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1st Unseen Passage for Class 5 In

Comprehension Passages for Class 5 with Q&A
Time is very valuable. If it is passed, it cannot be brought back even after
spending lakhs and crores of rupees. Whoever has valued time in this world,
he has lived life with happiness and him who wasted time, he himself is

Ask the time the player who missed the medal by the hundredth of a second.
The train standing at the station is missed by a minute. Nowadays, many
schools are not even allowed to enter school if they come late. Students
should understand the value of time even more because by appreciating this
life, they can achieve their life goals.

1.Who and why are the prices mentioned in the passage?
2.What will be the life of those who give importance to time?
3.Which person is himself ruined?
4.“Every moment of time is precious”. Which example is presented
in the passage for this statement?
5. What inspiration do we get from this passage?
1. Time is said to be valuable in the passage. This is because if it
passes, the time spent by spending millions of crores of rupees
cannot be returned.
2. Life is happy for those who understand the importance of time.
They spend their lives happily.
3. A person who wastes time in vain is wasted.
4. In this passage, an example of a player is presented, who could
not win a medal by a hundredth of a second.
5. From this helps us learn from the passage we should understand
that we value forever and must spend not waste time in your life,
because time is valuable it Aanwane can not achieve the goal of
his life.
2nd Unseen Passage for Class 5 In
Comprehension Passages for Class 5 with Q&A
The increasing population has given rise to many kinds of problems – bread,
cloth, housing shortage, unemployment, illiteracy, reduction in the output of
agriculture and industries, etc. As we progress or grow, the population
increases in proportion to it. Our development is very less in front of the
growing population and development work is not seen.
All government efforts appear unsuccessful in the face of a growing
population. Agricultural production and industrial development are proving to
be negligible in the face of a growing population. Keeping all these things in
mind, there is an urgent need to control population growth. Without it, all the
efforts made for development would be incomplete.

1. Who has given birth to the growing population?
2. Why do we not see development work?
3. Which efforts seem unsuccessful in front of a growing population?
4. What is the correct meaning of the word “negligible”?
5. Which has decreased due to the increasing population?
1. Increasing population has given rise to many kinds of problems.
These include bread, cloth, lack of housing, unemployment,
illiteracy, reduction in the output of agriculture and industries, etc.
2. We do not see development work due to population growth.
3. All government efforts are unsuccessful in the face of a growing
4. The correct meaning of the word ‘negligible’ is insufficient.
5. In agriculture and industry products.
3rd Unseen Passage for Class 5 In
Comprehension Passages for Class 5 with Q&A
The most valuable thing in the world is the time because most of the things in
the world can be increased or decreased, but it is not in one’s control to
extend even a single moment of time. As time goes on, a person has nothing
but remorse. Time is even more important for the student. The aim of student
life is to get an education.

Education can be achieved only by the use of time. Students who lose their
valuable time in sports, fun, and laziness are repentant throughout their life
because they are deprived of getting a good education and are unable to
progress in life. Instead of worrying about the moments that have passed, it is
the duty of man to make good use of those which are now in front of us.

1. What is the most valuable thing in the world?
2. What is not on the bus of the person?
3. Which kind of students do you regret?
4. What is the duty of man?
5. Why is the time called the most priceless thing?
1. The most valuable time in the world.
2. It is not in one’s control to extend even a single moment of time.
3. Students who spend their time in sports, fun, and laziness, they
regret it.
4. It is the duty of a human being to use the time that he has by not
considering the past.
5. Its singularity also cannot be increased or decreased.
4th Unseen Passage for Class 5 In
Comprehension Passages for Class 5 with Q&A
There was a tree of Parijat in a forest. Parijat had no match. Her beauty was
unmatched. His appearance was unique. Parijat too was fully aware of his
qualities. Raised his head in the blue sky, as if standing with trees. When the
spring day came, the Parijat would be laden with countless little flowers, as if
someone had broken all the stars from the sky and stung them on the
branches of the Parijat.

When the fragrant pollen was scattered in the forest, the forest would become
Nandan. Like a magnet, the family would pull everyone towards it, look at it, it
would run towards the family. Saturn shawls and colorful butterflies came
together to make a flock of herds with her friends and came to see the beauty
of Parijat and carried flowers and carried a lot of pollen with them.

1. Whose tree was there in the forest?
2. What did the family consider themselves?
3. When was he laden with countless flowers?
4. What did butterflies do?
5. What is the title of this unseen passage?
1. There was a Parijat tree in the forest.
2. He is the king of trees.
3. In Spring
4. They take pollen from her flowers.
5. Parijat! The king of trees
5th Unseen Passage for Class 5 In
Comprehension Passages for Class 5 with Q&A
Man has found ways to protect himself from the heat of the heat. Electric fans
are running in ordinary income houses, which protect the male and female
from sweat. The rich have air conditioning equipment installed here.
Able people go to the hill sites to escape the heat and spend the first half of
the elder’s heat in the cold winds of the mountain. A soft drink to quench thirst.
Ice and ice products are a boon for the enemies of summer and people.

1. Who has devised ways to avoid the outbreak of heat?
2. What are the rich engaged here?
3. Where do rich people go to avoid the heat?
4. What is to quench thirst?
5. What is common to people in the summer?
1. Humans
2. Air Conditioning Equipment
3. Shimla
4. Water
5. Ice and Ice products
6th Unseen Passage for Class 5 In
Comprehension Passages for Class 5 with Q&A
In order to spread peace, order, and goodwill in the world, great men like
Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muhammad Chaitanya, Nanak, etc. guided the path of
ultimate welfare to man through religion, but later this religion was man
Became a weapon in his hand. In the name of religion, there is no bloodshed
on the earth and for no reason.

But gradually man has started to understand the misfortune caused by religion
with his auspicious age. Geographical boundaries and religiously
discriminatory discrimination are now being erased from the earth.

The distance of countries has reduced due to the advancement of science and
the increase in means of communication. Due to this, hatred and envy among
human beings did not decrease in bitterness. Widespread education is the
only means to create awareness about the importance of human values.

1. How man has come to understand the evil caused by
2. What has been the result of the advancement of science and an
increase in means of communication?
3. What is the problem in the country even today?
4. For which reason, hatred, jealousy, disharmony, and bitterness
among humans have not decreased in the country?
5. The only means of creating awareness about the importance of
human values is-
1. With his auspicious age.
2. The distance between countries has decreased.
3. Apartheid.
4. Richness due to poverty.
5. Widespread education.
7th Unseen Passage for Class 5 In
Comprehension Passages for Class 5 with Q&A
One has to walk alone in the path of struggle. No external power helps you.
Human qualities like hard work, strong will power, and perseverance give the
way for a person to struggle and achieve success in life. Two important facts
are worth remembering – each problem brings conflict with itself. Victory lies
in the womb of every struggle.

A teacher gave this message to his dropout students – You have to practice to
struggle with problems to be successful in life. Whatever work we do, take a
pledge to reach the highest peak. Success will never disappoint us. The
conclusion of all the texts and experiences of great men is that it is detrimental
to be afraid of conflict or to be dissuaded from it, is averse to human religion,
and needless to impede its development. You wake up.

1. It paves the way for man to struggle and achieve success in life.
2. Each problem brings with it –
3. To climb the victory chariot of struggle is necessary.
1. Diligence, strong will Strength, and passion.
2. Struggle
3. Determination, enthusiasm, and courage.
8th Unseen Passage for Class 5 In
Comprehension Passages for Class 5 with Q&A
The importance and beauty of the work are only on its timely editing. Even if
the work is done with utmost precision cannot be completed before the
requirement, then its work will be fruitless. If the keeper arranges for his
protection after the birds are devoured by the sparrows, then he will be the
object of ridicule everywhere.

His late venture will have no value. The pride of labor is only when one can
get its benefits. For this reason, if the water rained by the clouds cannot help
the farmer to flourish, then his rain is meaningless. A person who does not
make good use of the occasion has to repent for this reason.

1. Why is time important in life?
2. Why does the keeper of the farm become a character of ridicule?
3. If the field is taken care of by the sparrows, if the caretaker
arranges for his protection, then he will remain a subject of
ridicule everywhere. The type of this phrase will be-
4. Cloud shower is futile if-
5. What is the main expression of a passage?
1. Timely work is successful.
2. It does not guard the field on time.
3. Noun
4. Do not benefit the crop.
5. Use of Time.
9th Unseen Passage for Class 5 In
Comprehension Passages for Class 5 with Q&A
The only master who distinguishes mankind from other living beings and gives
them importance is his power of thought. Man has intelligence, wisdom,
reasoning, that is, he has a valuable capital of ideas. Today, on the foundation
of his thoughts, man has established his superiority and has built a huge
palace of human civilization.

This is the reason that when a thoughtful man lacks thoughts, his zero
psyches suffer from evil thoughts, in a way subdues Satan. There is no end to
his virtuousness when the human Buddha is motivated by goodwill and
welfare schemes, but when Kuvichar makes his home there, his bestial
instincts dominate him. The demonic kingdom of violence and sinfulness
signifies that human thought-power, which prevents him from becoming an
animal, supports him.

1.Who has contributed to giving importance to mankind?
2.The capital of ideas is not included.
3.Why are human instincts awakened?
4.“Man has intelligence, wisdom, reasoning” The above sentence
5. The appropriate title of the passage may be-
1. Conscience and thoughts
2. Enthusiasm
3. Because of misconceptions
4. Simple
5. Sense Power
9th Unseen Passage for Class 5 In
Comprehension Passages for Class 5 with Q&A
While talking we should pay special attention to the choice of words, because
respectful words make a person sublime and great. To make the conversation
smooth and effective, one should always use popular language. With the use
of very literary and clean language, lest our personality gets hurt. In a
conversation, not only ideas are exchanged, but personality is also

Therefore, the teacher’s class should choose the words carefully. The teacher
is a really good actor who attracts the attention of the students by his
personality, style, speech, and gesture and leaves his mark on them.

1. Teacher is…………….
2. Which type of language should be used in conversation?
3. Should the teacher speak?
4. Interaction takes place in conversation-
5. The appropriate title of the above passage is……….
1. Actor
2. Clean
3. Thoughtfully
4. Ideas and personality
5. The selection of words

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