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subjects requirements:

Group 2
thought of the day
social issues

Science and technology has vital role in our modern society, which related in our
surroundings that we still lived in
this day. It also improves our standing living in scince and technology and takes
up more opportinities for living which
has the full advantage for a person who has knowlegde for these topics. The Science
and technology it influence the
individuals this is why the society has the bigger affects in improvements and
changes, and it even can't
be possible to get rid of easily in the society when it talks about science and
technology. Any person (especially scientist)
who aim to improve science and technology has the higher chance he/she will succeed
in living because this can be contributed
in our community and has the guaranteed interest to serve mankind.

Intro to Law:
revised penal code
study and memorize the art 1 to 11

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