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Aspects of Development

Development for one may not be the development

Different people may have different developmental goals

Developmental Goals

Good Ample
Equal Freedom Security
income Satistaction
treatment Opportunities Respect
of living

Classitying Countries (Per Capita Income Criteria Of World Bank)

Rich Countries Low income countries Low middle income countries

US$ US$ .India comes in this categoy

12236 PA or above 1005 PA or less .US $ 1840 PA in 2016

Human Development Index

Literacy Infant Mortality Access to clean Body Mass Life Health

Standard of life
Rate Rate drinking water Index Expectancy acilides

After studying this chapter, you should be able to
understand the meaning of development and its aspects
describe the diferent developmental goals of different ofpeople
compare the levels of development of different countries
examine the criteria to assess the development of region
understand the impact of public facilities on the development of a country
Development 303

ment o
off aa country can generally be size of

capita income is affected by the

determined by
rer, a large
. populatioR of a country. If a country has
income. will be low,
capita population, its per capita income
i t s per literacy level. Similarly,
despite having large national income.
its averages t a t u s of its people. a smaller population
will have
health acountry having
does not
higher per capita income even if it
of the above a
have a large national income.
Per capita income does not tell us anything about
Which af
ofthe following neighbouring countries has
( 1 )

rmance in terms of human developmer
the distribution of income in the country.
income might be
countries with same per capita
than India?

different when it comes to the distribution

(i Sri Lanka very
Bangladesh of income. One country might have equitable
(iv) Pakistan distribution of income while the other might
(ii) Nepal

have great disparities in distribution of income
there are four families in a country. The between the people belonging to the higher strata
average per
capita income of these families is of the society and the lower strata of the society.
families is
income of three 4000, (d) Per capita income does not tell us anything
5000. Ifthe and
7 3000 respectively, what is the income about the availability of various services
7000 and life. Even
facilities that influence the quality of
fourth family?
of the income are not
(i) 3,000
countries with high per capita
provide its people the quality of
able to
(ii) T 2,000 v) 6,000 facilities,
they deserve. They lack good health
Ans.((n) education, sanitation, etc.
criterion used by the World
4 What is the main 5. In what respects is the criterion used by the UNDP
Bank in classifying different countries? What are for measuring development different from the one
the limitations of this criterion, if any? used by the World Bank?

Ans. Per capita average income (measured in

income or Ans. The criterion used by the UNDP for measuring
World Bank to
dollars) is the main criterion used by the development is different from the criterion used by
classify different countries as developed or high-income the World Bank in the following ways.
countries and underdeveloped or low-income countries. (a) The UNDP compares the development of the
The per capita income or average income is calculated by countries on the basis of literacy rate, gross
dividing the total income of a country by its population. enrolment ratio and health status of their people.
On the other hand, the World Bank compares the
According to the World Development Report, countries
with per capita income of US$ 12236 per annum or development of the countries on the basis of per
more are termed rich or developed or high-income capita income or average income.
countries. On the other hand, countries with per capita (b) On the basis of the comparison done by the UNDP,
income of USS 1005 or less are classified as poor or the countries are ranked as first, second, third and
so on, whereas on the basis of the comparison
underdeveloped or low-income countries.
done by the World Bank the countries are divided
Per capita income, as an indicator of development,
into three categories
s used by the World Bank, suffers from many Rich or developed or high-income countries.
limitations, which are as follows. (i) Middle-income or developing countries.
(a) National income is estimated in the domestic (iin) Poor or underdeveloped or low-income
CuTency ofeach country. This estimate is converted countries.
into dollar at the curent rate of exchange. Such (c)The UNDP has a broader concept of development
a conversion does not tell us anything about the and the World Bank has a narrow concept of
purchasing power of each currency. development.
304 7agether wtSocial Science-10
. 8. Find out the present sources of
Why do we use
averages?Are there any limitations ener.
to their use? llustrate with your own examples used by the people in India. rgy that are
related to development. other possibilities fifty years from nowuld be arethe
o use averages for comparisons Ans. The present sources of
differen energy used by
Alasses. India are the following.

Limitations of Using Averages: The main limitation people in

using averages is that it calculates only the mean
(g Conventional Sources of Energy: These.
of energy have been in use e
availability and hides the disparities in the process. for example, coal, quite somsouro
The following
examples can best illustrate the above troleum, natural ga iime,
mentioned fact. electricity.
Consider two countries (b) Non-conventional Sources of
A and B, each having five wind, solar energy, tidal nergy:
These are
and biogas.
energy, atomic ener
Income of Citizens nergy
Country Average
No doubt, coal and mineral oil
are the
II IV sources of energy, but
during the last three ortant
3000 4000 3500 4500 5000 4000 have shown signs of exhaustion.
If we decades t
BB 200o 3000 1500 50000 1000 11500 use these sources continuouci
of energy, 1t is believed thatously
We observe that country
A has fewer stockwill not lastfor more than thei their
terms of income. disparities in forty years. In
On the other
hand, country
shows B
a situation, the future of
energy sources
great disparities
in income quite bleak and gloomy. seems to he
among its citizens. The
average income of
that every citizen
country A is 4000 which means 9. Why is the issue of
In country
earns more or less
4000. development?
sustainability important for
A, the income is
distributed equitably. Ans.
On the other
hand, country B shows that Sustainability is an important factor for
citizen earns more or
11500, which is not development of a country. Sustainable the
true. There are
four people in
country B who earn R
means attending
today's needs without development
2000, 7 3000, 7 1500 and
the needs of the future. compromising
one citizen
earns respectively. Only
50,000. Country We all know that
majority of its
population is poor
shows that every
maximum benefit from generation wants to get the
So, average criteria does and few are rich. the resources,
not available to them. But this can which are
of the produce a clear picture be
development status country. of a the available dangerous because
resources can be exhausted
Kerala, with lower per period of time and the future within a short
human capita income, has a better generations will remain
development ranking than Haryana. deprived of these resources.
per capita income is not a
and should not be
useful criterion capability to use resources Thus, sustainability is the
ecological balance. It is judiciously
at all the and maintain
agree? Discuss. compare states. Do you essential for the survival
of future generations.
Ans. Kerala has
better HDR because it has more The issue
in human resource than investment of sustainability is important due to following
income should not be Haryana. Hence, per capita reasons.
used to
that per compare states. It is true
capita income is not the (a) Itensures that the
only criterion behind trend of the economy is
human dynamic and
development. Factors like infant
with the future.development must be in
literacy rate and net mortality rate,
crucial for overall attendance ratio are also very (6) It takes care
human of the overall development o
because development.
better than Kerala is
Haryana it has economy such as health
of basic health and adequate provision
education facilities. education. services and bette
we are
interested only in However, if (C)If the
available resources are
states in terms of comparing two or more misused the

then per capita income is production and income generated, development will stagnate after a time.

important eriterion.
This is
because in the future, thoseperiod ol will
not be available.
Development 305

enough resources to meet the needs Ans. After observing the given table carefully we conclude
ot enough to satisfy the greed of even
the following.
How is this tatement relevant to the
rson." National income in
onep development? Discuss.
ussion ofd.
(a)In terms of Gross
at the top Sri Lanka (10,789)
Human wanís a d aspirations are unlimited, but the Country :

% Hun

required to satisty
these wants are limited in Country at the bottom : Nepal (2,377)
enough resources. Butus at birth
u r arth has provided (6) In terms of Life Expectancy
greedythat for Country at the top: Sri Lanka (75)
have become so
Sshunman beings
n a s and development they readily succumb to
progr Country at the bottom: Myanmar (66.1)
ties such
as deforestation, extraction of excess terms of Mean Years of Schooling
of People
Ifthese available (c) In
water, etc. resources are
diationally, they will end up soon, get degraded
aged 25 and above

less ductive and ineficient. If human Country at the top : Sri Lanka (10.9)
o rb e come

keep a check on their uncontrolled manners Country at the bottom: Nepal (4.1)
In terms of HDI Rank in the world (2016)

to meet their needs, but

earth has
0 u rc a r
enough resources
enough to satisty
their greed.
Country at the top : Sri Lanka (73)
certainly not
bottom: Pakistan (147)
onmental degradation
amples ofenvironi Country atthe
List a
I1. have observed around you. of adults
that you may 13. The following table shows the proportion
are a few examples of environmental 15-49 whose BMI is below
Ans.IThe following (aged
based on a survey
(BMI <18.5 Kg/m>) in India. Itis
(a) deforestation states for the year
2015-16. Look at the
of various
levels of groundwater table and answer the following questions.
b) depleting
(c)soilerosion Male (%) Female(%)|
(d)waterpollution State 0
fossil fuels Kerala 8.5
e) burning of 17 21
ozone depletion 28
Madhya Pradesh 28
g) air pollution
(h) forest cutting All States 20 23
people in
) noise pollution
) Compare the nutritional level of

12. For each ofthe items given in Table 1.6, find out which Kerala and Madhya Pradesh.
is at the bottonm.
country is at the top and which Ans. In Kerala, 8.5 per cent males and
10 per cent
and its
Table 1.6: Some Data Regarding India females are undernourished whereas, in Madhya
Neighbours for 2015 females
Pradesh 28 per cent males and 28 per cent
Country Gross Life Mean HDI are undernourished.

NationalExpectancy Years of Rank Can you guess why around one-fifth of people
the (i)
Income at birth Schooling in in the country are undernourished even though
(GND) Per (2015)
ofPeople world the
aged 25 (2016) argued that there is enough food in
it is
(2011 PPP S) and above country? Deseribe in your own words.
in the country are
(2015) Ans. Around one-fifth of people
ri Lanka 10.9 73 undernourished even though it is argued that there
10,789 75
India 5,663 68.3 6.3 131 is food in the country. It is because a
Myanmar 4,943 66.1 4.7 145 large number of population in our country is p0or

Pakistan 5,031 66.4 5.1 147 and living below the poverty line. This section
epal 2,377 70 4.1 145 of the population cannot afford to buy food even

Bangladesh 3,341 72 5.2 139 at subsidised rates or from ration shops.

306 ovrkr acinSocial

is comprehensive tern

increase in real per capit

Very Short
A n s w e r / O b j e c t i v e Type
Questions [1

in living
of necr le, reduetinm
generally illiteracy, crime rate, etc.
of a country poverty,
Development in
1. determined by its: Ans. Development

( e ) p e rcapita income the number

( ) v e r a g e literacy evel
indicates of years.
9. live. new
born is
expected to
(heath status of its people
at birth
(none of these Ans. Life expectancy

RS.(a) that should take place

2.Different persons could
have different
as well as The development
10. damaging the environment, and levelopment in without
cenicting notions of a
country's development. not compromise with the
present should

should be achieved.
A fair and just path for all is known as
the future generations
discussed here.
Interpret the concept being Development
Ans. Sustainable Economic
(a) Social development
(b)Culturaldevelopment means sustained increase in real per
(c)Nationaldevelopment capitaincome that promotes economic welfare h
(d Economic development reducing poverty, unemployment and inequalities
Ans. (c) in distribution of

Countries with higher income
are Ans. Economic development
others with less income.
12. Two important aspects of our lives other than
(a) Less developed (b) More developed
(d) More organized income are and
(c) Less stronger
Ans. (b) Ans. Equal treatment; freedom

4. Total income of the country divided by its total 13. ensures availability of essential
population is known as: commodities like wheat, rice, sugar, edible oils and
(a) Capital Income (b) National Income kerosene, etc. to the consumers through a network
(c) Per capita income (d) GDP of outlets or fair price shops.
Ans. (c)
Ans. Public Distribution System (PDS)
5. Proportion of literate population in the 7 and above 14. Economic development is a wider term ascompared
age group is called as:
to human development. (True/False)
(a) Knowledge rate (b) Literacy rate
(c) Attendance rate (d) Excellence Rate Ans. False, as economic development is a narrower term
ADs. (b) 15. According to recent World Development Repor
6. Which age group of children is included for ntries which had per capita income of US dolar
calculating Net Attendance Ratio? 2236 per annum are rich countries. (True/False)
(a) 6- 10 (b) 7-11 Ans. True
(c) 5-9 (d) 14 15
Ans. (d) 16. Kerala has low
infant mortality rate. (Truera
Ans. True
7. For calculating Body Mass Index
of the person is divided
(BM1), weight 17.
by the: A'decent standard of living is a variable of iu
(a) Square of the weight Development Index. (True/False)

(b) Square of the height Ans. True

(c) Square root of the height
18. What do
(d) Square of the sum of height and people need to get more income
weight Ans. People need regular work, better wages
(b) and
price for crops to get more income.
Development 307

different people have different (a) Per capita income does not tell us anything
ICBSE 2018(C)I country with
developmental goals? the distribution of income. A poor
income would be
have different developmental goals more equal distribution of
Drtterent people
ent peopi distribution
havee wishes, likes and dislikes, than a richer country with unequal
ause of income.
and aspirations various
not measure
(b) Per capita income does
Give any
elopmental goals of the facilities and services that
influence quality of
ICBSE 2015 for example, health facilities,
The two
common elopmental goals of the people facilities, equal treatment, etc.
Even with
Ans. are a s follows.
(C)It is affected by size of population.
income will
Peace and security a large national income, per capita
Better living
be low if a country has a large population.
6) (any one)
two goa. of development other than
State any
ICBSE 2018 country with per
income. 27. Suppose there are 4 families in a families
income are: The income of 3
other than
kápitafncome of $15,000.
Ant, The development goals What
standard of living j$10,000, $20,000 and $12,000 respectively.
(a) Good is the income of the 4th family? ICBSE 2014]
(b) Security be
Ans. Let the income of the 4th family
(c) Satisfaction
National income
and respect
(d)Equaltreatment Per capita income= Total population
(e) Freedom
)Ample opportunities $10,000 + $20,000 +$12,0000
$15,000 =

national development refer to?

2. What does S15,000 x 4 =x + S42,000
refers to the ability of a county
Ans. National development x = $60,000 S42,000
to the social welfare of the people. For
amenities such as quality x = $18,000
example, by providing social
infrastructure is $18,000.
education, potable water, transportation, . The income of the 4th family
and medical care. which state in
28. Among Haryana, Kerala and Bihar,
used to 2015-16?
23. Wby1s the total income of countries not India has the least per capita income in
Anake comparisons between them? Ans. Bihar has recorded the least per capita
income in the
Ans. The total income of the countries is not used to year 2015-16.
comparisons between them because the population 29. Define sex ratio.
different countries is different.
Ans. The total number of females per thousand males in
24. Define average income. ICBSE 2015 a country is termed as sex ratio.
Ans. Per capita income or average income is calculated
30. Define infant mortality rate.
dividing the total income of a country with its
Ans. The number of children that die before the age of
population. borm in that
year as a proportion of 1000 live children
25 Besides the size of per capita income, which other particular year is known as infant mortality rate.
property of income is important in comparing two rate?
or more countries? 31. Why does Kerala have low infant mortality
because it has
ns. Ans. Kerala has low infant mortality rate
Capita income is important but not the only
an educational
CTitenion for development. Along with average income, adequate provisions of basic health and
cquitable distribution of income in a country should
also be considered. 32. What is net attendance ratio?
Ans. Net attendance ratio is the total
number of children
aion any one limitation of per capita income
s indicator of development. ICBSE 2015 of age group 14 and 15 years attending school as a
the same
ne limitation of per capita income as an indicator percentage of total number of children in
development is that: age group.
308 r k r mesocialScience 10
most important for them and fulfill t
33 What does HDI stand for? the
heir aspiration
stands for Human Development Index. It is a
and desires. For example,
leads to infrastructural development.
establishme nt of a
Ans. RDl dam
developed by the United Nations to measure
country's overall achievement in its social and
clectricity, etc., but at the same time
to the large-scale displacement of pec may lead
aonome dimensions. livelihood, shelter, etc. of the people livin. people,ng nearlO8S theof
4What is Life Expectancy at Birth? proposed dam site. Hence, construction
am may
Ans. Life Expectancy at Birth is the average expected be development for some, but may be
iength of life of a person at the time of birth. others. destruction orf.
35. Name the two neighbour countries of India which 40. Mention any three characteristics
have iow per capita income than India, yet tney
are better than India in life expectancy according
Ans, The following are the three major evelopment,
characteris:tics o
to Human Development Report 2016.
(a) Different people can have different
Ans. Nepal and
36. Define sustainable
goals. developmental
development. (b) What may be development for one
Ans. Sustainable development refers to the may not be
meets the needs of the
development that development for the other. It may be destructi
present without compromising for the other.
the needs of the future
generation. (c) People tend to look at a mix of goals for thei
Short Answer Type Questions [3 Marks] development.
37. What is
development? Mention two aspects of 41. Why do different persons have different notions af
development. development? Which of the following explanations
Ans. Development is a is more important and why?
positive growth or change in
economical, social and political aspects of a country. (a) Because people are different.
Two aspects of
development are: (b) Because life situations of persons are different
(a) Economic development or rise in income of the Ans. Different people have different notions of
because different people have different
people aspirations,
(b) Social development which includes hobbies and interests.
health and public services The second
38. What is meant
explanation is more important about
by economice development? Write different notions of
two basis of development for different people.
The development needs of a
measuring economic development of person depend on tne
a country.
situation around him. This can
be illustrated with a
Ans. Economic development is a sustained simple example which is as follows.
increase in real
per capita income that
promotes economic welfare by IT a person is living in a remote village, which 15
reducing poverty, unemployment and not
distribution of income. inequalities in accessible by road, then construction of an
weather road would be ai
The two basis of
measuring economic development that person. On
the developmental need 10r
the other hand, if a
in a metro
person is nvmg
city and finds it dificult to commute
(a) Quality of life and
environmental sustainability his
workplace, construction stem
of rapid transit
(b) Per capita income.
Would be the syo
Development for one
need for that perso
may be the destruction for 42. Do the following two statements mean the same:
other Do you agree with the statement? Justify
your answer. Justify your answer.
ICBSE 2012 (a) People have goals.
Ans. I certainly different
agree with the statement that development () People have conflicting
evelopmental goals
for one may be the
destruction for other. People have Ans. Both the statements are true but their nings
different developmental goals. seek They what is are
different. Two people v e d i f f e r e n t

may have
Development 309

als but they need not always be

developmentalgoals 45. Besides income, what are other six things people may
ICBSE 2014|
Forexample, the construction of a flyover l0ok forgrowth and development? 1or
reduce waiting period at a railway crossing can be Ans. Apart from income, the six things people look
onmental goal for ofice goer. But if the
an growth and development are:
of tthe flyover necesSitates demolition of
ion of
construction (a) peace
for the slum dwellers. (6) good health
be contradic
it can
24-hour electricity supply (c) regular and sufficient income
an the other hand, (d) good working conditions
developmental goal for almost each and
would be a ()desirable living standard
every p e r s o n . )equal and humane treatment

developing country and a developed country.

between a
following are the differences between a developing country and a developed country.

Developing Country Developed Country

income is hign
income is low | (a) In developed country, per capita
(a) In a developing country, per capita

and there is widespread poverty.

is low. (b) The standard of living is high.
(6) The standard of living is high.
is low. (c) The level of eficiency and productivity
(c)The level of efficiency and productivity
The rate of capital formation is high.
()The rate of capital formation is low. (d)
(any three)
used by the World Bank (a) important for maintaining
These facilities are
45. What is the main norm access and
countries as rich and poor and order, cleanliness, quality of life,
in classifying different
comfort to common man.
countries? What are the restrictions of such norm?
CBSE 20141 (b) These facilities help in bringing up the people
and give them opportunities of which they
Ans. Refer to Ans. 4 (NCERT).
otherwise devoid.
46. While average income is useful for comparison, Some public facilities are roads, railways, electricity,
but it may hide disparities.' Discuss. nutritious
water, educational facilities, housing and
Ans. Per capita income or average income as an important (any two facilities)
cniterion for development is considered to be one
countries 48. What is Human Development Index (HDI)? Name
the most important attributes for comparing
its variables.
but it has the following limitations.
Ans. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a tool
(a) It does not tell us anything about the distribution
of income. A poor country with a more equal developed by the United Nations to m e a s u r e
than a a country's overall achievement in its social and
distribution of income would be better
distribution of economic dimensions. The HDI ranks countries on
Ficher countrywith an unequal
income. the basis of per capita income, health of people, their
It does not measure various facilities and services level of education and their standard of living.
that influence quality of life such as health facilities, The three variables of Human Development Index
education facilities and equal treatment. are:
l t is affected by the size of population. Even with
(a) long and healthy life.
income will
large national income, per capita (b) knowledge.
be low if a
country has large population. (c) a decent standard of living.
Why are public facilities needed for the development
49. In what respects is the criterion used by UNDP
Othe country? Mention any two of them. for measuring development different from the one
Ans IC essential for the social and
facilities are
used by the World Bank? ICBSE 20121
mic development of individuals. Without Ans. Refer to Ans. 5 (NCERT).
facilities people cannot achieve their full potential.
310 7gether wcah Social Science-10

and economic
S. Distinguish between human development
and economiC development.
human development
s. 1 he
following are the difierences between
Economic Development
Human Development
t refers to a sustai
continuous and
(a) ltreters to human-centeredapproach towards| (a) an economy along with a general mprovemen in
development. It focuses on improvement in
ot in the overall standard of in the living
the overall well-being and quality of life
(b) It can be indicated by national incoma
(b)It is indicated by Human Development Index. capita income. and per
(C)lt is wider term and includes economic| (c) It is a narrower term.

development also.
S1. Differentiate between Human Development Report and World Development Report.
Ans. The following are the differences between Human Development Report and World Development Renor CBSE 2015

Human Development Report World Development Report

(a) This notion of development implies good and (a) It stresses rise in
on per incomeand
quality life. growth in the economy.
(6) lts parameters are good education, health (b) It takes into account quantitative aspect ofl
facilities etc. development.
(c) It includes literacy rate, life expectancy, infant |(c) It includes GDP, national income and per canit
mortality rate etc. to determine the status of income.
development of a particular area, region or country.
52. Identify the different thrust be more
areas of human or less equal number of males and
development. Which one of them plays the most females. Sex ratio in favour of males indicates
significant role in the development? sex discrimination which
goes against the
Ans. The following the thrust
are areas of human development.
development. (c) Income: Regular and desirable income increases
(a) Health the prospects of development. Poor people often
(b) Gender equality lag behind development as they are not able to
grab the benefits available.
Health is the most important thrust area and 54. Does availability of good health and educational
the most important role in development because a facilities depend only on amount of money spent
healthy person will have a sound mind. He will be by the government on these facilities? What other
able to develop a positive outlook, accept challenges factors could be relevant?
and use the resources in a desirable way. Ans. No, the
availability of good health and educational
facilities do not depend only on amount of
53. What are the various social indicators of mone
development? spent by the government. Other relevant factors can
Ans. The following are various social indicators of availability of qualified doctors, medical facilities like
hospitals, medicines, etc. In the case of educational
development. tacilities, well-qualified teachers, enough schools, net
(a) Health and Education: People become human attendance ratio, etc are also required.
resource when investments are made in their
health and education. Healthy and educated
S. Why can more jobs be ereated in the field or
education? Give any three reasons. ICBSE 201
individuals are full of initiatives and potential for ation
Ans. More jobs can be created in the field of eduea
taking up new challenges, thereby contributing
to the deveiopment. are
(a) in India, only sixty-five per cent peopic
(b) Sex ratio: It is defined as the number of females od
literate. It means to provide every Indian
per thousand males. An ideal sex ratio should education, more schools will be required.
Development 311

chool means more number of teachers
This means more jobs. a)Using the least amount of non-renewabie

schools schools will necessitate thousands of (e) Limiting waste material and energy at production
orting staff (like office staft). This will lead
level. (any two)
to more jobs. In this way, more jobs will be
7. Explain the importance ofsustainable development

with reference to groundwater by giving

ble development? Suggest any two ICBSE 2013
which resources can be used judiciously.
waysin Ans. Sustainable development is important because of the
CBSE 2013
reason that we may enjoy the gifts of nature, but cannot
nshle development refers to the development
4ns Sustainable think of our generations to live without such benefits.
l t hampering the needs ot the future generations. of
It becomes our duty to use nature for the fulfillment
durable development carried out by Our needs and not our Our development should
It is a
the needs of the present so that the future not hamper the needs of the future generations.
the benefits of nature to the
erations may enjoy In the case of groundwater, we have utilized
it to the

fullest. maximum. It is a natural resource which is replenished

which the resources can be used water
The two ways in by nature. People living in the areas with surplus
as follows: should take care for its conservation. Efforts
judiciously are reserves

should be made not to overuse or degrade the quality

on developing techniques for the
() Stress is
economical extraction of resources. of water. Recent evidences show that groundwater
alternative sources of resources. under serious threat of disappearance. If suitable steps
b) Use of are not taken, it can pose serious consequences.
to recycle used resources.
(c) Effective steps
between renewable and non-renewable resources of energy. Find out present status of energy
8. Differentiate
resources in India.
the differences between renewable and non-renewable resources of energy.
Ans. The following are

Non-renewable resources
Renewable resources
Non-renewable are those which are
(a) Renewable resources are those which can be used| (a) resources

used only for a

again and again.
limited time. These energy resources get
exhausted after years of use.

These resources occur over a very long ecological|

6) These resources can be reproduced by physical,| (6)
time and take millions of years in their formation.
chemical and mechanical processes.
wind (c) Examples: crude oil and coal
solar energy,
c) Examples: groundwater,
energy etc.
that these would be out of stock in the
TESent status of energy resources in India like crude oil and coal suggests
resources which do not
cause any damage to
out alternative energy
AL45 years. There is a great need to find
ine environment and are long-lasting.
(b) Overawes of natural resources may exhaust. For
.Why is sustainable development essential tor of renewable resources
economic growth? ICBSE 2018(C e.g. water is an example
this resource may create
but overuse/misuse of
Uslainable development is essential for economic
problem in the near future.
growth because: Non-renewable resources are limited and warn
r be l resources
aused are not unlimited.They us to use very carefully so they may be available
carefully. for future generations
ogetker wirkSocial Science-10
60. Do the two terms-economic growth and economic development-mean the Same things? r

Ans. No. they are different in are the differences between
temns of meanings. The following econo growth a
economie development.
Economic growth Economic development
(a) lt can be detined as a process whereby a country's| (a) lt 1s a process of increase in incom
achieving as well as
real national income increases over a period ot| a more
equitable distribution
and poverty alleviation.
lt is a short-term
(b) It is a long-term process. income
(c)It is a narrow concept. (c) It is a broad concept.
(a) In this process, quantitative this process, both qualitative
change are expected.| () In and u
changes are expected. itative
61. What the two basic tools used for comparing
are felt in the surrounding states and
the neighbouring (any three
underdeveloped country with a developed one? countries and sometimes globally.
organisations developed these tools? (a) Pollution in one country
may affect the othe.
Ans. The two basic tools for ther in
comparing an underdeveloped the form of acid rains, climate
country with a developed one are as follows. (b) Deforestation in some countries
change etc
(a) Per capita income: Countries with
per capita rainfall pattern in the surrounding disturb the
income of USS 12236
per annum and above in (c) Land degradation and dam burstcountries.
can brino
2016 are called rich or massive siltation and flood like
developed countries and situation.
those with per
capita income of USS 1005 or Long Answer Type Questions [5
less are called low income or
underdeveloped Marks
countries. 63. Explain with the help of fíve
examples, how
Human Development Index: The countries development could mean different things to
having high life expectancy, literacy rate and different people.
ICBSE 2012
health status, etc. are termed Ans. The following
developed countries, examples show that development could
whereas countries lacking these are termed mean different things to
different people.
underdeveloped countries. (a) Construction of dam may be
Per capita income is used by the World Bank and development for
some. It may be beneficial for the
Human Development Index generation of
(HDI) is used by the electricity. Urban areas may benefit from it but
United Nations, for the same. the rural areas
may be submerged under water.
62. Consequences of environmental degradation Example: Narmada
do Valley Project.
not respect national or state boundaries.' (b) Multinational Companies may be seen as a
the given statement.
Justify symbol of development. But these companies
ICBSE 2014; Delhi 2019]
may hamper the small producers and retailers as
they may not be able to compete with the huge
Consequences of environmental degradation do foreign exchange and modern technology.
not respect national
state boundaries.or (c) A girl may try to seek freedom and opportuniy
the meaning of this statement.
as her brother for development, but this notion
ICBSE 20161
Ans. Environment is degraded through the depletion of
may not be liked by the parents.
resources like air, water and soil. It leads (a) Wonmen may seek desirable reservation in elecno
to the
destruction of the ecosystem and extinction of
to local bodies for their development.
It is now a global issue and has been debated dominated society may not approve fearing
decades. their share being divided.
(e) The school may seek increase in tuition fee t
Environmental degradation is not restricted to the facilities, but
the advancement of education
nation or state boundaries. Its consequences have been
parents may find it difficuit to bear.
Development 313

conditions or aspects that you

five 05. Why do we use averages? Are there any limitations
escribe any
consider before:accepting a job. [CBSE 2012 to their use? Illustrate with your own exampie
a job offer, I would look into the
accepting related to development.
i mB
. eti

itions or
bllowing Ans. Refer to Ans. 6 (NCERT).
orking condition. Safe and comfortable
conditions are desirable. 66. List a few example of environmental degradation
Co-Workers should be that you may have observed around you.
Work environment:
) friendly and cooperative. Ans. The following are the examples of environmenta
Future growth: A job should offer future growth around.
degradation that have been observed
and promotions.
(a) deforestation
Too far a working place is not a
(d) b) soil erosion
can eat up most of the
o0od choice. Travelling
and energy.
productive time (d) air and water pollution
Benefits: Salary is Just one part of a job. We
must also consider health benefits, paid time off, (e) burning of fossil fuel
)lowering ofwater table
(any five)
medical leaves and insurance, funds, bonus, etc.

the World Bank, what are low-income

ley Short
Answer/Objective Type Questions [1 Mark] 10. According to
18.5 then the person would be
1. If BMI is less than 11. What does BMI stand for?
of high infant mortality rate.
12. State one cause
(a) over weight (b) long height has better
(d) short height 13. Which neighbouring country of India
(c)undernourished than
their performance in terms of human development
What proportion of the country is over using
groundwater reserves?
14. What are public facilities? Give examples.
(a) One-Fourth (b) One-Tenth

c)One-Third (d) half Short Answer Type Questions [3 Marks]

of use not called
3. Resources which will get exhausted after years 15. Why are countries of the Middle East
are: developed' in spite of high per capita income?
(a) Renewable resources 16. Think of any three developmental goals of a boy from
a rich urban family.
6) Non-durable resources
Index? Which
c) Non-renewable resources 17. What is Human Development
measures HDI? Explain the three major
) Competing resources organization
of landless rural indicators of HDI.
Ihe two developmental goals
18. It is true that if women are engaged in paid work,
labourers are and
is low in a their dignity in household and society increases. What
.The level of efficiency and productivity conditions can encourage women to get engaged in
country paid works?
LOngevity implies how long a newborm is expected
live. (True/False) Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks]
. he Human Development Index (HDI) rank of 19. What is meant by sustainable economic development?
Indha Give its main features.
inthe world is 151 as per 2016. (True/False)
8. 20. 'Although the level of income is an important indicator
What are non-material things? of development, it is an inadequate measure of the
ndition may allow women to Lake up a variety level of development. Justify the statement.
jobs or run business?

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