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Purposive communication

Balona, Kristine Joy G. 1MT-Q

Aug 15, 2021
Essay on Tarzan 2016

The Legend of Tarzan (2016)

The movie effectively portrayed the communication of animals very well. I believe
that the communication of animals is much simple than that of humans. Their language
is simple because it has no system like in the human language and their main goal is to
survive and produce offspring to keep their species alive. Compared to the human
language, it is diverse and complex with various systems and rules. It is so because we
built a world that pursues knowledge, and challenges what’s possible. We desire
specific things and set different labels, standards, and boundaries that complicate the
lives of many.

As intellectual humans, we observe superiority above all. Some want to conquer

and enslave to prove their power and greatness which leads to a lot of dispute between
kingdoms like in the movie, which mostly leads to violence. Maybe it’s the way of the
jungle, dominance above all but I believe that the reason why these disputes were
settled with dominance and violence was that they didn’t know about the principles of
communication and how to establish effective communication. People are labeled as
the higher class because of their abilities to think critically and communicate but it really
angers me when a lot of people and animals died just to prove their power and
superiority among others.

As usual, the villain in the movie was arrogant and condescending. Captain Léon
Rom showed it throughout the movie. For example, when he was having dinner with
Jane the process of communication was ineffective because there was no feedback
coming from jane most of the time because he was rude and condescending. Although,
Jane did showed her anguish and annoyance through non-verbal communication, such
as facial expressions and body language. However, Captain Leopold did not recognize
these social cues. It’s sad that people don’t get along with each other, but I’m glad that
the movie had a happy ending. It featured the natives’ customs, traditions, and beliefs.
They showed loyalty in the toughest times and fought for their families as the apes did
for Tarzan when he needed help from Chief Mbonga’s tribe.

In conclusion, I believe that we can all live in a world with peace and harmony if
we stick up for each other like we are all a part of one big family, without boundaries,
class, and racism towards people who are different from us. I learned that we need to
treat each other equally and consider one’s emotions to truly connect and achieve
humility. For me, it’s normal to make mistakes. We don’t all have the same teachers that
are why there are people who are bad and people who are good but it really amazes me
when these bad people learn from their mistakes and change for the better, like Doctor
Williams did as he tries to prove slavery in the Congo. The movie taught me valuable
lessons that most people are too arrogant to notice but I believe that one day we can
change the world by properly communicating our thoughts and feelings to avoid
misunderstandings that cause dispute.

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