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A Thesis presented to
the Faculty of the Graduate School
Taft Ave., Malate, Manila

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Major in Mathematics



In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of

Arts in Education major in Mathematics, this thesis entitled “ UTILIZATION
FOR PROPOSED INTERVENTION PLAN” was prepared and submitted to
the Graduate School of Philippine Christian University by BREN J.
PASIA, is hereby recommended for acceptance and approval.



Panel of Examiners
Approved by the committee on Oral Examination on with grade of _____.




Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for

the degree of Master of Arts in Education, major in Mathematics.


Dean, Graduate School of Education




Researcher : BREN J. PASIA

School : Philippine Christian University

Taft Ave., Manila


Degree : Master of Arts in Education

Major : Mathematics


This study aimed to find out the learning gains of Grade 7 students in

Mathematics when Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) is used in teaching the subject

in order to find out the difference in the learning gains of the students. It utilized

the Quasi-Experimental Method to determine the effectiveness of Inquiry Based

Learning group in Grade 7 Mathematics and the Randomized Pretest-Posttest

Control Group design. Each group namely the Non-Inquiry Based Learning

group and the Inquiry Based learning group received different strategies in

teaching Mathematics. Thirty-four (34) of the students served as the Non-

Inquiry-Based Learning group while the other thirty-four (34) served as student

participants in Inquiry-Based Learning group. Purposive sampling was used.

The statistical tools used were weighted mean computation, t-test of dependent

means, and t-test of independent means.

Results showed that the subjects of the study have the same performance

of below expectation in the pre-test. There is no significant difference between

the pretest scores of the Non- Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based

Learning groups and attested to the equal level of achievement by the two

groups used in the study. There is a significant difference between the posttest

scores of the Non- Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning as such

the use of Inquiry-Based Learning in teaching Mathematics made a significant

difference in the posttest achievement of the treatment group. There is no

significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the Non-

Inquiry-Based Learning groups and the use of the traditional method of

teaching made no significant difference in the posttest achievement of the Non-

Inquiry-Based Learning group. There is also a significant difference between

the pre-test and post-test scores of the Inquiry-Based Learning group and the

use of Inquiry-Based Learning significantly increased the scores of the

treatment group. There is a big increase in the learning gains of the Inquiry-

Based Learning group while a minimal increase in the learning gains was

achieved in the Non-Inquiry-Based Learning group. There is significant

difference between the learning gains of the two groups based on the use of

Inquiry-Based Learning as a tool in instruction in Mathematics.

Recommendations included that of Mathematics teachers should use

Inquiry-Based Learning for other lessons to be used in topics other than Basic

Statistics. Mathematics teachers can use the Inquiry-Based Learning to re-

teach the concepts and skills. School administrators should provide workshops,

seminars and trainings about the use of Inquiry-Based Learning in the

classroom. Conduct a similar study covering a bigger number of respondents in

a much longer period. The school may use the proposed intervention plan of

their Mathematics teacher as guide and future references.



The researcher would like to express his sincerest gratitude to the

following people for their assistance and fruitful ideas for the completion

of this piece of work.

Dr. Manuela S. Tolentino, The Schools Division Superintendent

Schools Division of Batangas, for allowing her to conduct the study.

Dr. Myrna G. Abayabay, Dean, Graduate School, for her untiring

support and guidance.

DR. John Phol A. Comia, the research adviser, for his comments,

constant encouragement, invaluable assistance, meaningful suggestions

and efforts which served as inspirations to improve the researcher’s


Dr. Eduardo O. Dela Cruz, Dr. Jose G. Tuguinayo, Jr.,

Dr. Gloria L. Resurrection, and the panel members on oral

examinations, for their suggestions and recommendations.

To the respondents, for exerting effort and finding time in reading

and answering the research instruments which paved the way for yielding

substantial results and baseline data;


To the researcher’s friends, family and special someone, for

giving her words of encouragement and for serving as inspiration and

driving force in fulfilling this noble work. This would not have been

possible without their unwavering love and support given to the

researcher at all times.

And above all, the Almighty God, who never ceased to love, guide

and protect the researcher and for His continued guidance and




This piece of noble work is wholeheartedly dedicated to the most

important person in my life and become inspirations.

Wenalyn R. Salazar;

My parents;

To My brothers and Sisters;

My adviser

And above all, to our Almighty God who never fails to give us

knowledge and strength at all times.


Title Page

TITLE PAGE………….…………………………………………………….…...i
APPROVAL SHEET…..………………………………..……………...….......ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS...…………………………………….………...……ix
LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………...xii
LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………..xiii




Statement of Purpose…...…...……….…………………..…5

Significance of the Study…………...………...………….....6

Scope and Limitations……………………………….………7


Related Literature……………….….…...…………………9

Related Studies…..………………...………………….......17


Theoretical Framework……………..…...…...…….…......26

Conceptual Framework…………………..…….……….....28


Definition of Terms…………………….…………………...30


Research Design……………....……….…………….……34

Research Locale……………....……….…………….……36

Samples and Sampling Technique Used……...…...........38



Statistical Analysis of the Data…………...…………..…..43


Performance of the Two Groups

of Respondents………………………………….......……..… 47

Difference Between the Results

Of Pretest of Two Groups……….…………….......………..…49

Performance in Posttest of the

Two Groups of Respondents …….………………....………. 51

Difference Between the Results

of Posttest of Two Groups ….……………………....……..… 53

Difference Between the Results

of Pretest and Posttest of
Each Group ………………….……………………....……….. 55

Learning Gains by Two Groups……………………….........


Difference Between the Learning

Gains of the Two Groups…….………………………...…… 60

Proposed Intervention Plan as

to use of Inquiry-based Instruction…………………..……… 63


Summary……….……......................………....…………. 64



REFERENCES. .. .. ..…………………………………………….........…….70


CURRICULUM VITAE…………………………………………..……….....132


Figure Page

Figure 1 Paradigm of the Study………………………………………........ 29

Figure 2 Flow Chart of the Procedure……………………………………. 42



Table Page

Table 1 Pretest Performance of Non- Inquiry-Based Learning

and Inquiry-Based Learning Approach Groups ……………………………

Table 2 Difference between the Means of the Non-Inquiry-Based

Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning Groups in their Pre-test
Performances …………............................................................................. 50

Table 3 Post-test Performance of Non-Inquiry-Based Learning

and Inquiry-Based Learning Groups ……………………………..………….

Table 4 Difference between the Means of the Non-Inquiry-Based

Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning Groups in their Post-test
Performances …………………………………………………………............ 53

Table 5 Difference between the Results of Pre-test and Post-test

of Each Group ……………………………………………………..…………….

Table 6 Learning Gains of Non-Inquiry-Based Learning and

Inquiry-Based Learning Groups ……………………………………………… 58

Table 7 Comparison of the Learning Gain Scores Between

the Non- Inquiry-Based Learning Group and the Inquiry-Based
Learning Group ………………………………………………………….…… 60

Table 8 Intervention Plan in the Use of Inquiry-Based

Learning in Teaching Mathematics ………………………………………….. 63

Chapter I



Standards-based reform efforts in education aim to promote students’

conceptual understanding and higher achievement. Reform efforts emphasize

that students construct understanding. These reforms recommend that students

synthesize, draw relevant connections between their prior understanding and

new concepts, and apply newly learned skills and content knowledge. In this

way, standards-based reform places less emphasis on the memorization of

decontextualized facts, but instead emphasizes the integration of ideas by


Mathematics and Science reform recommends inquiry-based instruction

with students finding solutions to real problems by actively asking and refining

questions, designing and conducting investigations, gathering and analyzing

data, making interpretations, drawing conclusions and creating artifacts to

represent current understandings (Krajcik, 2014). These reforms call for

embedding content in meaningful real world contexts and authentic questions

to assist students in making sense of complex scientific ideas by giving them


access to a cognitive framework within which new ideas can be linked with prior


Finally, these learning environments encourage student collaboration

and working with technology. In order for these recommendations to work, the

inquiry-based learning approaches require students to invest considerable

mental effort and to persist at challenging tasks. That is, to be successful

mathematics and science reform efforts require students to be motivated and

cognitively engaged. Motivation benefits learning because students who are

interested and efficacious are more willing to cognitively engage (Schunk and

Pajares, 2015). Cognitive engagement couples ideas from motivation with

ideas concerning learning strategy use. Students who are cognitively engaged

with the material demonstrate involvement by exhibiting effort and persistence

even in the face of challenge.

In addition, these students employ deep level learning strategies, such

as elaboration and organization, and self-regulated strategies, such as

planning, monitoring and evaluating work on an assigned task. Cognitively

engaged students work to apply and synthesize newly learned content, and

draw connections between new material and their prior understandings.

Accordingly, it is the motivated and cognitively engaged student who employs


the deeper level and self-regulated learning strategies that lead to higher


Student interest is likely to be promoted because they work with peers

to address meaningful problems. They engage in a variety of tasks and have

opportunities to make choices as they design investigations and artifacts. Both

may enhance interest and feelings of autonomy. Technology provides access

to resources and real-time information. Efficacy is enhanced as students create

and receive feedback on tasks and final artifacts that demonstrate

understanding, such as creating books about science that they read to younger

children, or designing a presentation for other students and community

members. The creation of artifacts can also contribute to engagement as

students develop and revise artifacts, reflect on their progress, and synthesize

science concepts. There is some evidence that students respond positively to

these learning environments. Student interviews indicate student enjoyment

and “liking” of inquiry environments and classroom observations suggest that

students actively participate (Holbrook and Kolodner, 2015)

In comparison to students in traditional classrooms, these students

report higher interest, efficacy, and strategy use. In addition, participation in

inquiry-based mathematics and science learning environments has been found


to stem the decline in self reports of motivation and cognitive engagement

during the middle school years (Blumenfeld, 2014).

The assumption that features of standards-based learning environments

stimulate motivation in ways that engage students at deep levels is critical to

examine. Learning environments include curriculum features that introduce

complexity and difficulty that raise questions about their capability for fostering

motivation. Complexity means that the task has many different steps or parts.

Difficulty means that each of those parts are cognitively challenging as they

require knowledge of content and process, use of multiple skills, and synthesis

or problem solving. In order to be successful, inquiry requires that students be

planful as they select research questions and determine ways to collect data,

monitor and evaluate their progress to ensure that their data analyses are

relevant and answer the posed question.

In addition, students must use a combination of deeper level learning

strategies to organize and collect data, to analyze their data and draw

conclusions, and to synthesize their findings with newly learned content.

Students need to be able to coordinate the use of various strategies during

tasks. Students also need to be able to coordinate working with other students

in order to collaborate productively. Inquiry presents additional challenges


because projects and investigations often extend over several weeks

(Blumenfeld, 2014).

Learning environments are likely to be challenging for students who

have become accustomed to the direct instruction and drill and practice

strategies typical of urban schools. Therefore, questions remain concerning

whether the features of reform efforts motivate sufficiently to sustain cognitive

engagement in a way that leads to conceptual understanding. Given the degree

of challenge introduced by complex tasks and curriculum features, the question

becomes how best to encourage students’ engagement during these tasks so

that students continue to actively grapple with the content in ways that

encourage conceptual understanding.

In the locale of the study, which is San Juan District, Batangas Division,

Mathematics Teachers indicate that it is by encouraging students’ interest and

efficacy that students are more willing to cognitively engage, and it is this deep

level engagement that promotes conceptual understanding. Also, they suggest

that the classroom context and teacher practices do have an influence on

students’ motivational outcomes. Hence, this research is undertaken to

emphasize utilization of inquiry-based learning to secure learning gains among

the Grade 7 students.

Statement of the Problem


This study aimed to find out the learning gains of Grade 7 students in

Mathematics when Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) is used in teaching the subject

in order to find out the difference in the learning gains of the students.

Specifically, the following questions were answered.

1. What is the performance in pre-test of the two groups of respondents?

2. What is the difference between the results of pre-test of two groups?

3. What is the performance in post-test of the two groups of respondents?

4. What is the difference between the results of post-test of two groups?

5. What is the difference between the results of pre-test and post-test of

each group?

6. What are the learnings gained by the two groups?

7. What is the difference between the learning gains of the two groups?

8. Based from the findings, what intervention plan may be proposed as to

the use of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) in teaching Mathematics in

Grade 7?

Significance of the Study

This study is deemed beneficial to the following persons and groups.


Secondary Schools in Batangas Division. The study will help the

secondary schools in the division because the use of the Inquiry-based

approach will be systematized and largely implemented in the whole division.

Mathematics Teachers. This study will help them thru the developed

lesson exemplars in the subject with the use of the inquiry-based learning

approach. This will also be their guide as to the use of the said teaching

approach in teaching the subject.

Junior High School Students. Inquiry-based learning is one of the

teaching pedagogies mandated to be used by the Department of Education

(DepEd), hence, the teachers will be benefited by the output of the study which

is the lesson exemplars using the approach. With this output, the Mathematics

teachers will be given exemplars on lessons about the subject using the

inquiry-based learning approach.

Future Researchers. This study will help them as they conduct future

studies about the same topic. They can also use the developed plan of action

for them to validate and find out its effectiveness.


Scope and Limitation

This study covered the learning gains of the Grade 7 students as

resulted from the utilization of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) in teaching

Mathematics. The aim of the study was to find out the difference in the

learnings gains when the said approach is used in instruction, as well as to craft

a proposed intervention plan as to the use of IBL in teaching Mathematics.

This study aimed to determine whether the use of IBL in instruction led

to learning gains of the students in Mathematics. In order to determine such,

the Pre-test-Post-test Control Group Design was used. A total of sixty-eight (68)

students in Grade 7 from San Juan National High School were taken as

participants for Inquiry-Based Learning and Non-Inquiry-Based Learning groups

each, all of whom were under the instruction of the researcher at the time this

research was conducted.

Thirty-four (34) of the students served as the Non- Inquiry-Based

Learning group while the other thirty-four (34) served as student participants in

Inquiry-Based Learning group. In addition, both the control and experimental

group covered the same topic during the allotted period of the study which was

solely based from the competencies present in the K to 12 Enhanced Basic

Curriculum, Second Quarter, and School Year 2019-2020.


Moreover, the different topics in Basic Statistics in Grade 7 such as

mean, median and mode were chosen since they were the least mastered


Chapter II


This chapter presents the related literature and studies reviewed by the

researcher in order to understand better the variables under study.

Related Literature

The Inquiry-Based Learning focused on the separation between

acquiring and applying knowledge direct link to the distinction between knowing

and doing. Vygotsky in 1978 suggested that it was essential for teachers to

offer greater student control by creating activities that guided the learner toward

the mastery of the curriculum standards. The teacher served as the facilitator

for students to learn and construct meaning. Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal

Development. Problem-Based Inquiry Learning (PBIL) took into account a

variety of learning theories to how humans learn new information. Vygotsky’s


Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) focused on the social influences in a

human’s cognitive development.

Vygotsky indicated that the learner must be in the ZPD in order to

achieve mastery of the curriculum standards. This zone was connected by the

teacher’s instructions to the learner to successfully accomplish a specific task.


suggested that children developed cognitively on two levels, socially and

psychologically. He emphasized the conversion of knowledge through

interactions between the learner and his/her environment (Armstrong, 2015).

ZPD focused on how learning took place, the 29 influences of culture, and how

the environment played a role in the child’s cognitive development. This zone

was the difference between the actual and potential development of the learner.

Vygotsky’s theory encompassed four areas: development of humans,

the historical growth of humans, individual progress from childhood to

adulthood, and the development of capability. He believed that in order to

understand a person’s behavior, one must look at their history. Rieber and

Carton interpreted Vygotsky’s Social Cultural Theory of Development to

suggest that children constructed their own understanding through social

interactions and the language of others, not simply reproducing what they have

observed. In addition, Rieber and Carton in 1987 inferred Vygotsky’s belief that

in order to understand a person’s behavior, one must look at his/her history. It

was imperative for educators to analyze the cognitive processes of how

children develop and perceive their own learning. By doing so, educators were

better equipped to match instruction to meet their students’ learning styles.

PBIL utilized this theory throughout the authentic experience and public product

phases instead of through teachers’ direction instruction in the early 1960s.

Holm identified that

Meyer in 2004 described the broad inquiry-based approaches that

emerged as a response to the rise of Constructivist ideas about learning in the

1960’s, inquiry on the basis of understanding and learning through problem-

solving techniques (Holm, 2014).

Some have proposed that direct teacher instruction is the best way to

promote student learning, while others disagree and believe that teachers can

enhance student learning by connecting their learning to the real world through

authentic learning situations (Boud, Cohen, and Walker, 2015). According to

Boss and Krauss (2015), PBIL methods should foster more independent

thinkers who are more self-reliant and able to meet curriculum standards

through collaboration and their own higher order thinking processes.

The Sociocultural Theory is participation through social interactions with

one another. This theory claimed that learning and development occurred

simultaneously on various levels. Learning and development occurred

simultaneously on multiple levels. These levels included moment-to-moment

changes in learning, changes over time, and historical changes. The

developmental process was understood using cultural practices as units for

analysis. These cultural practices took the form of activities or actions. All

activities conducted by a group were inherently goal-oriented and analyzed to

better understand the development of learning in the group. Cultural tools and

artifacts, such as language, symbols, or physical objects, affected learning and

were mediators of thinking. Students used tools or artifacts to solve local

problems or demonstrate learning in the goal-oriented activities discussed

above. Social interactions played an essential part in learning and

development. Learning was in fact developed through changing relations with

others and the world around them (Nasir and Hand, 2016).

This coinciding process was understood through using the person’s daily

exposures and cultural practices for analysis and how it affected learning.

Through the Sociocultural Theory, Rogoff (2014) explored in-depth the varying

planes on which learning occurs, labelling them as guided participation,

participatory appropriation, and apprenticeship. These planes allowed others to

explore the various structures that daily interactions can take place. During

guided participation, individuals communicated and organized their actions

while they participated in a meaningful activity. Participatory appropriation


referred to how individuals changed within themselves as they participated in a

cultural activity. The transformation of “becoming” happened as a result of their

involvement in interacting with others in an activity.

There is a positive correlation with student choice in his/her own learning

with increased intrinsic motivation. Social contexts supportive of the basic

human needs maintained or enhanced intrinsic motivation. It also expedited

extrinsic motivation, resulting in more autonomous learners. Engagement is an

essential component in the advancement of student learning. Although

motivation and engagement are different ideas, they are connected.

Engagement is the physical, mental, or emotional action that is driven by one’s

motivation. Motivation is the private or unobservable internal process that

results in the public displays of engagement (Amy and Christenson, 2016).

Social interactions play a key role in learning and development; which,

Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) focuses on throughout the collaboration periods.

Engagement can be displayed in various forms: behavioral, cognitive, and

emotional. Ainley (2018) correlated cognitive engagement to the individual’s

personal investment. Emotional engagement pertained to the positive and

negative emotions related to an activity or event. There were several factors

that contributed to an increase in engagement within the classroom setting. In a

learning environment, students experienced a range of emotions from boredom


and frustration to excitement and interest. Students’ emotions affected their

engagement and motivation in a lesson or event. Students who were more

interested in a lesson were more likely to be engaged.

When students felt negative emotions, such as boredom or frustration,

there was a negative impact on their engagement and motivation. On the

contrary, when students felt positive emotions, such as excitement and interest,

they were more likely to be positively engaged.

Inquiry-Based Learning continued to evolve over time and eventually

made its way into the school setting in the late 1800s. The nature of the

workforce has changed and shifted to educating students for jobs to be

competitive and successful in the world. Entering the 21st Century, jobs

required specialized knowledge and skills such as the ability to communicate,

collaborate, research, collect ideas, synthesize, and analyze information. The

need for so called 21st Century skills are in demand for the workplace as they

are needed in order to keep up with the demands of technology and social

conditions. Barron and Darling-Hammond completed a comprehensive review

of research on PBIL outcomes and best practices. They described the

evidence-based approaches to support PBIL teaching in the classroom as clear

goals, guiding activities, variety of resources, time to share and reflect,

participation, formative assessments that can be revised, and summative


assessments that represent mastery of skill. Assessments included rubrics,

solution reviews, whole class discussions, performance assessments, written

journals, portfolios, weekly reports, and self-assessments.

According to Mitchell (2016), there are four skill sets beneficial to young

children: the ability to absorb and teach themselves skills as they are

introduced; demonstrate the passion to grasp the information that is readily

available; ability to work well with others in teams while building relationships;

and accept new challenges as they arise and express creativity. PBIL promoted

a learning environment that fostered collaborative interactions between

students and promoted active participation of all students.

Inquiry-Based Learning has found advantages to student engagement

and learning within the classroom setting. The benefits include acquisition of

real world skills, incorporating 21st Century skills, the ability for students to take

ownership of their learning, authentic learning experiences, interpersonal

interaction, responsibility, and the hands on experience (Fleming, 2015). The

researcher has categorized these advantages into: 21st Century skills,

motivation, and engagement. 21st Century Skills. Historically, federal mandates

were created to have students college and career ready. To prepare learners

for success in the 21st Century, schools must provide students with meaningful

learning opportunities, including participation and reflection in authentic


The inquiry framework described the elements necessary to create

collaborative, learning environments and it mirrored the PBIL format from the

Buck Institute (Dempsey, 2017). This framework focused on encouraging

students to ask questions relevant to their world, become truly involved in the

research necessary to answer their questions, and reflect on their findings. The

value of expert research in the area of PBIL altered the educator’s roles;

increased inquiry-based knowledge, learner dialogue, and collaborative

opportunities. Teachers, especially, needed content knowledge about how

students learn from materials infused with technology.

Inquiry-Based Learning has focused on the 21st Century skills of

technology and working collaboratively to revolutionize possible solutions to

real world problems. Since utilizing the inquiry process, educators have

recognized multiple advantages throughout its application. The inquiry process

was highly student-centered and fostered an opportunity for student ownership

in his/her learning. Twigg (2017) revealed that teachers who had high personal

expectations that are reflected in the organization, deliverance and assessment

of the PBIL process, played an important role in transforming their practice from

traditional educational methods to inquiry-based teaching and learning


experiences. A student and learning focused approach to teaching was

associated with students adopting a deeper approach to learning when

compared to a teacher focused/content-focused approach. When a student

possessed intrinsic motivation, he/she operated with competence and

autonomy while connected to the real world.

Related Studies

A control group of fourth and fifth graders who completed a nine-week

project to define and find solutions related to housing shortages in several

countries was studied. The students engaged in project-based learning group

demonstrated a significant increase in scores on a critical-thinking test, as well

as increased confidence in their learning. A longitudinal, comparative study

followed students over three years in two British schools. The schools were

comparable with respect to students’ prior achievement and socioeconomic

status but used either a traditional or PBIL format. The traditional school

featured teacher-directed whole class instruction organized around texts,

workbooks, and frequent tests in tracked classrooms. Instruction in the other

school used open-ended projects classrooms. Using a pre and post-test

design, the study found that although all students had comparable learning

gains when tested on basic mathematics procedures, those who had


participated in PBIL did better on conceptual problems presented on the

National Exam. Significantly more students in the PBIL passed the National

Exam in year three of the study than those in the traditional school. Ultimately,

the research concluded that PBIL practices will support students in evaluating

their own work against standards, through revising and modifying work,

redirecting energies, and taking initiative to promote their own progress. PBIL

was established as an authentic and challenging learning experience for

students that involved self-directed learning and resulted in a culminating

project or product (Parsons et al., 2016).

The projects were often centered on investigative or guiding questions.

The focus was learning personalized goals that led to a deeper understanding

of the content. The teacher became the facilitator of learning and created

learning opportunities based on state standards and promotion of curricular

connections (Karchmer-Klein and Layton, 2016). PBIL is different from the

normal skill and drill approach to teaching and learning.

. A study by Eskrootchi (2017) suggested that students learn best by

“actively constructing knowledge from a combination of experience,

interpretation and structured interactions with peers and teachers when using

technology” .In this study, three separate multi-age classrooms were randomly

distributed to one of the three treatment groups. Students were pre-tested on


their content knowledge and understanding of the given topic. The study

concluded that “technology should not be used as a replacement for basic

understandings and intuitions; rather, it can and should be used to foster those

understandings and intuitions”.

PBIL was defined as an interactive style of learning where students are

hands-on, challenged, experienced self-directed learning, and produced a

culminating product. Students face a challenging question and investigate using

data and reasoning. The product is centered around guiding questions and a

thorough study of the topic (Mitchell, et al., 2015). The workforce demands in

the world have shifted from that of industrial to a service economy. The

transformation has resulted in the need for more “information, technology, and

innovative skills” on the part of those entering the workforce.

Filippatou’s (2017) findings focused on the effectiveness of project-

based learning on primary school pupils with learning difficulties in suburban

and urban settings. The researcher regarded their academic performance and

attitudes toward effectiveness, group work and content mastery. The study was

a part of a larger one that included six Greek fourth-grade classrooms with

ninety-four pupils of mixed learning abilities. An eight-week project was

implemented within the curriculum area of environmental studies with a topic of

‘sea animals’. Filippatou’s findings from that 2010 study demonstrated that

pupils with learning difficulties gained benefits through project based inquiry

learning in academic performance, motivation, and group work. The students

also preferred experiential learning to traditional teaching.

Student engagement and hope were positively correlated in Gomez’s

(2014) study. The indicators of depression were negatively related to both

student engagement and hope in city schools settings. Therefore, the Inquiry-

based process enhanced student socioemotional status the more it was

utilized. In all, an active approach to learning has been shown to have

significant impacts on student satisfaction with their general educational

experience, eagerness to learn, and daily attendance.

Meanwhile, the study of Fabilico (2016) found there was an increase in

one’s belief that one’s ability for success, known as self-efficacy, for students

participating in models of PBIL. Self-efficacy was a predicator of academic

success in the educational setting and this was what the Federal mandates

were trying to accomplish. Collaboration was termed as the act of working

together with others to produce something. The PBIL process tailored

instruction so students collaborated with other learners and created a public

product for a real world problem. PBIL fostered collaborative interactions

between students and active participation.


Nevertheless, all those participating in Fabilicos’ study were in

agreement that involvement in inquiry based projects was favorable to teacher

development and the quality of teaching. To address this statement, teachers

critically reflected on their role and their idea of what defines "best practice" for

teaching and learning in the 21st Century. The teacher's role has changed

considerably over time. There is now, more than ever, a need for much greater

accountability and collaborative practice within education. Famous theorists,

including Dewey and Vygotsky, have explained ideas of authentic engagement,

but it was only with the spread of recognition that authenticity has gained more


Authentic experiences in today’s time have come to include technology

integration within the classroom setting. The 21st Century learners have grown

in a world with technology at their fingertips. This immersion has led to a

mentality of students not afraid to try new technology. Technology has been a

supportive learning tool that students enjoy and become engaged in classes

and in PBIL.

A study investigating how technology supported student engagement

found that certain types of technology in the classroom are positively related to

student learning and feedback (Torres-Wakit, 2015). Examples of such

technology included having students use the Internet to do research or


collaborative grouping to construct a public product. Technology has become a

part of everyday interaction and provided a link for connecting 21st Century

learners to the way of the world. 40 Present day learners have been immersed

in a world of technology, but educators must focus on preparing them to be

college and career ready in today’s ever changing society.

Motivation has been defined as an individual and internal process that

results in public displays of engagement. In the study conducted by Angeles

(2015) found that a lack of student motivation facilitated student failure. The


revealed that students were engaged when they believed that their instructors

were teaching through authentic and appealing practices. Motivation increased

in literacy when students were engaged in authentic literacy tasks that involved

using text outside of the reading to learn the skill. To keep students motivated

and engaged, teachers must be effective and confident in Inquiry-Based


Another study conducted by Vadil (2016) correlated student motivation

with students’ partaking in an engaging and meaningful learning assignments

often associated with PBIL. Study participants were engineering students

enrolled in science courses at a rural, private, undergraduate engineering

college. Students were dispersed across eight course sections, either PBIL or

traditional format, offered over a 3- year period. Students that participated in

active learning engaged in more high-level thinking and increased the amount

of cognitive skills used. The results concluded that students’ engagement in

high-level thoughts may be significantly predicted by their motivations. Both

elaboration and critical thinking strategies used were effectively modelled in the

PBIL setting. The students’ intrinsic goal orientation and self-efficacy were

supported by students’ qualitative reflections on their course experiences. The

findings confirmed that student motivations and cognitions were reduced in

traditional classrooms and increased in PBIL environments.

There was a rising trend in education literature that supported the idea

that traditional lecture classrooms were not the most effective environment for

successful learning, because they were unengaging to students. Inquiry and

asking the right questions advanced students’ critical thinking and creative

abilities; which, led to the greatest possibilities for learning (Levine, 2016).

Engagement in the classroom not only helped with learning but also with

graduation success. Students’ engagement in high-level thinking was a notable

strength of active learning. The research project by Minner (2016) was

addressed by developing a conceptual framework that clarified what is meant

by "inquiry-based instruction" describing the impact of instruction on K-12

student conceptual learning. It was a mixed-method study to analyze both


qualitative and quantitative data to describe the impact of science instruction

using conceptual learning. Conceptual learning related to the process that the

students organized their learning into multiple mental structures. Various

findings across analyzed studies indicated: A clear, positive trend favoring

inquiry-based instructional practices, particularly instruction that emphasizes

student active thinking and drawing conclusions from data. Teaching strategies

that actively engage students in the learning process through scientific

investigations are more likely to increase conceptual understanding than are

strategies that rely on more passive techniques, 43 which are often necessary

in the current standardized-

assessment laden educational environment.

Overall, there seems to be consistent evidence from this subset of

studies that hands-on experience with science curriculum was important for

increased student engagement, conceptual learning, and skill retention. Ainley

(2018) concluded that student interest in the assignment was the key

motivation for student engagement. Experiences that were non-controlling gave

students more choice and autonomy in their learning, which increased student

engagement and motivation

Pekrun (2015) concluded that student engagement was essential to

promote student learning and comprised of active involvement. In addition,


researchers found that student engagement and student motivation also

increased when students were exposed to PBIL embedded within their existing

curriculum standards. Students who took an active role in their own schooling

have been found to be better equipped at monitoring and regulating their own

learning strategies when compared to students who were involved in passive

learning instruction.

Holmes and Hwang (2016) found PBIL helped to assist and increase

student collaboration, discovery, research, inquiry, and higher order thinking in

the majority of students, especially at risk 44 and minority students. Student

exploration of PBIL topics also increased students’ motivation. Inquiry-Based

Learning offers students active engagement via the high order reasoning

methods touted in Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom’s cognitive categories included:

remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create. PBIL focused

learning and instruction on Bloom’s specific categories of analyze, evaluate,

and creating.

As conclusion, the use of Inquiry-Based Learning is dependent on

teacher style, student composition, and classroom culture. A limited amount of

research and data was available on this new topic. Since Inquiry-Based

Learning has recently reinvented itself, not enough schools have adopted these

methods to get a decisive measure on its effectiveness related to student



The topic investigated was the relationship between Inquiry-Based

Learning or Project-based Inquiry Learning and student engagement in the

classroom setting. Despite previous educational mandates, the educational

system saw a decrease in high-stakes testing results. Therefore, PBIL came

into practice by educators who tried to increase student engagement with the

hopes of increasing state assessment scores. This literature review has

displayed advantages and challenges to implementing PBIL in an elementary


PBIL has found benefits to student engagement and learning within the

classroom setting and they included 21st Century skills, motivation, and

engagement as posted by the studies conducted by Boss and Krauss (2015),

Nasir and Hand (2016), Ragoff (2014), Reeve (2015) and Gillet et al. (2016).

Criticisms from educators related to their student’s self-esteem, project

based assessments, curriculum mastery, lack of direct teacher instruction, level

of teacher training, time requirements, and funding for inquiry based learning as

posited by the studies conducted by Amy and Christenson (2015), Ainley

(2018), Oarson, et al. (2014), Mitchell (2016), Fleming (2015).

In the local research, the studies conducted by Gomez (2014), Fabilico

(2016), Torres-Wakit (2015), Angeles (2016), and Vadil (2016) all supported the

success of the use of the Inquiry-Based Learning to the academic achievement

and motivation of the students.

Theoretical Framework

The foundation of Inquiry-Based Learning was linked to the theory of

constructivism. Dewey supported the concept of learning by doing and this idea

was the foundation of the Constructivism Theory. According to this theory, an

individual constructs knowledge and meaning from prior knowledge,

experiences, beliefs, and the application of these. As learners interact with their

social environments to construct knowledge and meaning, they become the

center of the teaching and learning process (Kahveci and Ay, 2014).

The reclaiming and linking of prior knowledge enabled students to do

meaningful tasks and collaborate within their environment to construct their own

knowledge and understanding. Constructivist theorists identified that learning is

optimal in an active and engaging setting. The principals of the Constructivist


Theory was based on a few core elements. First, the learner actively, not

passively, constructed knowledge. The learner constructs knowledge when

he/she actively attempted to interact in a meaningful situation with the social

environments through shared inquiry (Kahveci and Ay, 2014). These activities

caused learners to gain access to their prior knowledge and experiences.

Through reflection, learners were able to construct meaning and make

sense of the shared involvements. The Constructivist Theory was based on the

premise that knowledge was socially constructed through highly structured

activities and experiences around meaningful tasks (Cook, 2014). Over the

past 100 years, Dewey and Vygotsky shared their thoughts on the benefits of

experiential learning, inquiry-based learning, and hands-on activities to being

critical components in educating students. Dewey in 1938 and Vygotsky in

1978 shared common beliefs that the relationship of activity, learning, and

development related to the roles in the educational setting.

Conceptual Framework

The foregoing discussions helped the researcher to conceptualize the

direction that the present study followed. Such is the Input, Process and Output

or the IPO framework.


The input of the study were the results of the pre-test administered to the

students. The pre-test was prepared by the researcher which included the

topics in basic statistics in Grade 7.

Moreover, the process included the treatment done to the treatment

group, the Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) group. In addition, the other group was

labelled as Non- Inquiry-Based Learning (NIBL) group and the participants

were taught using the traditional textbook method.

In the end, the output that the present study generated was posttest

results of the two groups, and the learning gains difference the two groups

obtained. This paved the way to the crafted proposed intervention plan which

was also an output of the study.

Paradigm of the Study


Treatment done to
the Inquiry-Based
Learning Group and
using the developed
activities in Proposed
Mathematics Intervention Plan
as to the Use of
1. Pre-Test Inquiry-Based
2. Difference Using traditional Learning in
3. Post-Test method of teaching
to Non- Inquiry-
Based Learning

Feedback Loop

Figure 1: The Research Paradigm


From the specific problems, the following hypotheses were tested.

Ho 1. There is no significant difference between the pre-test

performance of the two groups.

Ho 2. There is no significant difference between the post-test

performance of the two groups.

Ho 3. There is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-

test performance of each of the two groups.

Ho 4. There is no significant difference between the learning gains of the

two groups of respondents.

Definition of Terms

The following are the terms used and defined in this study.

Academic Achievement. It represents performance outcomes that

indicate the extent to which a person has accomplished specific goals that were

the focus of activities in instructional environments, specifically in school,

college, and university (Minner, 2016). In this study, it refers to the performance

outcomes that indicate the extent of the students’ accomplishments of specific

goals in individual and group performance when Inquiry-Based Learning is

used in the instruction.

Division of Batangas. It refers to the mother division which supervised

the district of San Juan.

Group Performance. It refers to the specific performance objectives

established for participants with group responsibility with an appropriate

weighing applied based on the intended focus (Moyer, 2014). In this study, it

refers to the group performance of the secondary students when the Inquiry-

Based Learning approach is used in the instruction.

Individual Performance. It refers to the performance objectives

specifically attributable to each participant reflective of his or her functional area

and responsibilities (Moyer, 2014). In this study, it refers to the individual or


solo performance of the secondary students when the Inquiry-Based Learning

approach is used in the instruction.

Learning Gains. It refers to an attempt to measure the improvement in

knowledge and skills of students during their time spent in studying in a grade

level (Fleming, 2015). In this study, it refers to the attempt by the researcher to

measure the improvement in knowledge and skills of students during their time

spent in intervention activities using Inquiry-Based Learning in Mathematics.

Motivation. It refers to the needs, desires, wants, or drives within the

individuals. It also refers to the process of stimulating people to actions to

accomplish the goals (Ainley, 2018). In this study, it refers to the process of

stimulating the secondary school students to actions to accomplish the goals in

Mathematics when Inquiry-Based Learning is used.

Pretest. It refers to a test given to determine if students are sufficiently

prepared to begin a new topic or concept of study (Fleming, 2015). In this

study, it refers to the test given by the researcher to find out the readiness of

the students in studying the new concepts like Basic Statistics in Mathematics

Grade 7.

Posttest. It refers to the test given to the students after completion of an

instructional program or segment and often used in conjunction with a pretest to


measure their achievement and the effectiveness of the program (Mitchell,

2016). In this study, it refers to the test given by the researcher after the

completion of the instruction or intervention in Basic Statistics in Mathematics

for Grade 7.

Intervention Plan. It refers to a plan designed to improve the progress

of students determined to be not making satisfactory progress. An intervention

plan must be developed, documented, and implemented by a certified teacher


conjunction with the students and for students in Grades K to 12 (Deped). In

this study, if refers to the developed output of the study which intends to

improve the achievement of Grade 7 students using inquiry-based approach.

Public Secondary Schools. It refers to the basic secondary education

level governed by the Department of Education (DepEd) which offers Grades 7

to 12 grade levels.

San Juan District. It refers to the district or municipality covered by the

study wherein the public secondary schools are supervised by the Department

of Education (DepEd).

Chapter III


This chapter presents the methods and procedures used by the

researcher in the conduct of the quasi-experiment to the control and treatment


Research Design

This research utilized the Quasi-Experimental Method to determine the

effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) in Grade 7 Mathematics. This

study was conducted in the Fourth Quarter of school year 2019-2020.

According to Shuttleworth (2015), quasi-experimental method of study is very

useful in generating results for general trends especially in social sciences

where pre-selection and randomization of groups is often difficult.

Further, this method is often integrated with individual case studies

wherein the figures and results generated often reinforce the findings and allow

some sort of statistical analysis to take place. In addition, without extensive pre-

screening and randomization needing to be undertaken, they do reduce the

time and resources needed for experimentation. In order to find out the

effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning as an approach in teaching

Mathematics in attaining high performance of students in Mathematics in Grade

7, the researcher utilized the Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control Group


Furthermore, Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design is a

research design which uses two groups of subjects by which both groups are

measured and observed twice. In doing so, the first measurement serves as the

pre-test and the second is the post-test, respectively. Moreover, the


measurements or observations are collected at the same time for both groups

(Mertler and Charles, 2016).

In this study, each group, namely the Non- Inquiry-Based Learning group

and the Inquiry-Based Learning group received different strategies in teaching

Mathematics. Furthermore, this scenario provided the researcher focal point

that would suggest the effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning as teaching

approach in achieving high performance of pupils in Mathematics in Grade 7.

The research design is shown in the figure by Mertler and Charles


Treatment Group O1 X O2
Control Group O1 c O2

Figure 2
The Randomized Pretest- Treatment - Posttest
Control Group Design
X = represents the treatment given to the experimental

group. In this study, Inquiry-Based Learning was used as

the teaching strategy in Mathematics 7.


C = represents no treatment. In this case, traditional

teaching method was used as a strategy in teaching


O1 = pretest of the experimental and control group

O2 = posttest of the experimental and control group

Research Locale

The study was situated in Sico 1.0 National High School, San Juan

District in Batangas Division. There were a total of sixty-eight (68) Grade 7

students who participated in the study.

Sico 1.0 NHS is a public general national high school type belongs in the

4th district of Batangas and situated in the western part of San Juan. It is

located outside the town proper and known on its trade mark “Ang Tangke”.

Under K to 12 Curriculum program, the school is renamed as Sico

1.0 Integrated National High School. Presently, it has 920 Junior High School

Students and 379 Senior High School students. There are 36 teaching

personnel in Junior High School, nine teaching personnel in Senior High

School, and three non-teaching personnel (Senior Bookkeeper, Disbursing

Officer and Administrative Assistant), headed by a Principal II, Mrs. Jocelyn P.


Arquillo. The school is working together for its continuous developments and

enhancement toward the attainment of higher thinking skills and learning

outcomes bounded by the philosophy of Department Education as Maka-Diyos,

Makatao, Makakalikasan and Makabansa.

Samples and Sampling Technique Used

The study used thirty-four (34) students for the Inquiry-Based Learning

group. Another thirty-four (34) students were used for Non- Inquiry-Based

Learning group. Purposive sampling was used because the researcher used

these two groups of classes as participants in the study. Grade 7 Section Irish

and Section Jasmine were chosen as participants of the study. They were of

equal footing at the start of the study since they are heterogeneous sections.

The subjects of this study came from the intact groups based from the

enrolment of Grade 7 students in Sico 1.0 National High School for school year

2019-2020. The two groups which were part of the study were compared

accordingly on their mental ability through their final grades in Mathematics

during their Grade 6. From their final grade in Mathematics Grade 6 the

academic achievement of the subjects belonging to the Non Inquiry-Based and

Inquiry-Based Groups were determined. With this, the researcher was sure that

the subjects of the study were on equal footing when it comes to their academic

grade and achievement in Mathematics.


The pre-test and post-test were the instruments used to assess the

learning gains of the pupils after Inquiry-Based Learning use in the instruction.

In order to measure the impact of Inquiry-Based Learning in the achievement of

students in Grade 7 Mathematics, pre-test and post-test were administered.

Preparation. The researcher constructed a 50-item multiple choice type

of test that covered all the sub-topics during the fourth quarter listed in the K to

12 Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum.

Validation. The intended instruments in the study were examined by

Mathematics teachers for their comments and suggestions. Such comments

and suggestions were then incorporated in the revision of the test questions.

Furthermore, an item analysis followed the previous step for test modification

by allowing students who were not part of the study to take the test. The items

passed within the range of difficulty and discrimination index wherein twenty

(20) items were categorized as High Level Questions and thirty (30) as Low

Level Questions.

Administration. The test was administered to both the control and the

experimental groups to determine the effectiveness of the different variables to


be tested. This was achieved by the provision of the researcher two sets of

parallel tests to both the Inquiry-Based Learning group and the Non- Inquiry-

Based Learning group before the experiment and one was given after the



The researcher requested for the approval of the Schools Division

Superintendent and his Principal to conduct a quasi-experimental study on the

utilization of Inquiry-Based Learning in attaining high achievements of grade 7

in Mathematics.

Upon the approval of the request of the researcher to conduct his study,

the Preparation Stage followed. The starting point of the framework capsulated

the following sub phases which include: (1) Developmental Phase; (2)

Validation Phase and (3) Revision Phase, respectively.

At the beginning of this research journey, the researcher crafted in the

mind the research endeavour he wanted to venture. In this account, the

researcher, believed that students need to explore concepts and this could be

achieved through a teaching strategy that involves critical thinking and

analytical thinking that encourage constant development and improvement of

process skills. Thus, it gave birth to the conception of this research venture.

Since, the researcher already had the crafted material anchored on a

teaching strategy he wanted to investigate it was followed by preparation of


table of specification on the topic covered by the study. Basic Statistics topics

discussed in Grade 7 mathematics were used as the content of the pretest and

posttest items. This gave rise to the construction of parallel tests, which were

the pretest and posttest, administered before and after the experimental phase.

For the validation phase, after all the materials used by the researcher

were thoroughly crafted like the intervention such as Inquiry-Based Learning

activities, TOS and the pre-test and post-test, these were presented to the

teachers in the field of Mathematics Education.

For the revision phase, the comments and suggestions supplied by

these teachers were incorporated and utilized by the researcher towards the

development of more valid research instruments.

For the experimental stage, as mentioned in the previous paragraphs,

groups were divided into two. The first group was the Non- Inquiry-Based

Learning group which served as the control group that received the traditional

method of teaching. On the other hand, the Inquiry-Based Learning group

served as the experimental group that gained treatment in which Inquiry-Based

Learning activities were used as a strategy in teaching Mathematics. The

researcher identified the subjects by choosing the heterogeneous sections of

Grade 7 Section Irish and Section Jasmine.

After the groups were in tacked, mathematics instruction in two different

settings was made. The experiment lasted for four (4) weeks. The post-test was

given afterwards as a measuring tool by which the effectiveness of Inquiry-

Based Learning in Mathematics instruction was checked whether the student-

respondents who received the Inquiry-Based Learning activities treatment

provided an avenue to attain high achievement in Mathematics.

Results of the post-test together with the results of the pretest were then

treated statistically. The end point of this study was to find out the learning

gains of the experiment group after the utilization of Inquiry-Based Learning on

Mathematics as gleaned in the Formulation Stage.

For the post-experimental stage, an intervention plan was crafted and

proposed by the researcher to be utilized in teaching Mathematics in Grade 7.

Figure 2 shows the procedure flowchart.

Phase - the
crafted in the
mind the
endeavour she EXPERIMENTAL
wanted to STAGE
2. Validation Groups were
Phase - divided into two.
intervention 1. The first group is
the Non- Inquiry- POST-
such as Inquiry-
Based group which EXPERIMENTAL
Based activities, STAGE
TOS and the served as the
pretest and control group that An intervention
posttest, these received the plan was then
were presented traditional method crafted by the
to the teachers of teaching. researcher
2. Inquiry-Based
Mathematics findings of the
Education the experimental study
3. Revision group that gained
Phase - The treatment in which
comments and inquiry-Based
suggestions activities were used
supplied by as a strategy in
these teachers teaching
were Mathematics
and utilized by
the researcher
towards the
development of
more valid

Figure 2. The Procedure Flow Chart

Statistical Analysis of Data

The following are the statistical measures used in the study.

After gathering the data, these were tallied and tabulated. The data were

tested statistically utilizing various measures and techniques. The following

statistical tools were utilized.


Mean. This statistical tool was used to determine the competency of the

Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) group and Non- Inquiry-Based Learning (NIBL)

group. The formula for the mean is presented below.


X – mean

∑x – sum of all scores

n - number of subjects

Standard Deviation. It is a statistical tool that measures the spread of

scores away from the mean. The farther the spread to the mean, the more

varied the scores are.


s – standard deviation

x – classmark

N - total number of observations

T-test (Independent). This was used to indicate if there is a significant

difference between achievement of the Non-Inquiry-Based Learning (NIBL)

group from that of the Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) group in terms of the

pretest and posttest results.


X1 – mean of the IBL group

X2 – mean of the Non-IBL group

n1 - size of the IBL group

n2 - size of the Non-IBL group

s1 2 - variance of the IBL group

s2 2 - variance of the Non-IBL group

T-test (dependent). In order to determine the significant difference of

the pretest and posttest results and learning gains of the Inquiry-Based

Learning (IBL) group and Non- Inquiry-Based Learning (NIBL) group.



X1 – mean of the IBL group

X2 – mean of the Non-IBL group

n1 - size of the IBL group

n2 - size of the Non-IBL group

s1 2 - variance of the IBL group

s2 2 - variance of the Non-IBL group

df - n-1

To determine verbal interpretation of the performance of the Non-

Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning group in the pretest and


This scale was utilized (DepEd).

Score Verbal Interpretation

41-50 Mastered

31-40 Moving Towards Mastery

21-30 Low Mastery

11-20 Below Expectation

1-10 Did not Meet Expectation

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the collected data in tabular, graphical and

textual forms based on the results of the different statistical tools in the previous

chapter. The quasi-experimental research involved two different groups of


Grade 7 students. The two groups were named as Inquiry-Based Learning

Group (IBL), which received the instruction with Inquiry-Based Learning and the

Non- Inquiry-Based Learning (NIBL) which received a traditional method of

teaching in Mathematics.

1. Pretest Performance of the Two Groups of Respondents

The researcher administered the pre-test to the two groups of

respondents before the experiment was conducted. Table 1 presents the

results of the performance in pre-test of the two groups of respondents.

The data presented above the performance of the subjects both in Non-

Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning groups in pre-test.

From the data presented on the pretest of the Non- Inquiry-Based

Learning group, there twenty-one (21) participants or 61.76 percent scored

between 11-20 and showed below expectation skills in Basic Statistics topics in

Mathematics 7. Moreover, seven (7) or 20.58 percent of them scored between

21-30 and show low mastery level. The least number of six (6) participants or

17.66 percent did not meet the expectation and scored between 1-10 in the

pretest given.

Table 1
Pretest Performance of Non- Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based
Learning Approach Groups
Score Non-Inquiry-Based Inquiry-Based Learning Interpretation

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
41-50 0 0 0 Mastered
31-40 0 0 0 Mastery
21-30 7 20.58 10 29.41 Low Mastery
11-20 21 61.76 21 61.76 Expectation
Did Not Meet
1-10 6 17.66 3 8.83 Expectation

TOTAL 34 100.00 34 100.00

Mean 14.50 16.73

Deviation 5.28 5.64

Description Below Expectation Below Expectation

On the other hand, among the participants in Inquiry-Based Learning,

there were also twenty-one (21) participants or 61.76 percent who scored

between 11-20 which also fall below the expectation. Ten (10) participants or

29.41 percent have low mastery of skills who scored between 21-30 while the

rest of the participants or three (3) which is 8.83 percent did not meet the

expectation and scored between 1-10.

The data means that both the Inquiry-Based Learning and Non- Inquiry-

Based Learning groups are equal in their skills in topics included in the pre-test

in Basic Statistics topic. Both of the groups have skills which are below

expectations when it comes to the topics in Basic Mathematics in Grade 7


This is supported by the findings of Armstrong (2015) who emphasized

the conversion of knowledge through interactions between the learner and

his/her environment more than just traditional way of teaching only, that is the

use of lecture and textbook materials. Hence, the findings of the present

attested that the traditional teaching of mathematics brings the same or equal

performance among the students. This also shows that the participants were in

equal footing at the beginning of the study or experiment.

2. Difference Between the Results of the Pretest of the Two Groups

For the difference between the results of the pre-test of the two groups,

Table 2 is presented below.

The data shows that there is a difference of 2.23 between the Non- Inquiry-

Based Learning group mean of 14.50 and the Inquiry-Based Learning group

mean of 16.73. The computed t-value is .325 with a p-value of .061 which is

higher than the critical values of 0.05. This means that there is no significant

difference between the pre-test performance of the two groups of respondents.

Table 2
Difference between the Means of the Non-Inquiry-Based Learning and
Inquiry-Based Learning Groups in their Pre-test Performances
Non-Inquiry- Inquiry-
Based Based Computed p-
Learning Learning Difference t-value value Decision Interpretation
Mean 14.50 16.73 Accept Not
SD 5.28 5.64 2.23 .325 .061 Ho Significant

This means that the use of traditional method of teaching mathematics

and not using Inquiry-Based Learning as one of the approaches for concrete

learning did not significantly impact learning among the students.

The said findings are supported by the study of Boud, Cohen, and Walker

(2015) who emphasized that some have proposed that direct teacher

instruction is the best way to promote student learning, while others disagree

and believe that teachers can enhance student learning by connecting their

learning to the real world through authentic learning situations. As Boss and

Krauss (2015), also posited that teaching approaches and methods should

foster more independent thinkers who are more self-reliant and able to meet

curriculum standards through collaboration and their own higher order thinking


3. Posttest Performance of the Two Groups of Respondents. Table 3

presents the data gathered on the performance in post-test of the two groups of


Table 3
Post-test Performance of Non-Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-
Based Learning Groups
Score GROUPS Verbal
Non Inquiry-Based Inquiry-Based Learning

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

41-50 0 0 21 61.76 Mastered
Moving Towards
31-40 9 26.41 8 23.50 Mastery
21-30 14 41.17 5 14.74 Low Mastery
11-20 10 29.41 0 0 Below Expectation
Did Not Meet
1-10 1 2.95 0 0 Expectation

TOTAL 34 100.00 34 100.00

Mean 23.94 40.11

Deviation 7.87 8.46

Description Low Mastery Moving Towards Mastery

The table presented shows the performance in post-test of the two

groups which are Non-Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning

groups. For the Non- Inquiry-Based Learning group, fourteen (14) participants

or 41.17 percent obtained a low mastery of skills as shown by the scores

between 21-30, while nine (9) or 26.41 percent of them showed moving

towards mastery of the skills with the scores between 31-40 that they obtained.

Furthermore, ten (10)

participants or 29.41 percent scored 11-20 which is below expectation while

there is still one (1) or 2.95 percent of the participants who did not meet the

expectation having the score between 1-10. The mean obtained was 23.94

which is a level higher than that of the pre-test.


On the other hand, for the Inquiry-Based Learning, a big leap in the

performance of the participants was attained by having twenty-one (21) or

61.76 percent of the participants having mastered the skills in the posttest

given. They obtained scores between 41-50. In addition, eight (8) participants

or 23.5 percent are moving towards mastery of the skills as shown in the scores

between 31-40 they obtained. The least five participants or 14.74 percent have

low mastery of skills. The mean of 40.11 shows that the treatment group

mastered the skills in the posttest given.

The results implied that the post-test performance of the participants

under Inquiry-Based Learning increased and there are more number of

participants in the treatment group or Inquiry-Based Learning group who have

mastered or moved towards mastery of the skills in the post-test after the


According to Parsons et al. (2016), the students engaged in Inquiry-

Based learning (IBL) group demonstrated a significant increase in scores on a


thinking test, as well as increased confidence in their learning. The traditional

school featured teacher-directed whole class instruction organized around

texts, workbooks, and frequent tests in tracked classrooms. Instruction in the

other school used open-ended projects classrooms. Using a pre and post-test

design, the study found that although all students had comparable learning

gains when tested on basic mathematics procedures, those who had

participated in IBL did better on conceptual problems presented on the National

Exam. Significantly more students in the IBL passed the National Exam in year

three of the study than those in the traditional school. Ultimately, the research

concluded that IBL practices will support students in evaluating their own work

against standards, through revising and modifying work, redirecting energies,

and taking initiative to promote their own progress.

4. Difference Between the Results of Posttest of Two Groups

Table 4
Difference between the Means of the Non-Inquiry-Based Learning and
Inquiry-Based Learning Groups in their Post-test Performances
Non- Inquiry-
Inquiry- Based
Based Learnin Computed p-
Learning g Difference t-value value Decision Interpretation
Mean 23.94 40.11 Reject
SD 7.87 8.46 16.17 9.92 0.00 Ho Significant

The table shows the significant difference between the means of the

Non-Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning groups’ performance

in the posttest. It can be gleaned from the data presented that there is a

difference of 16.17 in the mean scores of the two groups. With this, the

computed t-value resulted to 9.92 which has a p-value of 0.00. This is lower

than the critical value of 0.05. Then, the formulated hypothesis is rejected

because there is a significant difference between the mean scores of the two

groups when it comes to their post-test achievement.

It means that the use of Inquiry-Based Learning as intervention activities

in Basic Statistics topics paved the way for an increase in the achievement of

the students in the said topics. It also can be deduced that the use of Inquiry-

Based Learning in Mathematics instruction is beneficial to the students.

The said findings are attested by the study of Mitchell (2016) who found

out that there are four skill sets beneficial to young children: the ability to

absorb and teach themselves skills as they are introduced; demonstrate the

passion to grasp the information that is readily available; ability to work well

with others in teams while building relationships; and accept new challenges as

they arise and express creativity. Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) promoted a

learning environment that fostered collaborative interactions between students

and promoted active participation of all students.

At the same time, according to Eskrootchi (2017) students learn best by

“actively constructing knowledge from a combination of experience,

interpretation and structured interactions with peers and teachers when using

technology” .In this study, three separate multi-age classrooms were randomly

distributed to one of the three treatment groups. Students were pre-tested on

their content knowledge and understanding of the given topic. The study

concluded that “technology should not be used as a replacement for basic

understandings and intuitions; rather, it can and should be used to foster those

understandings and intuitions”. Hence, it implies that the use of Inquiry-Based

Learning helps in increasing the achievement of the students in Mathematics.

5. Difference Between the Results of Pretest and Posttest of Each


Table 5 presents the difference between the results of pre-test and post-test

of each group.

Table 5
Difference between the Results of Pre-test and Post-test of Each Group
Inquiry- Inquiry- p-
Based Based Compute valu Decisio Interpretatio
Learning Learning Difference d t-value e n n
Mean 14.50 16.73
SD 5.28 5.64
Mean 23.94 40.11 Reject
SD 7.87 8.46 18.40 12.85 0.00 Ho Significant

The data presented shows that the pretest and posttest results of the

Non-Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning groups increased.

The pre-

test and post-test of Non- Inquiry-Based Learning group did not increase that

much as shown by the mean of 14.50 and 16.73 respectively. Unlike the pre-

test and post-test results of Inquiry-Based Learning group which are 23.94 and

40.11. There is a difference of 18.40 in the pretest and posttest of the two

groups. Then the computed t-value of 12.85 obtained a p-value of 0.00 which is

lower than the set critical value of 0.05. Hence, it is concluded that there is a

significant difference between the performance of the students in pretest and


This means further that there is a big increase in the performance of the

Inquiry-Based Learning or treatment group after given the intervention on the

use of Inquiry-Based Learning in instruction of Mathematics. This findings are

attested by the study of Filippatou’s (2017) who focused on the effectiveness

of Inquiry-Based Learning on primary school pupils with learning difficulties in

suburban and urban settings. The researcher regarded their academic

performance and attitudes toward effectiveness, group work and content

mastery. The study was a part of a larger one that included six Greek fourth-

grade classrooms with ninety-four pupils of mixed learning abilities. An eight-

week project was implemented within the curriculum area of environmental

studies with a topic of ‘sea animals’. Filippatou’s findings demonstrated that

pupils with learning difficulties gained benefits through project based inquiry

learning in academic performance, motivation, and group work. The students

also preferred experiential learning to traditional teaching. Furthermore, the

findings of the present study contributes to the literature attesting to the fact

that Inquiry-Based Learning when used in mathematics instruction increases

the achievement of the students in the said subject area.

6. Learnings Gains by the Two Groups

Table 6 shows the learning gains of the two groups of subjects based on

the difference of their scores in the pretest and posttest.

As shown in the table presented, there are thirty-four (34) participants

from Non-Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning groups. From the

differences in the pre-test and post-test scores, the scores of the participants

revealed a learning gain mean of 8.60 for the Inquiry-Based Learning

participants while there is a mean of 3.99 for the non- Inquiry-Based Learning


For the Inquiry-Based Learning group, the highest learning gain a

participant achieve is 12.95 percent. Meanwhile, the participants in the Inquiry-

Based Group had a learning gain average of 8.60 percent. Then, the least

percentage of learning gain achieved by a student was 2.55 percent. It means

that the particular student had a learning gain of only 2.55 percent compared to

the pretest achievement. Moreover, there was no student who had negative

learning gain percentage.

Table 6
Learning Gains of Non-Inquiry-Based Learning
and Inquiry-Based Learning Groups
Subjects Non-Inquiry-Based Learning Group Inquiry-Based Learning Group

Pre-test Post test Learning Gain Pre-test Post test Learning Gain
1.Subject1 13 16 1.35 14 25 4.28

2.Subject2 13 15 0.90 13 25 4.63

3.Subject3 14 19 2.24 15 28 5.04

4.Subject4 12 23 4.87 16 48 12.40

5.Subject5 15 25 4.46 16 43 10.42

6.Subject6 23 26 1.38 15 45 11.49

7.Subject 7 22 24 0.91 14 46 12.17

8.Subject 8 13 26 5.68 13 48 13.21

9.Subject 9 24 34 4.57 24 45 8.24

10. Subject 10 23 36 5.88 27 43 6.32

11.Subject 11 14 35 9.09 26 50 9.41

12.Subject 12 25 38 5.88 25 50 9.73

13. Subject 13 12 34 9.36 14 34 7.43

14. Subject 14 19 35 6.99 19 39 7.55

15. Subject 15 9 29 8.33 10 42 11.64

16. Subject 16 8 34 10.74 11 43 11.64

17. Subject 17 7 35 11.48 9 45 12.95

18. Subject 18 13 23 4.18 14 23 3.28

19. Subject 19 12 22 4.15 14 34 7.27

20. Subject 20 14 21 2.92 16 23 2.55

21. Subject 21 5 10 2.00 4 32 9.76

22. Subject 22 19 15 -1.69 13 32 6.81

23. Subject 23 12 11 -0.41 19 45 9.49

24. Subject 24 14 23 3.69 14 50 12.86

25. Subject 25 23 32 3.81 25 34 3.33

26. Subject 26 13 17 1.62 24 34 3.68

27. Subject 27 11 17 2.40 23 34 4.01

28. Subject 28 23 19 -1.67 26 45 6.99

29. Subject 29 11 21 3.97 21 46 8.99

30. Subject 30 10 23 5.12 21 47 9.32

31. Subject 31 12 24 4.74 14 45 10.80

32. Subject 32 13 23 3.95 15 45 10.45

33. Subject 33 12 15 1.18 14 48 11.76

34. Subject 34 10 14 1.55 11 48 12.63

Mean 3.99 8.60


On the other hand, for the Non Inquiry-Based Learning Approach group,

the highest learning gain achieved was 11.48 percent. However, there were

students who decreased in their performance in the pretest and posttest as

reflected by the negative learning gains of -1.49 percent. There were three (3)

students who obtained a negative gain in terms of their pretest and posttest.

Hence, the learning gains of the Non Inquiry-Based Group had averaged only

of 3.99 percent.

It could be gleaned from the mean difference of the scores in the pre-test

and post-test of the two groups that there is indeed gains in learning from the

use of Inquiry-Based Learning materials. Therefore, it could be deduced that

the use of Inquiry-Based Learning brings a significant difference in the

achievement of the students.

These findings are supported by the study of Gomez (2014) who found

out that student engagement and inquiry-based learning were positively

correlated in city schools settings. Therefore, the Inquiry-based process

enhanced student socioemotional status the more it was utilized. In all, an

active approach to learning has been shown to have significant impacts on

student satisfaction with their general educational experience, eagerness to

learn, and daily attendance.


In addition, the study of Fabilico (2016) also noted that there was an

increase in one’s belief that one’s ability for success, known as self-efficacy, for

students participating in models of Inquiry-Based Learning. Self-efficacy was a

predicator of academic success in the educational setting and this was what the

Federal mandates were trying to accomplish. Collaboration was termed as the

act of working together with others to produce something. The Inquiry-Based

Learning process tailored instruction so students collaborated with other

learners and created a public product for a real world problem. Inquiry-Based

Learning fostered collaborative interactions between students and active

participation. This are similar to the present study because it also supports the

use of Inquiry-Based Learning to increase Grade 7 students’ achievement.

7. Difference Between the Learning Gains of the Two Groups

Table 7 shows the comparison of the learning gains scores between

the groups in terms of their performances in the pretest and posttest.

Table 7
Comparison of the Learning Gain Scores Between the Non- Inquiry-Based
Learning Group and the Inquiry-Based Learning Group
Based Inquiry-Based p- Differenc
Learning Learning Computed valu e Interpretatio
Group Group t-value e Decision n

Scores 3.99 8.60
0.0 Reject Significa
SD 7.68 9.18 7.98 0 4.61 Ho nt

It is reflected in Table 7 that the learning gains scores of the Non-

Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning. There is a mean of 3.99

for the learning gains of Non- Inquiry-Based Learning group while 8.60 mean is

achieved by the learning gains of Inquiry-Based Learning group. There was a

difference of 4.61 percent in the learning gains of the two groups of

respondents used in the study.

It could be asserted that there is a significant difference between the

performance of the Non- Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning

groups as gleaned in the computed t value of 7.98 and p-value of 0.00 which is

lower than the critical value of 0.05.

Furthermore, since the learning gain scores of the Inquiry-Based

Learning group was comparatively higher than the learning gain scores of the

Non- Inquiry-Based Learning group, it could be asserted that the use of Inquiry-

Based Learning affected positively the performance of the pupils wherein a

remarkable increase in the test result was noted.

Angeles (2015) attested the findings of the present study when it was

also found that a lack of student motivation facilitated student failure. The study

revealed that students were engaged in Inquiry-Based Learning when they

believed that their instructors were teaching through authentic and appealing

practices. Motivation increased in literacy when students were engaged in

authentic literacy tasks that involved using text outside of the reading to learn

the skill. To keep students motivated and engaged, teachers must be effective

and confident in Inquiry-Based Learning.

As such, Vadil (2016) also supports the findings as he correlated student

motivation with students’ partaking in an engaging and meaningful learning

assignments often associated with Inquiry-Based Learning. The results

concluded that students’ engagement in high-level thoughts may be

significantly predicted by their motivations. Both elaboration and critical thinking

strategies used were effectively modelled in the Inquiry-Based Learning setting.

The study mentioned already the baseline information on the

conceptualization and conducts of the present study which led to a hypothesis,

that Inquiry-Based Learning have significant effects on students’ performance

in Mathematics.

8. Proposed Intervention Plan as to the Teaching of Mathematics in

Grade 7 using Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL)

For the output of the study, the researcher crafted an intervention plan

on the use of Inquiry-Based Learning in teaching Mathematics in Grade 7. The


key result areas are based on the Philippine Professional Standards for

Teachers (PPST) as to the standards of teaching performance.

Table 8
Intervention Plan in the Use of Inquiry-Based Learning in Teaching Mathematics
Key Result Objectives Suggested Activities for Duration/ Person Expected
Area Intervention Resources Involved Outcome

Use of Introduce the The Global Concept or the 4Cs Every quarter Mathematics Students will
Inquiry-Based ideas and (Curious, Connect, Teacher be able to
Communicate, Create) – This Worksheets on
Learning concepts of think globally
activity encourages the students to Inquiry-Based
Approach in Inquiry-based Learning through the
pursue concepts in ways that speak
Constructivist learning to them personally, creating a use of
Classroom strong connection with the materials Slides Inquiry-
or concepts to be learned in prepared Based
mathematics Learning.

Cycle of Inquiry – This activity will Every quarter Mathematics Students will
inspire the students to be curious Teacher be able to
about expense tracking and Worksheets on
connect real
connect math concepts to balancing Inquiry-Based
Learning life situations
a bank account to communicate the
importance of tracking expenses on the
responsibility. Slides importance
prepared of tracking

To inspire Picture Graphing – This activity Every quarter Mathematics Students will
students to enables the learners to be inspired Teacher be able to
to be curious about mathematical Worksheets on
apply think critically
graphing and connect this to visual Inquiry-Based
mathematical Learning on
images to communicate the role
graphing into graphing can play in creative visualizing
creative life activities and design. Slides images.
activities prepared

Use of To promote Embracing Small Group and Every quarter Mathematics Students will
Inquiry-Based free Learning Stations – This Inquiry- Teacher be able to
based learning activity will help all Worksheets on
Learning communication more open to
learners by addressing knowledge Inquiry-Based
Environment among Learning communicate
gaps, promote collaboration and
and Diversity teachers and communication among students, with teachers
of Learners students give teachers more opportunities for Slides for
feedback, and encourage prepared feedbacking.
independent learning.

To assessed Alternative Testing Options – Every quarter Mathematics Students will

students This Inquiry-Based Learning is an Teacher be able to be
alternative testing avenue for Worksheets on
quickly and assessed
individual learners or the class as a Inquiry-Based Students
efficiently Learning accordingly.
whole. It could be through drawings
or pictures, and with the use of their

own notes or portfolios. Slides


Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of the findings, the conclusions

arrived at and the recommendations borne out of the findings of the study.


This study entitled “Utilization of Inquiry-Based Learning in Mathematics

Among Grade 7 Students in Sico 1.0 National High School (Grade 7-12) was

undertaken to reveal the performance of the Grade 7 students in Mathematics

using the intervention called Inquiry-Based Learning.

The study was conducted to the Grade 7 students of Sico 1.0 National

High School in San Juan Batangas, Division of Batangas. There were two

groups of respondents who were labelled as Non-Inquiry-Based Learning and

Inquiry-Based Learning groups. Each of the group was composed of thirty-four

(34) Grade 7 students who were taught by the researcher. The quasi-

experimental study was used by the researcher. The Pre-test-Post-test Control

Group Design was utilized to gather the relevant data needed in the completion

of the study.

The SPSS Version 20.0 was utilized to compute vital statistical data for

the study. Furthermore, statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation and t-

test were used to probe on the statistical part of the research.

The researcher came up with the following findings. Table 9 shows the

summary of the findings.

1. Performance in Pretest of the Two Groups of

Based from the data obtained from the pre-test scores revealed a 14.50

mean scores for Non-Inquiry-Based Learning group and 16.73 mean scores for

Inquiry-Based Learning group.

2. Difference Between the Results of Pretest of Two Groups

There is no significant difference between the results of the pre-test of the

two groups.

3. Performance in Posttest of the Two Groups of Respondents

Based from the data obtained from the posttest scores revealed a 23.94

mean scores for Non- Inquiry-Based Learning group and 40.11 mean scores for

Inquiry-Based Learning group.

4. Difference Between the Results of Posttest of Two Groups


Based from the computed t value of 9.92 and p-value of 0.000 which is

lower than the critical value of 0.05 showed that the posttest scores of the Non-

Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning groups had a significant


5. Difference Between the Results of Pretest and Posttest of Each


There was a no significant difference between the pretest and

posttest performances of the Non- Inquiry-Based Learning group and the use of

traditional method of teaching Mathematics did not make a significant

difference in the scores of the students. However, there was a significant

difference between the pretest and posttest performances of the participants of

the Inquiry-Based Learning group and the use of Inquiry-Based Learning in

teaching Mathematics to the students was significant to their achievement in

the said subject area.

6. Learning Gained by the Two Groups

The learning gains of the Inquiry-Based Learning was only 3.99 while

the Inquiry-Based Learning group was 8.60.

7. Difference Between the Learning Gains of the Two Groups


Based from the computed data, the computed t-value of 7.983 and p-value

of 0.000 is lower than the critical value of 0.05, which shows that there was a

significant difference between the learning gains of the two groups of subject.

Therefore, the formulated hypothesis was rejected.

8. Proposed Intervention Plan Based on the Findings

The intervention plan crafted and proposed by the researcher was based

on the findings of the study. The key result areas on content knowledge and

pedagogy and learning environment and diversity of learners helped the

researcher to craft the suggested intervention activities.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were


1. The subjects of the study have the same performance of below

expectation in the pre-test.

2. There is no significant difference between the pretest scores of the Non-

Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning groups and attested

to the equal level of achievement by the two groups used in the study.

3. There is a significant difference between the posttest scores of the Non-

Inquiry-Based Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning as such the use of


Inquiry-Based Learning in teaching Mathematics made a significant

difference in the posttest achievement of the treatment group.

4. There is no significant difference between the pretest and posttest

scores of the Non- Inquiry-Based Learning groups and the use of the

traditional method of teaching made no significant difference in the

posttest achievement of the Non- Inquiry-Based Learning group.

5. There is also a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test

scores of the Inquiry-Based Learning group and the use of Inquiry-Based

Learning significantly increased the scores of the treatment group.

6. There is a big increase in the learning gains of the Inquiry-Based

Learning group while a minimal increase in the learning gains was

achieved in the Non-Inquiry-Based Learning group.

7. There is significant difference between the learning gains of the two

groups based on the use of Inquiry-Based Learning as a tool in

instruction in Mathematics.

8. Mathematics teachers can help improve the performance of their

students with the use of the Inquiry-Based Learning indicated in the

proposed intervention plan.

9. The use of inquiry-based in teaching Mathematics 7 is effective

teaching-learning approach for better student’s performance.



To support the use of the Inquiry-Based Learning in teaching

Mathematics, the following are recommended.

1. Mathematics teachers should use Inquiry-Based Learning for other

lessons to be used in topics other than Basic Statistics.

2. Mathematics teachers can use the Inquiry-Based Learning to re-

teach the concepts and skills.

3. School administrators should provide workshops, seminars and

trainings about the use of Inquiry-Based Learning in the classroom.

4. Conduct a similar study covering a bigger number of respondents in

a much longer period.

5. The school may use the proposed intervention plan of their

Mathematics teacher as guide and future references.



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Letter to the Principal

February 18, 2020


Public Schools District Supervisor
San Juan District, San Juan Batangas
Department of Education, Division of Batangas


The undersigned is currently working on the thesis entitled “MATHEMATICS ANXIETY

for the degree, Master of Arts in Education major in Mathematics.

In line with this, I am humbly requesting for your good office to allow me to distribute
the research questionnaire to the selected Grade 12 HUMSS students of San Juan
Your favorable approval to this request will be highly appreciated. Rest assured that I
would be abiding all the District’s existing rules and regulations within its parameters.

I am hoping that this letter will merit your most favorable response. Your support and
cooperation will be greatly valued. Thank you very much and God bless.




Recommending Approval:


Research Adviser



Public Schools District Supervisor


School SICO 1.0 NATIONAL Grade Level 7

- 12 Area
DAILY Date February 3, 2020 Quarter FOURTH
LESSON LOG Time JASMINE - 8:15-9:15

I. OBJECTIVES 1. Define statistics.

2. Identify the uses and importance of Statistics.
3. Explain the importance of Statistics
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts,
uses and importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering
and the different forms of data representation, measures of
central tendency, measures of variability, and probability.
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to collect and organize data
systematically and compute accurately measures of central
tendency and variability and apply these appropriately in
data analysis and interpretation in different fields.
C. Learning Explains the importance of Statistics.
Competency/Objectives M7SP-IVa-1
Write the LC code for each.



A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Powerpoint presentation, monitor, worksheet
A. Reviewing previous Preliminaries
lesson or presenting “Sing a Song”
the new lesson Data, Data
(In tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Data, Data What are you?
B. Establishing a purpose We COLLECT you, oh it’s true.
for the lesson ANALYZE you that’s my plan
INTERPRET to understand
Data, Data what are you?
I’ll PRESENT you right on cue.

a. Using a tape measure or a meter stick, measure your

individual arm span. Use the centimeter (cm) unit of length.
Round off measures to the nearest cm.
b. On the board, write your measures individually.
C. Presenting examples/
Instances of the new

D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing

new skills # 1
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills # 2
F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3)

G. Finding practical
application of concepts
and skills in daily living.
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning

J. Additional activities for

application or



A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:


School SICO 1.0 NATIONAL Grade Level 7

12 Area
DAILY Date February 10, 2020 Quarter FOURTH
LESSON LOG Time JASMINE - 8:15-9:15

II. OBJECTIVES 1.Identify the population and sample in the statement.

2. Poses problems that can be solved using Statistics.
3. Value accumulated knowledge in real life situation.
D. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts,
uses and importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering
and the different forms of data representation, measures of
central tendency, measures of variability, and probability.
E. Performance Standard The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically
and compute accurately measures of central tendency and
variability and apply these appropriately in data analysis and
interpretation in different fields.
F. Learning Poses problems that can be solved using Statistics.
Competency/Objectives M7SP-IVa-2
Write the LC code for each.

III. CONTENT Problems Involving Statistics


C. References
5. Teacher’s Guide
6. Learner’s Materials
7. Textbook pages Grade 7 Learner’s Material pp., 237 – 238
Grade 7 e-math by Oronce & Mendoza pp. 480 – 482
8. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
D. Other Learning Resource Powerpoint presentation, monitor, show me board
K. Reviewing previous Preliminaries
lesson or presenting the “WikaRambulan!”
new lesson The students will be grouped into 4 groups and each
group should have a
“show me board”. The group will guess the words related
L. Establishing a purpose for to Statistics by
the lesson giving the correct word based on the phrase that the
teacher will show. The
phrases are sounds like of the correct word. After one
minute the group will
raise the show me board. The group with the highest
score will receive
additional points on the performance task.
Example: Is That This Sticks - Statistics
1. Pop Fuel Lay Show On 6. Sent Sew Is
2. Run Doe Am 7. Call Like Shall On
3. Hour Bear Wage 8. An All List See Is
4. Sum Am Fall 9. Press Scent Tie Shown
5. The A Ta 10. In Tire Pre At
M. Presenting examples/
Instances of the new

N. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills #
O. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #

P. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3)

Q. Finding practical Assessment

application of concepts
and skills in daily living.
R. Making generalizations
and abstractions about
the lesson
S. Evaluating learning

T. Additional activities for

application or remediation
Write 3 problems in the real life that shows the application of
using the idea of population and sample. Underline the
population once
and twice the sample.
H. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
I. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
J. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson

K. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation
L. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
M. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
N. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other


Prepared by:


School SICO 1.0 NATIONAL Grade Level 7

12 Area
DAILY Date February 17, 2020 Quarter FOURTH
LESSON LOG Time JASMINE - 8:15-9:15

VI. OBJECTIVES 1. Identify the methods in data collection.

2. Make a survey form.
3. Value accumulated knowledge in real life situation.
G. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts,
uses and importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering
and the different forms of data representation, measures of
central tendency, measures of variability, and probability.
H. Performance Standard The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically
and compute accurately measures of central tendency and
variability and apply these appropriately in data analysis and
interpretation in different fields.
I. Learning Formulates simple statistical instruments.
Competency/Objectives M7SP-IVa-3
Write the LC code for each.

VII. CONTENT Formulates simple statistical instruments.

E. References
9. Teacher’s Guide
10. Learner’s Materials
11. Textbook pages E-math by Oronce and Mendoza, Rex Book Store, pp.485-

12. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
F. Other Learning Resource Powerpoint presentation, monitor
U. Reviewing previous Preliminaries
lesson or presenting the Data are collected from different sectors such as
new lesson business, education,
medicine, etc. A leading newspaper conducted a survey
on honesty.
V. Establishing a purpose for Below are the five questions asked to the readers.
the lesson

1. What is the population for this honest survey? What is

the Sample?
2. Suppose 200 students in your school complete the
survey and 180
students answer “No” to Question 4, what percent of the
said they would not cheat on the exam?
W. Presenting examples/
Instances of the new

X. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills #
Y. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #

Z. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3)

AA. Finding practical

application of concepts
and skills in daily living.
BB. Making generalizations
and abstractions about
the lesson
CC. Evaluating learning

DD. Additional activities for

application or remediation

O. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
P. No. of learners who require

additional activities for

remediation who scored below
Q. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson

R. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation
S. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
T. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
U. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:


School SICO 1.0 NATIONAL Grade Level 7

12 Area
DAILY Date February 24, 2020 Quarter FOURTH
LESSON LOG Time JASMINE - 8:15-9:15

X. OBJECTIVES 1. Sort and organize data in frequency table

2. Appreciate the importance of organizing data in
frequency table.
J. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts,
uses and importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering
and the different forms of data representation, measures of
central tendency, measures of variability, and probability.
K. Performance Standard The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically
and compute accurately measures of central tendency and

variability and apply these appropriately in data analysis and

interpretation in different fields.
L. Learning Organizes data in a frequency distribution table.
Competency/Objectives M7SP-IVc-1
Write the LC code for each.

3. CONTENT Organizing Data in Frequency Table: Ungrouped

G. References
13. Teacher’s Guide
14. Learner’s Materials
15. Textbook pages Mathematics for the 21st Century Learner pages 316 – 317;
Marilou C. Geruela
16. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
H. Other Learning Resource Powerpoint presentation, monitor
EE. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the Preliminaries
new lesson

FF. Establishing a purpose for

the lesson

GG. Presenting examples/

Instances of the new
HH. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #

II. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills #
JJ. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3)

KK. Finding practical

application of concepts
and skills in daily living.
LL. Making generalizations
and abstractions about
the lesson
MM.Evaluating learning

NN. Additional activities for

application or remediation

V. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
W. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
X. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
Y. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
Z. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
AA. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
BB. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
Prepared by:



School SICO 1.0 NATIONAL Grade Level 7

12 Area
DAILY Date February 3, 2020 Quarter FOURTH
LESSON LOG Time IRIS - 7:15-8:15

XI. OBJECTIVES 7. Define statistics.

8. Identify the uses and importance of Statistics.
9. Explain the importance of Statistics
M. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses and
importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering and the different
forms of data representation, measures of central tendency,
measures of variability, and probability.
N. Performance The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically and
Standard compute accurately measures of central tendency and variability
and apply these appropriately in data analysis and interpretation in
different fields.
O. Learning Explains the importance of Statistics.
Competency/Objectiv M7SP-IVa-1
Write the LC code for


I. References
17. Teacher’s
Guide pages
18. Learner’s
19. Textbook
20. Additional
Materials from

J. Other Learning Powerpoint presentation, monitor, worksheet
OO. Reviewing ACTIVITY COT Indicator
previous lesson or No 3.
presenting the new Applies a range
lesson of teaching
strategies to
develop critical
PP. Establishing a and creative
purpose for the thinking, as well
lesson as other higher
order thinking
COT Indicator
Integration: English No. 4.
Skills: Literacy Manages
Approach: Inquiry-based classroom
Strategies: Think-pair share structure to
individually or in
groups, in
discovery and
activities within
a range of
physical learning
COT Indicator
No. 6.
experiences to
gender, needs,
interests and

QQ. Presenting CONSTRUCTION COT Indicator

examples/ No. 1.
Instances of the Applies
knowledge of
new lesson content within
and across
RR. Discussing new curriculum
concepts and teaching areas.
practicing new COT Indicator
skills # 1 No. 2.
SS. Discussing new Uses a range of
concepts and teaching
practicing new strategies that
enhance learner
skills # 2
achievement in
TT. Developing literacy and
mastery numeracy skills.
(leads to Formative COT Indicator
Assessment 3) No. 5. Manages
learner behavior
constructively by
applying positive
and non-violent
discipline to
ensure learning
Integration: English
Skills: Literacy/Numeracy
Approach: Inquiry-based
COT Indicator
Strategies: Direct Instruction/Discussion
No. 8. Selects,
organizes, and
uses appropriate
teaching and
including ICT, to
address learning

UU. Finding practical EVALUATION COT Indicator

application of No. 7.
concepts and skills Planned,
in daily living. managed and
VV. Making implemented
generalizations developmentall
and abstractions y sequenced
about the lesson teaching and

WW. Evaluating learning

learning processes to
XX. Additional activities curriculum
for application or requirements
remediation and varied
COT Indicator
No. 9.
organized and
Skills: Literacy formative and
Approach: Inquiry-based summative
Strategies: Activity Based/ Learner-Led Activity assessment
consistent with
CC. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
DD. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%.
EE. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
FF. No. of learners who
continue to require
GG. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
HH. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
II. What innovation or
localized materials did I

use/discover which I
wish to share with other

School SICO 1.0 NATIONAL Grade Level 7

12 Area
DAILY Date February 10, 2020 Quarter FOURTH
LESSON LOG Time IRIS - 7:15-8:15

XII. OBJEC 1.Identify the population and sample in the statement.

TIVES 2. Poses problems that can be solved using Statistics.
3. Value accumulated knowledge in real life situation.
P. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses
and importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering and the
different forms of data representation, measures of central
tendency, measures of variability, and probability.
Q. Performance The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically and
Standard compute accurately measures of central tendency and variability
and apply these appropriately in data analysis and interpretation
in different fields.
R. Learning Poses problems that can be solved using Statistics.
Competency/Objective M7SP-IVa-2
Write the LC code for

XIII. CONTENT Problems Involving Statistics

K. References
21. Teacher’s Guide
22. Learner’s
Materials pages
23. Textbook pages Grade 7 Learner’s Material pp., 237 – 238
Grade 7 e-math by Oronce & Mendoza pp. 480 – 482
24. Additional
Materials from

L. Other Learning Powerpoint presentation, monitor, show me board
YY. Reviewing previous ACTIVITY COT Indicator No 3.
lesson or presenting Applies a range of
teaching strategies
the new lesson to develop critical
and creative
ZZ. Establishing a thinking, as well as
other higher order
purpose for the
thinking skills.
lesson COT Indicator No.
4. Manages
classroom structure
to engage learners,
Integration: English individually or in
Skills: Literacy groups, in
Approach: Inquiry-Based meaningful
Strategies: Think-pair share exploration,
discovery and
hands-on activities
within a range of
physical learning
COT Indicator No.
Uses differentiated,
appropriate learning
experiences to
address learners’
gender, needs,
strengths, interests
and experiences.
AAA. Presenting CONSTRUCTION COT Indicator
examples/ No. 1.
Instances of the new Applies
knowledge of
lesson content within
and across
BBB. Discussing new curriculum
concepts and teaching areas.
practicing new skills COT Indicator
#1 No. 2.
CCC. Discussing new Uses a range of
concepts and teaching
practicing new skills strategies that
enhance learner

DDD. Developing achievement in

mastery literacy and
(leads to Formative numeracy skills.
COT Indicator
Assessment 3) No. 5. Manages
learner behavior
constructively by
applying positive
and non-violent
discipline to
ensure learning
COT Indicator
No. 8. Selects,
organizes, and
uses appropriate
Integration: English teaching and
Skills: Litearacy/Numeracy learning
Approach: Inquiry-Based resources,
Strategies: Direct Instruction/Discussion including ICT, to
address learning

EEE. Finding practical EVALUATION COT Indicator

application of No. 7. Planned,
concepts and skills in managed and
daily living. implemented
FFF. Making developmentally
generalizations and sequenced
abstractions about teaching and
the lesson learning
GGG. Evaluating processes to
learning meet curriculum
HHH. Additional Skills: Numercy and varied
activities for Approach: Inquiry-Based teaching
application or Strategies: Activity Based/ Learner-Led Activity contexts.
remediation COT Indicator
No. 9.
organized and
used diagnostic
formative and

consistent with
JJ. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
KK. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
LL. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
MM. No. of learners who
continue to require
NN. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
OO. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
PP. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by:


School SICO 1.0 NATIONAL Grade Level 7

- 12 Area
DAILY Date February 17, 2020 Quarter FOURTH
LESSON LOG Time IRIS - 7:15-8:15

XVI. OBJEC 1. Identify the methods in data collection.

TIVES 2. Make a survey form.
3. Value accumulated knowledge in real life situation.
S. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses
and importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering and the
different forms of data representation, measures of central
tendency, measures of variability, and probability.
T. Performance The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically and
Standard compute accurately measures of central tendency and variability
and apply these appropriately in data analysis and interpretation
in different fields.
U. Learning Formulates simple statistical instruments.
Competency/Objective M7SP-IVa-3
Write the LC code for

XVII. CONTENT Formulates simple statistical instruments.

M. References
25. Teacher’s Guide
26. Learner’s
Materials pages
27. Textbook pages E-math by Oronce and Mendoza, Rex Book Store, pp.485-488.
28. Additional
Materials from
N. Other Learning Powerpoint presentation, monitor
III. Reviewing previous ACTIVITY COT Indicator No
lesson or presenting 3.
the new lesson Applies a range
of teaching

JJJ. Establishing a strategies to

purpose for the develop critical
lesson and creative
thinking, as well
as other higher
order thinking
COT Indicator
No. 4.
structure to
Integration: English engage learners,
Skills: Literacy individually or in
Approach: Inquiry-based groups, in
Strategies: Think-pair share meaningful
discovery and
activities within a
range of physical
COT Indicator
No. 6.
experiences to
address learners’
gender, needs,
interests and
KKK. Presenting CONSTRUCTION COT Indicator
examples/ No. 1.
Instances of the new Applies
knowledge of
lesson content within
and across
LLL.Discussing new curriculum
concepts and teaching areas.
practicing new skills COT Indicator
#1 No. 2.
MMM. Discussing new Uses a range of
concepts and teaching
practicing new skills Integration: English strategies that

#2 Skills: Litearacy/Numeracy enhance learner

NNN. Developing Approach: Inquiry-based achievement in
mastery Strategies: Direct Instruction/Discussion literacy and
numeracy skills.
(leads to Formative
COT Indicator
Assessment 3) No. 5. Manages
learner behavior
constructively by
applying positive
and non-violent
discipline to
ensure learning
COT Indicator
No. 8. Selects,
organizes, and
uses appropriate
teaching and
including ICT, to
address learning

OOO. Finding practical EVALUATION COT Indicator

application of No. 7. Planned,
concepts and skills in managed and
daily living. implemented
PPP. Making sequenced
generalizations and teaching and
abstractions about learning
the lesson processes to
QQQ. Evaluating meet curriculum
learning requirements and
varied teaching
RRR. Additional COT Indicator
activities for No. 9. Designed,
application or selected,
Skills: Numercy
remediation organized and
Approach: Inquiry-based
Strategies: Activity Based/ Learner-Led Activity used diagnostic
formative and
consistent with

QQ. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
RR. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
SS. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
TT. No. of learners who
continue to require
UU. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
VV. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
WW. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by:


School SICO 1.0 NATIONAL Grade Level 7

- 12 Area
DAILY Date February 24, 2020 Quarter FOURTH
LESSON LOG Time IRIS - 7:15-8:15

XX. OBJEC 6. Sort and organize data in frequency table

TIVES 7. Appreciate the importance of organizing data in frequency

V. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses

and importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering and the
different forms of data representation, measures of central
tendency, measures of variability, and probability.
W. Performance The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically and
Standard compute accurately measures of central tendency and variability
and apply these appropriately in data analysis and interpretation
in different fields.
X. Learning Organizes data in a frequency distribution table.
Competency/Objective M7SP-IVc-1
Write the LC code for

8. CONTENT Organizing Data in Frequency Table: Ungrouped

O. References
29. Teacher’s Guide
30. Learner’s
Materials pages
31. Textbook pages Mathematics for the 21st Century Learner pages 316 – 317;
Marilou C. Geruela
32. Additional
Materials from
P. Other Learning Powerpoint presentation, monitor
SSS. Reviewing ACTIVITY COT Indicator No
previous lesson or 3.
presenting the new Applies a range of
lesson teaching strategies
to develop critical
and creative
TTT. Establishing a thinking, as well as
purpose for the other higher order
lesson thinking skills.
COT Indicator No.
4. Manages
structure to

engage learners,
individually or in
groups, in
discovery and
hands-on activities
within a range of
physical learning
COT Indicator No.
Integration: English developmentally
Skills: Literacy appropriate
Approach: Inquiry-based learning
Strategies: Think-pair share experiences to
address learners’
gender, needs,
strengths, interests
and experiences.
UUU. Presenting CONSTRUCTION COT Indicator No.
examples/ 1.
Instances of the new Applies knowledge
of content within
lesson and across
VVV. Discussing new teaching areas.
concepts and COT Indicator No.
practicing new skills 2.
#1 Uses a range of
WWW. Discussing new teaching strategies
concepts and that enhance
practicing new skills learner
achievement in
literacy and
XXX. Developing numeracy skills.
mastery Integration: English
COT Indicator No.
Skills: Litearacy/Numeracy
(leads to Formative 5. Manages
Approach: Inquiry-based
Assessment 3) learner behavior
Strategies: Direct Instruction/Discussion
constructively by
applying positive
and non-violent
discipline to ensure
learning focused
COT Indicator No.
8. Selects,

organizes, and
uses appropriate
teaching and
learning resources,
including ICT, to
address learning

YYY. Finding practical EVALUATION COT Indicator

application of No. 7. Planned,
concepts and skills in managed and
daily living. implemented
ZZZ. Making developmentally
generalizations and sequenced
abstractions about teaching and
the lesson learning
AAAA. Evaluating processes to
learning meet curriculum
requirements and
BBBB. Additional varied teaching
activities for contexts.
application or COT Indicator
remediation Skills: Numercy No. 9. Designed,
Approach: Inquiry-based selected,
Strategies: Activity Based/ Learner-Led Activity organized and
used diagnostic
formative and
consistent with
XX. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
YY. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
ZZ. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the

AAA. No. of learners who

continue to require
BBB. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
CCC. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
DDD. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:




Number of Percentage of Number of EASY AVERAGE DIFFICULT
Days Time Items Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Creating Evaluating

Explains the basic concepts, uses and

M7SP-IVa-1 4 20.00% 6 1,2,3 4,5 6
importance of Statistics.

Poses problems that can be solved using

M7SP-IVa-2 4 20.00% 9 7,8 9,10,11 12 13,14 15

Formulates simple statistical instruments. M7SP-IVa-3 4 20.00% 15 16,17,18,19 20,21,22 23,24 25 26,27 28,29,30

Gathers statistical data. M7SP-IVb-1 4 20.00% 12 31,32,33 34,35 36,37,38 39,40 41 42

Organizes data in a frequency distribution 4 20.00% 8 43,44,45 46,47 48,49 50

20 100.00%
50 15 10 10 5 5 5
Prepared by:
Noted by:



Number of Percentage of Number of EASY AVERAGE DIFFICULT
Days Time Items Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Creating Evaluating

Explains the basic concepts, uses and

M7SP-IVa-1 4 20.00% 6 1 2,3 4 5 6
importance of Statistics.

Poses problems that can be solved using

M7SP-IVa-2 4 20.00% 9 7,8,9,10 11 12,13 14 15

Formulates simple statistical instruments. M7SP-IVa-3 4 20.00% 15 16,17,18,19 20,21 22,23,24 25 26,27,28 29,30

Gathers statistical data. M7SP-IVb-1 4 20.00% 12 31,32,33 34,35,36 37,38,39 40 41 42

Organizes data in a frequency distribution 4 20.00% 8 43,44 45,46,47 48 49 50

20 100.00%
50 15 10 10 5 5 5
Prepared by:
Noted by:


Direction: Choose the correct answer. Shade the letter of the correct answer on your answer

1. It is the branch of mathematics concerned with the techniques by which data are collected,
organized, analyzed and

A. Information Technology C. Trigonometry
B. Statistics D. Geometry
2. It is a sub-collection of elements drawn from a population.
A. Sample B. Census C. data D. interview
3. Which concept or process in statistics uses graphs, histograms and pie charts to illustrate
organized data?
A. gathering or collecting data C. interpretation
B. presentation D. analysis
4. The following are the importance of statistics in business except:
A. Production Planning B. Quality of Product
C. Cash flow D. Capital Resources
5. Which of the following is the importance of statistics in banking.
A. Production Planning B. Quality of Product
C. Cash flow D. Capital Resources
6. When Lola Flora buys a cavan of rice for her carinderia, she examines only a handful of rice
from the cavan to find out whether it is of good quality or not. Identify the sample in the given
A. Cavan of rice B. adobo C. Lola Flora D. handful of rice
7. When Chef Boy wants to know the taste of the food he is preparing, he takes a spoonful of
the food. Identify
the population.
A. Food B. spoonful of food C. cake D. menudo
8. Given are samples taken from population. Identify the possible population. i. scores in Math
on a test
A. scores in ESP on a test C. scores in All subject on a test
B. scores in English on a test D. scores in Science on a test
9. It is like a histogram except that its bars are separated.
A. Histogram B. bar graph C. line graph D. pie graph
10. A student’s weekly allowance of P1,200.00 is allotted for: Food - P500.00, Bills - P250.00,
School Expenses -
P300.00 and Savings - P150.00. What kind of graph is appropriate to present these data?
A. pie chart B. line graph C. bar graph D. histogram
11. The data of the graph below is taken from the ledger of SDA Buy and Sell in a certain
week. Which day shows the greatest profit?

A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Wednesday D. Friday


12. Is a direct method of gathering data because the data came directly from the source.
A. Interview B. Observation C. Questionnaire D. Experimentation

13.Referred as indirect method of gathering data because this makes use of written questions
to be answered by the respondent.

A. Interview B. Observation
C. Questionnaire D. Experimentation

For items 15 - 17 .
The number of call center agents on duty at a call center is grouped into a
distribution as follows:
Number of on Duty Number of Days
25-27 6
22-24 12
19-21 4
16-18 2

15. What is the class size?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
16. How many days were there at most 24 call center agents?
A. 4 B. 6 C. 12 D. 18
17 . How many days were there at least 19 call center agents?
A. 6 B. 12 C. 18 D. 22
18. It is a complete collection of all elements ( scores, people, …) to be studied.

A. Population C. Trigonometry
B. Statistics D. Geometry
19. It is a collection of data from every element in a population.
A. Population C. Census
B. Statistics D. Geometry
20. It is a sub-collection of elements drawn from a population.
A. Population C. Sample
B. Statistics D. Geometry
21. It is is used by physicists and behavioral scientists in collecting data.
A. Subject C. Survey
B. Experimentation D. Interview
22. Data collected using face-to-face interviews or Written questionnaires.
A. Data C. investigator
B. Sample D. Survey
23. The information collected.
A. Data C. investigator

B. Sample D. Survey
24. A small part of a group chosen to represent the whole group.
A. Data C. investigator
B. Sample D. Survey
25. The method used by the physicist in collecting data.
A. Data C. Experimentation
B. Sample D. Survey
26. The person who gathers data using the observation method
A. Investigator C. Experimentation
B. Sample D. Survey
27. Referred as indirect method of gathering data because this makes use of written questions
to be answered by
the respondent.
A. Investigator C. Experimentation
B. Questionaire D. Survey
28. We can collect primary data by the use of observation.
A. True B. False
29. Secondary data is the information that we can collect from the registration or census
A. True B. False
30. Interview method makes use of the different human senses in gathering information.
A. True B. False
31. Tabular form is a data presentation which the information is presented in rows and
A. True B. False
32. Experimentation method is usually conducted in laboratories where specimens are
subjected to find out the
cause and effect relationship.
A. True B. False

33-35. Mrs. Angon a Mathematics Teacher in Rosario National High School give a long quiz to
her students. Given
the set of scores of 60 students in a 50 item test, construct a frequency distribution

33. What is the class interval?

A. 6 C. 8
B. 7 D. 9
34. Solve for the range.
A. 10 C. 30
B. 20 D. 40
35.What is the class size in the problem?
A. 5 C. 7

B. 6 D. 8
36. Which is the best type of graph to show the number of people in four different barangays?
A. line graph B. bar graph C. pictograph D.
circle graph
37. Which is the best type of graph to show the proportion of students who own a cat, dog,
fish, bird, or no pet?
A. circle graph B. line graph C. pictograph D. bar graph
38. Which type of graph would best show the percentage of female students who have very
short, short, shoulder
length, and long hair?
A. pictograph B. circle graph C. bar graph D.
line graph
39. It is a piece of data that occurs most frequently in the data set.
A. mean B. median C. mode D.
40. Which type of graph would best show increase in the number of teachers in a public school
in a municipality?
A. bar graph B. line graph C. circle graph D.
41. It is a numerical average of the data set.
A. mean B. median C. mode D.
42. It is the number that is in the middle of a set of data.
A. mean B. median C. mode D.
43. Which is the best type of graph to show the kilograms of garbage and kilograms of
recycling produced by four
different schools?
A. circle graph B. pictograph C. line graph D.
bar graph
For no. 44-46.
Calculate the measures of central tendency of travel time of students in going to school.
Classes Frequency X fx Cf
32-35 4 33.5 134 69
28-31 12 29.5 354 65
24-27 3 25.5 76.5 53
20-23 5 21.5 107.5 50
16-19 15 17.5 262.5 45
12-15 11 13.5 148.5 30
8-11 3 9.5 28.5 19
4-7 9 5.5 49.5 16
0-3 7 1.5 10.5 7
i= 4 n= 69 Ʃfx = 1171.5

44. Find the mean.


A. 16.98 B. 21 C. 22 D. 23
45. Compute the median.
A. 16.70 B. 18 C. 19 D. 20
46. Find the mode.
A. 18.34 B. 19 C. 20 D. 21
47. Range, standard deviation, and variance are similar in that each looks at
A. the difference between high and low scores C. the collection to be
B. the central score. D. how spread out the
48. Professor Guevara wants to ensure he is thorough in his review of student performance, so
he decides to
calculate 'standard deviation' as well. What must Professor Dublin do to figure out this
measure of variability?
A. Identify the central score. C. Identify how far from
average each score is.
B. Find the score that occurs most often. D. Plot scores on a bell
49. If the range of a set of scores is 14 and the lowest score is 7, what is the highest
A. 21 B. 14 C. 24
D. 7
50 . Which measure of statistics describes how widely the data are dispersed about a central
A. Mean B. Mode C. Median D.
standard deviation


Direction: Choose the correct answer. Shade the letter of the correct answer on your answer

1. It is the branch of mathematics concerned with the techniques by which data are
collected, organized, analyzed and
1. Statistics C.

2. Information Technology D. Geometry

2. It is a complete collection of all elements ( scores, people, …) to be studied.
A. Census B. Statistics C. Population D. Sample
3. Which concept or process in statistics uses graphs, histograms and pie charts to
illustrate organized data?
A. gathering or collecting data C. interpretation
B. presentation D. analysis
4. Which of the following is the importance of statistics in banking.
A. Production Planning B. Quality of Product C. Cash flow
D. Capital Resources
5. It is a sub-collection of elements drawn from a population.
A. Sample B. Census C. data
D. interview
6. When Chef Boy wants to know the taste of the food he is preparing, he takes a
spoonful of the food. Identify
the population.
A. Food B. spoonful of food C. cake
D. menudo
7. When Lola Flora buys a cavan of rice for her carinderia, she examines only a handful
of rice from the cavan to
find out whether it is of good quality or not. Identify the sample in the given
B. Cavan of rice B. adobo C. Lola Flora D. handful
of rice
8. It is like a histogram except that its bars are separated.
A. Histogram B. bar graph C. line graph
D. pie graph

9. Given are samples taken from population. Identify the possible population.
i. scores in Math on a test
A. scores in ESP on a test C. scores in All
subject on a test
B. scores in English on a test D. scores in Science
on a test
10. A student’s weekly allowance of P1,200.00 is allotted for: Food - P500.00, Bills -
P250.00, School Expenses -
P300.00 and Savings - P150.00. What kind of graph is appropriate to present
these data?
A. pie chart B. line graph C. bar graph
D. histogram

11. Is a direct method of gathering data because the data came directly from the
A. Interview B. Observation C. Questionnaire
D. Experimentation
12. It is usually conducted in laboratories where specimens are subjected to some
aspects of control to find out
cause and effect relationships.
A. Interview B. Observation C. Questionnaire
D. Experimentation
13. Referred as indirect method of gathering data because this makes use of written
questions to be answered by
the respondent.
A. Interview B. Observation C. Questionnaire
D. Experimentation
14. The data of the graph below is taken from the ledger of SDA Buy and Sell in a
certain week. Which day shows the greatest profit?


A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Wednesday

D. Friday

For items 15 - 17 .
The number of call center agents on duty at a call center is grouped into a
distribution as follows:
Number of on Duty Number of Days
25-27 6
22-24 12
19-21 4

16-18 2

15. What is the class size?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4
D. 5
16. How many days were there at most 24 call center agents?
A. 4 B. 6 C. 12
D. 18
17 . How many days were there at least 19 call center agents?
A. 6 B. 12 C. 18
D. 22
18. Which is the best type of graph to show the number of people in four different
A. line graph B. bar graph C. pictograph
D. circle graph
19. Which is the best type of graph to show the proportion of students who own a cat,
dog, fish, bird, or no pet?
A. circle graph B. line graph C. pictograph
D. bar graph
20. Which type of graph would best show the percentage of female students who have
very short, short, shoulder
length, and long hair?
A. pictograph B. circle graph C. bar graph
D. line graph
21. It is a piece of data that occurs most frequently in the data set.
A. mean B. median C. mode
D. range
22. Which type of graph would best show increase in the number of teachers in a
public school in a municipality?
A. bar graph B. line graph C. circle graph
D. pictograph
23. It is a numerical average of the data set.
A. mean B. median C. mode
D. range
24. It is the number that is in the middle of a set of data.
A. mean B. median C. mode
D. range
25. Which is the best type of graph to show the kilograms of garbage and kilograms of
recycling produced by four
different schools?
A. circle graph B. pictograph C. line graph
D. bar graph
For no. 26 – 28 .
The following are scores obtained by 10 students in an achievement test.
47 45 35 44 48 39 37 29 28 50

26. What is the mean?

A. 28 B. 35 C. 40.2
D. 45
27. What is the median?
A. 39 B. 41.5 C. 43.5
D. 44
28. What is the range?
A. 22 B. 23 C. 24
D. 25
For no. 29 - 31 .
Eight novels were randomly selected and the number of pages were recorded as
415 398 402 400 420 415 407 425
29. What is the mode?
A. no mode B. 415 C. 420
D. 425
30. What is the mean?
A. 410.25 B. 411 C. 412
D. 413
31. What is the median?
A. 409 B. 410 C. 411
D. 412
For no. 32-34.
Calculate the measures of central tendency of travel time of students in going to
Classes Frequency X fx Cf
32-35 4 33.5 134 69
28-31 12 29.5 354 65
24-27 3 25.5 76.5 53
20-23 5 21.5 107.5 50
16-19 15 17.5 262.5 45
12-15 11 13.5 148.5 30
8-11 3 9.5 28.5 19
4-7 9 5.5 49.5 16
0-3 7 1.5 10.5 7
i= 4 n= 69 Ʃfx = 1171.5

32. Find the mean.

A. 16.98 B. 21 C. 22
D. 23

33. Compute the median.

A. 16.70 B. 18 C. 19
D. 20
34. Find the mode.
A. 18.34 B. 19 C. 20
D. 21
35. Professor Sammy has just given a biology exam and wants to calculate the range
of performance of his students.
What must he do?
A. Identify the central score. C. Subtract the lowest
score from the highest score.
B. Find the score that occurs most often. D. Plot score on a
bell curve.
36. Range, standard deviation, and variance are similar in that each looks at
A. the difference between high and low scores C. the collection to be
B. the central score. D. how spread out
the data.
37. Professor Guevara wants to ensure he is thorough in his review of student
performance, so he decides to
calculate 'standard deviation' as well. What must Professor Dublin do to figure out
this measure of variability?
A. Identify the central score. C. Identify how far
from average each score is.
B. Find the score that occurs most often. D. Plot scores on a
bell curve.
38. If the range of a set of scores is 14 and the lowest score is 7, what is the highest
A. 21 B. 14 C. 24
D. 7
39. Which measure of statistics describes how widely the data are dispersed about a
central value?
A. Mean B. Mode C. Median
D. standard deviation

The scores in an English test of eight students are 16, 18, 18, 24, 30,
9, 12, 33.
40. The computed variance in the set of data is
A. 48.8 B. 33.9 C. 55.5
D. 61.75
41. The standard deviation of the given set of data is
A. 18 B. 16 C. 8.4
D. 7.9

42. The range of the scores in the given data is

A. 9 B. 18 C. 24
D. 33
For no. 43-44
Given the IQs of 5 members of two families A and B.
Family A 108 112 127 118 113
Family B 120 110 118 120 110

43. Calculates the standard deviation of Family B.

A. 2.63 B. 3.63 C. 4.63
D. 5.63

44. Calculate the average deviation of Family A.

A. 4.52 B. 5.52 C. 6.52
D. 7.52
45. It is best used to compare parts to a whole. The size of each sector of the circle is
proportional to
the size of the category that it represents.
A. Line graph B. pie chart C. histogram
D. bar graph
46. It shows the relationship between two or more sets of continuous data. For
instance, it may
show the relationship betwe en a population and time, or liquid capacity and
A. Line graph B. pie chart C. histogram
D. bar graph
47. It is a graphical representation showing a visual impression of the distribution of
data. A
histogram consists of tabular frequencies, shown as adjacent rectangles, erected
over intervals.
The height of a rectangle is also equal to the frequency.
A. Line graph B. pie chart C. histogram
D. bar graph
For number 48-50.
A retail store had the following total sales after the holiday season.

49. What is its lowest amount of sales?

A. P3095 B. P3554 C. P3189
D. P3276
48. When did the retail store get its highest total sales?
A. 1st week, January B. 2nd week, February C. 3rd week,
January D. 4th week, February
50. What is the mean sales in January?
A. P4231.50 B. P3711.25 C.
P4664.25 D. P32



Sico 1.0, San Juan Batangas


Date of Birth : December 30,189

Birth Place : Sico 1.0, San Juan,
Age : 30
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Spouse : N/A
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Father : Benito P. Pasia
Mother : Angela J. Pasia


Teacher I
Sico 1.0 Integrated National High School
June 6, 2018 - Present


College : Batangas Eastern Colleges

Poblacion, San Juan, Batangas
Course : Bachelor of Science in
Secondary Education Major in

Secondary : Palahanan National High School

San Juan, Batangas

Elementary : Pal-Sico Elemmentary School

San Juan, Batangas


INSET 2019: E-TEACHing with Technology

Sico 1.0 National High School(Grade 7-12)
Sico 1.0, San Juan, Batangas
May 27-31, 2019

Getting Critical and Creative in Teachers’ Thinking Skills

Sico 1.0 National High School(Grade 7-12)
Sico 1.0, San Juan, Batangas
August 27, 2019

Going Beyond Facts: Employing Higher Order thinking Skills in

Sico 1.0 National High School(Grade 7-12)
Sico 1.0, San Juan, Batangas
September 26, 2019

Continuing Professional Development for the Improvement of

Teaching and Learning.
Sico 1.0 National High School(Grade 7-12)
Sico 1.0, San Juan, Batangas
October 21-23, 2019

Addressing Learners’ Differences through Differentiated

Sico 1.0 National High School(Grade 7-12)
Sico 1.0, San Juan, Batangas
December 5, 2019

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