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Aquaculture in India –

growing a new industry

India’s marine food exports rose from USD 1.64 billion
in 2009/10 to USD 4.95 billion in 2013/14. Most of
this growth stemmed from aquaculture – an industry
set to advance.
Increasing domestic and foreign demand
is fuelling expansion of India’s aquaculture
industry. Stronger commercial orientation
is also driving change. Cooperatives and
farmers’ associations now need credit to
build their business.
Banks are reluctant to lend, however, because
risks threaten to hamper fish farmers’ ability
to service their loans.
Disease can kill shrimp, algae blooms can
suffocate fish, and typhoons and earthquakes
can breach the banks of ponds, washing the
harvest into the sea.
The insurance industry must rise to these
challenges by providing the protection this
nascent industry needs. With its international
experience in aquaculture risk management
and its underwriting expertise, the insurance
industry can help the Indian market realise
its full potential.
Aquaculture in India – a story of growth

Aquaculture ‒ the farming of fish, White Spot Syndrome also hit India and
shrimp, algae or shellfish ‒ is the Bangladesh in the early nineties. Today,
backbone of the fishery industry’s shrimp farming in these countries is five
economic success in India. Between times the size of what it was then,
1991-92 and 2012-13 the country’s increasing the impact of an epidemic
total fish production more than doubled. considerably.
India’s export income from this business
amounted to USD 4.95 billion in 2014, Another disease is Early Mortality
contributing to the diversification of the Syndrome (EMS). Since EMS was first
Indian fishery industry as a whole. reported in China in 2009, it has spread
to Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand, and
Given the many risks that it faces, it is now causes annual losses of more than
amazing that this business is heavily USD 1 billion. EMS outbreaks typically
under-insured – both in India and many occur within the first 30 days after
other parts of the world. stocking a newly prepared shrimp pond,
and mortality can exceed 70%.
In Ecuador in 1999, the virus known as
the White Spot Syndrome caused Today, an EMS or a White Spot epidemic
damage of USD 280.5 million to the in India would have devastating
shrimp industry. The following year saw consequences both for the business
the same disease inflict a loss for the and for the people it employs.
country of USD 400 million.

Aquaculture definition by the Food

and Agricultural Organisation Marine and inland fish production
”Aquaculture is understood to mean
the farming of aquatic organisms
including fish, molluscs, crustaceans
and aquatic plants. Farming implies
some form of intervention in the 2447 1710
rearing process to enhance
production, such as regular stocking,
feeding, protection from predators,

Farming also implies individual or

corporate ownership of the stock
being cultivated. For statistical
purposes, aquatic organisms, which
are harvested by an individual or 2012–13
corporate body, which has owned 3321 5719
them throughout their rearing period,
contribute to aquaculture. On the
other hand, aquatic organisms, which
are exploitable by the public as a
common property resource, with or
without appropriate licenses, count
as the harvest of fisheries.

Aquaculture production specifically

refers to output from aquaculture
activities, which are designated for
final harvest for consumption. At this
time, harvest for ornamental
purposes is not included.”
statistics/global-aquaculture- Values in ‘000 tons

Swiss Re Aquaculture in India   1

Aquaculture in India – a story of growth

AA story
story ofofgrowth
Marine & farm
and farm fish fish harvests
harvests hadthan
have more more than doubled

million tons

million tons


A 2006-08 assessment put potential also an important part of the diet for
losses due to shrimp diseases in India at many Indians. In addition, fishery and
48.717 metric tonnes of shrimp valued aquaculture diversify food sources,
at USD 164.85 million, and employment thereby contributing to the sub-
of 2.15 million man days. continent’s food security.

In recent years, fish farming has The two main pillars of Indian
generated new jobs for many in India. aquaculture are carp and shrimp
Currently, 14.6 million people make farming. Carp accounts for 87% of
their living from fishing. output and is therefore the industry’s
most important fish. Shrimp is number
Fish farming not only secures economic two.
survival. The protein derived from fish is

2  Swiss Re Aquaculture in India

Inland fish production 2012

+ 1.39 million
+ 1.32 million
+ 0.34 million
+ 0.28 million
+ 0.25 million
+ 0.25 million
+ 0.18 million
+ 0.16 million
Bengal + 0.13 million
Chhattisgarh + 0.13 million
+ 0.11 million
+ 0.10 million

Andhra Pradesh


Tamil Nadu


India’s global market share

of aquaculture
6.3 %
India’s rank in global
Swiss Re Aquaculture in India   3
Aquaculture in India – a story of growth

Carp and shrimp farming is a family Although the industry has grown more
business and farm sizes reflect this fact. than six-fold over the last two decades,
In shrimp farming, 91 percent of the there is still room for expansion. Of the
farms are less than two hectares in size. 3.56 million hectares currently available,
only a third is used. In addition, the over
History explains why fish farms are still 8 000 km of coastline offer many possi-
small and family-run affairs. Farming bilities to farm oysters and mussels –
carp in rice fields and ponds is a century- an opportunity not explored yet on a
old tradition in India. Raising exotic carp large scale.
species in tanks and reservoirs only
started in more recent times. Along the Room for growth and an increasing
coast, trapping juvenile marine fish in demand from a rising global population
coastal wetlands and growing them signal rosy prospects for the industry.
mirrored the activities taking place These will only be met though, if a
further inland. transition from family to commercial
farming takes place. If it is to work, such
The same is true for shrimp farming. a development will require research,
Raising shrimp in man-made transferring aquaculture know-how to
impoundments in the coastal wetlands family farmers and the development of
and salt resistant deep-water rice infrastructure around fish farms.
paddies required little inputs and
supplied stable catches. Today, the
farming of tiger and white prawns has
diversified the business.

Shrimp farms in India by size

Shrimp farms in India by size

< 2 hectares

2 - 5 hectares

> 5 hectares

91 63

4  Swiss Re Aquaculture in India

Farming fish – a risky business

India has recognised these facts by in fish farming change boundary

establishing a network of 429 Fish conditions for the industry
Farmers’ Development Agencies (FFDA) fundamentally.
covering all potential districts and states
to propagate freshwater aquaculture. Fish farming is facing several major risks,
Thirty nine Brackish Farmers the first being all natural-perils related.
Development Agencies (BDFAs) set up Heavy monsoon rains can breach the
in all coastal states and in the Andaman dams around carp ponds or flood them.
& Nicobar Islands support the activities Fish can escape, and raising fry takes
of the shrimp farmers. time. At the coast, the same can happen
to brackish water ponds if typhoons and
The agencies provide advice, transfer storms hit the shores. What is more, this
know-how on best farming practices threat is set to increase in the coming
and support business development to decades given the expected sea level
help with the transition from subsistence rise due to climate change.
to commercial farming.
Earthquakes are another serious hazard
This transition also means a changing in the area. The tremors can destroy
risk landscape. Larger operations, new embankments, tank installations and
species grown and the spread of the infrastructure necessary for the farms.
trade into new regions with no tradition Tsunamis can roll over low-lying areas

Swiss Re Aquaculture in India   5

Farming fish – a risky business

along the shore, sweeping away shrimp, that pose a major threat to the
prawn, dams, dykes and infrastructure. freshwater aquaculture industry around
Debris carried by floods and storm the globe. The total loss due to argulosis
surges into the farm render ponds has been estimated in the region of USD
unusable. Contamination by oil spills or 615 per hectare per year in India.
other agents can have the same effect, Management of this disease should be
as the Deepwater Horizon tragedy in the given top priority.
Gulf of Mexico showed.
While such developments can follow a
Another – often overlooked – effect natural disaster, they can also occur in
is that water supplies and water undisrupted farming activities.
temperatures change because of storms
and earthquakes. Fractured pipes and The economic effects of epidemics are
channels can curtail water inflow for severe. Business interruption means loss
considerable periods. Temperature of income. Restocking and starting up
sensitivity of fish also comes into play. the operation needs capital – which is in
Most species only thrive at the right short supply if facilities are out of action.
temperature and salinity levels. Sudden
changes caused by floods can alter To avoid this fate, good farm
these parameters triggering the death of management is a must. This will not only
whole shoals. minimise the likelihood of epidemics
but also help to manage other common
Even if shrimp, carp or shell food do not risks in aquaculture. These include
die because of a natural disaster, it does cannibalism triggered by overcrowding,
weaken them, making them more malnutrition due to feed deficiencies or
susceptible to epidemics and diseases. depletion of stocks by predators or
Argulosis is one of the parasitic diseases escape.

Type of fish/ Estimated

Disease Years
animal affected Losses (USD)
Asia Epizootic Ulcera- Fresh Water Fish Before 1990 Over 10 million
tive Syndrome (Carp)

Western Viral Hemorrhagic Fresh Water Annually 60 million

Europe Septicemia Virus Salmon

China White Spot Shrimp 1993 250 million

Syndrome Virus

India White Spot Shrimp 1994–1995 120 million

Syndrome Virus

Malaysia White Spot Shrimp 1995–1999 25 million/year

Syndrome Virus

Bangla- White Spot Shrimp 1995 10 millions

desh Syndrome Virus

Thailand White Spot Shrimp 1996 210–250 million

Syndrome Virus
1997 600 million
Ecuador White Spot Shrimp 1999 280.5 million
Syndrome Virus
2000 400 million

Source: World Bank Report Analysis

6  Swiss Re Aquaculture in India

Risk management for aquaculture

So how can risks in aquaculture be overuse of antibiotics in shrimp farming.

managed? The Food and Agricultural Antibiotic residue hampered Indian
Organization (FAO) published shrimps’ entry into the markets.
recommendations on “Simple methods
for aquaculture”. They provide very To address all these topics, India
useful guidance on water management, turned to the FAO’s “Simple methods
fish feeding, fighting disease and for aquaculture” and transferred these
protecting farm infrastructure. into Best Management Practices (BMP).
State agencies promote them to fish
India introduced knowledge transfer on farmers nationwide. The BMP projects
risk management practice to farmers have arguably enhanced trust and
following the serious impact of White cooperation among the players in the
Spot disease on the country’s shrimp market chain, which include hatchery
aquaculture in 1995 and 1996, which owners, farmers and processors/
reached USD 120 million. In addition to exporters, as well as government
the direct cost, other issues surfaced at agencies and banks.
the same time - most prominently the

FAO -– Simple
Simple methods
methods for aquaculture
for aquaculture
1 2 3 4 5

Improving Controlling Protecting Pond conditioning Fertilising 6

pond water water losses farm structures through Liming fish pond
quality in ponds and fish stocks

10 9 8 animal hus-
bandry and
fish farming
11 Fish harvesting Fish feed Fish Handling
from ponds and feeding propagation live fish on
the farm

Grading and

12 13
sorting fish
14 15
Live fish Transporting Fish disease Monitoring,
storage live fish prevention record keeping,
and treatment accounting & marketing

Swiss Re Aquaculture in India   7

Risk management for aquaculture

The enhanced trust had a positive effect The BMPs have also contributed to
on the perception of fishers by financial improved production and reduced
service providers. Credit institutions now diseases without the use of antibiotics.
consider organised farmers using BMPs Currently, 16 930 farmers in 772
as reliable borrowers. As a result, societies covering 15 168 hectares in six
aquaculture has gained access to low states are working according to the
interest production loans. Evidence to BMPs.
support this is the recent decision of the
State Bank of India (SBI) to extend The introduction also shows the
collateral-free crop loans to shrimp benefits to small-scale farmers of being
farmers who are members of aqua clubs organised (aqua clubs/associations/
or associations that have adopted BMPs. societies), sharing resources, helping
each other and adopting BMPs.
Investments in farm improvements BMP implementation through cluster
have become possible. These include farming has reduced disease risk and
intake water treatment installations, significantly improved yield, quality,
pond bottom treatment activities, better safety and farmers’ financial returns.
pond preparation and safeguarding
against the introduction of disease by India is now a model of how to translate
paying premium prices for certified international principles into specific
healthy seed from hatcheries. BMPs adapted to local farming
conditions and ensuring their
implementation by respective

8  Swiss Re Aquaculture in India

Risk management
Risk management for for

Risk management
resilient breeds

Fry farming

Market Feed
information Disease


Transport risk Low Storm

Testing productivity protection


Swiss Re Aquaculture in India   9

Building insurance for a growth market

Insurance companies widely supported the aquaculture sector in its boom time in the mid-nineties. However, with
uncontrollable disease outbreaks in aqua farms and lack of knowledge on incidence and control mechanism of the
disease, they have stopped promoting aquaculture insurance services. There is a variety of insurance schemes in the
Indian market for aquaculture; however, access to them is extremely difficult, which affects the number of policies
issued. The table gives an overview of available covers:

Type of Perils Insured Implementation Comment

insurance covered in India

Shrimp Prawn Registered farmers Selected states of National Fisheries

Aquaculture Andhra Pradesh, Development Board has
Crop Insurance Premium rate of 3.5% Odisha, Gujarat, proposed to bear 50% of
Scheme and 6.5% for basic Bihar and Himachal the premium as a subsidy
(approved in coverage and Pradesh on pilot with the remaining 50%
principal comprehensive basis for 1 year of the contribution being
in September coverage met by beneficiary and /
2014) or the state Government.
Proposed implementation
through 4 public
insurance companies

Brackish Water Total destruction of Licensed farms who Mainly Andhra Pradesh Cover for disease
Shrimp shrimp due to summer adopt extensive/ but also in Tamil Nadu, except that caused
Insurance kill pollution (from modified growing Orissa. by bad management.
Scheme external source only), system for Penaeus
poisoning riot and strike, species pluralis of Premiums surcharge
malicious acts of third shrimps for the cover: 4% on the
parties, earthquake, premium for the basic
explosion/implosion, cover
storm, tempest, cyclone,
typhoon, hurricane, Exclusions are as
tornado, flood inundation, per policy.
volcanic eruption and/
or other convulsions of Only pond and tank
nature, aircraft and other growing systems insured
aerial devices or articles
dropped therefrom, 15% commission
impact with any road discount for Fish Farmers
vehicles or horses/cattle, Development Agency
terrorism projects

Fish ponds The policy covers Fish ponds Perils covered are fire, Payout is either 10%
(Embankments) only total loss of fry/ (Embankments) flood cyclone, inundation, of claim amount or
Insurance fingerlings/fish due to tempest, typhoon, hurri- INR 50 000 whichever
scheme an accident or disease cane, tornado, lightening, is less. Premium is
contracted or occurring explosion/implosion, calculated at 1%
during the period of impact with any road per annum (gross)
insurance. Covered are vehicles, horses and
terrorism earthquake, cattle, aircraft and other Minimum premium per
storm, volcanic eruption aerial and/or space policy is INR 30 000
and/or other convulsions devices or articles
of nature. dropped therefrom.
Excluded are destruction
or damage occasioned by
pressure waves caused
by such devices, riot and
strike, malicious acts of
third parties

10  Swiss Re Aquaculture in India

Type of Perils Insured Implementation Comment
insurance covered in India

Insurance of fish The policy covers The entire period of crop The value of fish changes
in ponds only total loss of fry/ varies from 3 to 12 from fry, fingerlings stage
fingerlings/fish due to an months depending on the to the final catch/harvest
accident or disease stages of fish as follows: period. Hence there is no
contracted or occurring fixed sum insured under
during the period of (a) Fry to fingerlings ‒ the policy. This is to be
insurance 3 month period in certified by an authorised
rearing pond. officer approved in this
regard, and a valuation
(b) Fingerlings to fish table incorporated in the
stage ‒ 12 months policy forming the basis
period in stocking for settlement of claims.
Rate of Premium
(c) Breeders
(age 1 yr. to 5 yrs.) Type of scheme:
12 months period a) For Bank financed &
in breeder ponds. other projects for fish
in stock pond or fry
to fingerlings
b) For scheme through

Basic Premium Rate:

2.4% gross on peak value,
3% net on average value

Optional Cover
(flood and allied risks)
can be granted by
charging additional
1% to 2% gross on value,
1.7% Net on Average

Swiss Re Aquaculture in India   11

Risk management for aquaculture

Current policies cover the basic needs There is also a need to establish direct
of fish farmers. To transform the industry links between insurance and credit
into a commercial business able to programmes so that insurance cover can
supply growing cities, additional and form part of the collateral for a loan.
new covers will be needed. These These measures will massively enhance
include credit-linked insurance, gross the aquaculture sector’s prospects.
margin protection and hedging of
input cost. Having the right products in place is
one thing, getting them to the clients is
Credit-linked insurance offers fishers the quite another. Infrastructure is not
possibility to enhance their production. well developed and an obstacle to
Currently, only primary cooperative distribution. Overcoming the obstacle
societies or national banks support is possible by using existing trustworthy
growers with credit. The three million or channels for distribution and knowledge
more members of the National transfer.
Federation of Fishers Cooperative
Limited (NFFC) do not have easy access To reach farmers nationwide the
to credit and insurance. Leveraging insurance industry should collaborate
a cooperation between the NFFC, with networks such as the National
banks and insurance companies in Federation of Fishers Cooperatives
developing, providing and promoting (NFFC), the network of Aqua Club
credit insurance will boost the sector Societies for shrimp farmers, the State
considerably as the successful crop loan Fisheries Seed Corporation (SFSC), the
insurance distribution in India shows. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD), Aqua Chaupal,
This cover would protect the enterprise and retail companies like Reliance Delite,
when an insured peril would affect the Spencer’s Daily or fish feed producers.
profitability or gross margins. Usable
benchmarks to determine a loss are
stock mortality or lost production due
to adverse climatic factors, infectious
diseases or pollution. A significant
shortfall in gross margin will be the
basis to determine indemnity payment.

Input cost from aquaculture feed

companies fluctuates by nature.
Currency exchange fluctuations or
variations in input cost for materials or
energy are risks that have a significant
impact. To hedge these, a revenue cover
insurance could be designed to stabilise
companies in times of volatile markets.
As a significant producer and user of
aqua feeds, this will become more
important for India in the future.

12  Swiss Re Aquaculture in India

Data to transform the sector for growth

Besides improving knowledge, agricultural farmers receive a ten per

distribution and the alignment of all cent subsidy on premium, which is
stakeholders in the market, one final equally shared between the federal
ingredient necessary for growth of the government and the states.
sector is data. Currently it is very difficult
to estimate the percentage of total The combination of these factors is
production insured due to limited data disadvantageous to the aquaculture
availability about production numbers. sector compared to farming activities.
Farmers can only afford a certain
This also has wider ramifications. At percentage of premium, hence products
present insurance companies generally must be structured accordingly.
only compensate total losses; not partial
damages. Since many losses are only A subsidy provided by the government is
partial, the actual insurance policies are ideally equal to the one for other farming
not attractive to fish farmers. activities, eg like crop farming. Having
similar subsidies would allow to offer
The premium rate fixation is another products with more coverage or lower
constraint. Insurance premiums for deductibles. The National Fisheries
aquaculture are between 3.0 and 7.5 Development Board of India (NFDB) is
per cent of the sum insured . However, it working out modalities to introduce a
is only between 2.5 and 3.5 per cent for cover for shrimp and fish stocks at lower
crop farmers involved in the National premium rates similar to the ones for
Agricultural Insurance Scheme.In crop and livestock insurance. This is a
addition, the small and marginal good sign for the industry.

Swiss Re Aquaculture in India   13

The future of aquaculture in India

Fish farming is set to grow in response to Transforming the sector is a pre-requisite

expanding demand both domestically to realise the potential. The family
and globally. Medium-term fertility farmers of today must become the
projections by the UN for 2030 forecast commercial farmers of tomorrow, so
an increase of the population in India to their surplus can feed the world’s
1.47 billion from the current 1.28 billion growing population.
today. Globally, the world will grow from
7.32 million to 8.42 million people in the This will require capital and credit. With
same timeframe. insurance, banks will be comfortable to
lend, since they will know borrowers
Fish will be an important source of will be able to repay their loans should
protein in India as well as abroad. India is disaster strike.
in a prime position to benefit from this
development, given the natural Insurance has enabled growth in many
resources it has not yet developed. regions and industries across the globe.
In India, crop insurance has proven
successful and today covers 20 million
farmers in the country. Similarly,
insurance for aquaculture could protect
rural households and investments from
natural disasters to help the industry
grow to its potential.

14  Swiss Re Aquaculture in India

Swiss Re Aquaculture in India   15
Endnotes and sources
Unless otherwise cited the figures in this
document are based on the following
FAO. 2006. Review of the current state of
world aquaculture insurance, by Raymon
van Anrooy et al.
FAO. 2006. Livestock and aquaculture
insurance in developing countries, by R.A.J.
Roberts. Rome.
FAO. 2006. Review of the current state
of world capture fisheries insurance, by
Raymon van Anrooy et al.
FAO, 2012. The state of world fisheries and © 2015 Swiss Re. All rights reserved.
aquaculture: 2012. Rome.
FAO, 2014. The state of world fisheries and Aquaculture in India –
aquaculture: 2014. Rome. growing a new industry

Global aquaculture Advocate, 2011, India‘s Author:

Pallavi Singh
Fish Feed Industry, by P.E Vijay Anand and
Michel C. Cremer Editing and realisation:
Bernd Wilke, Cushla Sherlock, Richard Heard
Kumaran et al., 2010, Sustainable
Aquaculture: Unique and innovative cases Managing Editor:
Urs Leimbacher
of emerging domestic fish marketing
arrangements in South India Graphic design and production:
Swiss Re Corporate Real Estate & Logistics/
P.A.D Secretan, Aquaculture Insurance Media Production, Zürich
Workshop Report, 2011, Better Ma- Annie Wu, Swiss Re Communications
nagement Practices (BMPs) and Cluster Photographs:
Management for Empowering Small Scale Getty Images, Swiss Re
Farmers: Scaling Up Strategies
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