MohdAsisBinLatip cf180040 FinalFoundation

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MoRD As BIN UMP _)_cHAgeOl — Question _| 4) | Fosatre water — Derrick y 2 ee val i Teasing A a it ee Chopping bif oh — Oriving shoe Am water set at high vebdty wach boring 1s another method of advancing bordioles The foi in tha casing ic Heh rernoved abont 24 3m Jong iC driven inh the ground: The rai) inside the cosing ig then removed by mean of hopping bt attached + a drilling ted. Water is forced thro ngh the ailing rod and etitg at a very high velodity through the holer ait the betonn of the chopping bit. The water and’ the cho pped Soil par tidas rise in the ti bi and aver flow dt the tp of the (acing Ahrowgh a T connecton- The washwater if collected in on cantainer- The casing Can be dendéd with additdnal pieces as the svrehale progresses However that i no}_reqiired if the _borehtle will vty open and net Cave in- Wash borings dre yarely Wed naw ip develo ped camatries: Zz Moby Asis wind uri?) crrsDOYD There | swbbu vera) procedures t» be conducted on st A tonsteactiin at 4 proposed large area projects Ceouedure + CONRAN of Greliminaty information and literatare search > Ut involves obtainin: inflrroerge ting the type ef F [Strat wre to be bwrlt and ite general mje |) | A general iden of tpogea hy and the type of soil h be encowtered near spd arennd the proposed Site_tan be obtained From the Sources like Geological solnety ae _(Pricedure * Recohnaisia nce x A geotechweal engineer Should always make viswal inspecino ‘ of the site obtain ihfornngAttn” ato ut ‘) general topegtarhy of the cite 2) Soil _Stranficrtfon from deep cats - 3)_The type of vegetation at the fite 4) tigh-water marks and groundwater level 9) The type of construction nearby and nist dance of any Crave NBS BIN TIP Croan a Question | 9 )_Nbo = th NethCd Cs Cb N= observed SPT yotue (N= overburden correction Woy t= _effection_suerbardeu presser 2 $549:67 = 8 Kl Subs into Neo Neo = AS |. x45 x04 x04 X1-05 = 39 i) Fot_F0 perent standard energy - Paes Sh Noby pss BN WTI) y CF ICOM. Qupstiow ee - 4 Torzaghi’s Bearing theyerhaf bearing Z Capacity jah ___Copackty Rdvantages + _fan_dtFere tho Shear + Wdndes the indinakion ss Failure Acording tH a Fuckers and hove Type of founda ton beavng capacty Shape oF _bgvakion Fachys Disadvankge + Wood 4 bo_modgied + He much of nwording fe_walvt Fader ty by consid a fable location tw ‘order 40 obbainpd boar ca pavits b)| Tera ghi's bearing Capacthy factor ap | a z13GNG + gg) OG BN 4 > | De > 962-4 tn 4 eo qa > (13% 32-0 ¥ 3-01) + (19-G24ND 1) F (PPA ITOXHS 11390) 501 lm Yall 2 ayo fs > 33-7 Whe 2 Mow pss YN hp fF CPCOOW S Question 2 ___ | _meyerhee's_motinnd So ae Shape factor rep ee Meas Fes 2 Uti yan ci Fol a uit - Ie | oe E5358 ae 25Chn age ee. THURS ar ee ae LANE jon 09) 2153 gd > 14 2 ton 29) C1 sas) FE : ‘e elit —Tindnation Factor ae _ HE Neola gies We Ses ee Ee a Su Chetested fel + oNeFys Forty a Ih VENTS By) Fi 32 (254 Cr59) Gaye) + 49-24 (14-92) C16)0) + Ya Cr M45) (06) Wa (555-43 + M03-$2 + 23-70 = 2069-91 ew Jm? (a2 du [es = 209-9) 3 Banna See a (19-06 405) + (0-4 -9.91) C4) 596-49 bd/m? 2 eo 220-4 = 4g) = [0-54 EN fg? gue 5 0) bi) + mem HSI) v0.4 Com Cy sO9) Se yh 2 Ww) a keduckion = ag0\-24 — 2041-2 x wor 3501.19 ow Fis way vee) crypoyo [Beast Soph Co fhe rastt ee AE lah Les EMesion nuvmally | 2 amg ak Kp op the 2 \e - 4 ORs: f es = [No coil Frick mayo P= 0 | > invelvwe 0 = soil Atidtion a i angie — b), a = = | oun = ae [seer ls No WN re a f a 1 Ch-4) uaa r aa ine ee Ges Ye casas SS : I a ai Co lot neo = Ap t20 +04 43 2 ERP ee — oe 4 aS. [vps Coa (4.9) (oo) Crng PT = aeq en Fav > o-a1U Cleo) (79.337) > 55+ pay yon) (4) 5-4) Seg Oats Ga (Fam a se MoH as bin UA? Suestion #3 A cegeoyo Titus 21 New a bp? Tp = Ml x0-9f* . 018m? [em a _* cs espe [ie (cae sd nr ea Seas w= 0.95 si Pas wink [soa fe aS Wer ein mon Grea Ngo = 2 Mi = Abeap = 1 Clos) (bas4 {50-30 kN Yortie p> Bp latte i Table for Ne gh given | ss | Depth Au by | & aimp Be tm) (ny | eatin) Gs @ o-¥ © 30 ogo | abo ai | 5 07s ny +60 Ww 4 los 0-5, 00 ow 2 GAe-00 EN 1 i [Fars bp oF@s = 30 role > pac st Qa) = oy = bbe = wf UST ai i 7 1s _ Moyo Ass BIN UMN? || CFRO4U ts 54) Prealoding or precomprecsnn increases the bearing capacity and reduces the cornprecsitility of weak ground by forcéng loose cohesibnless sails ty density of clayey, silty sells fo consoltdate. 1H is achieved by placing a temporary sarchage on the ground prior to the Consiraciton of the planned” Stractnre U4 is a nmethod of preempting potenttally damaging settlements OM Soft soil: A similar stfategy + often erafleyed in the contrmction of liquid storage tanks, which are test~(daded with water before ‘eing used 40 chore dangerous chemicals yo _nsis Bin UmiP_f_cergeot}o FU) | Geocyntheric drains : + Mac synthetic. drains are_of a ctrip Cor band) shape, althengh | circular plastic Aginage pipes wrapped it 9 yeoteatile could [algo Getve as vertical’ drains ae % we aly prepglene 8 — +The Gicsk strip Acai _ovas develo ped ‘y the Swedish deotechnicl Institute __Kyellman C1948): Ut was nade of cardbontd with interna dete Thid type wes later Cuperstded by luted FVD draros- Today pthere are Said tr fe more thay 50 different mares of op the _warket, mocHy of complite cohstractin , a corngated or Studded inner core wrapped in filter geoterile - Linailar to the oiginal Kjeleda wick Mains trig. Are generally abdUt 100 Moy Wide. and g 40 Emm thick. Bebe of s fabric, notwally a nonwoven Jd Nga “ima wil | Nomd~Veoring a chevactoristic_ na nuwiar ef situations Quicblime i frequon Hy [used to dry wet Selle ak conptncticl Sites ahd olgowhere , mone \G_BIN_ LRP CFIC Gueston 5 ey iiss) ee de tne. saa ‘Amiga eps i “aways f hi snoay only Wonco , for piublem jite Viigh compressibility ,low skear strogtln amd Vigh grovnd wate lew! nee) soil improvement 4echiquec - Fhe ___ two most suitable soi) _immprowmont sochhiques tyould be 1) stabiiantion by! vasing hime, eGo Ww wood to treat Spile in orden tp improve their a 0, owatiwe {And pahey dn imped worn ofa Br_taon_ mort senifeont io 4 | oF lime it in 4h0 modificavion And ghbiiaction Of cil humath toad Land similal’ Conshuchion project. Lime can substantially increase, { Yop Stability 2) themical Soil stabileretion Techiqne [thernical solutions Are Anothey oF the major types ef Soil Stbilarction il of these techniques (ly on adiing additional matoyial tp Yo tho Soi) | dhe will chemically and physically intorac With it And chamgos ito a proportie * Fer oxample, en eet iS_moct effoctive on low _ o | tohesion soil, owing 4» dieficutty ocd. dicknloutton of anhydrous among EF cohesive rar ee lnvger grmular _gacticles iy bo gurromnded and Gard by umes paste, | MUD ASK LATIP _g_cewooyy Question Im _4he Contrary, in chgsive Soils 42 Smale than aMhydrous ermovit grains and hance are more diffiout to ent Cont. There ave nuvabey of Aefeadmd _bypes of $0i1 stabilizgHon thet ely on chemical | _aAdiives oF owe er oMoMer: we will freqvently encowwter Compound Anat utilizar Cement me, Ay ash ov tin dust ‘w Watury ; depending ow tho Natuye of coi) present ab 40 we investigate The chemical preset in Nine For exae ple, owes and hydtoritas of calcium and _magnosiam — — @ with optioné for cOmevcial production through calcination oF Carbonaly rol minerals for _biglh calciim jimes gt Aolomie fimestono Consistiny of celcivm avd amg magnesium Ordos Harrah pressure, hydrediow.

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