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Nama : Sarah Adhiningtyas

NIM : A1F020044

Prodi : Teknologi Pangan


(3) Study the following table, which gives you information about supply of cereal grains
in 1995, 2000, 2005, 2008, and 2009.
a. Analyze the information in the table above. Comment on the significant items and
discuss them. What conclusions can you draw?
According to table 1 that Supply of Cereal Grain for rice had the most widespread
area planted in 1995 and the narrowest in 2009, the largest production in 1995 and the
lowest production in 2009, the highest yield per hectare was in 2008 and the lowest
yield occurred in 1995. The highest imports occurred in 2005 and the lowest imports
occurred in 1995, as well as the highest supply for household consumption in 1995 and
the lowest in 2009.
Meanwhile, the supply of cereal grains for wheat had the widest area planted in
2008 and the narrowest in 1995, the largest production in 2008 and the lowest
production in 1995, the highest yield per hectare in 2008 and the lowest yield occurred
in 1995, the highest import was in 1995 and the lowest imports occurred in 2008, and
supplies for domestic consumption were the highest in 2009 and the lowest in 2008.

 What conclusions can you draw?

It can be concluded that the supply of cereal grains in rice has decreased area
planted, production, yield per hectare, and supply of rice for domestic consumption,
but fluctuated imports of rice. While for wheat, planted area, production, yield per
hectare, imports, and supply for domestic consumption are fluctuating.

b. Now write a suitable conclusion!

It can be concluded from table 1 that the supply of cereal grains in 1995, 2000,
2005, 2008, and 2009 for rice has decreased area planted, production, yield per hectare,
and supply of rice for domestic consumption along with increasing years, but fluctuated
imports of rice. While for wheat, planted area, production, yield per hectare, imports,
and supply for domestic consumption are fluctuating.

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