Humain-I Primer-2020

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Human Resources Primer

Human Resources Primer

• Humain-I is the HR club of IIM Indore, with an objective of
promoting and spreading knowledge about the field of HRM
among all interested participants.
• The focus of the club is also on organizing various Campus and
National events, Guest Lectures, article writing competitions,
along with bringing in live projects to enrich the practical
knowledge of students.
• The club also works in close association with Advaita – The HR
event of
IRIS(cultural and Management fest of IIM Indore)
• With an excellent support by the experienced OB&HR faculty
of the institute, and its emphasis on creativity & all- round
development, Humain-I aims to deliver a positive impact not
only for IIM Indore but the whole community of B-schools in
Prepared in association with the Placement Preparation Committee, IIM Indore
Human Resources Primer

The Team

Prepared in association with the Placement Preparation Committee, IIM Indore
Human Resources Primer

We have designed the content based on the 3 parameters an employer really
wants to know in the selection process

Prepared in association with the Placement Preparation Committee, IIM Indore
Human Resources Primer

Leadership theory scholar Dr. Peter Northouse defines leadership as “a process whereby an
individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.”
Business leadership, however, requires traits that extend beyond management duties. To
be effective, a leader certainly has to manage the resources at their disposal. Leadership
involves communicating, inspiring and supervising.
Roles of a leader :
• Initiating action
• Providing direction
• Communicating effectively within the
• Acting as a spokesperson for the organization
• Inducing change
• Establishing & improving work environment
• Finding & creating leaders

Prepared in association with the Placement Preparation Committee, IIM Indore
Title of the Presentation

Theories of leadership
Trait theories assume that people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better
suited to be a leader. Trait theories often identify particular personality or behavioral
characteristics shared by leaders. A few identified traits with positive implications for
successful leadership are integrity, perseverance, social intelligence, flexibility, self-
confidence and so on.

Behavioral theories of leadership focus on the actions of leaders not on mental qualities or
internal states. According to this theoretical approach, people can learn to become leaders
through teaching and observation. Behavioral theories emphasize what leaders actually do
on the job and the relationship of this behavior to leader effectiveness.

Transformational Leadership
The concepts of transformational leadership as stated by MacGregor Burns are :
Transactional: where a leader influences others by what they offer in exchange, the
Transformational: where a leader connects with followers in such a way that it raises the
level of motivation and morality.

Prepared in association with the Placement Preparation Committee, IIM Indore
Human Resources Primer

Theories of Leadership
Leader-Member Exchange Theory explains that in any group or organization, there are
in-group members and out-group members. In-group members work well with the
leader, have a personality that fits with the leader’s, and are often willing to take on
extra tasks or responsibilities. Out-group members are less compatible with the leader;
they may hold dissenting opinions, have clashing personalities, or be less willing to
take on extra assignments.
Leadership Styles :

Autocratic leadership style: It refers to a leadership style where the leader takes all the
decisions by himself.

Democratic leadership style: It refers to a style where the leader consults its
subordinates before taking the final decision.

Laissez-faire or Free-rein leadership style: It refers to a style where the leader gives his
subordinates complete freedom to take the decisions.

Prepared in association with the Placement Preparation Committee, IIM Indore
Title of the Presentation

Path-Goal Theory

Prepared in association with the Placement Preparation Committee, IIM Indore
Human Resources Primer

Value - A value is a measure of the worth or importance a person attaches to
something; our values are often reflected in the way we live our lives. Example-
I value freedom of speech, or I value my family.
Types of Values :

Terminal Values - Desirable end-states of existence; the goals that a person

would like to achieve during his or her lifetime E.g. true friendship, a
comfortable life, etc.

Instrumental Values - Preferable modes of behaviour or means of

achieving one’s terminal values E.g. responsible, ambitious, etc.

Prepared in association with the Placement Preparation Committee, IIM Indore
Human Resources Primer


Based on the contents of this presentation, summarise the personality of a business

leader who inspires you, in 500 words. Few Pointers :
• Send your submissions in pdf file to our club ID –
• Naming Convention of the file should be Name_Mobile No._CAT ID
• Deadline – As per Placement Preparation Committee email

Winners will be announced in our Facebook Page


And Instagram Page : Humain-I, IIM Indore

Prepared in association with the Placement Preparation Committee, IIM Indore

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