two points (x1, y1) & (x2,y2). Simple problems in limit and
continuity. Problems in differentiation of xn , ex , sin x & cos x, derivatives of sum,
difference, product and quotient of two functions. Simple problem based on
differentiation of functions of functions and Logarithmic differentiation. Simple problems
based on differentiation by substitution method. Problems in partial differentiation and
Maxima and Minima of the functions of the form y=f (x) and y = f(x1,x2). Problems in
integration of simple functions and product of two functions- Definite Integral.
Integration by substitution method-Problems in Area under simple well-known curves.
Problems in fitting linear, quadratic and Exponential models to experimental data.
Theory Schedule:

1. Permutation and Combination -meaning of nPr and nCr (Simple Problems) .

2. Matrices- Definition of Matrices- Types of Matrices- Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication, Transpose
3. Determinants-Properties of determinants -up to 3rd order evaluation and inverse
up to 3rd order by adjoint method.
4. Straight lines - Distance formula-section formula (internal and external division) -
Change of axes (only origin changed) - Equation of co-ordinate axes- Equation of
lines parallel to axes.
5. Forms of equation of Line-Slope-intercept form -Slope one point form - Two
point form -Intercept form.
6. Normal form of equation of line- General form of equation of line- Point of
intersection of two straight lines.
7. Angles between two straight lines- Parallel lines- Perpendicular lines- Angle of
bisectors between two lines.
8. Circle-Equation of circle whose centre and radius is known- General equation of a
circle- Equation of circle passing through three given points- Equation of circle
whose diameters is line joining two points (x1, y1) & (x2,y2).
9. Mid Semester Examination
10. Differential Calculus - Definition of function, limit and continuity- Simple
problems on limit and continuity.
11. Differentiation of xn , ex , sin x & cos x from first principle-Derivatives of sum,
difference, product and quotient of two functions- Differentiation using functions
of function rule (Simple problem based on it)
12. Logarithmic differentiation (Simple problem based on it)- Differentiation by
substitution method and simple problems based on it- Differentiation of Inverse
Trigonometric functions
13. Maxima and Minima of the functions of the form y=f (x) and y=f(x 1,x2) (Simple
problems based on it).
14. Integral Calculus - Integration of simple functions and Product of two functions-
Definite Integral (simple problems based on it)
15. Integration by substitution method- Area under simple well-known curves (simple
problems based on it).
16. Agricultural systems - Mathematical models - classification of mathematical
models- Linear model.
17. Quadratic and Exponential models- applications of mathematical models in
Practical Schedule:

1. Simple problems in Permutation and Combination.

2. Problems in Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Transpose of a matrix
3. Problems in determinants and Inverse up to 3rd order by adjoint method.
4. Problems in Straight lines using distance formula, section formula (internal and
external division), Change of axes (only origin changed)- Equation of co-ordinate
axes- Equation of lines parallel to axes.
5. Problems in Slope-intercept form of equation of line, Slope-point form of
equation of line, two point forms of equation of line, Intercept form of equation of
6. Problems in Normal form of equation of line, General form of equation of line,
Point of intersection of two straight lines.
7. Problems in Angles between two straight lines, Parallel lines, Perpendicular lines,
Angle of bisectors between two lines.
8. Problems in Equation of circle whose centre and radius is known, General
equation of a circle, Equation of circle passing through three given points,
Equation of circle whose diameters is line joining two points (x1, y1) & (x2,y2).
9. Simple problems in limit and continuity.
10. Problems in differentiation of xn , ex , sin x & cos x, derivatives of sum,
difference, product , quotient of two functions and differentiation of functions of
11. Simple problem based on Logarithmic differentiation and differentiation by
substitution method.
12. Problems in Maxima and Minima of the functions of the form y=f (x) and
13. Problems in integration of simple functions and product of two functions using
integration by parts- Definite Integral.
14. Integration by substitution method-Problems in Area under simple well-known
15. Problems in fitting linear models to experimental data.
16. Problems in fitting Quadratic and Exponential models to experimental data.
17. Final Practical Examination.
1. Mehta, B. C. and G. M. K. Madnani, 2014, Mathematics for Economists, Sultan
Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
2. Kailasam.C, Pangayar Selvi. R and Vasanthi. R, 2010 , Applied Mathematics,
Agrobios (India), Jodhpur
3. James Stewart and Barhara Frank, Calculus, 2008, International Thomson
Publishers, Singapore
4. Duraipandian, 2007, Calculus and Analytical Geometry, Emerald Publishers,
5. Ranganathan.C.R. 2006, A First Course in Mathematical Models of Population
Growth (with MATLAB programs), Associated publishing company, New Delhi
6. Manickavasagam Pillai, T. K and Natarajan, T. 2004. Calculus, Viswanathan
Publications, Madras.

Ex.No. Title Page

1. Simple problems in Permutation and Combination.
2. Problems in Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Transpose of a
3. Problems in determinants and Inverse up to 3rd order by adjoint
4. Problems in Straight lines using distance formula, section formula
(internal and external division), Change of axes (only origin changed)-
Equation of co-ordinate axes- Equation of lines parallel to axes.
5. Problems in Slope-intercept form of equation of line, Slope-point form
of equation of line, two point forms of equation of line, Intercept form
of equation of line.
6. Problems in Normal form of equation of line, General form of
equation of line, Point of intersection of two straight lines.
7. Problems in Angles between two straight lines, Parallel lines,
Perpendicular lines, Angle of bisectors between two lines.
8. Problems in Equation of circle whose centre and radius is known,
General equation of a circle, Equation of circle passing through three
given points, Equation of circle whose diameters is line joining two
points (x1, y1) & (x2,y2).
9. Simple problems in limit and continuity.
10. Problems in differentiation of xn , ex , sin x & cos x, derivatives of
sum, difference, product , quotient of two functions and differentiation
of functions of functions.
11. Simple problem based on Logarithmic differentiation and
differentiation by substitution method.
12. Problems in Maxima and Minima of the functions of the form y=f (x)
and y=f(x1,x2)
13. Problems in integration of simple functions and product of two
functions using integration by parts- Definite Integral.
14. Integration by substitution method-Problems in Area under simple
well-known curves
15. Problems in fitting linear models to experimental data .
16. Problems in fitting Quadratic and Exponential models to experimental
17. Assignment

Permutation means arrangement of things.
In general the number of permutations of n objects taking r objects at a time is
denoted by nPr. Its value is given by
n Pr  n n  1n  2...n  r  1
nn  1n  2....n  r  1  n  r n  r  1...2.1

n  r n  r  1....2.1
i.e n Pr 
n  r !
6! 6!
Example: 6P5    1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6  720
6  5! 1!
6P5 = 6(6-1) (6-2) (6-3) (6-4) ( Deduction: 2)

= 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 = 720.

Note : nPn = n ! (b ) nP1= n. (c) nP0= 1.

Circular Permutation:
The number of ways to arrange „n‟ distinct objects along a fixed (i.e., cannot be
picked up out of the plane and turned over) circle is
Pn  (n  1)!
Combination means selection of things.
In general the number of selections (Combinations) from a total of n objects
taking r objects at a time is denoted by n Cr.
Relation between nPr and nCr
We know that
n Pr = nCr x r!
(or) nCr  ------------(1)
But we know nPr  ---------(2)
n  r !
Sub (2) in (1) we get
nCr 
n  r  !r !

Another formula for nCr

We know that nPr = n. (n-1). (n-2)…(n-r+1)

n.n  1
. n  2 ....n  r  1
 nCr 
1.2.3 ... r

10! 10!
Example: 10C3 =  120 .
3!(10  3)! 3! 7!
Ex. No.1 Simple Problems Permutation and Combination and its Applications.
Date :
1. Find the value of (i) 8P3 (ii) 10P5 (iii) 8 ! 5 p2
2. Find the value of (i) 10C3 (ii) 7C5 (iii) 6C 2
3. Find the value of (i) 8P3 + 10C3 (ii) 10P 5 + 7 C 5 (iii)3 5 p 2 - 6 C 2 (iv) 20C18

4. From a group of 15 farmers in a village, a team of 11 farmers is to be chosen. In how

many ways this can be done?

5. There are 3 varieties of tomato, 4 varieties of brinjal. In how many ways they can be
planted if the condition is that the varieties of the same crops should be together.

6. Find the number of ways in which a committee of 5 farmers can be formed out of a
group of farmers containing 5 small farmers and 4 big farmers so that in each
committee there are not more than 3 farmers from any group.

7. A committee of 5 students is formed from 6 boys and 5 girls such that it contains at
least one boy and one girl. How many different committees can be formed.

8. A question paper contains Section A with 6 questions and Section B with 7 questions.
A student has to answer eight questions selecting at least 3 from each. In how many
different ways it can be done?

9. How many quadrilateral plots can be formed by joining the vertices of a site in the
form of hexagon?

10. From 7 garden plants and 4 spices a selection is to be made for 6.In how many ways
this can be done if the institutions are (a) there should be exactly 2 spices (b) there
should be atleast 2 spices.
11. How many four-letter words can be formed out of the word LOGARITHMS?

12. There are 8 vacant chairs in a room. In how many ways can 5 persons take their seats?

13. How many distinct words can be formed using all the letters of the word
14. Find the number of ways of arranging 6 students (i) in the form of a straight line (ii) in
the form of a circle.

Algebra of matrices
1. Equality of matrices
Two matrices A & B are equal, if and only if,
(i) Both A & B are of the same type
(ii) Every element of „B‟ is the same as the corresponding element of „A‟.
1 3 4
1 2 3 4
A= B= 2 10 2
9 10 -1 3
9 -1 3
4 2 8 5
4 8 5
Here order of matrix A is not same as order matrix B, the two matrices are not
equal. i.e. A  B
Example: Find the value of a and b given
4 5  4 5
a 
 b 3 2 
The given matrices are equal
 a = 3, b = 2
2. Addition of matrices
Two matrices A & B can be added if and only if,
(i) Both are of the same type.
(ii) The resulting matrix of A & B is also of same type and is obtained by
adding the all elements of „A‟ to the corresponding elements of „B‟.
4 5  2 3
Example: Find  
5 6 2 1 
4 5  2 3 4  2 5  3 6 8
5 
6 2 1  5  2 6  1 7 7
= =

3. Subtraction of the matrices
This can be done, when both the matrices are of same type.
(A-B) is obtained by subtracting the elements of „A‟ with corresponding elements of „B‟.
4 5  2 3
Example: Find  
5 6 2 1 

4 5  2 3 4  2 5  3 2 2
5 
6 2 1  5  2 6  1 3 5 
= =

4. Multiplication of matrix
They are of two types : 1. By a scalar K B.
2. By a matrix A x B.
i) Scalar multiplication
To multiply a matrix „A‟ by a scalar „K‟, then multiply every element of a matrix
„A‟ by that scalar.
4 5
Example: Find 2
5 6
4 5 8 10
6 10 12

ii) Matrix Multiplication

Two matrices A & B can be multiplied to form the matrix product AB, if and only
if the number of columns of 1st matrix A is equal to the number of rows of 2nd matrix B.
If A is an (m x p) and B is an (p x n) then the matrix product AB can be formed. AB is a
matrix by (m x n).
In this case the matrices A and B are said to be conformable for matrix

Example: Find 2 3 6 4
4 5 2 -3

2 3 6 4 2  6  3  2 2  4  3  3
= 
4 5 2 -3 4  6  5  2 4  4  5  3

12  6 8  9 
24  10 16  15
18 1
34 1 
Transpose of a matrix
The Transpose of any matrix („A‟) is obtained by interchanging the rows &
columns of „A‟ and is denoted by AT. If A is of type (m x n), then AT is of type (n x m).

2 3
Eg: A =
1 0 2 1 4
AT =
4 5 3 0 5
(3 x 2) (2 x 3)
Ex. No.2 Problems in Matrix Algebra.
 3 4  7 3 
If A    B 
0 
1. and and I is a unit matrix of order 2x2. Find
 1 3   8

a) A + B b) A – B c) B – A d) 3A – 7B e) AT + BT
f) 7A + 3B – 3I g) AB h) BA i) A2 + AB + B2

7 3 0 4 3 0 8 9 7 
A1 2 1  B   1 1 2  and C   9 11 0 
 3 1 4   3 3 1   2 1 1 
a) A + B + C b) A – B – C c) AT + BT + CT d) 7A + 3B – 7C + I
e) (A + B + C)T f) (AB)TC g) (ABC)T h) A2 – B2

 x y 7x 8  2 6 8
If A   
7  z   3 9 
3. find x, y and z.
 yz 8 y 7
4. Raman brought 7 watermelon, 5 jack fruits and Kannan brought 6 watermelon, 7 Jack
fruits. The cost of watermelon and Jack fruit is Rs.25 and Rs.30 respectively. Find the total
amount of purchasing fruits by each?
5. A store sells three brands of tires, A, B and C. In the first quarter, the vector gives the sales
 25

A1   5  where the rows represent the three brands of tires sold. In second quarter, the
 6 
 20 

sales are given by A 2   10 .What is the total sale of each brand of tire in the first half
 6 
6. A store sells three brands of tires, A, B and C. In quarter 1, the vector gives the sales
 25 
A   25  If the goal is to increase the sales of all tires by at least 25% in the next quarter,
 6 
how many of each brand should be the goal of the store?
7. A manufacturer produces three products: P, Q and R which he sells in two markets.
Annual sales volumes are indicated as follows:
Markets Products
I 10,000 2,000 18,000
II 6,000 20,000 8,000
If unit sales prices of P, Q and R are Rs.2.50, 1.25 and 1.50 respectively, find the total
income in each market? If the unit costs of the above 3 products are Rs.1.80, 1.20 and 0.80
respectively? Find the gross profits.
8. A product line needs three types of rubber as given in the table below.
Rubber Type Weight Cost per Kg
Kg Rs
A 200 20.23
B 250 30.56
C 310 29.12

Write the given data in the matrix form and find how much is the total price of the rubber
9. Food orders are taken from two engineering departments for a takeout. The order is
tabulated below.
Sandwich Fries Drink
Mechanical  25 35 25 
Food order:  
Civil  
 21 20 21 

However they have a choice of buying this food from three different restaurants. Their
prices for the three food items are tabulated below :


Chicken Sandwich  2.42 2.38 2.46 
Price Matrix : Fries  0.93 0.90 0.89 
 
Drink  0.95 1.03 1.13 

Show how much each department will pay for their order at each restaurant. Which
restaurant would be more economical to order from for each department?

Every square matrix A of order n x n with entries real or complex there exists a
number called the determinant of the matrix A denoted by by Aor det (A). The
determinant formed by the elements of A is said to be the determinant of the matrix A..
Consider the 2nd order determinant.
a1 b1
A  = = a1 b2 – a2 b1
a2 b2

Eg: 4 3
= 0-3 = -3
A  = 1 0
Consider the 3rd order determinant,
a1 b1 c1
A  = a2 b2 c2
a3 b3 c3

This can be expanded along any row or any column. Usually we expand by the
1 row. On expanding along the 1st row

b2 c2 a2 c2 a2 b2
A  = a1 - b1 + c1
b3 c3 a3 c3 a3 b3

Example: Calculate the determinant of the following matrix.

1 2 3 
 
3 2 4 
1 1 
 3 


1 2 3
2 4 3 4 3 2
3 2 4 1 2 3
3 1 1 1 1 3
1 3 1
 1(2  12)  2(3  4)  3(9  2)
  14  14  21  21
Properties of Determinants

1. The value of a determinant is unaltered by interchanging its rows and columns.

2. If any two rows (columns) of a determinant are interchanged the determinant changes
its sign but its numerical value is unaltered.
3. If two rows (columns) of a determinant are identical then the value of the terminant is
4. If every element in a row ( or column) of a determinant is multiplied by a constant
“k” then the value of the determinant is multiplied by k.
5. If every element in any row (column) can be expressed as the sum of two quantities
then given determinant can be expressed as the sum of two determinants of the same
order with the elements of the remaining rows (columns) of both being the same.
6. A determinant is unaltered when to each element of any row (column) is added to
those of several other rows (columns) multiplied respectively by constant factors.

Definition :
Let A be any square matrix. If there exists another square matrix B Such that
AB = BA = I (I is a unit matrix) then B is called the inverse of the matrix A and is
denoted by A-1.
The cofactor method is used to find the inverse of a matrix. Using matrices, the
solutions of simultaneous equations are found.

Working Rule to find the inverse of the matrix

Step 1 : Find the determinant of the matrix.
Step 2 : If the value of the determinant is non zero proceed to find the inverse of the
Step 3 : Find the cofactor of each element and form the cofactor matrix.
Step 4 : The transpose of the cofactor matrix is the adjoint matrix.
adj ( A)
Step 5 : The inverse of the matrix A-1 =
1 1 1
 
Example: Find the inverse of the matrix 1 2 3
1 9 
 4

1 1 1
 
Let A = 1 2 3
1 9 
 4

Step 1:
1 1 1
A1 2 3  1(18  12)  1(9  3)  (4  2)
1 4 9
 662  2  0
Step 2:
The value of the determinant is non zero
A-1 exists.
Step 3:
Let Aij denote the cofactor of aij in A

2 3
A11  Cofactor of 1   1
 18  12  6
4 9

1 3
A12  Cofactor of 1   1
 (9  3)  6
1 9

1 2
A13  Cofactor of 1   1
1 3
 42  2
1 4

1 1
A21  Cofactor of 1   1
2 1
 (9  4)  5
4 9

1 1
A22  Cofactor of 2   1
2 2
 9 1  8
1 9

1 1
A23  Cofactor of 3   1
 (4  1)  3
1 4

1 1
A31  Cofactor of 1   1
 3 2 1
2 3

1 1
A32  Cofactor of 4   1
3 2
 (3  1)  2
1 3
1 1
A33  Cofactor of 9   1
3 3
 2 1  1
1 2
Step 4:
 6 6 2
 
The matrix formed by cofactors of element of determinant A is   5 8 3 
 1 2 1 

 6 5 1
 
adj A =   6 8 2 
 2 3 1 

Step 5:
 6 5 1
1adj A 1  
A    6 8 2 
A 2
 2 3 1 

 5 1
 3 
 2 2
=  3 4 1 
 
 1 3 1

 2 2
Ex. No.3 Problems in Determinant and Inverse up to 3rd order by Adjoint method.
1. Find the determinant value for the following matrices

1. 2 3 2. 2 0 3.
10 13 1
4 5 0 -2
2 3 1
5 -2 -1 2 -4 0
3 -1 1
1 -2 0

2. Find the determinant value for the following matrices using properties.
1 a b  c 3 2 1 a  b b  c c  a
a) 1  b 
a  c  b) 0 1 4 c) b  c c  a
 a  b
1 c a  b 3 2 1  c  a a  b b  c 
x a x  a

d)  y b y  b
 z c z  c 

3.  2 6 4
Find the value of the determinant  5 15 10 without usual expansion.
 1 3 2 

4. bc qr yz a p x

Prove that c  a r p z  x  2b q y
ab pq x y c r z

5.  a2 ab ac
Prove that ba b 2 bc  4a 2 b 2 c 2
ca cb c 2

6.  1 x  4
Find x if  5 3 0 =0
 2 4 8 
7. Find the inverse of the following matrices

2 3 10 13 1 2 0
1. 
3. 
4 2.  2 3 1  0 2 
 2 4 0

5 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1
4. 3 1 1  5. 2 2 5 6. 1 1 2
1 2 0  1 3 4 2 3 4

1 2 3  1 0 4 1 2 3
7. 0 4 5 8.  1 1 6  9. 0 1 4
1 0 6  3 0 10 5 6 0

 1 3 3 0 1 2  3 1
12. 
10.  0 6 5  11. 1 0 3   0 7
 5 3 1 4 3 8 

6 5  2 3 1  10 0 3 
13. 
9 11 14.  5 1 4  15.  2 4 1 
 4 8 2   3 0 2

Ex. No.4 :Straight lines - Distance formula-section formula (internal and external
division) - Change of axes (only origin changed) - Equation of co-ordinate axes-
Equation of lines parallel to axes.
Analytical geometry
The branch of mathematics where algebraic methods are employed for solving
problems in geometry is known as analytical geometry. It is sometimes called Cartesian
Let X‟OX and Y‟OY be two perpendicular straight lines intersecting at the point O.
The fixed point O is called origin. The horizontal line X‟OX is known as X –axis and the
vertical line Y‟OY be Y-axis. These two axes divide the entire plane into four parts
known as Quadrants.

P  (-X,Y) P(X,Y)

X M O N X

Q  (-X,-Y) Q(X,-Y)


All the values right of the origin along the X-axis are positive and all the values
left of the origin along the X- axis are negative. Similarly all the values above the origin
along Y – axis are positive and below the origin are negative.
Let P be any point in the plane. Draw PN perpendicular to X –axis. ON and PN
are called X and Y co-ordinates of P respectively and is written as P (X,Y). In particular
the origin O has co-ordinates (0,0) and any point on the X-axis has its Y co-ordinate as
zero and any point on the Y-axis has its X-co-ordinates as zero.
Locus is the path traced by a moving point under some specified geometrical condition.
Equation of a locus
Any relation in x and y which is satisfied by every point on the locus is called the
equation of the locus.

Distance Between Two Points

The distance between two points A(x1, y1) and B(x2,y2) is

Distance AB= x2  x1 2   y2  y1 2

In particular the distance between the origin O (0,0) and a point P(x,y) is

Distance OP= x2  y2
The Internal and External Section
Suppose P(x1,y1) and Q(x2,y2) are two points

The point A(x,y) that divides distance PQ in the ratio m1: m2 internally is given by
 m x  m2 x1 m1 y 2  m2 y1 
A 1 2 , 
 m1  m2 m1  m2 

The point A(x,y) that divides distance PQ in the ratio m1: m2 externally is given by
 m x  m2 x1 m1 y 2  m2 y1 
A 1 2 , 
 m1  m2 m1  m2 

If the point A lies in the middle on the line i.e m1=m2=1 then
 x  x1 y 2  y1 
A 2 ,
 2 2 

A point moves so that it is always at a distance 5 units from the fixed point A(2,-3). Find
its locus.
Let P(x,y) be any point on the locus.
AP=5 units (given)
(x-2)2+(y+3)2=52(using distance formula)
The equation of the locus is (x-2)2+(y+3)2=52.

Straight lines
A straight line is the minimum distance between any two points.
The equation of the coordinate axes
(i) As the y coordinates of every point on the x-axis is zero, the equation of the x-
axis is y=0
(ii) As the x coordinates of every point on the y-axis is zero, the equation of the x-
axis is x=0
The equation of straight lines parallel to the coordinate axes.
(i) The equation of a line parallel to y axis at a distance „a‟ from x axis is x=a
(ii) The equation of a line parallel to x axis at a distance „b‟ from y axis is y=b


b y=b
o a x
Ex. No.4 Problems in Distance and Section Formula
1. Find the locus of the point which is equidistant from (− 1, 1) and (4, − 2).
2. If A and B are the two points (− 2, 3) and (4, − 5), find the Distance between A and B.
3. If A and B are the two points (− 2, 3) and (4, − 5), find the equation of the locus of a point
such that PA2 – PB2 = 20.
4. Find a point on x-axis which is equidistant from the points (7, − 6) and (3, 4) .
5. Show that the three points (4, 2), (7, 5) and (9, 7) lie on a straight line.
6. Determine whether the points are vertices of a right triangle A (–3, –4), B (2, 6) and
C (–6,10)
7. Find the midpoint of the line segment joining the points (3, 0) and (-1,4)
8. Find the point which divides the line segment joining the points (3 , 5) and (8 , 10)
internally in the ratio 2 : 3.
9. In what ratio does the point P(-2 , 3) divide the line segment joining the points A(-3, 5) and
B ( 4, -9) internally?
10. If (7,3),(6,1), (8,2) and (p, 4) are the vertices of a parallelogram taken in order, then
find the value of p.
11. If C is the midpoint of the line segment joining A(4 , 0) and B(0 , 6) and if O is the origin,
then show that C is equidistant from all the vertices of OAB.
12. Find the coordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining (3, 4) and (–6, 2) in
the ratio 3 : 2 externally.
13. Find the coordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining (-3, 5) and (4, -9) in
the ratio 1 : 6 internally.
14. Find the points which divide the line segment joining A(-4 ,0) and B (0,6) into four equal
15. Find the ratio in which the x-axis divides the line segment joining the points (6, 4) and
Ex.No : 5 Problems in Slope-intercept form of equation of line, Slope-point form of
equation of line, two point forms of equation of line, Intercept form of equation of
The slope of the line is the tangent of the angle made by the line with positive
direction of X – axis measured in the anticlockwise direction.

X O X


let the line AB makes an angle  with the positive direction of X-axis as in the figure.
The angle  is called the angle of inclination and tan  is slope of the line or gradient of
the line. The slope of the line is denoted by m. i.e., slope = m = tan 

 (abtuse)  (acute)
X1 X X1 X

Y Y

Slope = m = tan  Slope = m= tan 

Slope is negative Slope is positive
Note :
(i) The slope of any line parallel to X axis is zero.
(ii) Slope of any line parallel to Y axis is infinity
(iii) The slope of the line joining two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is
y1  y 2
Slope = m = tan  =
x1  x 2
(iv) When two or more lines are parallel then their slopes are equal
(v) When two lines are perpendicular then the product of their slopes is –1
i.e., m1m2 = -1
Equation of a straight line:
There are several forms of a straight line. They are,
1. Slope – intercept form
Let the given line meet y-axis at B (o, c). We call OB as Y – intercept. Let A be
any point on the given line. Draw AM perpendicular to OX and BD  AM. Let this line
make an angle  with X axis. Then the slope,


y -c
B (O, C) D

XI o M X
AD AM  DM AM  OB y c
m = tan  = = = =
y c
ie. m =

mx = y – c
y = mx + c
Hence, the equation of a line with slope „m‟ and y – intercept „c‟ is given by
y = mx + c
(i) Any line passing through the origin does not cut y – axis (c = 0) i.e., y
– intercept is zero. Therefore its equation is y = mx
(ii) Any line which is parallel to x – axis has slope equal to zero. Therefore
its equation is y = c (Because m = 0)
(iii) Any line perpendicular to x-axis, ie which is parallel to y-axis at a
distance of K units from the origin is given by x = k.
Example 1: Find the equation of a straight line whose
(i) Slope is four and y intercept is –3
(ii) Inclination is 300 and y intercept is 5
Solution : (i) Slope (m) = 4
Y intercept (c) = -3
Equation of a line is y = mx + c
Y = 4x – 3
Equation of a line is 4x – y – 3 = 0
(ii)  = 300 , y intercept = 5
Slope = tan 
m = tan 300 =

Equation of a line is y = mx + c
Y= x+5

3y=x+5 3

Equation of a line is x - 3 y +5 3 = 0

Example 2 : Calculate the slope and y intercept of the line 2x – 3y + 1= 0

Solution : 2x – 3y + 1 = 0
3y = 2x + 1
2x 1
y= +
3 3
Comparing with y = mx + c, we get
2 1
m= ,c=
3 3
2 1
Slope = ; y intercept =
3 3

2. Slope – one point form

Let the line AB make an angle  with x- axis as shown in the figure and pass through the
y  y1
point P (x1, y1). If (x, y) represents a point other than the point (x 1, y1), then m =
x  x1
where m is the slope of the line or y – y1 = m (x – x1).

P (x1,y1)

o X
Hence the equation of a line passing through a point (x1, y1) and having slope „m‟ is
y – y1 = m (x – x1).
Example : Find the equation of a straight line passing through (-4,5) and having slope -
Solution : Slope = -
Point (-4,5)
Equation of the line is (y-y1) = m(x-x1)
y – 5 = - (x+4)
3y – 15 = -2x –8
Equation of a line is 2x + 3y – 7 = 0
3. Two points form
Let P (x1, y1) and Q (x2, y2) be any two points on the given line AB. We know, the
y2  y1
slope, m = .
x2  x1
We have the slope-point form of a line as
y – y1 = m (x – x1).
Substituting the value of m in the above equation we get,



y2  y1
y – y1 = (x – x1).
x2  x1
y  y1 x  x1
ie =
y2  y1 x2  x1

Hence, the equation of a line passing through two points is given by

y  y1 x  x1
y2  y1 x2  x1

Example: Find the equation of the straight line passing through the points (3,6) and (-
y  y1 x  x1
Solution : Equation of the line is =
y2  y1 x2  x1

y 6 x 3
5 6 23

y6 x3
1 5
5y – 30 = x – 3
x – 5y –3 + 30 = 0
Equation of the line is x – 5y +27 = 0
4. Intercept form
Let AB represent the given line which intersects X – axis at A (a, 0) and Y- axis
at B (0, b). We call OA and OB respectively as x and y intercepts of the line.

B (0, b)

A (a, 0) X

y  y1 x  x1
The two points form of the equation is given by =
y2  y1 x2  x1

Substituting (a, 0) for (x1,y1) and (0, b) for (x2, y2), we get the equation as
y 0 xa
b0 0 a
y xa
ie =
b a
y x a
= -
b a a
y x
Thus, = +1
b a
x y
 + =1
a b
Hence, the equation of a line having x-intercept „a‟ and y-intercept „b‟ is given by
x y
+ =1
a b
Example : Find the intercepts cut off by the line 2x – 3y + 5 = 0 on the axes.
Solution : x – intercept: put y = 0
2x + 5 = 0
x= This is the x – intercept
y – intercept: Put x = 0
-3y + 5 = 0
y = This is the y – intercept
Ex. No.5 Problems in Slope-intercept, Slope-point form, two point forms and Intercept
form of equation of line.
1. Find the slope and intercept of 3x + 7y – 8 = 0
2. Find the equation of the line through (2,-5) and having slope –4
3. Write the equation in intercept form and find the intercepts of the line 3x +8y +3 = 0
4. Find the equation of the line which passes through the point (5,6) and has intercepts on the
axes equal in magnitude but opposite in sign
5. Show that the lines 4x – 5y + 3 = 0 and 8x – 10y = 0 are parallel
6. Prove that the lines 2x – 3y + 4 = 0 and 3x + 2y + 1 = 0 are perpendicular to each other
7. It is known that when the price of a certain paper book is Rs.10 there will be no purchasers
but it is thought for every Re.1 drop in price, 12 new purchasers will appear. Find the
demand function.
8. The demand for milk is given by :
Price : 1 2 3
Demand : 100 50 0
Find the linear demand function and its slope.
9. The total cost y of producing x units is given by the equation 3x-4y+600=0. Find the fixed
overhead cost and also find the extra cost of producing an additional unit.
10. At a price of Rs.35 per bottle a company will supply 4000 Amla squash bottles every
month and at Rs.30 per bottle it will supply 2000 bottles. Find the short term supply curve.
11. As the number of units manufactured increases from 5000 to 7000, the total cost of
production increases from Rs. 26,000 to Rs. 34,000. Find the relationship between the
cost(y) and the number of units made(x) if the relationship is linear.
12. Determine the equation of the straight line passing through the points (1, 2) and (3, − 4).
13. Find the equation of the straight line passing through the point (1,2) and making intercepts
on the co-ordinate axes which are in the ratio 2 : 3.
14. A farmer view a coconut tree at an angle of elevation 450 from 12 feet away from the
bottom of the tree .What is the height of the coconut tree.
15. The cost function of a tractor company is 10C-65Q=1059( Rs in lakhs) where C-Total cost
and Q-tractor produced. Estimate the fixed cost and variable cost of the company. Also
estimate cost to produce 10 tractors.
Ex. No. 6 Normal form of equation of line- General form of equation of
line- Point of intersection of two straight lines.
Normal Form

Distance form (or) Symmetric form (or) Parametric form

General Form

Family of Straight lines

So far we studied about a single straight line. In this section we will discuss about more
than one straight line, which lie on a plane.

Intersection of two straight lines

The point of intersection of two straight lines is obtained by solving their equations.

Concurrent lines
Three or more straight lines are said to be concurrent when they all pass through the same
point. That point is known as point of concurrency.
Equation of Straight lines passing through the intersection of two given straight

Show that the lines 3x+4y = 13, 2x-7y+1 = 0 and 5x-y=14 are concurrent.
3x+4y-13 = 0
2x-7y +1 = 0 and
5x-y -14 = 0
Ex. No.6 Problems in Normal form, General form and Point of intersection of two
straight lines.
1. Find the equation of the straight line which is at a distance 7 units from the origin and the
perpendicular from the origin to the line makes an angle 450 with the positive direction of x
2. Find the point midway between the point (-1,3) and the point of intersection of the lines
4x+y-10=0 and 2x+3y-8=0.
3. Determine the equation of a line passes through the point (-1,-2) and makes an angle of 300
with the positive direction of x axis in parametric form. Find the coordinates of a point at
distance of 2 units.
4. Find the equation of the straight line passing through (1,2) and perpendicular to the line
5. Find the equation of the line which has perpendicular distance 4 units from the origin and
the inclination of perpendicular with positive direction of x-axis is 1350.
6. Find the equation of a line which passes through the point (-2,3) and makes an angle of 300
with the positive direction of x-axis.
7. The portion of a straight line intercepted between the axes is bisected at the point (-3,2).
Find its equation.
8. Find the length of the perpendicular form (3,2) on the line 3x+2y+1=0.
9. Find the point of intersection of the straight lines 5x+4y-13=0 and 3x+y-5=0.
10. Find the equation of the straight line joining the point (5,-2) to the intersection of the lines
2x-y+5= 0, x+y+1= 0.
11. Show that he lines 3x+4y=13; 2x-7y+1=0 and 5x-y=14 are concurrent.
12. Find the equation of the line passing through the intersection of 3x+4y=7 and x-y+2=0 and
having slope 5.
13. Find the coordinates of the orthocenter of the triangle formed by the lines x-y-5=0,
2x-y-8=0 and 3x-y-9=0.
14. Find the equation of a line passing through the point of intersection of x + y – 3 = 0 and
2x – y + 1 = 0 and a point (2, -3).
15. Find the value of k for which the lines 3x-4y = 7, 4x-5y = 11 and 2x+3y+k = 0 are
Ex. No.7 Angles between two straight lines- Parallel lines- Perpendicular lines-
Angle of bisectors between two lines.

Angle between two straight lines

Find the angle between the straight lines 3x-2y+9=0 and 2x+y-9=0
Equation of bisectors of the angle between the straight line

Ex. No. 7 Problems in Angles between two straight lines- Parallel lines- Perpendicular
lines- Angle of bisectors between two lines.

1. Find the angle between the lines 2y+x=1 and x+3y=6.

2. Show that the lines 5x+6y=20 and 18x-15y=17 are at right angles.
3. Find the equation of the line passing through (1,2) and parallel to the straight line
4. Show that the triangle formed by the lines 4x-3y-8=0, 3x-4y+6=0 and x+y-9=0 is an
5. What are the inclinations to the x-axis of the straight lines 3 y = x - 4 and x = 3x  3 ?.
Hence find the angle between the straight lines.
6. Find the angle between
(i) the lines 2x + y – 4 = 0 and 3x – y + 1 = 0.
(ii) the lines joining A(1,2) to B(3,4) and C(6,7) to D(8,5) (i.e. angle between AB and CD).
7. Find the equations of the bisectors of the angles between the straight lines 4x - 3y + 4 = 0
and 6x + 8y - 9 = 0.
8. Find the equation of the obtuse angle bisector of lines 4x - 3y + 10 = 0 and 8y - 6x - 5 = 0.
9. Find the equation of the line which passes through the point (1, 2) and is
(i) parallel to x + 2y – 3 = 0 (ii) perpendicular to 3x + y = 4.
10. Find the equation of the straight lines through the intersection of the lines x+2y+3=0 and
3x+4y+7=0 and (i) parallel to the line 3y-4x=0 (ii) perpendicular to the line 3y+3x=0.
11. Show that the angle between 3x + 2y = 0 and 4x – y = 0 are equal to the angle between
y +2x = 3 and 9 x+32 y = 41.
12. If the lines 2x-y-1=0 and 6x-ky+9=0 are parallel , find k.
13. Find the equation of a straight line through the intersection of 3x+4y = 7 and x+y-2 = 0 and having
slope = 5.
14. Show that the lines 5x+6y = 20 and 18x-15y = 17 are at right angles.
15. Find the values of p for which the straight lines 8px + (2 − 3p) y + 1 = 0 and
px + 8y − 7 = 0 are perpendicular to each other.
Ex. No .8 Problems in Equation of circle whose centre and radius is known,
General equation of a circle, Equation of circle passing through three given
points, Equation of circle whose diameters is line joining two points (x1, y1) &

A circle is defined as the locus of the point, which moves in such a way, that its
distance from a fixed point is always constant. The fixed point is called centre of the
circle and the constant distance is called the radius of the circle.

The equation of the circle when the centre and radius are given :

Let C (h,k) be the centre and r be the radius of the circle. Let P(x,y) be any point
on the circle.
CP = r  CP2 = r2  (x-h)2 + (y-k)2 = r2 is the required equation of the circle.

r P(x,y)



Note :
If the center of the circle is at the origin i.e., C(h,k)=(0,0) then the equation of the
circle is x2 + y2 = r2
The equation of a circle if the end points of a diameter are given
The general equation of the circle is x2 + y2 +2gx + 2fy + c = 0
Consider the equation x2 + y2 +2gx + 2fy + c = 0
This can be written as x2 + y2 + 2gx +2fy + g2 + f2 = g2 +f2 – c
(i.e) x2 + 2gx + g2 + y2 +2fy + f2 = g2 +f2 – c
(x + g)2 + (y + f )2 =  g 2  f 2  c 
 

x   g 2 + y   f 2 =  2 2 
 g  f c

 

This is of the form (x-h)2+ (y-k)2 = r2

The considered equation represents a circle with centre (-g,-f) and radius g2  f 2  c

 The general equation of the circle is x2 + y2 +2gx + 2fy + c = 0

c = The Center of the circle whose coordinates are (-g,-f)
r = The radius of the circle = g2  f 2 c

Note :
The general second degree equation ax2 + by2 +2hxy + 2gx + 2fy +c = 0
Represents a circle if (i) a = b i.e., coefficient of x2 = coefficient of y2
(ii) h = 0 i.e., no xy term

Equation of the circle passing through three given points

Let P (x1, y1), Q (x2, y2) and R (x3, y3) are the three given points.

We have to find the equation of the circle passing through the points P, Q and R.
Let the equation of the general form of the required circle be x2+ y2+ 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
……………. (i)

According to the problem, the above equation of the circle passes through the points P(x1,
y1), Q (x2, y2) and R (x3, y3). Therefore,

x12 + y12 + 2gx1 + 2fy1+ c = 0 ……………. (ii)

x22 + y22 + 2gx2 + 2fy2+ c = 0 ……………. (iii)

and x32 + y32 + 2gx3 + 2fy3+ c = 0 ……………. (iv)

Form the above there equations (ii), (iii) and (iv) find the value of g, f and c. Then
substituting the values of g, f and c in (i) we can find the required equation of the circle.



Find the equation the circle passing through the points (0,1), (2,3) and (−2, 5).
Ex. No. 8 Problems in circle
1. Find the radius and centre of the circle
(i) x2 + y2 + 8x + 9y – 7 = 0
(ii) 3x2 + 3y2 – 12x – 30y + 100 = 0
2. The centre of the circle is (5,6) and radius 4 units. Find the equation of the circle.
3. Find the equation of the circle that passes through the points (1,0), (0, -1) and (0,1).
4. Find the equation of the circle passing through the point (1,2) and having its centre at (2,3).
5. Find the equation of the circle with centre (3,-2) and radius 3. Show that is passes through
6. For what values of a and b does the equation (a-2)x2+by2+(b-y)xy+4x+4y-1=0 represent a
circle? Write down the resulting equation of the circle.
7. A circle passes through the points (4,1) and (6,5) and has its centre on the line 4x+y=16.
Find the equation of the circle.
8. If (4,1) is an extremity of a diameter of the circle x2+y2-2x+6y-15=0, find the coordinates
of the other extremity of the diameter.
9. A lawn service company offers services within an 20 mile radius of their office. When the
service area is represented graphically with the office located at (0,0), what is the equation
that represents the service area?
10. Find the equation of the circle whose centre is (-3, 2) and circumference is 8  .
11. Suppose an earthquake can be felt up to 80 miles from its epicenter. You are located at a
point 60 miles west and 45 miles south of the epicenter. Do you feel the earthquake? If so,
how many miles south would you have to travel to be out of the range of the earthquake?
12. A radio tower services a 10 mile radius. You stop your car 8 miles east and 8 miles north of
the tower. Will you be able to receive radio waves from the tower?
13. A Company wants to make a garden around their office. The area around their office is in
circular form whose radius is 10m radius. When the area for gardening is represented
graphically with office located at (0,0), what is the equation that represents the gardening
14. A rabbit will move no more than 10 miles away from its hole. At that time, you are taking a
walk about 5 miles east and 7 miles north of the rabbit hole. Is there any possibility of you
meeting the rabbit?
15. The beam of a lighthouse can be seen for up to 20 miles. You are on a ship that is 10 miles
east and 16 miles north of the lighthouse.
a. Write an inequality to describe the region lit by the lighthouse beam.
b. Can you see the lighthouse beam?
Ex. No. 9: Differential Calculus - Definition of function, limit and continuity-
Simple problems on limit and continuity.

Constants , Variables and functions.

A constant is a mathematical abbreviation for a number that does not change. A constant
can be represented by a Greek letter like α, β (beta) or (more simply) by a letter like a, b
or A, B.
A variable is something whose magnitude can change i.e something that can take
different values. A variable can be represented by x,y,z etc.

A function is a mathematical equation that relates two or more variables together. Y=f(x)
is a function where x and y are independent and dependent variables.

Limit of a function
Fundamental results of Limits

Some Important Limit

Limits of trigonometric functions
To evaluate the limits of trigonometric functions, we shall make use of the following
limits which are given below:
sin x
(i) lim  1 (ii) lim cos x  1 (iii) lim sin x  0
x 0 x x 0 x 0

Continuity of a Function
Ex. No. 9 Simple problems in Limits and Continuity
1. Find lim x 2  2 x  5
x 0

2. x2  x  6
Find lim
x 2 x2  x  2
3. x 4  3x 3  2
Find lim
x 1 x 3  5 x 2  3x  1
4. 4x  5
Find lim
x  3 x  7

5. x5/8  a5/8
Find lim
x a x1 / 3  a1 / 3
6. 1 x 1
Find lim
x 0 x
7. e 1
Find lim
x 0 3x
8. log(1  ax)
Find lim
x 0 x
9. x2
Prove that f ( x)  is discontinuous at x=1
x 1
10. 4t  10
Determine where the function h(t )  is not continuous.
t  2t  15

11. Prove that the function ex is continuous

12. Prove that cosx is continuous.
13. (1  x) n  1
Show that Lt n
x 0 x
14. Find the value of the constant k so that the function f defined below is continuous at x = 0, where
1  cos 4 x
 ,x  0
f ( x)   8 x 2

 k, x  0.

15.  x 3  x 2  16 x  20
 ,x  2
If f ( x)   ( x  2) 2 is continuous at x = 2, find the value of k.
 k, ,x  2

1. **********
Ex. No. 10: Problems in differentiation of xn , ex , sin x & cos x, derivatives of
sum, difference, product , quotient of two functions and differentiation of
functions of functions.
Concept of Differentiation
Derivatives of elementary functions from first principles
V. The derivative of ex is ex
Let y= ex. Corresponding to an increment x in x, let the increment in y be y.
Then y+y=ex+x
dy y
 Lt
dx x0 x
e x  x  e x
= Lt
x 0 x
e x e x  1
= Lt
x 0 x

= e x Lt
e x
1 
x 0 x
Differentiation Formulae:
Function(y) Derivative ( )
xn n xn-1
C 0
1 n
xn x n 1
ex ex
log x
sin x cos x
cos x - sin x
tan x sec2 x
cot x - cosec2 x
sec x sec x tan x
cosec x - cosec x cot x
sin -1 x
1 x2
cos -1 x 
1 x2
tan-1 x
1 x2
cot-1 x 
1 x2
x x2 1
cosec-1 x 
x x2 1

Rules of Differentiation:
1. Differentiation of a sum:

Let y = u + v + w +................ where u,v,w ,........ are functions of x.

dy du dv dw
    ..............
dx dx dx dx

2. Differentiation of a difference:

Let y = u – v – w - .................where u,v,w,............ are functions of x.

dy du dv dw
    ...........
dx dx dx dx

3. Product Rule of Differentiation:

Let y = uv, where u and v are functions of x.

dy dv du
u v
dx dx dx

Note: If y = uvw, then

dy dw dv du
 (uv)  (uw)  (vw)
dx dx dx dx
4. Quotient Rule:

If y = , then

du dv
v u
 dx 2 dx
dx v
5. Differentiation of cf(x):

d d
(cf(x))  c (f(x)  cf (x)
dx dx

Example: Differentiate the function with respect to x


Example: Differentiate the function

Here is the derivative.

Example: Differentiate following function


Diff. x,

Example: Differentiate the following functions.

We‟ll just differentiate each term using the formulas from above.

Example: Differentiate the following functions

Here‟s the derivative of this function.
Note that in the simplification step we took advantage of the fact that

to simplify the second term a little.

Example: Differentiate f the following functions.


Differentiate „y‟with respect to „ x „

Example: Differentiate the following functions


Diff f(x) w. r. to „x‟

Example: Differentiate each of the following functions

In this part we‟ll need to use the quotient rule.

6. Differentiation of function of a function- Chain Rule:

If y is a function of u ie y = f(u) and u is a function of x ie u = g(x) then y is related to x

through the intermediate function u ie y =f(g(x) )
y is differentiable with respect to x
Furthermore, let y=f(g(x)) and u=g(x), then
dy dy du
dx du dx
There are a number of related results that also go under the name of "chain rules." For
example, if y=f(u) u=g(v), and v=h(x),
dy dy du dv
then = . .
dx du dv dx
The crop growth „W‟ is given as a function of nutrient content in the soil „N‟ as W=
(3N2+4)3and nutrient moments in the soil during the crop period is given as
N = e 2t Find the crop growth rate.
 3(3N 2  4) 2 (6 N )
 18 N (3N 2  4) 2
dN d
 e 2t (2t )
dt dt
 2e 2t
dW dW dN
The growth rate is 
dt dN dt
= 18N (3N 2  4) 2 × 2e 2t .
= 36e 4t (3e 4t  4) 2 [ N  e 2t ] .

Growth rate – Relative growth rate, Marginal cost, Marginal revenue

Absolute Growth Rate:
Let w = f (t) be the growth function. The derivative of „W‟ with respect to „t‟ is called
Absolute Growth Rate (AGR) and is denoted by
AGR = is the growth rate (or) the absolute growth rate.
(i.e) the rate of change of growth „W‟ with respect to time„t‟.
Relative Growth rate:
Let W = f (t) be the growth function. The absolute growth is denoted by .
In growth analysis absolute growth rate is not useful concept. The relative growth rate is
a measure of the efficiency of plant to produce more. The relative growth rate is defined
Absolute Growth Rate AGR dt
as RGR = = =
Dry Weight W W

1 dW
RGR = .
W dt
In all practical situations we come across a number of variables. The variable is
one which takes different values, whereas a constant takes a fixed value.

Marginal cost

Consider the total cost function: TC=f(Q)

We know that the term marginal cost represents the change in the total cost for each
additional unit of production.

Marginal cost and is denoted by MC =
Thus, MC is the first derivative of the total cost function: TC=f(Q)

The average cost (AC) represents the cost per unit of production, it can be easily
calculated from the given total cost function.
Total cost function is TC = f(Q), where Q is total output.
TC f (Q)
Therefore average cost AC = =

Marginal Revenue function:

For any demand function P =f(Q), the total revenue (TR) is the product of quality
demanded (Q) and the price per unit of output.

 TR = Q x P, but since P =f(Q)

TR = R = Q x f(Q)

Again since the marginal revenue (MR) represents the change in TR for each additional
unit of sale, MR will be defined as :

MR = which describes derivative of TR with respect to quantity demanded.

Average revenue (AR) is defined as the total revenue received from Q units divided by
number of quantity Q sold.

AR = .

1. If the total cost function is C = Q3 - 3Q2 + 15Q. Find Marginal cost and average cost.
MC =
AC =
2. The demand function for a commodity is P= (a - bQ). Find marginal revenue.
(the demand function is generally known as Average revenue function). Total revenue

TR = P.Q = Q. (a - bQ) and marginal revenue MR=

d aQ  bQ 2 
Ex. No.10 Problems in differentiation of xn , ex , sin x & cos x, derivatives of sum,
difference, product , quotient of two functions and differentiation of functions
of functions
1. Differentiate the following function y=f(x) with respect to x
3x 2  7 x  8  1
3/2 2 3 3) 4)  x  
1) x 2) ax + bx + cx + d x  x
ax b
5)  ax  b    bx  x 2  4x  3
a 7
6) 7) x  8)
 x  x  ( x  1) x cx  d
10) (2x + 1)(3x2 – 1)
9) x +

2. Differentiate the following function y=f(x) with respect to x.

1) (3x2 + 4)3 2) 2 x  3 3) Cosec (ax+b) 4) exp(x2)
5) sin (log x) 6) e sin x 7) Sec (ax + b) 8) Cot-1 (logx)

3. Find the growth rate and relative growth rate the following growth functions.
1) G = at + bt2 + ct3 2) G = (1+at)ebt
at 2  bt b
3) G = e 4) G = log (at + )
4. Find the marginal cost and average cost from the following cost functions
1) C =Aq3+Bq2+Dq+e 2) C= 6Q3-12Q2+7 13
3) C= -Q3+8Q2+
5. Find the marginal revenue and average revenue from the following total revenue
1) TR = 6Q2+7Q+8 2) TR=12Q4+12Q+7 log Q 3) TR=(Q+4) ( 1- log Q)
6. Find the marginal revenue using the following demand function
1) P = a – bq + Cq2 2) P = 6 +7Q + 8Q2+Q3 3) P =(7Q+8Q2) (8+ log Q)
7. Consider the response function y=1800+7x-0.03x2 where y is the yield and x is the
fertilizer application find the following
(a) Estimate yield without application of fertilizer.
(b) Obtain yield when 50kg of fertilizer is applied per hectare.
(c) Estimate the rate of change of yield at the level of 30kg of fertilizer.
(d) Estimate the relative growth rate.
8. If the total consumption function C = 0.8+0.6I-0.004I2. Obtain the consumption when
there is no disposable income. Also estimate the Marginal propensity to consume.
9. 100(1 + 4t)
The bacteria population in a broth (culture) varies with time as follows P(t) =
(50  t 2 )
where t is time in hour. Find the growth rate at t = 2 hours.
10. The population of a city increases from 25,000 in the year 1990 exponentially
P(t) = 25000exp0.03t where t is in years since 1990. Find the rate population growth and
the value after 5 years.
Ex. No. 11 Simple problem based on Logarithmic differentiation and differentiation
by substitution method.

Implicit Functions:
If the variables x and y are related with each other such that f (x, y) = 0 then it is
called Implicit function. A function is said to be explicit when one variable can be
expressed completely in terms of the other variable.
For example, y = x3 + 2x2 + 3x + 1 is an Explicit function
xy2 + 2y +x = 0 is an implicit function
For example, the implicit equation xy=1 can be solved by differentiating implicitly gives
d ( xy ) d (1)
dx dx

Implicit differentiation is especially useful when y‟(x)is needed, but it is difficult or

inconvenient to solve for y in terms of x.

Example : Differentiate the following function with respect to x

So, just differentiate as normal and tack on an appropriate derivative at each step. Note
as well that the first term will be a product rule.

dy x2 y2
Example: Find if 2  2  1
dx a b

x2 y2
 1
a2 b2

Differentiating w.r.t „x‟

1 d 2 1 d 2
(x )  2 (y )  1
a dx b dx
1 1 dy
 2 (2x)  2 (2y)  0
a b dx
x y dy y dy x
Dividing by 2, 2  2 0  2  2
a b dx b dx a

dy b2x
  2
dx a y
Logarithmic Differentiation

For some problems, first by taking logarithms and then differentiating,

it is easier to find . Such process is called Logarithmic differentiation.
(i) If the function appears as a product of many simple functions then by
taking logarithm so that the product is converted into a sum. It is now
easier to differentiate them.
(ii) If the variable x occurs in the exponent then by taking logarithm it is
reduced to a familiar form to differentiate.

Example Differentiate the function.

Solution Differentiating this function could be done with a product rule and a quotient
rule. We can simplify things somewhat by taking logarithms of both sides.

Example Differentiate
Solution First take the logarithm of both sides as we did in the first example and use the
logarithm properties to simplify things a little.

Differentiate both sides using implicit differentiation.

As with the first example multiply by y and substitute back in for y.

Example: Differentiate: y = (x + 1)2 (x + 2)3 (x + 3)4

Taking logarithm on both sides
log y = 2 log(x + 1) + 3 log(x + 2) + 4 log(x + 3)

Differentiating on both sides,

1 dy 1 1 1
2 3 4
y dx x 1 x2 x3
dy  2 3 4 
 (x + 1)2 (x + 2)3 (x + 3)4    
dx  x  1 x  2 x  3

Parametric functions:
Sometimes variables x and y are expressed in terms of a third variable called parameter.
We find without eliminating the third variable.
Let x = f(t) and y = g(t) then

dy dy dt
= 
dx dt dx

dy 1 dt
=  =
dt dx dx
Problem :
1.Find for the parametric function x =a cos  , y = b sin 
 a sin  dy
 b cos 
d d
dy d
dx dx

b cos 
 a sin 
=  cot 
Example: If x = a(1 + cos θ), y = b(θ + sin θ), find .
x = a (1 + cos θ)
Differentiate w.r.t „θ‟,  a( sin θ)   a sin θ

y = b (1 + sin θ);  a(θ  cos θ)  a(1  cos θ)

dy θ θ
2 cos 2 cos
dy a(1  cos θ) 2   cot θ
 dθ   2 
dx dx  a sin θ θ θ θ 2
dθ 2 sin cos sin
2 2 2
Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Successive Differentiation or Higher order Differentiation:

Let y = f(x) be the given function. The derivative of „y‟ with respect to „x‟ is ,
called the first derivative. This is also function of „x‟ then it will be differentiable. If
this function is differentiated once again with respect to „x‟ we get second derivative
denoted by
d 2 y d dy
 ( )
dx 2 dx dx
d3y d d2 y
Similarly  ( ) called third derivative.
dx 3 dx dx 2
d4 y d d3y
 ( ) called fourth derivative.
dx 4 dx dx 3
………………………. .....

d n y d d n 1 y
 ( ) called nth derivative.
dx n dx dx n 1

This method of finding derivatives successively is called successive differentiation.

2nd 3rd 4th nth
Function derivative …………..
derivative derivative derivative derivative

y = f(x) dy d2y d3y d4y dn y

dx dx 2 dx 3 dx 4 dx n
y = f(x) y  y  y
y …………… yn
y = f(x)
y1 y2 y3 y4 …………… yn
y = f(x) f (x) f (x) f (x) f (x) ……………. f n (x)
y = f(x) Dy D2y D3y D4y ……………. Dny

3 d3y
Example: If y = (ax+b) ; find
y = (ax+b) 3

Differentiate w.r.t „x‟, we get

 3(ax  b) 2 . a
 3.2(ax  b) a 2
d y
 3.2.1(a) .a 2  3!a 3

Inference of the differentiation

Let y = f(x) be a given function then the first order derivative is .
The geometrical meaning of the first order derivative is that it represents the slope of the
curve y = f(x) at x.
The physical meaning of the first order derivative is that it represents the rate of change
of y with respect to x.
Ex. No.11 Simple problem based on Logarithmic differentiation and differentiation by
substitution method.
1. Differentiate the following Logarithmic functions
1) y = (x+1)2 (x+2)3 (x+3)4 2) y = (sinx)x 3) y= xsinx
4) y = cosx cos2x cos3x 5) y = ax
6) y = 1  x 2

1 x

7) 8)

2. Find for the following parametric functions
1 2) x = a(1+cos  ) , y = a(  + sin  )
1) x = t , y = t +
c 4) x = a sec t , y = b tan t
3) x = ct , y =
5) x = a(t – sin t), y = a(1-cost)

3. Find for the following implicit functions
x2 y2 2) xy2 = k 3) y2 = 4ax
1) 2  2 = 1
a b
4) y = cos ( x+y ) 5) xy = yx

4. Find the first ,second order derivatives for the following

1) y = (ax + b )3 2) y = e5x+6 3) y = x logx
3 2 2 3
4) y = ax + bx + cx + d 5) y = (4 – x ) 6) y = 1
7) y = 1 8) y = eb-x
ax  b



8. Find for the following parametric functions
1 2) x = a(1+cos  ) , y = a(  + sin  )
1) x = t , y = t +
c 4) x = a sec t , y = b tan t
3) x = ct , y =
5) x = a(t – sin t), y = a(1-cost)

9. Find for the following implicit functions
x2 y2 2) xy2 = k 3) y2 = 4ax
1) 2  2 = 1
a b
4) y = cos ( x+y ) 5) xy = yx

10. Find the first ,second and third order derivatives for the following
1) y = (ax + b )3 2) y = e5x+6 3) y = x logx
4) y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d 5) y = (4 – x2)3 6) y = 1
7) y = 1 8) y = e
ax  b

11. Consider the response function y=1800+7x-0.03x2 where y is the yield and x is the
fertilizer application find the following
(a) Estimate yield without application of fertilizer.
(b) Obtain yield when 50kg of fertilizer is applied per hectare.
(c) Estimate the rate of change of yield at the level of 30kg of fertilizer.
(d) Estimate the relative growth rate.

Ex.No: 12 Maxima and Minima of the Functions of the form y=f(x) and y=f(x1,x2)
Maxima and Minima of Single Variable.
Conditions for Maxima and Minima:
First order condition Second order condition
Maximum dy d2y
0 0
dx dx 2
Minimum dy d2y
0 0
dx dx 2
Practical method of Estimating Maxima and Minima:
Step I: Given a function y = f(x). Find the first derivative and equate it to zero and
find the roots. Let the roots be x1, x2, …….xi,……xj, ……..xr,……..
Step II: Find the second derivative.
Step III: In the second derivative put x = x1, x2,…………….. Successively one after
the another.
If any xi gives negative value of the second derivative, then it will give
maximum for f(x).
If some xj. gives positive value for the second derivative, then it will give
minimum for f(x).
The maximum value is f(xi) and the minimum value is f(xj). If some xr gives 0
for second derivative it is neither maximum nor minimum. This x r is said to give a point
of inflexion.
Example: Find the Maxima or Minima if any of x3 + 2x2 – 4x – 8
Solution: Let y = x3 + 2 x2 – 4x – 8-----------(1)
 3x2 + 4x – 4, for maxima and minima
0 (i.e) 3x 2  4x  4  0
 4  16  48  4  8
x   2/3 or  2
6 6
Also  6x  4
dx 2
When x =  6(2)  4  8 < 0
dx 2
y is maximum at x = - 2 and the maximum value is obtained by putting x = -2 in (1),
Max y = (-2)3 + (2) (-2)2 – 4(-2) – 8.
 Maximum value of the given function is zero.
When x = 2/3,  6(2/3)  4  8 > 0.
dx 2
 y is minimum at x = 2/3. The minimum value is obtained by putting x = 2/3 in (1).
 256
(i.e) y = (2/3)3 + 2 (2/3)2 – 4(2/3) – 1 = .
 256
 Minimum value of the given function is .
Physical and Economic Optimum for Single Input
Let y = f(x) be a response function. Here x stands for the input that is kgs of
fertilizer applied per hectare and y the corresponding output that is kgs of yield per
dy d2y
We know that the maximum is only when  0 and 2  0 .
dx dx
This optimum is called physical optimum. We are not considering the profit with respect
to the investment, we are interested only in maximizing the profit.
Economic optimum:
The optimum which takes into consideration the amount invested and returns is
called the economic optimum.
dy Px

dx Py

where Px → stands for the per unit price of input that is price of fertilizer per kgs.
Py → stands for the per unit price of output that is price of yield per kgs.

Example: The response function of paddy is y = 1400 + 14.34x -0.05 x2 where x

represents kgs of nitrogen/hectare and y represents yield in kgs/hectare. 1 kg of paddy is
Rs. 2 and 1 kg of nitrogen is Rs. 5. Find the physical and economic optimum. Also find
the corresponding yield.
y = 1400 + 14.34x -0.05 x2
 14.34  0.1x
 0.1 = negative value
dx 2
i.e., 0
dx 2
Therefore the given function has a maximum point.
Physical Optimum:
i.e., 14.34-0.1x = 0
-0.1 x = -14.34
x=  143.4 kgs/hectare
the physical optimum level of nitrogen is 143.4 kgs/hectare.
Therefore the maximum yield is
Y = 1400 + 14.34(143.4) -0.05(143.4)2
= 2428.178 kgs/ hectare.

Economic optimum:
dy Px

dx Py

Price of nitrogen per kg = Px = 5
Price of yield per kg = Py = 2
dy 5
Therefore  14.34-0.1x =
dx 2
28.68 - 0.2 x = 5
- 0.2 x = 5 - 28.68
x=  118.4 kgs/hectare
the economic optimum level of nitrogen is 118.4 kgs/hectare.
Therefore the maximum yield is
Y = 1400 + 14.34(118.4) -0.05(118.4)2
= 2396.928 kgs/ hectare.
Partial Differentiation
Partial Derivatives:
Let z = f(x,y) be a function of the independent variables x and y. Since x and y are
independent ,(i) while y is held fixed, x may be allowed to vary (ii) while x is held fixed,
y may be allowed to vary (iii) x and y may be allowed to vary simultaneously.
In the first two cases, z is an effect a function of a single variable and can be
differentiated according to the usual rule.
If x varies while y is held fixed, z is a function of x, and its derivative with respect
f(x  Δx, y)  f(x, y)
to x, lim is called the partial derivative of z = f(x,y) with respect to
x 0 Δx
x, and is denoted by or fx(x,y).
If y varies while x is held fixed, z is a function of y, and its derivative with respect
f(x, y  Δy)  f(x, y)
to y, is called the partial derivative of z = f(x,y) with respect to
y 0 Δy
y, and is denoted by or fy(x,y).
z f(x  Δx, y)  f(x, y)
Thus fx(x,y) = = lim
x x 0 Δx
z f(x, y  Δy)  f(x, y)
fy(x,y) = = lim
y y 0 Δy
Partial Derivatives of Higher Orders:
The partial derivatives of z = f(x,y) may in turn be differentiated partially
with respect to x and y yielding the second order partial derivatives.
 2z   z   2z   z 
 f (x, y) =   and  f yx (x, y)  
x x  x  yx y  x 
2 xx

Similarly from may be obtained
 2z   z   2z   z 
 f xy (x, y)   and  f (x, y) =  
xy x  y  y 2 y  y 

u u
Example: If u= x3 + y3 + 3xy, find and .
x y
u = x3 + y3 + 3xy-------------(1)
Differentiate (1) partially with respect to x, = 3x2 + 0 + 3y (1) = 3x2 + 3y.
Differentiate (1) partially with respect to y, = 0 + 3y2 + 3x (1) = 3y2 + 3x.
Maxima and Minima of several variables without constraints
Consider the function of several variables
y = f (x1, x2)
where x1, x2 are two independent variables and y is the dependent variable.

Working Rule
Step 1 : Find all the first order partial derivatives of y with respect to x1, x2
(ie)  f1
 f2

Step 2
Find all the second order partial derivatives of y with respect to x 1, x2 and they are
given as follows.
2 y
 f11

2 y
 f 21
x2 x1
2 y
 f 22
x 2

2 y
 f12
x1 x 2

Step : 3
Construct an Hessian matrix which is formed by taking all the second order partial
derivatives is given by
 f11 f12 
H 
 f 21 f 22 
H is a symmetric matrix.
Step : 4
Consider the following minors of order 1, 2

H1  f11  f11
f 11 f 12
H2 
f 21 f 22

Step : 5
The necessary condition for finding the maximum or minimum.
Equate the first order derivative to zero (i.e) f1 = f2 = = 0 and find the value of x1
and x2
Step : 6
Substitute the values x1, x2 in the Hessian matrix. Find the values of H1 , H 2
H1  0
H2  0
Then the function is maximum at x1, x2 ……..xn.
If H1  0 , H2  0, then the function is minimum at x1, x2…….

Step: 7
Maximum Minimum
First f1 = f2 = 0 f1 = 0, f2 = 0
Second H1  0 H1  0
H2  0 H2  0
Note :
If the second order conditions are not satisfied then they are called saddle point.
Find the maxima (or) minima if any of the following function.
4 3
y  x 1  x 2  4x 1  8x 2

Step 1: The first order partial derivatives are

f1   4 x1  4


f2   2x2  8
x 2

Step 2: The second order partial derivatives are

2 y
f 11   8x1

2 y
f 21  0
x 2 x1
2 y
f 22  2
x 2

2 y
f 12  0
x1 x 2
 f 11 f 12 
Step 3: The Hessian matrix is H  
 f 21 f 22 

 8x 1 0
0 2
4. Equate f1, f2 = 0

f1  4x12 - 4 = 0
x12 = 1
x1 =  1
x1 = 1, x1 = -1

f2 2 x 2 + 8=0

2 x2 = - 8
x2 = - 4
The stationary points are (1,- 4) & (-1, - 4)
At the point (1, - 4) the Hessian matrix will be
8 0
H= 
0 2

| H1| = | 8| > 0

8 0
| H2| = 
= 16 > 0
Since the determinant H1 and H2 are positive the function is minimum at (1,- 4).

The minimum value at x1 = 1 & x2 = - 4 is obtained by substituting the values

in (1)

y= (1) 3 + (- 4)2 – 4 (1) + 8 (- 4)
y= + 16 – 4 - 32
y= - 20
4  60  56
y= =
3 3
 56
The minimum value is
At the point (-1, - 4)
 8 0 
H=  
 0 2
| H1 | = | - 8 | = - 8 < 0

| H 2| = - 16 < 0

Both the conditions are not satisfied. Hence the point (-1, - 4) gives a saddle point.
Ex. No.12 Problems in Maxima and Minima of the functions of the form, y=f(x) and

1. Find the maxima or minima if any of

1) y = x3 + 2x2 – 4x - 8
2) y = 4x2 – 2x +1
3) y = x3 – 12x + 12
2. Find the maximum and minimum values of the function y = x3 – 3x2 +1
3. Find the profit maximizing level of output for the following
1) C = 25 + 10000 P = 500 - 2
2) C = 8 - 2 P = 12 - 4
4. For the following response function, obtain the level of fertilizer application for which
yield is maximum and find the maximum yield.
1) y = 1800 + 7x – 0.03x2
2) y = 4000 + 6x – 0.02x2
5. The daily profit, P, of an oil refinery is given by P = 8x − 0.02x2, where x is the number of
barrels of oil refined. How many barrels will give maximum profit and what is the
maximum profit?
6. The Response function of paddy is y = 1800 +15x – 0.05x2, where x = Kgs of
Nitrogen/ha, y = yield in Kgs/ha. 1Kg of paddy is Rs.2 and 1 Kg of Nitrogen is Rs.5. Find
the Physical and Economic optimum.Also find corresponding maximum yield.
7. For the following response function obtain physical and economic optimum level of
output. Also find corresponding maximum yield.
Response function Per unit price of y Per unit price of x (input)
a. y = 2000 + 12 x – 0.03x2 Rs. 3 Rs. 6
b. y = 1900 + 11x – 0.02 x2 Rs. 4 Rs. 6
8.Find the Maximum & Minimum if any of the following Functions.
1. Z = y3 + y 2 – x y + x2 + 4 5. Z = - x2 + xy – y2 + 2x + y
2. Z = x2 + xy + y2 6. Z = 4x2 – xy + y2 – x3
3. Y = x12 _ x1 x 2 + 3x22 + 4x2 x3 + 6 x32 7. Z = 3 x2 + y2 –3 xy
4. Z = 16 – (x+2)2 – (y-2)2
9. 4 3
Find the maxima (or) minima if any of the function y  x1  x2  4 x1  8 x2


x x n 1
+c ( n -1)
n 1
 x dx log x +c
 dx x+c
 a dx ax
log a
 e dx
ex +c
 (u( x)  v( x))dx  u( x)dx   v( x)dx
 (c u( x)  c v( x))dx
1 2
 c u( x)dx   c v( x)dx
1 2

 cdx cx+d
 sin x dx  cos x +c
 cos x dx sin x +c
 sec xdx
tan x +c
 cos ec xdx
 cot x +c
 sec x tan x dx sec x  c
 cos ecx cot x dx  cos ec x +c
 1 x2 sin-1 x + C (or) –cos-1 x + C
 1 x2 tan-1 x + C (or) –cot-1 x + C
x x 2 1 sec-1 x + C (or) –cosec-1 x + C
 tan x dx log sec x  C

 cot x dx log sin x  C

 sec x dx log sec x  tan x  C

 cosec x dx  log cosec x  cot x  C

dx 1 x
x 2  a2 a
tan 1 ( )  C
dx x a
 x2  a2 1
dx ax
a 2  x2


sin 1 ( )  C
a2  x2 a
 x2 a2 log x  x 2  a 2  C

 a 2  x 2 dx x a2  x2 a2 x
 sin 1 ( )  C
2 2 a
 x 2  a 2 dx x x2  a2 a2
 log x  x 2  a 2  C
2 2

 x 2  a 2 dx x x2  a2 a2
 log x  x 2  a 2  C
2 2


 (x  2x 2  x  2)dx =  x dx  2 x dx   xdx  2 dx
3 3 2

x4 x3 x2
= 2   2x  C
4 3 2
Evaluate:  Sin(ax  b) dx

Put ax + b = t
a dx = dt
 dx = dt
1 1 1
 Sin(ax  b) dx = a  Sin t dt =
(cos t)  C =  cos(ax  b)  C
Evaluate: 1 x 2

Put 1 + x2 = t
2x dx = dt
dx = dt
1 x 2
dx = = log t + C = log f(x) + C

Sec 2 x
Evaluate:  tanx

Put t = tanx
dt = sec2 x dx
1  1
Sec x 1  t 2

 tanx
dx =  t
dt = t 2
dt =
=2 t +C=2 tanx + C
 1

 (3x  x 1) 7 (6x  1) dx


Put t = (3x2 + x – 1)7
dt = (6x + 1) dx
t8 1
 (3x  x 1) (6x  1) dx =  t dt = + C = ( 3x2+ x – 1)8 + C
2 7 7

8 8
Integrate: x 2
 3x  2
x2 + 3x + 2 = (x +2)(x +1)
Apply partial fractions
1 A B
Let = 
(x  1)(x  2) (x  1) (x  2)
1 = A(x+2) + B(x+1)
Put x = -1, 1 = A (-1+2) + B (-1+1)


Put x = -2, 1 = A (-2+2) + B (-2+1)

B = -1
1 1 1
 = 
(x  1)(x  2) (x  1) (x  2)
dx dx dx  x 1 
x 2
 3x  2
=  x  1   x  2 = log(x+1) – log(x+2) + C = log  x  2  + C

Integrate:  x 2  4x  2
x2 - 4x + 2 = x2 – 4x +22 – 22 + 2 = (x – 2)2 – 2
dx dx
x  4x  2
=  (x  2)  ( 2 )
2 2
= log ((x -2) + ( x  2) 2  ( 2) 2 )  C

= log ((x -2) + x 2  4x  2 )  C

Evaluation of definite integral

f(x) dx = [F(x)] ba = F (b) – F (a).


 (x  x
Evaluate: )dx

 x2 x3   2 2 2 3   12 13  8 1 1 5
1 ( x  x )dx =  2  3  =  2  3    2  3  = 2 - 3  2  3 =  6

Ex. No.13 Simple Problems in Methods of Integration and Applications of Definite
Integrate the following with respect to x.
 x 2  )dx
11. 1  cos x
 (5e  x  sin x dx
4x  5
2.  x(1  x)(1  x)dx 12.
 2 x 2  5x  7dx
3. 3  x2 13.
cos x
sin xdx
 x 2

 sec xdx 14.
x 2
 25

 cos ecxdx 15.
 x  1x  2 dx

 cot xdx 16.
 x 2
 4x  4

 tan xdx 17.
x 2
 15 x  50

8. 1 18. 1
 sin 2 x cos 2 xdx x 2
 2x  3

9. 2 19. 1
1 
  x  x  dx  x 2
 6x  3

10. 1 20. 1
 16 x 2  9dx x 2
 10 x  27

21.  x 22. x3
 sin 2 dx  dx
1 x4
23. 1 24. tan 1x
 x log x dx  1 x 2 dx
25. 2 26. a

x  x (a  x 2 ) dx
4 2
1 0

π π
27. 2 28. 4

 sinx dx  tan x dx

0 0

29. sinx 30. sec2 (log x)

 (1 cosx) 2 dx  x dx
31. (logx) n 32.
 tan x sec x dx
4 2

 x dx
Ex.No. 14 Integration by parts
Integration by Parts:
The derivative of the product of two functions is
d(uv)  udv  vdu
Integrating on both sides, we get

 d(uv)   udv   vdu

uv =  udv   vdu
  udv  uv   vdu

is called the method of integration by parts.

The following table may be helpful in proper selection of u and v:
S.No Integral u dv
1.  xn log x dx logx xn dx
2.  xn sin-1x dx Sinx xn dx
3.  xnex dx xn ex dx
4.  xn sinx dx (or)  xn cosx dx xn Sinx dx (or) cosx dx
5. ex sinx dx (or) ex cosx dx ex (or) sinx (or) cosx Remaining

Evaluate: dx

Put u = x and dv = ex dx
du  dx and v = ex

 udv  uv   vdu

xe dx = x ex -  e x dx = x ex - ex + C = ex (x – 1) + C.

Application of Integration:
1. The area enclosed between the curve y = f(x), the y-axis and the ordinates x = a
b b
and x = b is  y dx
or  f(x) dx .

2. The area enclosed between the curve x = f(y), the x-axis and the ordinates y = c
d d
and y = d is  x dy or  f(y)dy .
c c

1. The volume of the solid obtained by rotating the area enclosed by y = f(x), the
x-axis and the ordinates x = a and x = b is π  y 2 dx .

2. The volume of the solid obtained by rotating the area enclosed by x = f(y), the
y-axis and the ordinates y = c and y = d is π  x 2 dy .

1. Find the area between the line y = x + 1 and the curve y = x2 – 1.
To get the points of intersection of the curves we should solve the equations
y = x + 1 and y = x2 – 1.
We get, x2 – 1 = x + 1
x2 – x – 2 = 0
 (x – 2) (x + 1) = 0
 x = -1 or x = 2.
 The line intersects the curve at x = -1 and x = 2.

 (x  1)  (x 
Required Area = 2
 1) dx

 x2 x3 
 2  x  x 
= 2
dx = 2x   
1  2 3  1

 8  1 1 9
= 4  2     2    = sq.units.
 3  2 3 2
2. Find the area between the curve y = x2 + 1,the x-axis and the ordinates x = 0,x = 3.
3 3
 x3 
Required area =  y dx =  ( x  1) dx =   x 

0 0 3 0

 33 
=   3 = 9 + 3 = 12 sq.units.
3 
3. Find the area between the upper branch of y2 = 4x, the x-axis and the lines x = 1 and
x = 4.
y2 = 4x  y = 2 x
 x 3/2 
 
4 4
4 3/2
Required area =  y dx =  2 x dx = 2   = 4 1
1 1  3/2  1 3

8  1 = 28 sq.units.
3 3
Ex. No.14 Problems in Integration by Parts and Application of Definite Integrals
Find the area between the line y = 3x x-axis between the ordinate x = 0 and x=4.

Find the area between line y = 4x and axis of x and the ordinate x=4.

Find the area bounded by the parabola x2=4 by the x-axis and the ordinate at x=3.

Find the area underneath the curve y = x2 + 2 from x = 1 to x = 2.


Find the area bounded by y2 = 4ax, x-axis between the ordinates x=0 and x=4

Given the marginal cost function f‟(x) = 2 +x+x2, x being the output and fixed cost is 50
units find the total cost function.
If the marginal cost function MC = 2 + 3Q –Q2, Q being the output .Find the total cost
function given the fixed cost is 750.
If the marginal revenue function is 0.5 + 0.2 q2 find the revenue function

9. If  7  t is the growth rate. Find the growth function
10. If = b+2cQ + 3dQ2 is the marginal cost, and fixed cost is Rs. 5000, find the cost

11. Integrate the following with respect to x

x vii)
3 n
i) log xdx log xdx
2 x
x viii)
ii) e dx cos xdx

iii)  x sin xdx ix)

 sin
 tan
log x x)
 x 2
dx xdx

v)  x sin
xdx xi)
 x sec x tan xdx
 x 1e e
x xii) 2 x
vi) dx x 3 dx

 x sec
2 xiv)
xiii) xdx dx

Ex. No. 15 Fitting Linear Models to Experimental Data
Linear Model
The general form of a Linear Model is y = a + bx. It is said to be linear since the highest degree
for „x‟ and „y‟ is one. Here y stands for the dependent variable and „x‟ stands for the
independent variable. In growth Model the dependent variable is always the total dry weight,
which is conventionally denoted by „W‟ and time „t‟ is the independent variable. Hence a
linear growth Model is W = a + bt, where „a‟ gives the initial DMP ( ie. Seed weight) ; „b‟
stands for the slope of the line which gives the growth rate.
ΣtW 
ΣW Σt n
where a = W - b t , W  ,t  ,b=
n n
Σt 
2 Σt 2
(or) by solving normal equations
y = na+bx
xy = ax+bx2
We can get x and y
The dry matter accumulation observed on various days for Black gram is given
below. Calculate the seed dry weight and growth rate.
t measured in days 10 20 30 40 50 60
W total dry weight in
0.7 1.2 1.7 2.2 2.7 3.2
Ex. No.15 Problems in Fitting Linear Model to data from Agricultural

1. The table below gives the DMP in kgs of a particular crop. Taken at different stages. Fit
a linear growth model of the form w=a+bt to the following data.

t in days 0 15 25 35 45
DMP in 0.05 0.40 2.97 21.93 162.1

2. The height of the plant at different stages of its development are given. Fit the model of
the form w=a+bt to the given data.

t in days 10 40 60 80 90
w in Cms 40 98 148 185 205

3. The dry matter accumulation observed on various days for blackgram is given below. By
estimating the linear growth model calculate the seed dry weight and growth rate.

t in days 10 20 30 40 50 60
w total dry weight in gms/plant 0.7 1.2 1.7 2.2 2.7 3.2

4. Estimate the seed weight and growth rate of groundnut from the following observed data.
t-in days 0 5 10 15 20 30
W total dry
weight measured 0.4 1.15 1.9 2.25 3.4 4.9
in gm/plant
5. From the following observed data estimate the seed weight and growth rate of paddy.
t-in days 0 10 20 30 50
W total dry weight
0.05 2.05 4.05 6.05 10.05
measured in gm/plant
Ex.No.16 Quadratic and Exponential model
Quadratic models
The general form of quadratic model is y = a + b x + c x2 where a is the dry weight, b is
the linear response coefficient and c is the quadratic response coefficient.
The normal equations are
y = na+bx+cx2
xy = ax+bx2+cx3
x2y = ax2+bx3+cx4

The following data gives the yield in kgs of paddy at different levels of fertilizer applied.
Estimate the model.
X in kgs/
0 20 40 60 80
Y in kgs/
1800 1892 1928 1908 1832

Exponential Model:
The Exponential growth Model will be of the form W = A ert. Here „W‟ stands
for the total dry weight of the plant at time„t‟. In this Model when t = 0, the value of W =
A. Therefore, „A‟ stands for the initial dry weight, i.e. The dry weight of the seed at the
time of sowing and r is the relative growth rate.
W = Aert
The following data gives the Green gram dry matter accumulation during different days.
Calculate the seed dry weight and growth rate of Green gram using exponential growth
t in days 10 20 30 40 50
gms/plant 0.13 0.6 2.7 12.1 54.24
Ex. No.16 Problems in Quadratic and Exponential models to Data from Agricultural
1. Fit the Quadratic model for the following data
X(kg. P/ha) 0 20 40 60 80 100
Y (Quintal / 282 326 336 349 351 342
Where X is the fertilizer applied and Y is the yield obtained.
2. Fit the quadratic model and draw the graph for the following data
x 0 50 100 150 200 250
y 56 68 75 78 77 74
3. Fit the Quadratic model and draw the graph for the following data
x 0 50 100 150 200 250
y 45 72 78 80 81 80
4. The DMP of a crop absorbed over a period of 50 days is given below. Fit a exponential model of
the form w=aebt.
t in days 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
DMP w in gms 3.9 5.3 7.3 9.6 12.9 17.1 23.1
5. The growth of the Bacteria in a culture of the „T‟ hrs is given in the following table. Fit an
exponential model to the above data.
t in hrs. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of bacteria w 32 47 65 92 132 190 275
6. The following data gives the black gram dry matter accumulation during different days. Calculate
the seed dry weight and relative growth rate of black gram. using Exponential growth model.
t-in days 10 20 30 40 50
0.13 0.60 2.7 12.10 54.24

7. Estimate the Relative growth rate and the Exponential growth Model from the following data.
W dry matter accumulation of cotton plant in gms and t-in days
t-in days 20 40 60 80 100 120
0.2 0.8 3.3 13.52 55.0 222


1. From a set of 9 ladies and 8 gentlemen, a group of 5 is to be formed .In how many ways
the group can be formed so that it contains majority of ladies?

2. Solve by Matrix Inverse method

x + 2y + 3z = 14
2x + 3y + z = 11
x + 3y + z = 10

3. 0 1 2  1 2
If A= 1 2 3  & B   1
 0  Find AB. Is BA defined?
2 3 4  2 1

4. Define i) Scalar Matrix ii) Lower Triangular matrix. iii) Matrix multiplication
iv) Skew-symmetric matrix v) Transpose of a matrix.

5. dy
Find if i) y = sinx.sin2x.sin3x.sin4x.
x 2  2 x 1
ii) y = e
6. Find the value of  x3 log xdx

For the response function y = 1800 + 7x – 0.03x2 obtain the level of fertilizer application
7. for which yield is maximum and find the maximum yield.

1 1 0 0 3 1
8.    
If P =  0 1 2  Q =  2 1 0  Show that PQ  QP
3 0 1 1 0 2
   

9. a h g  x 
  
Show that x y z  h b f  y  = ax2 + by2 + cz2 + 2hxy + 2fyz +2gzx.
g c  z 
 f
 x2  y2  z z
10. If z = log   than prove that x  y 1
 x y  x y
3 4 1
 
Find the inverse of the matrix 1 1 1  and hence solve the following
3 1  2 

equations 3x + 4y + z = 8; x + y + z = 3; 3x – y – 2z = 0

In how many ways can 8 different flowers be strung into a garland so that 2 specified
flowers are together?
A bag consists of 9 seedlings, 3 of which are stunted in growth. How many ways can we
select 4 seedlings such that exactly 1 out of the 4 selected is stunted?
There are six planting space in an office. The available plants are 8 Ixora, 5 Roses. In
how many ways the planting can be done. The planting spaces are to go 50% to Ixora and
50% to Roses.
15. Raman view a banyan tree at an angle of elevation 300 from a place .What is the slope
from Raman‟s view.
16. A farmer view a coconut tree at an angle of elevation 600 from 12 feet away from the
bottom of the tree .What is the height of the coconut tree.
Rice yield without application of fertilizer is 800kgs/hectare and application every one kg/
hectare of fertilizer applied the yield will increase 6kgs/hectare up to the optimum level of
input. Obtain the rice yield when 50kgs/hectare fertilizer is applied. Also estimate the input
level to obtain the target yield of 1920kgs/hectare.

18. Draw the graph and Fit the linear curve or the following observation in TMV 7 groundnut

Time 15 25 45 60 80 95 105 110

DMP 3.25 8.5 18.5 25.32 34.5 41.2 45.7 47.45
(g pl-1)
19. Draw the graph and fit the Quadratic model for the following data

X 0 1 2 4 5 6
Y 3 4 3 -5 -12 -21
20. The following table gives the growth of single –celled green algae Chlorella. Graph the
data and fit an exponential model and compute the doubling time. Also predict the
population on 7th day.

Day 0 1 2 3 4 5
No. of Cells 100 180 324 583 1050 1890

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